~ ' A DRT ACCEPT HS STORY, THER DRINKS || -, BELFAST GINGER ALR : The Best Made in Canada. | Youngest daugh- ; i) ; Rika 5 y 5 3) § : ; 3}! Ei aLI Suan BEER ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph John, and .. b Soda aber IN) James McEwen, arrested a week Otto 'E. Kieim. only som-of Mr. and r ~--AT-- Th ing W -1110mp g Works ago, for being intoxicated, sticks te Mrs. Otto Kleim, were united fn mar- T. TELEPHONE 304. the first story he told, that he had hs tii thls no liquor to drink, that all he had Tage by: Rey : kHstisugon. The OFFICE: 284 PRINCESS STRE Nothing but imported Sateriais used in the manufacturing of these goods. ' Was two per cent. beer. However d been attractively he and Magistrate Farrell differ on Sccasion, yas Bot this point, and in the police tourt Pat Ne um oF OF: on Tuesday morning Magistrate W130 Put in good shape for col d weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. Farrell sentenced him to ~ McALLISTER & DRAKE months in jail, or until such time as |Afts he discloses where he secured his "98 * PRINC ESS STREET Phone Res. 1246J. YHCA. Membership Rates McEwen was 'represented by his counsel, C. M, Smith, and declared that he had no liquor. He said he At their rieeting on October 19th, the Y.M.C.A. Board of Directors fou t 2ecessary to adopt the following Annual Membership Rales to £0 into effect Nov. 1st, 1920; -- . A DENBIGH WEDDING. Nuptials of Miss Anna John and - a; Otto E.' Kliem, Police Magistrate Sends an Overseas Man to Jail for Three Months. POOLE'S RESORT. Oct. 22.--Alfred Salter has com- menced work on Little Grenadier Is- land. Miss Edna Poole is spending a few days at the home of her brother, Burtis Peole, Toronto. Miss Gertrude Scott spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof, Ju x Davis went to Montreal today to meet her sister, Mrs. Ivy Far, who is Te- | turning from a visit in England. Miss | use Poole, Caintown, - oat hanksgiving at the home grandfather, S. D. Wileox. Sunday vi- sitors were: Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ter and son Gerald, Ewcett, at Adfred i Salter's; Mr. and Mrs. B. E. and children, Caintown, at 8. D. Wil. cox's; Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Guild daughter Katherine, Mallorytown, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilcox Escott, at Walter Willams'. OHARLESTON | Oct. 25--The scow, sunk the night ' of the big storm, has been raised. The fine weather has brought some more Americans to the lake. Had it been known that October would {have been such a beautiful month |the Foster house would have been ifilled. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leeder, Mc- rea he close the party assembled at the ce of the' bride's parents, also had been suitably decor- and though it is the largest | > In the vicinity, it did net afford | room enough for the number TIMBER LEFT TO ROT. had been drink! tw sr © cent. of ~ 3 : Sef . beer, that he ad Srebnbly Thrtoor or | guests who continued to arrive. A | Above is shown one of m any piles of timber left in the 3 3 ro twenty drinks, The accused said | d ty repast was served after the | hush to rot in the Rainy River district, that he suffered pains in his legs, arrival of the guess and again at | S a and that this was a great handicap | midnight and the night's entertain- M to him in his walking, and that he [ment was most thoroughly enjoyed | STOCK ARRETS, could not keep on the sidewalk. He |and will be long remembered by all \ Eh a-- had contracted this trouble gs a re- |who were present. The large number | Quotations Furnished by Bomgard, sult of service overseas. | of beautiful presents received by the Ryerson & Co.. 287 Bagot ' Hugh McCarthy had an 'awful bride bear ample testimony to the . Street. time. He got drunk in Montreal, (high esteem in which she is held by New York Stocks. So TN-- PRiordon a tras vm 11es 209 Steel of Canada .... 