. eee ie _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ET | [ewer move oF mere | | rl © i LL ~ Storm Sash ry [form of banana flour for. use as a | tonie, To save space the lower part of a new kitchen cabinet contains an to t : 3 ' » » . " Don't wait until January, give us your Rew Electrical apparatus for removing measurements now. ; | impurities from clay hag been devel- 4 . . oped. in Europe. | | A hinged lever operated by a thumb pushes hot food from the end | of a new cooking fork. | Al Using radium, a European scientist | . an um er 0. == | bas forced woody plants to bud in | EL | dormant seasons: 3 NaS ? . | 4A device to enable one armed per- Phone 1042, 2 3 3 3 Victoria Street {sons to play cards is .the idea of a | New York inventor. 1 The Mexican government is plan- | ° : AR a ae! Tote. ps | dll " For carpenters & work bench has I . | been invented which can be folded THE MAN WHO DOES NOT WORRY | "ii:ai.iinc: A | Trinidad lizards are raised to prey | * About His Tires ia the Man Whe Uses | 259% Jimects Which seriously datnage MAXOTIRES > | An upholstered window seat has For male at the Home of Maxotires. i { been invented that cen jbe converted | 284 ONTARIO STREET, PHONE 2050. | into a. couch or full. size bed. - : Scotch makers have. produced a | » | rough paper from reeds which grow | FOR BALE. abundantly along a river near Dun- | oe, .Ink is fed to a new fourtain pen | .. 174 Barrie Street .. . Brick; Hot Water, through a flexible tube from a reser- 377 Alfred Street _.. Brick; Hot Water. . | voir I to 3 ar oi - | Cam ee AB 3 27 Wellington St, brick and ston e; hot water; two bath rooms: . Y to. convert into 3 flats. 413 Johnsen Street Briek; Hot Water, 51 Alfred Street ++ New Brick; Hot Water, | High grade tale,'in a depesit be- 53 Ly innean Street -+ New Brick; Hot Water. | Heved to be most inexhaustible, has | elilngton Street | Stone; Hot Afr. i a { 408 Albert Street . +« Frame; large barns, | been discovered in the Transvaal. | oy Colltagweou Street . '+ rame; no furnace. | The face of a new washboard is | tree Large store and dwelling, | -1* Also three houses under cons truction on Edgehill eet and j Somposed of numerous vooden Tol) a bungalow on Mack Street. Buy now and have finished to sult frors instead of a corrugated metal | Your taste. : | surface. Insurance of all kinds. Victory Bonds bought, sold and ex. | Enjoying practically a monopoly of changed. App) ih Apply tor | the world's supply of jute, India is J 0 HUTTON 67 CLARENCE STREET ! planning to extend its cultivation, }] We » Phone 703. i JES for picking up potaloes | 3 Co. bi R d . without requiri 4 mdn to bend to == -- re. the eh ae Moraesta oe] . sum 1a ecor S tor's idea. i Fx . 3 In proportion to population Servia he of Hits from the Great London Success leads the nations for centenarians, N TI > Ireland ranking next and then Spain, « Equipped with what might be call- : : «ed an elongated dust pan, a new rake | . ® © 5 gathers "all debris from finely kept i . lawns. Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles South Africa, with 67 mines in op- e dl 0 e oun alls eration, exported more than a million 1 tons of coal last year for the first ----At Reduced Prices---- ions » 9 On the principle of the hydraulic Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread [f|eress is a portable machine for Sung by Original Daly's Theatre Artists mounting and demounting Leavy mo- Covers. Special prices. See window display. ren cou far a + baste : Exclusi vely for a factory in Europe is turning out Carpet Cleaning and Laying. ' about 200 tons 'of artificial rubber daily. = An inventor has patented a dec- | * = © prative metal band and handle to re- f +4 ® place the handle of. a tea cup that 3 H oO um 1a ae eCcoOr S \ , has been broken. ' 272 BAGOT STREET The French government of Cochin, , 3 : China, will experiment with saterpil- | -- lar tractors in the cultivation of rice | A BACHELOR GAY--Baritone Solo + Thorpe Bates } R937 NM Mirren ere fields. ; 2 suspended indoors from a door frame $1.65 » In a new toy swing, which can be LIVE FOR TO-DAY --Baritone Solo 5 : Thor Boy ! =a child is seated on the figure of an " a DIRTY WORK Duet Lauri De Frece & Mark Lester yr R938 Ordering Suits -::: Acetyline is used extensively for : I UNDERSTOOD--Comic Sona : . Lauri De Frece | $1.65 ~ to-day requires the most careful con- illuminations in Denmark that nearly 200 types of lamps have been invent- SELECTION NO. % Daly's Theatre Orchestra J R938 sideration. You may al3o require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of certain ed there. shia ericontace Bb Tae a ort. | » /SELECTION NO. ., : Daly's Theatre Orchestra | $1.65 other rubbish can be burned as it is p : wheeled about. WALTZ . . . ' . . Daly's Theatre Orchestra } R935 Cloths. After 35 years in the business we claim to be able to advise in this direction. A process has been developed in NOCTURNE . ? > . . : Dily's Theatre Orchestra $1.65 It costs nothing to call and have a talk on Australia for using pulverized lignite . Woollens with us, CRAWFORD & Wars Sa, Durpstes. