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And most ministers of the The International Sunda "Hew Down the his staff recited the results of a wide and close study or present pelitical to say, "It's a leader the people waut, | a leader--somebody they can trust | they do without a leader?" | That is putting a finger on the | cender of things, Oue ears are doal- | speakers and writers what to do In a time thoughtful persons: perceive grave and determinative. Candor compels us to declare, though, that wost of these persons lo not know what they are talking about. Their trumpets sound in uncertain tones. They themselves need to be taught &nd led, rather than to teach or to lead. Men want surer, clearer tones oefore they will listen. The world awaits an authoritative voice, a trust- ed guide, Such a One appears in today's | Lesson. When Jesus had conciuded | His discourse upon the principles of which were filled with amazement at His | teaching, for He had been teaching | them as One who had authority, and not as their scribes taught." 3 That same Authority is the One| available and adequate Leader for our groping, bewildered world. The wise Christ who has outtaught all the sages; the sure Christ of the fear- less brow; the understanding Christ | of the sympathetic heart, has moved | down the ages from His Galilee home | and now stands at the crowded cross | ways of life, offering Himself as a | safe guide for the world's wayward feet, That the Master Who spoke of old | beneath the soft Syrian skies, and | by the ripping lake that He loved, is | | also the presen: Saviour for the here | and now is the first truth to be got- ten from this -Seripture. As sings that bouyant young knight of song, Joyce Kilmer, who though dead in France still speaks in liying tones: "No longer of Him be it said, He hath no place to fay His head. "In every land a constant lamp Flames by His small and mighty camp. ) "There is no strange and distant place That is not gladdened by His face "And every mation kneels to hail The Splendor shining through its veil. "Cloistered beside the shouting street Silent, He calls me to His feet, sin. The King of Glory enters in." A Brave Man's Warning. Sentimentalists and mollycoddles have usurped the.leadership of Jesus in His Church. The predominent religious teaching of ti®'day.is 'soft' and unreal. It is devoted chiefly to the minor and 'passive virtues, and lacks the virflioty and tang of the open-air utterance of the out-of-doors Man who, while seated on the slope of a Galilee hillside, surrounded by a rabble, talked in quiet, colloquial speech the most radical teachings of history, There are too many represen- tatlves of the negative qualities of religion who would scarcely speak an uncharitable word about the devi) himself. Their preaching is "sweet" and "beautiful 'but as harmless as a small boy's spitballs against the schoolhouse wall. > - Not so Jesus. He bluntly faced facts, His was a message of the real, No "Everything and everybody is all right" for this Militant." He knew that there were evil men in the world, some of them in high and holy Dlaces. Jesus was the arch-critic of Things As They Are. His daring as- bserve the ring- ahd manliness 6 Tie. on the Mount which is assigned as the pre- #ent Lesson: "Beware of the false teachers-- men who come to you in sheep's fleeces, but beneath that disguise they .are ravenous wolves, By their fruits you will easily recognize them, Are grapes gathered from thorns or figs from brambles? Just so every 800d treo produces good fruit, but a poisonous tree bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor & poisonous tree good fruit. Every tree which does not yield good fruit is cut down and thrown aside for burning. Se by their fruits, at any rate, you will easily recognize them, "Not every one who says to me, Master, Master, will enter the King- dom of Heaven; but only those who are obedient to My Father whe is In Heaven, Many will say to Me on that "Master, Master; have we not pro- phesied in Thy name, and in Thy mame expelled demons, and in Thy name performed many mighty works? : "And then I will tell them plainly. "I never knew you; begone from Me, you doers of wickedness." ---- Prophets For Revenue Only. One reasoff why so many leaders are 'halting and is that they are after something for them- selves, 'ey want an office or an income. A famous American evan- alist has made more lars by his preaching--and most of it is invested in * f he does personally in these transactions, especially when mortgages have to be foreclosed. Of course the decline wr and relative failure of the man as a preacher fis simple fact I have stated. Even tire most charitably inclined