SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1020. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Are a Great Temptation Es- pecially to the Women of Ireland. The following appears Church of Ireland Gazette: "Space did not permit me to refer 'in last week's notes to the sermon preached in St. Patrick's, Ballyma- carrett; by the Red. John Re B.A, on the question: "What shall we do with the wrecked spirit gro- ceries and publichouses?" It ap- pears that 209 spirit groceriés and publichouses have either been com- pletely or partially wrecked. The great majority (145) were complete- ly wrecked, and the remainder so damaged as to be put "out of action." 'Within the Parish of Ballymacarrett 64 spirit groceries and 4 public- houses were completely, wrecked. "Would to God," exclaimed Mr. Red- mond, "that we could prevent every one of the 58 from ever opening agaln for the dreadful traffic they were ef- gaged in!" The publicuouse is bad enough, but the spirit grocery is very much worse. Situated as they are in side and back streets, they are a tremendous temptation to the men, and especially the women, in the vie- inity of them. There are no less than 60 of them, in eddition to public- houses, within the boundaries of St. Patrick' Parish. It does not re- quire much stretch of imagination to realize the baneful effects produced by them amongst the families of the working classes, Many are the de- vices used by the proprietors to popu- larize their establishments, - in the Here are some of the experiences of the Vicar of Ballymacarrett. He says: "In cases I have heard of, this has been. done by giving free drinks to customers, In cases I have heard of, free drinks of wine have been pressed upon women until they began to buy it because they wanted it themselwas: It is a matter of com- mon talk that women dre given drink in numbers of these places while it 4s entered up as groceries in the accounts for thelr husbands, so that while" the man is away at his work, the spirit grocer may be working the ruin of his home and his family. Those who live in Ballymacarrett will acknowledge that I am not over-stat- ing the case. The dreadful extent of the evil done by spirit groceries in this parish will be suggested when I say that all of them before the riots appeared to be flourishing. The pro- fits madé by those places are aston- ishing. Two days ago I hearl of a man who had come to Belfast penni- less, the son of a labourer, and got started as a spirit grocer in a side street. In fourteen years he had cleared £28,000. Yesterday I heard of another spirit grocer who had bought his place as a grocer con- cern, and had every year cleared what it bad cost him. Within the last few days I heard of another similar case. One of these men in fourteen years had cleared £28,000 in a side street! That was one side of the account. "What was there on the other side of the account? How many quarrels between husbands and wives? How many crimes committed? How many timeg had hungry children cried for 1¢rt to buy boots and stockings? HEw | many children had died in infancy, | and how many boys and girls had | | been carried off by consumption be- | cause of the wages that went to make up that £28;000 1 know, and you SoLVE THESE Rip DLES | who live In these districts kn fw, and {the police and doctors know, that | these" words of mine are not merely | sensational fiction, but represent real | and woeful facts. Qnite recently I| was talking to a judge, who told me-|, En What is it that vo aaaaming 167 that never see i that drink was in some way connect- | ed with practically every crime that |/ any man who does not wilfully close | his eyes to facts can deny that the | liquor traffic on the whole, and par- | ticularly as carried on by spirit gro- cer$, is absolutely fhe greatest curse of our time. And the astonishing thing is that, while we all know that this és so, we should at any cost hesi- tate to drive it from our midst. I say it is simply astonishing that a eh people, not to say a Christ- | fan people, should tolerate it. What, | then, shall we do regarding these | Answer DRY E YEAST Answer ICE LENS wrecked spirit groceries and public- | ERE are four riddles for boys aid gicle with houses? Would to God that the 40,- | 000 people living in this parish, Pro- | | testant and Roman Catholic, would ! rise -up as one man and in righteous | : iddignation demand that not one-of } them should again be opened as 1i- | "wise heads. 