y THE DAILY BRITIS H WHIG. c re APS % Aereraclit Akan loop 2 TP Lorri F Stage Star On Screen -- This Star a Painter--Ran Away From Home -- Heroine of Bride 13--"The Penalty" --A Texas Beauty. IS8 CALVERT will soon ap- Pear In a spectacular, all-star presentation of "Dead Men Tell No Males," n screen ver. sion of the famous novel of the same hame by B. Ww, Hornung, author of "Rafles", and other well known Stories of 'intrigue ana adventure. Miss Calvert's stage career has con- | Misted of one success tripping on the {heels of the last. To mention Just a (few of her stage hits, she played load. ing roles In "Brown of Harvard," | "Deep Puzple,® "Romance of the Un. derworld," and "The Wscape." From | the stage, her entrance inte the silent {drama was to be expected and her remarkable triumph on the screen more tham fulfilled expectations | mroused by ber previous work. Miriam Cooper | Although fhe public is probably une {ware of ft--especially the feminine | public--there are all kinds of posaibil. ities for fame tn a halrcomd. We (bave an authority for this statement {mone other than Miriam Cooper, one 'of ilmdom's best known players. Ac. gording to Miss Cooper, many girls 'With screen aspirations have failed to get the coveted opportunity they Sought "because they did net comb thelr hair properly: and many others Who 'have succesded in getting-to-the "extra" and "bit" stage in the plcture world have failed to climb to the top for the same reason, "Some directors claim that unless a ¥irl has a colffure that will sareen well, her opportunities for film fame are greatly ourtatled. So as a conse- quence, It is very essentinl that in ad- dition to genuine histrionic ability, a feminine photoplayer must mise have & camera ooiffure." ' "ORDER YOUR FALL SUIT NOW Call and pick out the cloth now for your new Salt We make both Ladies' and Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. You can also bring In the cloth and we will make it up for you. "M. YAMPOLSKY 353 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2110. Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp. Proot Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles' and Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN Ornamental OB, Miss Cooper claims to have discov ered the three most effective ways to dress the hair for the camera. She will use all three styles in her next production, In which she takes one of the principle roles. When it is re- leased, feminine theatre patrons will be given the opportunity to see what constitutes the most effective head dress for the screen. Mise Cooper's eftective performance In "The Deep Purple," in which she played the part of a misguided coun- try girl, won lavish praise from crities of the trade and public press, many of whom made it the cubjest of a favor- able comparison with her notable per- formances in "The Birth of a Nation" and "Intolerance," Hobart Bosworth Hobart Boswosth, featured player in "Behind the Door" and "Below the » CASCARETS . ¥They Work while you Sleep" NI Ie "Do you feel "'out-of<tune?"' You are bilfous, constipated! You . feel hegdachy, full of cold, unstrung. Your Healy don't fit--breath is bad, skin sallow! Take Cascarets to-night for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, rosy and cheerful. No grip- ing--no inconvenience. Children love Cascarets too. 10, 25, 50 cents. If it were not for the '""common people" this old world would be & poor place to tarry in, : That man becomes an' optimist the moment he begins to realize that things might have been worse. The disease a man dreads, that he dles of. GASTORIA ~ 35 : For Infants and Children Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria - Use _. For Over Thirty Years 'GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NTW YORK . Cath 275 "Z7 Toms 255 CFP Ce Cpe? Soria Cogoer Color r 4 ae ran Surface," both sea stories, knows life aboard shlp as does no other motion picture acter. At the age of twelve he ran away from his home in Marietta, Ohio, and shiped on the "Sovereign of the Sens." sailing from San Francisco, From The Countryside, FRONTENAC FLORIDA. Oct. 26.--~The weather continues mild and is very favorable for fall work. Water is getting low in many wells. A number from this place attended the tea meeting held at Murs vale. Visitors: «Walter Compton, at his brother's, Alfred Compton's: Mrs. Y. Stover Wilton, at Damon Martin's; Mr. and Mrs. Ggorge Con- Way were Sunday visitors at Charles Jeffrey's. Miss Norma Toner -attend- ed the teachers' convention at Nap- anee. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Shillington, little son, Floyd, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peters, of Cole Lake, at J. E. Peters; Walter Compton at Enoch Snider's; Mrs. D. Martin spent couple of days last week in the city. Mrs. R. Jeffrey and sons, Ray and Hilton Hartington, at C. W. Jeffrey's; Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Card, Yarker, visited at L. Card's. The farmers are gathering in their garden products. [ McLEAN Oct. 26.--We were glad to see so on Sunday, tended to Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snider son, aged two months. 'He took sick on Monday and died on Wednesday morning. The funeral was held at Fifth Lake, where a large company gathered. Quite a few from here at- tended Mr. and Mrs. Murry Kirk- ham's kitchen shower. All enjoved a good time. Miss Rose Thompson spent the week-end with Miss Gladys Cronk, Wagarville, Mr. and Mrs. John Raycroft have returned from Verona, accompanied by Mrs, Frank Smith and little daughter. Mr. and rs. Levi Snider and Miss Hazel spent Sunday at Milford Wagar's. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent Sunday afternoon at John Rayeroft's. Miss Zelda Cousins and John Emery, Miss Rose Thompson and Alexander Bab- cock were at Willlam Cousins' on Sunday., Leona and Marie Snider spent Sunday with Emma Beverly. George Beverly at Milford Wagar"s on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hinton at Levi Snider's Sunday evening. Albert Smith at John Smith's. MORTON, Berryton, speat Sunday at George Rodntree"s. George Roantree has purchased & new horse. J. C. Judd, Joseph Laming, and Phil. McMachen motored to Kingston on Saturday last. Andrew Dillion hds moved into Albert Hill's house. Services were conducted in the Presbyterian church on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Burley, Kingston. Mrs. Burns Simpson and little som, of Jones' large a crowd for missionary service | Much sympathy fs ex- | and family in.the loss of their only | Oct. 25. --RB. Roanfree and family, |. Aboard which ship he served for three Years. On his return from! the long cruise he joined a stock company at the old California Theatre in San Francisco and later played in Shakes- Pearean repertoire at the Alcasar The- | few days last week with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart. Miss Edith | Atcheson has returned to her home at Elgin after spending a few days the guest of Miss Daisy Somerville. S. Harrison, Ottawa, was in the vil- lage one day last week. ELGIN Oct. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Brockville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R J. Powell. Miss Eva Cora spent Thanksgiving with her parents, atre In that city with Lewis Morrison and W. E. Morrison, appearaing op- posite Maude Adams, who was the Ingenue in the company. In 1904 Mr. Bosworth was forced to go to Arizona for his health and during his sojourn there took up landscape painting. Re- Balning his strength he became di- rector of the stock company at the Belasco Theatre in Los Angeles, a po- sition which he held for three years: It was in 1909 that hd made his first screen appearance and since that time he has appeared as star and in im- portant roles In hundreds of films, has written ninety odd plays and has di- rected more than a hundred. Marguerite Clayton Marguerite Clayton, leading woman in "Bride 13" 1s & combination of wide. last week. John Burgoyne is spend- ing his holidays at his home here. Mrs, Jacob Loucks and Mrs. Joseph Lockwood 'were visitors at W. Loucks'. - Mrs. Henderson is some better at time of writing. Miss Me< Carty, Maple avenue, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. H Hart- man, Hardy Peters, V.S., Thorpe, was in the village on Monday, Acton Robinsofi has purchased the farm of Joseph Amey in Ernesttown. W. Mec- Williams, at L. H. Stover's. The far- mers are all smiles on account of the | Mr. and Mrs. W. Ripley, Westport, were callers in.the village. Miss Graca Botting, Westport, spent Sun- day at her home, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell motored to Gananoque. Mrs. Charles Flemniing has purchas- ed the millinery business of Miss Rose O'Brien. Charles Taylor is able to be about again after his being con- fined to the house by injuries. Misses Singleton and Mackey, of the public, school, spent Thanksgiving at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamil- ton motored to Kingston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp and son, Toronto, are guests at W. H. 8ly's. The funeral of the late David John: Son was conducted by Rev. Mr. Thackaberry. The body was interred in the cemetery. Joseph Kenny has improved his property by a verandah railing and a new cement front. Gordon Burt, who took in the western excursion, has returned home. Miss Hull spent Sunday at her home in Newboro. The district méeting of the W. N. 8. of the Methodist church, drew out a large EE Lennox & Addington CAMDEN EAST. . Oct, 27.--The Sunday School In- stitute, which was held in the Meth- odist church on Thursday of last week, was well attended, both after- noon and evening. Suggestions were given. Ford Wal- ker is spending his -hoiidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wal- ker. The paper mill has started of weeks for repairs. Mr. McKiter- ick and family, Napanee, have moved into part of Miss Martha Johnston's place in the west end of the village. Mrs. W. Loucks, who has been il] for the past week, is better again, Mrs. Charles Riley returned home on Fri- day, after spending a week in King- ston with friends. Mr. and Mrs. RB Brethren, Switzeryjlle, spent Sunday at James Skinner's, Mr. Houpt, Buf- falo, spent a few days in the village a NL | TLE | | { 1 { Falls, spent a; i Many helpful | again, after being closed for a couple | | Rikley spent | hard's. lovely rain. Mr. Kenneth Amey sports a new runabout. | -------- | SCOTT'S CORNERS Oct. 25.--Mrs. Robert «MoDonell has returned home from Manville, Alberta, where she spent the last two months with her daughter. Miss A. E. McKinnon, McDonald's Corners, is visiting at Robert McDonell'. . Miss Bertha and George Scott attended the dance given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Buchanan at Sharbot Lake. Miss R. Kleinsteuber visited her sister, Madeline, at A. Crain's. The thresh- ing mill is still around the corner, William Gould spent the week-end at his home. Quite a number from here are attending the Jack#on-True- love reception in Elphin hall Wednes- y evening. ---- News From Wilton: . Wilton, Octr 26.