person knows that no man can properly grow rich by preaching the Gospel; the situation is an anomaly, a con- Gospel are a world removed Jfrom that class, ; x Therefore Jesus warned His hear: ers against false 'teachers, Who wore AS STORM CLOUDS GATHER School Lesson for October 31st is rrupt Tree--World's Tem= perance Sunday--Matt. 7: 13-29, By William T. Ellie.' A distinguished newspaper editor sat on the corner of the table, his | leg swinging and his face bent sober- | ly on the floor, while a member of | and social conditions' in the eastern | d part of the United States. The find- | revealsd in his life. ings were grave and thought-com- | } pelling. When the editor spoke it was | long an active Christian layman, was | speaking tour 10 recall 'the churches and follow to the Mmit. What can | ened with jangling voices, clashing | have to be economically independent. opinions, confusion, of philosophies. | There can be no sajaries and no mo- There never before: were so many | hey-raising of any sort.. No suspic- telling people 4 ion of personal profit or self-interest all | or entanglement may attach to auy to be of us. We must be free men, going the Kingdom of Heaven "the crowds | | ter motive the desire and determina- "And through my lips that uttered | | build his house upon sand, expiained by the sheep's fleeces but were Wolves in hature, "Watch you teachers!" was easily Hig cry. Look out for the propagan- dist 'and the dissembler. Beware of sinister purposes beneath high pro- fessions, Uniess a teacher shows both the life and the word, depart from him. The fruit test is the true test. Nobody has any more religion than ts A business man from the West, utitolding a plan for a country-wide and the people to the primacy of tne Gospel remedy for our present indus- trial, social and political ills. "Every man in the group," ne, said, "will forth with our messages because the burden is on - souls." The day of highly financed "'move- ments' is over. Revival and reform must proceed without revemue to the agents thereof. At the same confer ence which I have quoted another man said, "It. would be well if the Church were to go bamkrupt for a decade; and become as poor as she was in Apostolic days." In other words, we need to strip our Gospel of accretions and outrements, down to the raw .red 8f reality and life. Jesus cleared away centuries of accumulations of ecclesiastical rub- bish when He sald that simple obedi- ence to God is the one essential of the life of faith. "Not he that repeateth the Name, But he that doeth the will." Religion is not a vocabulary but an experience, / Simple loyalty to the clear will of God is the bed-rock of Christianity. Doers of the Word are dear to the Master, And all-over the world their name is legion. A héartening fact is that so great a multitude of men and women have as their mas- tion to be true to God. A majority of the people of this land sincerely want to do whatever Christ would like to have them do. They seek Him for their guide. At His call they will perform any ser- vice, undergo any sacrifice. To His leadership they will rally, And: when He is given His rightful place, and the man-made fogs clear away, the world will follow Him out of the morass in which we atumbie at the present time. og is the one Champion whom we %l1 accept and whom we are willing to follow to thejuttermost. The man, the cause, the party, the movement that clear- ly stands for the headship of Jesus can sweep ithe nation at any time. O---- When The Storms Come. Almost any leadership, or none, will serve for fair weather and sun- ny skies, The test comes with the storm. Today the full circle of the horizen is daily and lowering. World conditions are portentous. Nobody but a blind and witless person 'can view the situation with t 'concern. | Therefore we n a-esucr, a world léar Mountain ie ry won |township, died on Tuesday | Martha Phoebe Warring, wifs of leader, equal to our times. There is but One. = Under another figure." Jesus Himself stated the truth at the close of His Inaugural | Address. He offered Himself and His teachings as a sure foundation In a time of storm. Doers of His word build the house of ' their life upon the Rock--"the rock," anal agous to the underlying stratum of limestone in Palestine. No storms or swollen torrents can shake it. To disregard His wonds, Jesus con- tinued, with His custo plain speech, is 'to play"the fool' and to to be wrecked in the first storm. Already We are seeing the collapse of many structures of business erected dyr- ing the orgy of war affluence. Posi- tions and enterprises are disappear- ing. They were built on sand. v But the I structure amd the personal life built upon Jesus Christ has an unshakable rock foundation. "*DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear. ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be- cause each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay lifeless, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want lots of long, strong, beautiful hair. A 36-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" freshens your scalp, checks dandruff an falling hair. This stimulating ** ty-tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youth ful brightness and abundant thick- ness--All druggists! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. etn - TT -- EEERERREE® A Miser Hates to Spend Money! --~-consequently cheats himself by spending so little for what he buys, that, he gets less than what he pays for, The economizer willingly pays the right prices, but sees that he gets his money's worth. . Real economy means---buying right, not necessarily the lowest price---the best is « cheapest. _ In underwear real economy is--« wuld AHS ISTHE CEETEE THE PURE WOOL ~~ UNDERCLOTHING THAT WILL NOT SHRINK N re 1 "The Woollen Underwear withouf the itch' "CEETEE" is manufactured from only the very finest Australian" Merino Wool, scoured and combed over and over again until every particle of foreign matter is taken out and every strand is as clean as it is possible to be made. It is then carefully knitted on expensive and exclusive machinery, very different from the ordinary style of underwear machinery, fashioning each garment to fit the form. It has all selvedge edges, there- fore cannot come unravelled; every join is knitted together, not sewn as with ordinary underwear "CEETEE" is made in all sizes for men, women and children. Two things to remember ; l--Buy "CEETEE" if possible. 3-If you can't buy "CEETEE," be sure to buy "Turnbull's." Worn by the best peopl: Sold by the best dealers. TURNBULL'S PERFECT FITTING RIBBED UNDER. WEAR in wool, wool and cot- ton and cotton is up to the same high standard as employed in the making of the famous "CEETEE" underclothing. The raw materials used are the very best and no effort is spared to make them as perfect as le; the seams are strong poo rniidis and the fabric is extremely elastic and comfortable. On top of all this you have Tumbull's reputation as makers of good underwear for over 60 Manufactured only by Sumbulls of Galt Mrs. Dickson, an aged lady resid View - Ar <'agh 'a arning Robert Heffer, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Conway, Picton, on Oct: 17th, 1920, at the age of eighty-six years. mss, fr ae : Tires Tires Tires Try Our $17.00 Tire at W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 1988. 20% Discount OFF LIST PRICES ON ALL TUBES and PNEUMATIC TIRES WHILE THEY Open Nights 8 Cor. QUEEN and WELLINGTON Hesnnsesnanensnnnnnnnenanny UDDABY BROS. NOTICE Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles ----At Reduced Prices Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display, Carpet Cleaning and Laying, H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET BUY 1934 VICTORY BONDS at 93 YIELD 6.25% - You will reap a nice profit a little later and assure yourself of the above yield for a long 'period of time if you wish, . _ Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." "287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. N= A HINT TO THE WISE ~Buy For Quality--Not Price By the constant advertisin many of the newspapers i hesitating as to the wisd n their columns as to Men's Ribbed, wear. HOSIERY SPECIAL 7 -- a etn 2 / All Wool Heather Hose, just the thing for wearing with * Brogue Oxford and winter --e ~ $27.00 to. Saturday Special $1.38 pr. 27.00% 3 2 in Grey, HOSIERY 'SPECIAL o. Holepronf pure Silk Hose | Tan, Brown and Black--hose for dress wear Saturday Special $1.38 pr. + (Including tax) No.3 and Black only. HOSIERY SPECIAL Caslimire Hose of especial- ly hard-wearing Yarn, yet soft and comfortable. Tan g in the papers of lo wer prices and the conflic om of buying what you requi BUY HERE, WHERE QUALITY AND MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS OVERCOATS to Measure $50.00 to $100.00 Ready-to-Wear SUITS $22.50 to $60.00 - OVERCOATS Ready-to- Wear $25.00 to $75.00 ; ting reports made by prices being on the decline, no doubt you are re in clothing and where to buy it. PRICE ARE BOTH RIGHT. . / / NEW FALL HATS $4.50 to $10.00 NEW CAPS $85.00 "$2.50 to $4.50 AUTUMN NECKWEAR that is magnificent in all the splendour of Fall color- ings. Prices LINED AND UNLINED GLOVES in Cape, Mocha and Suede. Colors Grey, Dark and Light Tan and Chamois. Prices . . .. $2.50 to $4.50 < Saturday Special $1.00 pr. ~ E. P. JENKINS THE BETTER VALUE STORE Ny