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, TORONTO Tailors A hair brush and mirror and«com- Bagot and Brock Streets, IJ aly bined in a two part metal pocket case which separates as a button on one side is pressed. With a wicker body and driven by an aerial propeller, an automobile built in England is light efiough for two men to carry, Guard rails raised by compressed air have been installed on . Califor- , a nia ferryboat to prevent automobijes } IH fil f li lil If running overboard. Hh HH i Paris's underground railway has AHGHETHEN installed a number of cars without seats for the convenience of passen- gers with bulky parcels, Transportation of mugic from one x g : oo key to another has been simplified by 9 ~ ag @® Agents for ; the invention of an instrument re- : ' sembling a slide rule. rea {) 4 r . . + For catohing certain game fish Jap- ! Q ' ® Columbia Records ' 4 5 JR -- {I UA LB NtL, - ~2 = a <3 -- = =I -_ LR = = -- = = -- = == = ---- om = -- = == = == --_-- =n -- mm = = = = = = = = = iu = x= = == = Te = Fn anese fishermen use lines made of wild cocoon silk, which is practically AEST le in water. « invisib! . MAAN riod Tnuide, the handy of een hoon OA] 2 beni or ser °* 2 24 |} C \W Li d Lz : Headquarters for 3 ; i gt So a - Ww. Lindsay, Limited ™ (mp Records | . more earthuatkes occur at night than in daylight hours. For sterilising water in large quan- ies & portable chlorinator has been in ented that supplies chlorine gas at ' . 3 » Ee Columbia Records oli 166 Princess _ A chemical treatment for soiled ab- i v « , sorbent cotton, permitting it to be : sale 5 v een 1C used a second time, has been develop. on at ® 9 ® Street 3 . Nw '4d by & French scientist. A holder for electric lamp shades has been invented which is claimed ~ to be proof against vibration from -- ~ £5 Pd > ' HE world will make a beaten path to the door . - :s i machinery or street traffic. » 5 i a | of him who can make or produce something Succesaful experiments have | been made with fhe proiuction of al- [ Perhaps the best thing i8't6 say noth-y ; " «+ better than has yet been done. , cohol economically from a palm Jug at all. - To be euak #hosenloas rs » a ania no which rows prolifically in Australia. 0 draw just one deep reath. An « _ 1 This is one of the tru cst statements ever made. | An foventor has patents a motor | then silence. Silence is golden. And see : ' - i g * To-day McCallum Memorials are being sent to M OTH ER driven machine to pick nuts from the rightfully useful. > ground and convey them into a con- towns and ue from the prairie Provinces to the tainer, saving much hana. pbor, Soutnern Sua hi oe. custo- Gulf of St. Lawrence. Pu it; f . y . . . Recent official Swedish figures plac-{ mers ave 0 not. that their nae ce re Quality of workman "California Syrup of Figs" ed the number of sheep in hat coun- | supply will be cut off Nov. 1st. Your Family and Your Business ship. True integrity of business methods are "a : try at about 1,200,000, the property| = A. G. Mitchell, Owen Sound, has a The death of ejery man worth while meine hinsneial awakening men everywhere to the vajue of McCal- Chikl s Best Laxative of about 300.000 persons, : a ha is now yielding loss to those dear'to hin and to the undertakings in , id chickens of insects an in- year. i \ . lum Service. ' . : venir abox in which a| The Western Gort Association has which he is engaged. 3 : oq: Sketches and estimates gladly sent anywhere. fow! is confined while a fan drives g | effected drastic changes in the play- A Crown Life Policy is the ideal combination pro- : " 3 powder beneath its feathers. ng rules. he > ~ tection and investment. EA ) i bedi lence is aa excslleat remedy for . LISTENING TO MUSIC. gossip. gr? Crown Life Insurance Co., Toronts of Mapager. ® |} : es % s i -- \ & It is, apparently, very difficult to The Mce@allion Granite Qa., Limited ri listen to music in a room full of peo- HM . W. H. Penwarden, Kingston Distri ; : ple without feeling self-conscious | | 8 : J eee ; 4 : " -- The young person in pin ; ® " - - n \ "Builders of Quality -- | : play. She consents. She begins. illa is " » (Ah ¥ = Que diable allait-il faire? One man roy : : " 307 PRINCESS 8T., KINGSTON, ONT. z 5 . = | fixes an eye on the shiny knob of a poker and keeps jt fred om bide . : 5 : is over. Another looks a ots. : Ee Bees So ALLE || Tires Tires Tires i OO 3 SS, tw 'her hand and sits wrapped in ft--is it admiration or despair? Someone else keeps time, wagging |: FRRam: Maman mn | Try our $17.00 Tire at And 'when ft Is all over, what are Tx . toa SLaEnE Pettun iy . ; al : WwW. H. GO CKBl IR N & C 0 3 + "Thank you so such, will pass. But it she's one 'of those outrageous pro- : . fi ? It is not easy to burst ist : , Corner Wellington and Princess Street. ne into rhapsodies of unféit enthusiasm. . a