63% Spanish River ....:104 Wayagamack .......148 - "Getting™ His Audience. The Rev.'H. G. Cooke, who was conducting nightly services, announe- | ed that on the following evening he would speak on the subjects 'of "Liars." He advised his hearers to read in advance the seventeenth chap- ter. of Mark. The next night he arose and said: "I am going to preach on 'Liars' to- night, and I would lke to know ca" | . went on board a steamer bound for the tommunity Xingston, pnd did Jot_know any- | - Among the guests from a distance | thing until he awoke in Kingston who had arrived were Mr. and Mrs police station. He will have cause | J. McInnis and children, and James to femember the fine of $10 and | Watson from Belleville, Mrs. and costs, the magistrate imposed On [Margaret Amy, Deseronto, Mr. and him, {Mrs. A. Ratun, Arnprior, Mr. and | 1g 5 Ohio .. 46 Autoists who have their tail lights | pre F. Stein and Mfrs. A. .Armstrong, | Baliimore & on ©.5" 1% out, and their markers .distigured, | Tweed. and Mr. and Mrs. B: Liedtke, | cp. R. 125% had better take a gentle tip and get Raglan. The young ce will make | Central Leather 39 5 busy. Two offenders were fined $2 | their home with the gfoom's parents, | General Motors 17% and costs each by the court. { who own one of the best farms in this International Paper . 6914 y Vicinity. : Lackawanna Steel 657% . Judge J. H. Madden held Division Mexican Petroleum .192% : vr pe | Court last Thursday in C. Both's hall. | Missouri Pacific ..." 277% i x Yonteenth chepler of Mark.» Intosh Mills, and Mr. and Mrs. L. There were three cases on the docket,'| Northern Pacific 8914 tshurg Sun. Wilson, Athens, were recent visitors which were disposed of before noon. | Willys Overland 103% 3 = |at J. Cavanaghs. A new boat house Charles. Ball, collectdr of taxes, is | Philadelphia Co. "ni No Place Yor Personalities. 11s being built at Camp Vega. W. Cro- busy visiting the ratepayers of this | pere Marquette 26% 5 ' Two dougihtboys, one white and one |2ler is home from a hunting trip. municipality. Gedrge Fritsch, Ren- | Republic Iron & Steel 79 4 | black, wera hopelessly lost out in No | M. Lackaberry is building a new boat |frew, wag for a day a welcome guest | Reading 97 2 'man's Land. After da ess had fal- [house. J. Botsford is home from of his parents, Mr. an Mrs. A. |U. 8. Rubber . 77% len the white soldier 1tiously stuck [the Canadian west. T. Hudson is as- Late Charles Baird, Montreal. | Fritsch Roya) Dutch NY.) 18 va his head over the edge of the shell isting his brother John in' Brockville £ Charles Baird, formerly teller of! =H ,. | Southern Pacific 99% hole to take a: look at the carpenter work. John, Jr. is - the Bank of Montreal, Kingston, but a nets han sever. St. Paul "Whatcher Boss?" inquired [taking his place on the farm, Mrs. lattérly accountant of the Peel street Lathernas congregation of Toronto, | Studebaker the 'other. Godkin has improved her farm by - branch, Montreal, passed away in the d intends to leave for his new field | Sinclair Oil "You can't see your hand before [building some new wire fence. Royal Victoria hospital on Monday. an Bid In bare 'two weeks, His Tobacco Products your face, it's so dark." | Death "was due to blood poisoning, removal is very much regretted by his | TeXas Pacific "Look-a-here now, white man," ex- ' and as he had been in the enjoyment present congregations sin Denbigh, postulated the«Negro. "Dis ain't no . 31 Sood health up 10.1ast week, the | Loseht (OTETeR Rapids, Onadville time for pussonalit Ab ain't ask- Prince Edward Foceipt of the sad news was a shock and Maynooth for it will likely. be in' you what Ah kaint.see; Ah's ask- = to many friends here. The late Mr. some time before a successor will be in' you what you can s : Baird was born in Perth, where his obtained. Victor Wieneche has dis- \| -- BONGARD'S. { Hitched to a Star. 3 Oct f23.--The Ladies' Aid of this Mrs. "Dill: "Wha ard Hubss 'Pwo | place will give a chicken ple social in Dominion Fy. & Steelv's! ladies who just got out of the limou- | the near future. Rev. Mr. Renouf de- General Electric § ic ne and are coming toward the | livered an able Thanksgiv'~g sermon Maple Leaf use?" | at Bongard's church on S$ .day last. |. Ten 3 The American 1. Parents Still reside. He was a teller posed of his stock of groceries to G. National Breweries Mrs. Pickle: "Oh, that's my cook | Mr. and Mrs. FH. Hicks were recent Opening. Phone 1750. | American Sugar ....106% | Baldwin Locomotive.1154 many read the chapter I suggested." | A hundred hands were upraised. { "Now," Re said, "you are the very | persons I want to talk to--there isn't Juniors, 10-14 years Intermed. 