Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1920, p. 15

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| TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1920. ans ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. IE The Greatest -------- ee Event in Canadian Theatrical History! Trans-Cantda Theatres Limited, and MR. PERCY - HUTCHISON Present PRICES: Lower Floor, §3; Balcony, $3 and $3; Gallery, $1; Box Seats, $4.00, Seat sale opens Thurs day. Pato fre earnestly requested to b e In their seats by 8 p.m, as the inter- est of the play starts with the rise' of the curtain. Curtain at 8.15 sharp. = \ Mail orders now. = DUNCAN in ' SELECTED COMEDY DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited "THE SILENT AVENGER" Overture: "AULD LANG SYNE" POPULAR MATINEE--SAME PHOTOPLAYS AS EVENING MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Wallace Reid in "What's Yow Hurry" A rough, rolling romance that runs on love and spurts blue flames of excitement. ~ ls Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster-Gensral, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 19th November, 1920, for the conveyance His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, thirteen times per week Lot @ route, Gananoque and street Boxes, from the 1st April next. nted notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed , eontract may be seen and blank ms of tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Gsnanoguetand at the office of the Post Office Spector Kingston. H. MERRICK, i 2 Post' Office Inspector, Post Office Inspector's ie. 1920. Pearl A. Nesbit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of Singing and Plano. Sthdie: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J, Frank Weaver, Mus. Bac. SPECIALIST TEACHER, VOIOR ODUCTION, PIANO PLAYING; Shans AND CHOIRMASTER OR OOKE"S PRESBYTERIAN C URCH. 258 Barrie Street. Phone 1807w,' Drder Your Xmas Folders Now 4 Xmas. wit soon be here. Why not make your selection of Xmas, Folders now? We have a very select ase sortment to choos$ from. Our puices range from two dollars-andadialf per-dozen up, R. J. Rodger, 162 PRINCESS STREET 7 Administrator's Sale : A Of Effects of Late James See, 356 John son Street, Wed., Oct. 27th, 1.30 p.m. Consisting: of waggons, sleighs, buggy, cutters, harness, robes, tools, lumber, furniture and miscellaneous ar- ticles. ALLEN, the Auctioneer. < Telephone 252. Meet Me At Elder's Watch our window, New stock of CIGARETTE HOLDERS and CASES, KOLA PIPES .........In classy See the CIGARETTE HOLDER af 23e. See the CIGARETTE CASE at ...50e. 269 PRINCESS STREET Opposite Public' Utilities. Phone 12831, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby given that KEN- NETH HUTCHINSON DUNLOP, of the City of Kingston In the Copnwy of Fréntenag, in the Province of Ontario, Eleotrie Cranema will apply to the Parliament of Canada -at the next ses- sion thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, LAURA MARY DUNLOP, of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, in the Province of Ontario, married woman, on the=~ ground of adultery and desertion. CUNNINGHAM & BMITH, Bolicitors for Applicant. Dated at the City of pingatin, Proy- ince of Ontario, this 27th day. of August, 1920. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that George Herbert Stanley Campbell, of the Township of Portland, in the County # Frontenae, and Province of Ontario, armer, will apply to the Parijaiment of Canada at thé next séssion 'thereof, for a ain of Divorge from his wife, A leanor Campbell, of the City of Kingston, in the sald County of Fron- tenao, married woman, on the ground of adul and desertion. Dated at the City of Kingston, in the Province o uta, this 22rd day of 0. July, A.D. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Bolloitors far Applicant. Book Your' Passage Overseas This Fall of for Xmas, with F. CONWAY Ocean Steamship "Ticket Agent All Lines. 239 BAGOT STREET. Phone 1197. Louis Steck, merchaat, Spencer- ville, has been granted a certificate of naturalization. He is a native of Russia. pes. b ' For Sale-Kensington Place Brick Veneer Dyelling; Living Room; Dining Room and French doors Soading into living room and dining room from hall, also to private verandah; grate in living room; hardwood py ® throughout; all glass door knobs, stationary tubs; in fact, modern in every particular, possession, Kitchen on first floor; - finished, Immediate THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street Newly - WE O FFER Province of Saskatchewan due 1 st Oct, 1040. Price 96.63 309%. 