: 2 4 BATURDAY, OCTOBER a Er ---- 23, 1920. Ee -- aa THE .D "GRAND OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30TH MATINEE AT 2.30. THE GREATEST EVENT IN CANADIAN THEATRICAL HISTORY TRANS-CANADA THEATRES LIMITED AND MR. PERCY HUTCHISON PRESENT NN ~ pre pris Fe : Dari, "CUFFO VALENTINE & Jas Ware yo" EVENING AT 8.15. Prices Lower Floor $3.00, Baloowy $3.00 & $2.00, Gallery $1, Box Seats $4. | SEAT SALE OPENS THURSDAY. MAIL ORDERS NOW. Patrons are earnestly requested to be in their seats by 8 p.m., as the interest of the play commences with the rise of the curtain. Ourtain rises at 8.15 p.m. sharp. GRAND TO-NIGHT, Last Showing + BIG SPECIAL PROGRAMME 1--~REELS BEST PIOCTURES--13 Bessie Love in "PEGEEN" Gladys Leslie in "The Midnight Bride" OGMEDES AND OTHER REELS GRAND'S ORCHESTRA Matat 2.30 Evgat 7.30 2c. ANY SEAT | © tr BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME 18-REELS BEST PICTURES--12 - Harry Morey in THE I _AMING CLUE O'Henry Feature BIG V. COMEDY AND OTHER REELS GRAND ORCHESTRA MATINEE Evening at 7.30 at 2.30 Groynd floor 80c. . ~80c. any seat | Balcony 20¢. GRAND TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Oct. 26 and 27 BARGAIN MATINEE WEDNESDAY The Cartoon Musical Comedy BRINGING * FATHER AT THE SEASHORE % Sees Ji : Alive He's a scream. | PRICES: Nights 25-50.75-81-8$1.50 'll DIRBCTION FAMOUS PLAYBRS CANADIAN CORPORATION, LTD. ; TO-NIGHT ENID BENNETT Supported by WRABDUBE, ROBERTS Lea Overture "Selections From San Tey" ATRAND PRESENTATION MONDAY «- TUESDAY ~-- WEDNESDAY WALLACE REID in WHATS YOUR HURRY And of lumbering. motor trucks that helped mak Another sissling sute thriller, A romances of love, business and whissing racers, ' human, speed-demon A STORY THAT GOES LIKE BLUE BLAZES POPULAR MATINEE--SAME PHOTOPLAYS AS EVENING 21111 RIVIIN [lel IS Tel LR SSI CARA Hd] G MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY " Wverybody's Favorite. TOM MIX . THE TERROR AUCTION SALE Store and adjoinin Primiett, Ba 6.30 SID by J. J. 25th, 1020 af I ------------------------------------------------ Pearl A. Nesbit, LT.C.M. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of Singing and Piano. Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167). &. buildings owned on Monday, Oct, p.m. NEY CLARK, Auctioneer. La CHURCH. Frank Weaver, Mus. Bac | SPECIALIST TEACHER, VOICE PRODUCTION, ORGANIST AND COOKE'S 236 Barrie Street. MAN 0 PLAYING; CHOTRMASTER PRESBYTERIAN Phone 1887w, 13th EPISODR « of that great serial The Whirlwind SPROIAL ! NANCE O'NEIL and TYRONE POWER Ne 2 The Mad Woman Administrator's Sale |i: Of Effects of Late James See, 38¢ John- Son Street, Wed., Oct. 27th, 1.30 p.m. Consisting of = waggons, sleighs, buggy, cutters, harness, robes, tools; lumber, furniture and miscellaneoys ar- ticles. "ALLEN, the Auctioneer, Telephone 253, VOTERS' LIST, 1921 MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON, COUNTPY OF FRONTENAC Notice is hereby given that transmitted or deliv I have ered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontario Voters" List Act, the copies required by the sald Section to be go transmitted or delivered,sof the list made pursuant to the said Act ing by the, last of bvised ll-persons appear- A ent | | &@ AILY BRITISH WHIG. er ---- i Ee ee ---- THE PEOPLE'S FORUM ' First insertion, lc a word. Each con- secutive insertion tNereafter, half cent 3 word Minimum charge for one.insertion, 86¢; three insertions, 60 cents. The above rates are for cash only; when charged they are double. = ------ HELP WANTED. O00K AND CHAMBERMAID, Carlton Hotel. APPLY BRIGHT GIRL AS CLERK. APPLY R. Uglow & Co. Princess street. SMART BOY, ABOUT 15 or 16, APPLY R. Uglow & Co. Princess Street. HOUSE