'We told the artist te draw the ctures to represent the riddies, but he the right aoswers--aad put them ia tool L we barred him from the contest and told him | censed premises either by Roman | | Catholid or Protestant. It may be | information to many Protestants fo | { know that there is a strong temper- | {ance movement in the Roman Cath- te it a secret. Luckily, he got the answers all feria up, 80 you won't be any the wiser. * I you can unscramble the jumbled letters be- neath each riddle picture and put them in their right order to spell the right words, ysu will have the right answers. It isn't an easy e Wheat Ot Here are the names of oaly a few of the boys and girls to whom we have already award- Chy FIRST PRIZE, Genuine Culver Chummy Racer... .......... $280. Second Prize, Real Typewriter... 40! Third Prise, Genuine Autographic , . Kodak Folding Camera Fourth Prise, Magnificent Gold | oc Church in Ireland. The 'Catholic | Total Abstinence Federation' is re-| {ported to have a membership of about 1200,000; while the Father Mathew | Union, which is confined to' priests, {has a membership. of nearly 1,000. This knowledge "encourages me to appeal most earnestly to the Roman | Catholic clergy in East Belfast to use i their great power to dissuade the ow- | ners of the 58 wrecked spirit grocer- | les and publiclpouses in my parish | from opening them again for their | {evil traffic, and to use the large sums! they have already made and the | money they will receive as compensa- | tion to put into business that may be | useful and not a perpetual curse to | our people. "But let me not be misunderstood," | continues Mr. Redmond. "*I do not | wish by anything I have said. to sug- gest methods of physical violence. | We have had more than enough' of | lawlessness. The police and people of Ballymacarrett know what efforts I made to save from destruction these very places against which I am | preaching tonight. And why? Be-| cause the spirit of lawlessness is the | evil gpirit. If it wrecks and loots a Roman Catholic's spirit grocery, it | may in the same evening wreck and | loot a Protestant boot shop. I saw the same créwd that did one, doing | the other. If any of these places | that were only partially destroyed | should be repaired and opened soon | again, what should we do? Indulge | in physical violence once again? God | L forbid." Mr. Redmond points out quieter and more effective. way. "Do this," he says, 'For one month let no resident of this district ever dar- ken their door for-any purpose what- ever. If that is not enough, give | them another month of the' same | treatment. I venture ,to say, few | would wait for a third month of this | innocent and inoffensive but very of- | ' fective treatment, and fewer still for | a fourth month." food when it was not there to give them? How many times had children gone to school in the cold and wet and frost of winter with naked legs and feet because there was no money providing a striking lesson for Tem- seldom succeeds. At Rrra | It is common knowledge that the | lessened facilities for obtaining al- coholic liquor in Ballymacarrett are | more comfortable. ment for the Prohibitionists. This is Mr. Redmond's expeérience. He says: '"Ballymacarrett is already be- perance advocates and a strong argu- ginning to feel the good results of | freedom from the evil spell. of the gpirit grocer. Yesterday afternoon a woman spent 27s. in a shop on the Newtownarde Road, where I happen- ed to call, on two or three things to make her house a little brighter and She said her hus- band had sent her to get the things, as they had saved the money because the spirit grocer had gone. The owner of the shop told me that he had been taking at the rate of £1,000 a year more for such things since a fortnight, or go after the spiritygro- ceries had been destroyed in July. Now is an opportunity for the churches, both Protestant and Ro- man Catholic, to make their voice heard. And if the law is such that our people cannot be saved from the many-headed monster being let loose upon them again after it recovers rom the wounds inflicted on it re- ently, then let us, in the name of God and of humanity, organize our forces and look to our resources against the time, possibly not far dis- tant, when we shall be able in Ulster to 'launch a victorious offensive against the greatest enemy of our progress, prosperity and happiness. That will be a victory very precious in the'eyes of Him Who worked dnd died and now strives through the centuries to bring In the Kingdom of God." The man afraid to take a chance ~ They are healthy. Life is them, and they These are the everybody likes. Years, they are cheerful are wide But there. aro. way Very many in Dr. Chase's Nerve RE years of age my heart became very lrregular and and would kind of old people that For, n spite of the men and women have found 5 eed 1 trength | End keep then eaithy and happy. _*- As an example Mr. Stephen J. LE.L, writes: Lid weak 4 | § : : % Growing Old Together rv HIS 'aged couple, mellowed