20 Year 6% Gold Bohds, and interest, vielding 6 This Is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and is a most attractive investme nt. . 1921-1930 Maturities wee een iouan Price to yield 6% % © 1931-1940 Maturities ... mem ice me. Price tg yield 6% % Georg - "moms Sarnia RIC DEBENTURES GRAND ~ TO-NIGHT and Wednesday BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY The Cartoon Musical Comedy BRINGING * FATHER \ AT THE - SEASHORE Sees Jiggs Alive He's a scream. PRICES: .Nights 23-50-75-$1-$1.50 Matinee: Adults .; Children 50c¢ oo FIITHRN PICTURES. AC Ee] ER a TO-DAY The Dainty Queen of the Screea! MARGUERITE CA --p. A Bright and Snappy and Gay Comedy Drama 12th EPISODE y of that great serial The Whirlwind NANCE O'NEIL and TYRONE POWER --dne-- The Mad Woman KINGNUT The Nut-Margarine For Eating and Cooking Sold on. a Money Back" Guarantee. ASK. YOUR GROCER ater) QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY CLASSICAL CONCERTS SECOND SEASON A series of five Concerts will he held In Grant Hall, on the following dates i 1. Thursday, Oct. 28. -- The Ham- bourg Trio. 2. Monday, Nov. 22--Jam Hambourg (violin), Alberto Guerrero (piano). 3. Monday, Dec. §.--J. Campbell Mé- Tan yUitxlione), Alberto Guerrere 4. Monday, Jan. 10--Boris H (Cello); Alberto Guerrero (piano), 5. Thursday, Feb. 8.--The Hambourg Trio. Serial Tickets for the five Concerts, $2.50. These entitle holders to num- bered seats in the centre of Grant Hall. All concerts begin at 8.15, and seats are reserved till 8.05. hall at Uglow's Book Store. Seats in centre of hall for single concerts (available only so far as serial tick- ets are not taken up), $1.00. Side Gallery and Sides of Hall: Ad- mission at door: 50c. Family tickets (admitting parents and two children) for each concert, $1.00. Children, 26¢. Serial tickets for school child- ren, $1.00. Tickets at Queen's, the Public Library, and Uglow's. The committee tay, if there is need, reserve the front rows in the side galleries for holders of serial tickets. r bh KINGSTON COMPANY. There will be a meeting of all ranks of above unit in the Armouries on Friday next at 8 p.m. Every mem- ber is asked to bring along a possible recruit. = SR = . ) - Hallowe'en Dance GASSES Se ot thf, , Te - 1820, at Cataragel Town Hall. Admi 1 couple, Crosby's Oreheatra. Svevyboay Orchestra. Everybody James Smith, Prescott, who had the misfortune to fall some six weeks Ago, breaking three of his ribs and fracturing his ankle, is able to be out again, although obliged to use crutches. . . Planostuned. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. I pity the boy whose father is too 'religious to take him to the motion picture show. California grapes dt Carnoveky's. 4 Plan of |. = » CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, First insertion, 1c, a word. ch on; Secutive inserfton thereafter, half cent 3 word. mum ¢ ge for One Insertion, 25¢; three insercions, §0 oents The above rates are for cash only; When charged they are double. HELP WANTED. DELIVERY, APPLY Meat Store, King St. SMART BOY FOR Wadd: A GIRL TO CLERK IN A STORE. AP. Bly at the Marble Hall, 338 Princess treet. . A GIRL, MAINLY TO LOOK AFTER two children. Cail 71 Pembroke Street or phone 1508]. PEOPLE'S FORUM T0 Br. FURNISHED ROOBS. University Avenue. ONE FURNISH FRONT ROOM ON third Soar, r lady, at 357 John- son street. FIRST CLASS HOOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally looat- ed. Apply 242 Brock street. STORAGE R FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mco- Gann, 86 Brock street. Phone 326 or . APPLY , 303 \ ROOM WITH BOARD AT REASON. egble rate, by week or month; meals G0c. - Applf proprietor Queen's Ho- tel, Brock gireel a A MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs. McCann, 28 Wellington street, WANTED A PLAIN COOK, WHERE another maid is kept. Apply Mrs. Bgymaer, 65 West Street. STENOGRAPHER, MUST HAVE HAD eiperience. = Apply at Registrar's ice, Queen's University, TWO HANDY LABORERS." APPLY Kingston Cement Products, corner Patrick and Charles streets. GHOCEBRY CLERK, WHO MUST HAVE experience with the better class of trade. Apply Box C-28, Whig. YOUNG LADY TO ACT AS CASHIER in. a store and to do some offiee work. Apply in writing to Box K-26, Whig. EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- rol Dousewor kj no washing or ning; ighest wages. Apply Box D-33, Whig Oftice. PPL MESSENGERS, GOOD SALARY AND oomimisston; excellent opportunity learn