PARLOR MAID WANTED. AP- ply General King, 157 King Street. SIX GOOD MEN FOR FELDSPAR mine. Apply Gardner . Feldspar Mine, Hartington, 3 STENOGRAPHER, MUST HAVE HAD experience Apply at Registrars Oftice, Queen's University, { TWO HANDY LABORERS, APPLY Kingwton Cement Produots," corner Patrick and Charles streets. GHOCERY CLERK, WHO MUST HAVE | experience with the better class oi trade. Apply Box C-23, Whig. WOMAN FOR KITCHEN, AND GIRL for dining-room. Apply 42 Fron. tenac street, between Union and 'Karl streets. V EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; no wasning or/ ironing; highest wages. Apply! Box D-23, Whig Office, | \ EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED, one who can do plain cobKIHE, ®00d wages and evenings free. Ap- ply Mrs. Treadgold, 174 Stuart St. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK- al; wages $35 per month; also dren's nurse with some ex- perience; wages $30 gor. * month, Abply in writing to A-21, Whig Of- ce. - LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay. Work sent any distance, chargés paid. Send stump for particula National Mfg. Co., Montreal ELECTRICITY TAUGHT BY EXPERTS ---earn while you learn at home. Electrical Book and Proof Lessons Free. Your success guaranteed and position secjred. Write to-day. Chicago Engineering Works, 1900 Sunnyside, Chicago, FOR CLASS A ACCREDITED HOSPI- tal, Siving,thres Year general nurs- ing cours. Fine home. Liberal allowance. Graduates now etling $45.00 to $50.00 weekly. For in- formation write Garfield Park Hos- pital, Chicago, IIL "SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY dents who wish to make tween this and Christmas in spare hours 'selling our handsome person. al Christmas Greeting Cards. Free samples with weekly drawing. ac- count and liberal commission. The Carlton Publishing Company, Her- Jo! Side, 328 Spadina Ave, Toron- 0, Ont. TO STU- money be- ~ T0 LET. FURNISHED -ROOBS, University Avenue. SIX ROOMED HOUSE, 558 ALBERT street. Apply 271 Princess Street. BAJUS COTTAGE, NUMBER 6; THREE rooms and alcove. Apply 47 Rideau Street, ONE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ON third floor, for Jady, at 357 John- #0n street. FURNISHED DWELLING; 7 ROOMS 32 Ellerbeck street. McCann's Rea Estate. Phone 326 or 82). APPLY . 263 3 'WIRST OLASS ROOMS AND. BOARD; all fmprovements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 242 Brock street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND merchandise, clean and' dry. * Meo- -Cann, 88 Brock street. Phone 3286 or 621. FURNISHED housekee Ms FOR LIGHT g. bathroom floor; g for cooking. A street. "No children!' RESIDENCE, 108 Clergy street; 9 rooms; electric Ught; 3 piece bath, Phone 94, or call at .above after 6 p.m. ROO in SOLID BRICK BR STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rocms; your own lock an key. Frost's City Storage, 292 Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989w. HOUSE ON LIVINGSTON AVE, NO. 59; electric light and improvements. good outbulldings. For information epply 246 Colborne Street, or phone dusiw, FURNISHED, 9 ROOM HOUSE, THREE piece bath; hot water heating; Bas for cooking; electric Mght; from now till May. Phone 187lw. Win- ter's coal in cellar. TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, BSPE. clally furnished for light house- kee DEL §48 for cooking and light, at op oneer Apartments, 212 and 414 Division street, Phone 1434w, TWO LARGE FRONT SED ROOMS and double parlor, furnished con- venient to college; hot water fur- nace; opposite boarding house. Ap~ Ply 435 Princess Streéf, one door above Division street. UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot st. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and genera] repairing. ave orders at. or drop a card te 104 Clergy street. . PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch street. FOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- ing, get my prices. Choice variety Of wall paper in stock. H. B. Row. ley, 268 Queen Street. FINANCIAL. $20 AND UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR agents, men and women, in spare lime, day or evenings, selling the best and largest selection of Per- sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, at pular prices. Magnificent sample ok free. No experience neces- ry, Does not interfere with TOR ~ ular work. A few agency appoint- ments still open. Service guaran. teed. Modern Art Company, Man ufacturers, 123 Richmond West, Toronto. . WANTED GENERAL. WANTED TO BUY, A DAIRY FARM. Give price and desoription. Box ¥-23, Whig Oftice, HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four bright, alry rooms, in good Jocality, Apply Box L-3, Whig Ot- ce. WANTED AT ONCE, STABLE AND barn in central locality for one horse and two rigs. Apply stating rent to P. O. Box 1185, TA TO RENT OR BUY, A MEDIUM-SIZED farm in Kingston district, with light: soll, part sandy loam prefers red. Apply Box U-4, Whig Office, SECOND-HAND . UPRIGHT PIANO Yor cash or in pant payment of new pianos and grafonolas. C. W. Lina- say Limited, 121 Princess street WANTED--MEN AND BOYS 70 Bar. ronize J. W. Curson, barber. 0 and boys' hair eut, 20c, Shave, 10c. Rasors hoped 25c. 236 Ontario St, near Brock street. v WANTED THRER ou. OR FOUR ROOMS, unfurnished Jieterred. by family of three adults; in private house. Bepiy stating full particulars to ox B- Roll of the said Municipality to be en- titled 0 vote in the said J uhiclpality tons for members of the gla- lative Assembly and at Municipal Elec- psted up tons; and that the said list was first at my office at x uildings on the 22nd day of Oct the City ober, 1920, and remains there for inspection, 1 hereby call upon all voters to take Immediate any errors or omissions cording to law. roceedings to have corrected ac- Dated the 22nd of October, 1920. V. W. SANDS, Ww. Clerk of the City Mun isipality of the n le of Kingston h- Ap 23, Whig Office. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- Srapher, open for stenographic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Rates r le. Spe- cial rates can be Peanged. Phone | ii} White's Insurance Office, Bagot treet. . STRANGE & STRANGE IN agents; established ia 1860; only the most reliable companies repre sented. Oitjce 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVES ment Society; incorporated 1861, President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- resident, A. B, Cunningham. oney issued on city and farm propesiies municipal and cou ty ebentures; mortgages purch i investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. R, C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- Kingston. MEN. »» PLEASE WRITE TO THIS lonely girl; income for two. Box 55, Oxford, Fla. WIDOW, 56, WITH FARM WORTH 60,000; will marry. A-Box 432, eague, Columbus, Ohio. REAL ESTATE MAN, 50, WORTH $50,- 000; would marry. U-Box 35, Lea- Bue, Toledo, Chiov. REFINED WIDOW, 27, OWNING farm, desires marriage. M-Box 326, Cor. Club, Fort Wayne, Ind. + GET MARRIED -- BEST MATRIMON. 