15-17 years Seniors, 18 years and over Bus. Men, (include Locker) Students (College term) Scelal. privilege All tickets renewed before November 1st at old rates, dated one year from. expiration. e dda and see, Canadian Stocks, Brazilian Jrompton Canada Bread ... Canada Cement Canada Steamships Cons, Smelters Dominion Textile 1 Weekly, in the Bank of Montreal, Kingston, | 8 . -- . 2 4 | Adam and left for Tweed, where he for about five years, and married Is engaged in farming. Y. Exchange nd her understudy." guests at H. Whattam's, Waupoos. ~---- Mrs. D. T. McCormack and | € Jessy Davy, daughter of the late Neil | Edith spent a day with Mrs. C. B. a] a --, i a tg IN CAN | > Davy, 174 Montreal street. He was | Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. S. Palen, Wau- about thirty years of age, a Presby- | : - ; terian and a 'member of Cataraqui | Irish Self-Determination League Lodge No. 92, A. F. and A M. Be- In Toronto cables sympathy to wid- sides his parents he is survived by [ow of Lord Mayor MacSwiney. N. poos, accompanied by Mrs. @G. C.] Hurlbut, and Miss Hurlbut, Picton, T™ were callers at Ji D. Bongard"s on i Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, aso bis wife and one child. Nr i -------------- -------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn entertained | The remains will be brought to | Kingston and the funeral will take | { ANOEING Place from 174 Montreal street to | . / company on Thanksgiving. Kellars| Cataraqui cemetery at 2.30 pm, | Wednesday, Rev. J. W. Stephen, hill is undergoing extemeive repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thurston, ac- 4 St. | | f Canoes and flshing-rods: these inveigle woat men; they sit up and beara at mention of them--aot only men who live with them and by aid Andrew's church, officiating, SAID TO BE BROTHER OF SOVIET LEADER - B. Balr and Mrs. T. A. Wagar. 1728. . : Brig.-Gen. W. S. Hughes Js ox | Louis Joffe, Who Was in Kingston, at Variance | With His Brother. It is thought that 'Adolphe Joffe, who is acting as Bolsheviki ambas. | + Sador, dealing with negotiations be- | tween the Soviet government . and Poland, is a brother of Louis Joffe, + Who spent' some time in Kingston. It will be remembered that last fall andswinter Mr, Joffe was in the city . In the interests'of the Bible society. | While in the city he addressed a number of meetings. Joffe is a con- | verted Jew. Last March it was.re- | that his brother had been | "killed a Vilna, but it now turns out that he is very much alive. + Joffe, who visited Kingston, holds | Mr. | views on political matters at vari- | ance with his brother, At the pre- | Bent time Louis Joffe is in Lindsay. mr -- The News at- Parham. | Parham, Oct. 25.--The U. F. ©. two 'cat. loads of stock this! Week. J. Lowery, Belleville, is in Parham. Miss Leulla and Lena | Weese are visiting their sisters, Mrs Mrs. A. B. Howes is in Belleville. Mrs. | P. Ritchie, Kingston, is at Ross | Howe's, Mr. and Mrs, Argue is. at. . | "William Simonette's. William Sim- Ouette has moved into part of Dr. | Topping's house. Miss Ella Card at home; Mrs. Al ton, Tichborne, at Frank Wagar's. | 'Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wagar, Long | Lake, and J. Wagar, Fenelon Falls, at G. A. Smith's; Mrs. E. Neadow at B. Hannah's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Cronk at Tamworth; Mrs. William Hare at Wilkinson; Mrs. W. N. Bertrim and son, Vancouver," B.C., visiting rela- tives here: "A ew from here attended the recep- | tion at Wagarville of Mr. and Mrs. | Murray Kirkham. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Goodfellow and Mrs. Bateman at- tended the Ladies' Aid supper at Long | -Mr. and Mrs. N. Miller, Napanee, | and Mr. and Mrs. A. Randel, Deser- conto, at A. C. Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. * Ed. Balr in the city; Miss Carrie | © Barr T. 'Howes | .