telegraphy. Apply G.N.W. . Co, 3¢ Clarence reet. CAPABLE MAID FOR - GENBRAL housework; no. laundry; ood wages. Apply in evening to Sirs. Herbert Bibby, 28 Barrie street. $20 AND. UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR agents, men and- women, in spare time, day or evenings, selling the best and largest selection of Per- sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, at popular prices. Magnificent sample book free. No expbriencé neces- sary. Does not interfere with reg- ular work. A few agency appoint ments still cpen. Service guaran- teed. Modern Art Company, Man- ufacturers, 122 . Richmond West, Toronto. Ess a WANTED. GENERAL. WANTED TO BUY, A DAIRY FARM, Give price and description. Box ¥F-23, Whig Office, HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four brigat, 'alry rooms, in goo locality) Appiy Bex L-3, Whig Ot- fice. 4 FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ny Nov. 1st, for 3 adults; also 8 child- ren: going to schouvl. Apply Box L-26, Whig Oftice, TO RENT OR BUY, HOUSE, sHOP, OR both in Sydenham; central locality referred; particulars to be sent to Xx G-25, Whig Office, Kingston. TO RENT OR BUY, A MEDIUM-SIZE farm in Kingston district, light soll, part sandy loam prefer- red. Apply Box U-4, Whig, Office, SECOND-HAND VUPHiGur SDIAND- for cash or in part payment w pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind+ say Limited, 1231 Princess street. WANTED--MEN AND BOYS 10. PAT- ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Meg's and boys' hair cut, doc. Shave, 10c. Razors honed 28¢. 236 Ontario Bt., near Broek street. WANTED THREE OR FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished preferred; by family of three adults; in private house. Reply stating full particulars to Box B-23, Whig Office. WANTED TO RENT, FOR SEVERAL months, by & respectable couple, a well furnished bed sitting room, with board or convenient to board. ing house. Apply Box H-25, Whig Office. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- grapher, open for stenographic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Rateg reasonable. Spe- ciak rates can be arranged. Phoné 321. White's Insurance Office, Bagot Street. Eat POSITION WANTEA. EE ae rr FIRST CLASS MAN COOK, REQUIRKS positon; well, recommended. ply Box M-26, Whig Office, HELP WTD-- Ap- FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, bathroom floor gas for cooking ° Apply 396 Princess street. No children. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 108 Clergy street; 9 rooms; electric light; 3 plece bath. Phone 94, or call at above after § p.m. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooms; your own lock an key. Frost's City Storage, 7927 Queen street. Phone 66; res. 98%w, FURNISHED, § ROOM HOUSE, THREE piece bath; hot water heating, gas lor cooking; electric Mght; from Bow till May. . Phone 137lw. Win- ter's coal in cellar. 7 ROOMED ROUGH CAST HOUSE, painted and 'papered throughout; fitted with electric Mght; good stone cellar. Apply to Harry but-| ler, Main street, Portsmouth, . TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE< cially furnished for light house- keeping ..gas for cooking and light, at the Ploneer Apartments, 213 and 314 Division street. Phone 1434w. DWELLING, COR, WILLIAM AND Wellington streets; § rooms; hot water heating; 2 fire places; excel- lent "vellar; possession 'Novembe 1st. $50.00 per month. E WwW. Matlin & Son. Phones #3%w and 39]. UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J, Gavine, upholstér, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FUR YOUR holstering and genera] repairing. leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. ET F. UP PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging dotie, drop a card to A. Moun 84 Arch sireet. FINANCIAL. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANOR agents; established in L360; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Ofice 95 Clarence street, Opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Seclety; incerporate 1861, President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B. Cuaningham, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; morigages pufchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. ¥ PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin _cancersi'scars, eto. re- moved permaneauy. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after Others have falled. Qoitre removed. '85 years' experience. Dr. Blmer J. ke, Eye, ry, Nose, Throat, 8kin. "AGENTS WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, but to travel and appoint local rep- resentalives, §1,092 and expenses guaranteed first year, with good chance to make $2,600 and ex- # State age and qualifiea- Experience unnecessary. Winston Co., Dept. @., Toronto, MALE HELP WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK «= We heed you to make socks on the fast,' easily-ledrned Auto Knitter; experience unnecessary; distance immaterial; positively no canvass. ing; yarn supplied. Particulars, Je. stamp. Dept. 6c, Auto-Knitter Co, Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT. BIG 85 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample book free to spare or full time workers; repre- sentatives already making five to ten dollars daily; experience or capital unnecessary; i ense stocks; free and prompt 8elivery A varanteed. Bradley - Garvretson, rantford, Ontario. \ aa, -* Miss Dizon, 149 North Angusta road, Brockville, has a rosébush in blossom for: the time this season. : oy THE CARP CRUSHER AT So, WORK. --London Opinion. Announcement is made of the ap-| pointment of Curtis Laserte as sub- i bh collecter of customs at Iroquois. Mr. Lagerte saw overseas active service. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEATER FOUND BACK PIECE OF SIDE FOR A heavy truck. Painted red. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. | LADINS' GREY TWEED COAT, on King street, near Cad | stand. Owner can have same | by calling at 101 York street. | } FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owWaer may do suv Dy reporting the facty to The British Whig. The adver. tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found amicies" aves not ir. clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, ote. hese, if Jost, may be ad- vertised for in the 'Lost" column. rtm sm ras sss, LOST. A BLACK KID GLOVE. FINDER please return te Clark's grocery, | corner' Fine and Cherry streets, or phone 16%2w. | | ON SUNDAY EVENING, ON BARRIE ®irest," near city park, small Iyux| eck piece. Finder please return iw 66. Barrie street. SOLDIER'S BUTTON ON SAFETY MIN, on either Division, Barrie*or Prine Cess Streets, valued ag a keepsake. Finder kindly leave at Whig Of- fice. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, BOSTON bull aog. Answers to name of "Floasy." Anyone harboring same will be prosecuted. Minder please recurn ¢0 Mrs. Duffy, Portsmouth BETWEEN LEMMON'S GROCERY, ON Montreal street apd Sunbury, Fri- day afternoon, a plush lap rug with inftials C. P. on two corners. Finder kindly leave at Lemmon"s Grocery, or Sunbury Pogt Offtce and yeceive reward. I STRING OF PEARL BEADS, giving afternoon, on Midd or In hickory nus grove, ferin (between Miadie Kingston Mills). Piider Kindly re- turn ta Whig Office and receive re- MUSIC. DAISY JOHNSON, A.T.CHM.,, TEACHER of Vielin and Theory. Puplls pre- pared for 'l'ownte Conservatory examinations. Studle: 307 Colllng wood street. Phone 232%W. ' . SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, etc, large or ymail, guaranteed XX £01d leal; posters, shoecards etc, artistically writien and degigned by Shaw, at 206 Priucess Street, Kingston. DENTAL. E. KNAPP B.A, L.D.S, off! ice 268 Princess Street. 2. & D.D.S, Phone DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 1890 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 348. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. FARM, FOR SALE OR TO RENT, ONE mile from city limits. Apply 437 Alfred Street, city. MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY IN| Odessa, owing 10 ill-nealth. No other bakery within ten store doing good business; dwelling. Apply Noble Odessa, Ont. also Band, 'LEGAL. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST.| ers and Solicitors, 75 Jlarence' Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning: ham. Cyril. M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, corner of Xing Brogk, over Roya: Bank. ney to loan. Phone 199). MEDICAL . DOCTOR E. IL. STONE, 338 BROCK ST. Office hours: 10 to 13; 2 to 5 p.m, Tw 30 p.m Phone 2086w. ARCHITECT, POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. tedts, Merchants' Bank Chambers, ner of Brock and Wellington eels. LAND SURVEYOR, . F. F, MILLER, BAL, Se, CR, 0.1.8, D.LS, MBLC. Napahes, Ont. Op: tarig Land Surveyor. Kingston OY- fica. Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- en: street FURNITURE FINISHING ! CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 838 John Street. CARPENTERING. 