1__paper published. Fryg for 'oledo, Correspondent, BUY YOUR OUT OF TOWN SUPPLIES with Dominion Express Money Or- fess, Five dollars costs three cents. YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND dime, birthdate tor truthful, reli. *able, convincing trial reading. Hazel Hause, Box 215. Los Angeles, al. IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- thy, loving Wife, write ¥lolet Ray C., Dennison, Ohto. Enclose stamp- ed envelope. MARRY -- MARRIAGE DIRECTORY with photos and descriptions, free; pay when married. The Exchange, ept. 604, Kansag City, Mo. " MARRY FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL Jadles; descriptions and directory; ay when married. New Plan Co, ept. 204, Kansas City, Mo, POSITION WANTED, PRIVATE NURSING, "MRS, ETHEL rber, 7 Colborne Street. living room; hard finished. Immediate possession. Phone 68 and 874w. floors throughout stationary tubs; fn fact, modern in ev For Sale-Kensington Place Brick Veheer. Dwelling; Living Room; Dining Room and Kitchen on first floor; French doors leading into living room and dining room from hall, also to private verandah; 'grate in ° ; all glass door knobs, ery particular, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY = 56 Brock Street Newly YOUNG WOMAN, ofijce work, phone 2361 SITUATIONS VACANT. BIG $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample book free to spare or full time workers; repre- y making five to ten dollars daily; experience or capital _ unnecessary, immense stocks; free and deliv guaranteed, Bradley 6 Garvetson, 8 position. Tele- PERIEN EX ENCED IN 4. 2 A 1 trav i ppaiat ast oo © i 31,008 end WE OFFER Province of Saskatchewan " 80 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st_Oct., 1940. and interest, yielding 6.30%. Price 96.62 This is the. first long-term Provincial Issue since is a most attractive investme nt. City of Sarnia . w Price to yield 1914 and 6% HYDRO-ELECT RIC DEBENTURES 1931-1940 Maturities WA toe peese Price to yield py SAE - 6% % 6% % guaranteed first year nt Chance to make $2,600 and © exe us ds and qualificy- Unnecenry. 'Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. ; MEDICAL ; "EERIE " streets. CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, Nanting introductions, booklet free. rite Catholic Correspond- ¢énce Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. corner' of Brock ; Weitlagton ne : MARRY-TWO BEAUTIFUL LADIES, one worth $15,000; the other worth $25,000; wish to marry. Send stamp reply. Box 504, Tallahassee, Bw '3 MARRY WITHIN SIXTY DAYS--SEND Do money for Our new guarantees marriage plan. Nothing ever like it in C8. Address Pilot Pub. Co., Desk 46, Marshall, Mich, HINDU STUDENT, UREN, WILLING to spare few hours even ngs tutor= . ing in "Deva Nagrl" practical lan- uage of India. ne opportunity lor intended Fiasionariey or other: iy Nerested, Address 22 Owwision Bt cul er con oie, SATE ete, re« moved rmanently. Phtisractor glasses fitted and furnished afte: thers have fatlea. alse femaved years' ex en X hie Eye. , Nose, Throat Ski: MARRY IV LONELY; FOR RESUL : = me: best most su "Home Maker" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; striotly confiden- tial; most reliable; years' experi- ence; ptions free. ® Suc- onseful Club," Mry. Ball, Box 6 Oakland, Calif. LE 4 A ¥ aan in the d 15 years; thou fan > be both sex- dential descriptions free. The Old Eeliabie Club, 26, or Ry Mra 'Whrubel, Box CARPENTERING. . Y=POR Country: dat co 3 sands wealth pply $96 Princess | A PARCEL OF COFFEE. OWN- er may have same at New man and Shaw's. SET OF SIDE CURTAINS FOR A car, about two week ago, on Seeley's Bay ad. wner may have same by applying to Fred Keeler, Joyceville, Ontario, 7 AUTOMOBILE LICENSE, NO, 160674, on Wellington Street, Wednesday afternoon. Owner may have at 210 Union Bt ¥ FRONTENAC STREET, BE~ tween Upper York and Prin- -cess, on Thursday, Oet. 14th, & purse. Owner may have same at 53 Upper York St, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER. TISED F Anyone findi.g anything and Wishing Lo reach the owuer may The British Whig. The advers tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. -- "Found artijcies' aves 'mot lgst dogs, cattle, horses, These, if lost, may be ad- © column, ine clude etc. vertised for in the 'Lost do so Dy reporting the raotg to ' LOST. AUTO TIRE, FIRESTONE, 30x3%, BE- | x tween 'Dufferin and Kingston M . FM nder Kindly notify Jonn Brad Kingston Mills. > A PEKINGESE DOG ON WEDNES. day morning, has collar with name "Charles." Return to 78 Sydenham street, ur phone 1146. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, BOSTON bull dog. Answers to name of "Flossy." Anyone farboring same will be prosecuted. Finder please return to Mrs. Dufty, Portsmouth. BETWEEN LEMMON'S GROCERY, ON Montreal street and Sunbury, Fri- day afternoon, @ plush lap Tug, with initials C. P, on two corners, Finder kindly leave at Lemmon's Grocery, or Sunbury Post Office and receive reward. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. MUST RENT OR SELL BAKERY Odessa, owing to ill-health: other bakery within ten store doing good business; dwelling. Apply Noble Odessa, Ont. IN No miles; also Bona, NINETY-FOUR ACRE FARM, ON lake shore, 1st concession Ernest- town, one mile from Collin's Bay, eight miles from Kingston; frame house, good 'outbuildings! also 135 acres, same locatjon, large stone house and good outbutldings. Apply Geo. Baundercook, ColMn's Bay. Phone 1107 r. 2-2. MUSIC. 3 DAISY JOHNSON, A.T.C.M,, TEACHER of Violin and Theory. Pupils pre- pared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Studio: 307 Colling- wood street. Phone 2328W, SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, etq., large or small, guaranteed xX gol leaf; posters, shoecards etc. artistionlly written and designed 3A Shaw, at 206 Princess Street, ingeton. ¥ DENTAL. E. KNAPF B.A, LDS, D.D.S., office 268 Princess Street. Phone 653. A. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN« 169 Wellington street, over Phone Has. DRS. tists, Carnovsky's. FOR SALE. W OLDSMOBILE TRUCK. AP- o A. Glover. . SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY © der. Five dollars costs three cents. AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND CUSHIONS! | Celldlold for curtains, Judson's' Auto Tops, Brockville. FRAME DWELLING AND FIVN 46Te4 of land; near Sty Hmits. Ape ply E. Wathen, 143 Nelson. LADY'S NAVY BLUE BOTANY SERGE tailored sult; size 38; never: been worn. Apply at 308 Brock street. GRAIN ELEVATOR iN] shaftin ngers, pulieys, Apply ot A. Speisman, 31 Rideau 86 on South Macdonald street; che for quick buyer. Estate. ONE LOT, €6x133 FOOT Thee a LD'S' WHITE ENAMEL COT IN guod conduidn; also Kitchen table, ADPpPly 33 Prrentenac street, nROAr Earl street. CHI HORSE, IN FIRST CLASS cheap to qulck buyer. Apply to George Okibkos, 39 Elm street, oF 90 Prurtess Street. | THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX acres of pulpweod land. iu the oll belt of North Ontano. Enquire a Lake, 357 Johnson street, city, + T OF 1 1-4 AND 1 ik guol condition. quantity of all kinds of vaives. Ap- Nelson st. | % INCH ino OF Ply E. BE. Wathen, 143 FEW EASY CHAIRS IN FINB/ grade Tapestry at exceptionally! low prices. All kinds of repairs! executed quickly. Stoddard &; Long, uphoisters, 377 King street, Kingston. i MEN AND ' WOMEN'S CLOT temans Real! i. i UVIPMENTS, v 5 1 SHAPE; ~ 5 HING, house furniture, specialize in mills! tary boots; buy all kinds seconds! hand goods; highest prices paid. LL. Routbard. Phone 1:23. 