--Ideal weather prevails and the farmers are plough- ing. Several of the farmers of this | vicinity took price of hogs at Yarker last week. Drs. Vrooman, Napanee, and Sargent, Sydenham, paid calls to the village last week. On Friday evéning last a number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. Henderson gathered at the home'of Mrs Overton Babcock to welcome {them home from their honeymoon | trip, and presented them with g beau- titul cabinet of silver. An enjoyable evening was spent. Visitors: Mrs. Costley, Campbeliford, with her daughter, Mrs. B. M. Davey; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Storms, Toronto, Miss G. Wemp, Amherst Island, and Mrs. B. B. Shibley, Kingston, at K. N. Storms' ;W B. Storms, New York, with his sister Mrs. 8. Shibley and Dorothy Neilson, K. I., Spent Thanks- giving at their home here. | i Budget Prom Bath, Bath, Oct. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGuin and baby, also Clarente Mc- Guin, all of Napanee, spent Sunday at William McGuin's. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bristow, Sandhurst, spent Sunday at Mark Rowdd's. Norman the week-end with friends in Trenton Mrs. Ira Babcock has returned from a visit with friends at Syracuse and Watertown, N.Y. On her return home she was met at Watertown by Mr.. Babcock and spent a few days there. Alexander Ross, Kingston, spent Sunday at E. P, Shep- Mrs. Joseph Trimblett, Poughkeepsee, N.Y., is spending a few days in the village. The cafe- teria tea held on Mofifly evening last in the Masonic hall in aid of the Methodist church was well attended and a goodly sum was realized. Wil liam Topliffe, Odessa, spent Sunday at Robert Stevenson's. Mrs Ralph Sexsmith is, visiting friends in To- ronto. . . cnt ce pl om advantage of the high | ly divergent qualities. Like the blonde heroines of the Icelandic Sagas, she Is equally fitted to make the home of Peace and contentment and to defend it with courage and deeds of valor. "Beware of blue eyes and yellow locks when the battle is on!" When the pirate crew took over the Job of ab- ducting the thirteenth bride they found thelr hands full. ~ Marguerite Clayton can hardly re- member herseif as too young to dive and swim like a duck and to ride with the freedom of a Wild West cowgirl. On cattle ranges she rode in the round-up, and among the redwoods she camped and grew expert with the rifle. . Always life in the open filled Lher with the greatest satisfaction. Officers and men of the United ia, Toothache, Earache, name "Bayer" or Aspirin at all. ccept only "Ba, Aspirin" in 'ag unl There is only one Will be stamped with thelr general A ee eoping Cou MATHIEU'S SYRUP the curative . virtues of COD Colds, when consequences of , Woman's Hidden Hoard. Londou, October 28.--«In a New- castle house in which an old woman had lived a hidden hoard of £2,000 in gold, silver and notes was fad. ------------------ bad if it did not crucify those not responsible for it. » Hope (ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- and for eumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the you are not taking Tablets of | lets roken "Bayer" CURES Confhs, Colds Grip Asthms, Ete. The evil we do-would not be #0 if you allow othery to suffer from - --) States Navy are enthusiastic pleture patrons. Therefore the appearance of the company at Newport to begin "shooting" the gerial "Bride 13" with' the cordial co-operation of the Navy was a welcome interlude for the sea fighters. . . Hope Hampton Hampton, the young Texne beauty, first came into prominance as the winner of a State-wide newspaper beauty contest. Immediately she was besieged with contracts for stage and screen work, which she wisely refused to sign until she had taken further training in those lines. "A Modern Salome." one of her best produstions is based on the famous dramatic poem "Salome." by Oscar Wilde. play is "The Tiger Lady." v "The Penalty" "Art and sciénce fill to hgree In this scene from 'The Penalty' by Gouverneur Morris. Young Doctor Wilmot (Kenneth Farlan), trying to prevall upon Barbara (Claire Adams), to give up her artistic effort and bee come his wife. But art is not so eas= ly set aside and Barbara has a will of her own so many things must hap- pen before the doctor has his way. And they do happen with startling speed In this tale of the San Fran. olsco underworld. {The story is marked' by a succession o surprises." - Narimova's Beaatiful Home The brilliant Russian star is the mistress of a beautiful estate several miles out of Los Angeles, nestling Among the foothllis. Her residences ip a handsome stucce and Spanish tle building of two stories; more roomy than the justly famed California bungalow. Ivy and other clinging vines have.worked a deft pattern im ETeen on the stucco walla, & ' Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross™ packsgo which contains rections. Then you are getting real Aspirin--the genuine Aspirin pre- scribed by physicians for over nine- teen years. ow Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 12 £4b- cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. complete di« manufacture, to assist the public against imifatio 'Bronchitis, combining' ies of TAR au thes fal inleg rties of 8 LIVER OIL. neglected or badly treated give rise $0 suchagrave ior preparations, SYRUP fs the only caused to crop up many ON SALE character that you should te GARAGE ng and Storage ne 1915 Melasghlin Toure ing ear for sale cheep fon a quick buyer. 28 BAGOT rite Phone 1804w, | S001 [ 5 mistakes of your own making, you are a rank coward, 5 Her latest, ~