& Harrowsmith; at D. Goodfellow's; Mr. and sall's; Mr, and Mrs. Edward: Neadow ~ at William Nealow's. The Late Thomas McAuley. The funeral of the late Thomas McAuley took place from his late efice, King street west, to Cata- '*agui cemetery on Tuesday after- noon. There was a large attendance _ Of many old friends, and the casket | : th beautiful floral tri- ng the high regard | in which deceased was held in the | was ked Baa The The religious service community. 7. WwW was conducted' by Rev. An Important Discovery, "The length of a bee's sting," Says | Tit-Bits "is only one thirty-second of | We are grateful for this | an inch." information, because when we are be- ing stung we are always too busy to | measure for ourselves. | \ i in Eruption Sinoe 1728... | most active volcano in the | Volcano The 3 id is Mount Sangay. It is 17,198 A high, situated on the eastern chain of the Andes, South America. 'has been in constant eruption since . Pécted in Kingston on Wednesday, ! Mrs. ! George Alton at Edward Card's; Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Wagar at J. Camp- | _Savary, rector of St. James' church. | of them exist, but men who travel up to the office every mo and to whom the Tord "fish" means only the course before the entrée. Many a happy evening have I apent in reading of, such things--reading in some traveller's book of eanoes and fishing-rods, of rifles and the crackle of the camp-fire. And now the fates permi* me to write, if mot a book, an article on these, as I have of late had many days In their company. For their friends and acquaintanc 4 I write this, especially for those wio can't, just at the moment, arrange Ji their affairs so as to get away from the desk to be among them. I do not suppose it would be gross Tree advertisement to give the name § ©f the canoe in which I set out, for it is mentioned in niost accounts of Canadian travel; but 1 will not run the risk of being suspected-as a share- | holder in the company that makes it, or subsidised it. Suffice it, then, Ao say that the beautiful craft was of the size that caused it to be stamped, on the little bit of decking at the bow, not merely "Canoe", but: "The So-and-So Canoé Boat". It can be rowed, If necessary, by two pairs of oars and has & place {in that foot of deck at the boy) for a short mast 'that carries a long, low tralangular wall. - It ia--I was on the point of saying "light as a feather;" at any Tate, it can be pulled up on the jbeach, or set afloat, with ome hand. {It 1s certainly amasingly light and buoyant, I chose to row It; and the one pair of oars in am easy swing sent it gliding rapidly through the: waters with its load of tent, tent-poles, and blankets; kettles, billy, and frying- pan; flour, rice, and seedless raisins; "tin cow", "canned corn", tea, coffee, salt and sugar; three fishing-rods (one for flies, one for spoon, and one for spinner); a heavy six-shooter; and Squaw In stern. Bush fires were simmering away in the ranges, 80- that we had to take the further peaks for granted. The nearer moun- tains stood solemnly up with their green fronts and fringe of summit- poles and timber against a grey-blue » crackled, and the sun, a dec of old gold, went slipping down ia dun- Srey behind a hump or "hog-back," (to use the local phrase)--just to look at that canoe-boat was a 'delight, Even to that dulled sun it responded with a sheen of gold along its hull. Without Canoe I would have been, there, like a man on the plains with- out horse. In the wilds these both Seem alive. It was a threesome party: Squaw, self, cance. The fishing-rod is different. The trelling- rod (or even the spinner) fs deo- finitely dead. One just lets the line run out astern and then paddles round and to and fro and the fish catch 'themselves, immolate them- selves upon the hooks while trying to fight the speom, or to allay their curiosity regarding the spinner; and when enough have done so they are brought ashore background, the drifting smoke of]. the fires, After all, though the sun was hidden (very much as in a London November haze) its light sifted through somewhow, and lit very im- pressively thé slopes of fir and the outstanding chunks of rock om the | brought slopes. Weird, fuzzed reflections ran down into the deep water, a water smokey-blue and jade-green. - As for the oanoe, it seemed a living thing. Soon it and I were In touch with each other, had an under- starding, It 1s a sensitive, polished, exquisite thing. It is full of re- ieee through it for a speck, while Squaw sits oppost'e on. a couch of lopped' fir-boughs (lopped by Priend Axe): but it has no respemse--for a kick carnot be called a response. The little fraction of a suggestion of life in it is not friendly, like the great suggestion of lite in Canoe. Rifle and six-gun are m the same world as Frankenstein. But the chromicle of the trip is Deaceful emough, despite the pre- seiice of Six-gun In the party. The bears kept out of our way. It is the chronicle of squirrels chattering to us at e¥ery landing, in what sounded like small invective--a sound like the winding up, for a long time, of a clock-work toy; of the scuts of two gophers (hated by farmers except as linings for winter costs, but mighty pretty) coming close to look at us, Mttle creatures 3 i i Hi fiz : i | i i! 8 3 | : § g 1 i) 2 £2 is } : E z iz : : 2 i ASE i ¥ i i i f § gs 3? | i | £ 2 af : ; i i i : | if & ¥ g 2 { | i i E £1 Is £82 £ £ : i af i; : if fil i E companied by Miss McKay, motored to Kingston and spent over Sunday. i J. Turner and family visited with friends at Waupoos Bast, recently. ! A. C. Blackburn was in Belleville on "Tuesday. The farmers are put to quite an inconvenience owing to the oondensory being closed. WILLING TO Ex=King Constantine (eft ) brother, respectively, of the la Both have expressed willingnes ACCEPT THRONE. and Prince Gedrge, father and te King Alexander of Greece. s to accept the crown. stock of goods to George Ayrest. Sandy Ferguson has sold his farm to J. Larmon. George Ferguson has e:- -- ected a new house on St. John's cor- MABERLY. | mer. Mr. and Mrs. Richie Norris spent Oct. 18.--School has re-opened | Sunday at George. Ferguson's. Miss with Miss Oswell as teacher. Mr. and | Ida Morrow spent her Thanjsgiving Mrs. B, Oaks spent a few days with | holidays at home. William Smith has Mrs. William Fleming. Miss Sylena Purchased a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, Miss Edna Strong and Miss | Cectl Munroe motored to Bolingbroke Ica Wesley, students off) the Perth| OR Sunday. Collegiate, spent their T ksgiving | * holidays at their homes. Miss Gertie ECHO LAKE, Duffy 'spent Thankegiving at home. William Parks, North Cobalt, spent a few weeks visiting relations. Mr. Clarke, Toronto, visited his brother, English' church, which was beautl-| Oct. 22.--The continued nice fully decorated. George Ayrest and | wéather is helping the farmers a Miss Gladys motored to Smith's Falls lot in their fall work. EB. Hicks had on Sunday. B. Buchanan has solid his 8 bee yesterday. Mré. Salsbury 1s Lemox & Addington] --- " Rev. Mr. Clarke, Maberly. A large | crowd attended the spec'al Thanks<i" giving service on Sunday might in nd home after visiting some friends in the States. Miss Hattie Salsbury is at home for a couple of weeks, Miss Hattie and Rhoda Cox are working in Kingston. A few from here at- tended the meetings at Oak Flats. Mr. McLeod spent a week or more with friends at Moscow. J. Cronk is framing a barn for-J, Freeman. Mrs. A. Wagar spent a week wiih - her daughter, Mrs. O. Clow, Prominent Physician Dead. Ogdensburg, N.Y, Oct. 26.--Dr. Willard N: Bell, noted Northern New York eye and ear specialist, died on Monday at Lake Placid. The remains arrived here and were removed to Lis home, No. 3 Crescent park. He kad been ill only four days. Death was due to pneumonia, heart trouble and complications. a RR Pomegranates at Carnovsky's. A - can be made so much more strument you find exceptional "IF LINDSAY'S SELL "LONG WINTER EVENINGS" session of a good plano, Such a one as the Lindsay Piano will give you entire and lasting satisfaction. In this in- ter cabinet work at a popular price--a price rendered possible only through volume production. Send for free {ltustrated cataloguo--a post card request will do, cheery and gay by the pos- tone quality, linked to mas- IT<IT'S ALL RIGHT"