239 Prine cess, Street. on WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF &ovd second hand furniture and Bluves. Auy person naviang stove and furniture to dispose of, we wil pay highest prices. J. T 'nompson, 483 Princess streel. Phone 1600w, MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA, 1 3 acres fertile land, susiabie ona farming, TAISING sugar cane, grows Ing citrus 1ruit, suitable cattle, hog ranch. . Price $7600. Easy terms' Kirchner, 212 B'way, New York Cuty, Ty Be FARM SITUATED ON BAY Quinte, six miles west of Bath, { @cres, ail in good state of cuitivas: tion; well watered and fenced; house with furnace; stables wi water; cement silo; all buildings a Buod repair. Holden M. Robinson! H.M.D. No. 1, Bath, Ont. i MeLAUGHLIN ROADSTER; $300; GOOD lined and serviceable, Apply Box 2.23, Whig Office. PURE BRED WHITE WYANDOTTE Pullets and Cuckerels, gome already / laying. Apply Turner, Portsmouth, GENUING GRAPHONOLA AND T selections; your own choice, Terms, $8 cash, 3 or week. . Lindsay, Limited. St. FIFTY ACRES OF FARM LAND IN lot 26, Township of Kingston; close to church, school and cheese fhc- tory. Apply to Michael M. Fowler, Glenburnie. v IMMORTALITY CERTAIN-SWEDEN- borg's great work on #Heaven and Hell, and a real beyond. Over 400 pages, only 26¢, postpaid. H. A. Jaw, 15¢ Euclid Avefj Toronto Lakeview Dalry. Farm 168 Acres, Only $6,600 Magnificent farm, big pmofit . payer; on good stone road, near main line RIT town; ~high school; 100 acres rich ma- chine-worked felds; 40-cow. spring- watered ure; ample wood; good or- chard; 10:room stone house; recently redecorated; 2 fireplaces; glorious view big lake; 2 barns; aged owner must be relieved care; cuts price to $6609; less than half cash; balance easy terms. Details this and other farms Ontario, Nova Scotia, Alberta and 33 States Page 92 Strout's Big New Illustrated Catalog Farm Bargains. Just out, Cop, free. Strout Farm Agency, 306A.F. "i PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, «ey. Princeton and Victory Bicycles, a | 80 a number of ladies" aud gents' used Bicycles and motorcycivs, At} reduced prices. Special attention 8iven to all bicycle and baby ca t riage repair work. Muller's #1 oe Fria, 371-373 King street. Phone W. } Dodge Tounng. Reo Roadster.¥ X63 McLgugnlin, verland Touring. ray Dort. 2 Ford Trucks. All in good shape, ready for the road, and can be bought on easy terms. BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sta. home 07. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, FOR ALR VIOTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY te Loan. ' $4200~DOUBLE BRICK i VENEER; § _ rooms each. pil #850--BUILDING LOT; CONVENIENT location. : - 33x1 WITH CEMENT FOUN« dation 24x30, and joice ready for bullding: good chance to bufia for youpsell. ¥ $2,000--FRAME HOUSE IN PORTS mouth, ROOMS nd C.; hol $3,400-FRAME HOUSE; @ gas; electric lights; b. a air; good stable. fLI--FRAME 'HOUSE, JOHN Tew ,500-~ROUGH CAST; 1n ROOMS) toilet and stable) $3,500~FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION street. #3,100--FOR TWO FRAME H "rooms; toilet aa ek G. A, BATEMAN, : 159 Wellington Street, Kingufnn LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, erg and SeolicHors, Street, Kingston. A. ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, cor of King dnd Brock. over Ro: Ban Money to loan. Phone 1 1% Clarenes Cunning Manning Chambers, Toronto, a Jas. § . Foot Auction Sales . Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, ' Phone 1721 or 1438. 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. |- We offer a limited quantity of PEA COAL "Our own preparation. & Co., - Limited of. Johnson Street Slt I y {HIGHEST PRICES PAID § 1H iH . Por Se 'Iron, Meta and Ty rE Phone 1840w, . . ~~ M. ROSEN & C0. 140 RIDEAU STRERT - 4 A Reo Bus : Room for 13 people; will make i - pose; In best of order--g1,00.00, Ati i a 13 wd i 5 8 3 UsEs;'¢ BARRIST.