58% James Selby, Contractor. Temp- orary change of address 60 Arch street. Phone $35J. FOR SALE. "- ONE NEW OLDSMOBILE TRUCK. AP | Ply to A. Glover. INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE; FIRST CLASS condition. Apply 461 Barrie Street. A DEER HOUND; FAITHFUL; GOOD hunter. Apply Mrs. Rawley, 488 rie Street. AUTOMOBILE TOP? AND CUSHION! Celiulotd for curtains. Judson' Aute Tops, Brockville. SUPERIOR QUALITY BVENING COAT and. Vest; almost new. Apply Box J-26, Whig Office. McLAUGH LIN ROADSTER; $300; GOUE lines and serviceable. Apply x E.i3, Whig Office. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE; NEARLY new. Apply, 37 Lower Charles St. below Bagot Street. \ . A KITCHEN TABLE; ¢« FEET LONG by 2 feet § inches wide, ly 33 Frontenac street, near Earl . FRAME DWELLING AND Fv acres of land; near sy limits. Ape ply -E. Wathen, 143 Nelsoa. HAVE FOR SALE SOME CH Ireer and Fox Hounds. J. M. bald, 287 King Street, Kingstoa. a PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE Pullets and Cockerels, some already ying. Apply Turner, Portsmouth, LADY'S NAVY BLUE BOTANY SKRGE tailored puil; size 33; never beeh worn. Apply at 308 Brock street. GRAIN 3 ELEVATOM ot i shafting hangers, pulioy! P Rideau Apply at A. Spelaman, 31 ER ONE LOT, 66xi32 FOOT i quick buyer. Hastemah's tate. FRO. on South Meodonald street; THREE HUNDRED D FIFTY-MIK pores of pu land, Wn the . it-of North Ontame: Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson street, 3 2,000 FEET OF 1 1-4 AND 24% NOM Ln BL ail Sinton Fo Quantity o inds vaives. ply BE. Ek th 143 Nelson ot GENUINE GRAPMONOLA AND selections; your own i " Teruis, §5 cash, §1 per wee Lindsay, med, 121 Frincess St. EASY CHAIRS IN. FIND Tapestry at Sxseptionaily low prices. All kinds eof re ne executed quickiy. Stoddar Ny yous upholsiers;, 377 King street, ingston. A FEW grade MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize ia Sili= tary bouts; buy all kinds seconds hand guoas; highest prices paid, Au Routbard, Phone 1723. 239 Prine cegs Street. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS 0 8004 second hand furniture SLOVes. Aly peison naviug stoves and furniture to dispose of, we wi pay highest prices. J. 333 Princess streel. Phone 1600w, ONE MeLAUGHLIN K-63 Sp Runabout; only run two thousan miles; ocumpletaly equipped Ww cord tires and license. ' Lost whelh new $1,100.00. Will sell ror $1,604, Apply to CG. A. Anderson & Bon, Napanee, FARM SITUATED ON BAY Kk Wuinte, six miles west of Bath, 13 acres, All in good state of cultivas tion; weil watere and Jensed} house With furnace; stables wit sin Water; cement silo; all bun en M. Robinson, - 3 ot $004 repair. Hol RAM.D. No, 1, bath, On PRRFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, «+... Princeton and Victory Bicycles, a 80 a pumber of lads aud gente' used Bicycles and: metoreyvies, reduced prices. Special Aliontion given to all bicycle and baby oa Triage repair work. Mulles's ovoid YN orts, #71-373 King street. Phone w. Dodge Tpuriiig. Reo Roadster, uod Mchgugnlin, Overland Touring, Gray Dort. 2 Ford Trucks. All fn good shape, ready for the road, and can be bought on easy terms. LUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sts. Phone SOF, ¥ . BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR ALS ' VICTORY RONDS FOR SALE. MONEY te Loan. $4200-DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER; § rPums each. $850--BUILDING LOT{ . CONVENIENT location. dation 34x50, and. joice ready building; 800d chance to build Yourself, vf LOT 333x182, WITH CEMENT ay oF or $2,000---FRAME HOUSE In PORTS. mouth. EAs; electric lights Air; goud stable. $1,700---FRAME HOUSE, JOHN #80 L,800-ROUGH CAST; 11 RooMSy " tollet and stable, ' we y -- #2.300FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION street. $3,100--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES rooriis; toilet and electric Nghts.' : & G. A, BA ; 159 Wellington Street, mn We offer a limited quantity of PEA COAL Our own preparation. Jas. Swift & Co., - Limited Foot of Johnson Street TL "Auction Sales I am the Eh ro Ling BEDFORD The Auctioneer, ? 1781 or 1428. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Se or A hi Tek get ut _ We will call promptly, ROSEN & C0 140 RIDEAU xy foe houses purchase - When the Lord eéttles with your neighbor he will not ask for any of your sdvice. AReoBus Room for 12 people; will mike & good stage or amy other pup pone; in best of erder--§1,000.08. Ate . JTURK Phone 705 |

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