by time \ and the experiences of life, are hap- pily growing old together. : happy "because they are still full of interest to There can be ment contained awake to new years optimistic. . It is only natural that the blood should wane as age advances, of keeping up the . qual f the blood and maintaining SY ay he 58 : i exactly what Ii ! fen f "At ve 3 i £ i ] i Fk i § i g 5 14 xactl Leards ~ letters of a we can, greatest confidence, recommend advanced Food on trial, as a maintdining health and vigor. fi i no doubt that this treat- what was required system. #0 many people of o to Dr. Chase's Nerve of restoring and them carefully on a sheet of white on noting but your four answers ai and address in the upper right-hand cerner of the pag punctuation and pi more than, one answer is correct. : i We will writs and tell-you immediately if you nd send you a handsome illustrated list of all the prizes that you.can win. thinking, psttence and perseverance may find you the answers. Try it. : have found the answers, write per. your name If you think you .. Handwriting, neatness wil 1 count if re cefrect, a - Watch and Chain or Girl's Wrist Watch Fifth Prise, French Baby Doll and Wicker Carriage x Sixth Prise, Moving Picture Ma- chine, with Film Seventh to Tenth Prises, Self-filler Fountain Pens. each.....&.... Put TY hs atch will close on June 20, ido Bot Ve Corin a will sed 704 the Ramee share too. boys EE Ta N wired to answers thia very evening to 4 THE RIDDLEMA Den' 43 753.289 Spadina Ave.. Taranto, Out. THE MAN ON WATCH If you happen to meet any of those mild winter prophets this month or next, put some itch powder on their whiskers. , It 1s established beyond all doubt by the police magistrate that twe per cent beer will not intoxicate. The Lampman' decided long ago that it was waste of time and money drink ing the stuff, which was only good for 'the Rev. Ben Spence's marriage feast. After reading about the Kingston automobile that was stripped from stem to stern in a brief space of time, the LLampman concluded that all the Tirst-class thieves were not in Michael Kennedy's penitentiary. The Kingston kids should have their Hallowe'en intentions an- nounced from the chureh pulpits on Sunday, and let it be known whether they intend to observe the event next 'Saturday or Monday night. Doubtless they will choose Saturday, so as to give the stores a chance to shell out. It ig reported that some.of the peni- tentiary convicts used some very vil- lafnous language this week: Well, ac- cording to reports, some of those in authority over them can make them look like beginners when it comes to the use of the profane language. he Smallpox is again paying us a visit, but after all this detestable disease is far less to be feared than the flu or diphtheria. Ontario street hair cuts are still twenty-five cents. The police do their own swearing, while the rest of us have to hand out half a dollar for a hair crop, which we gladly do for the trim and perhaps a tip on where to get a wee drap of Scotoh. The G. W. V. A. should have gone ahead with their auto raffle in behalf of something just as worthy as a church of a charity. That Ontario law which makes fish of one and flesh of another would never stand the gcrutiny of a real court of Jaw. and what were our oiffcials doing that they allowed outside concerns to clean up the town in the summer with their games of chance? Some sections of the community may hold raffles, says an Ontario a sorry spectacle. Is it any wonder the medical profession declares that |the law is one hundred years behind the science of medicine? A lazy husband's act {s advocated. Would it not be better to ask the medical; research men to make a serum to cure laziness? Have you ever heard of how cattle suffer when shut up for days in rail- way cars? Well, what is just about how prison convicts feel when a holi- day comes on a Monday and they are ghut in their cells for the week-end period, with the exception of a par- ade to chapel. Do not for a moment the penitentiary are really bad men, for they are not. The proportion of real criminals oui there is small. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. Rare Manuscript Found, One of the most famous books in the world, the Fourteenth Century manuscript of the "Romance bf the Rose," of which only two other known copies exist, was found d>y a gangér on the bank of the railway near Chatillon-sur-Seine, "Fiunce. He took it home and struck by the curi- pus seript and the gorgeous margi- nal miniatures, informed the police of Anis find. . Further research revealed two cases, partly open, both containing old books and manuscripts. They formed part of the famous lbrary of the Museum of Meaux They had been removed during the German advance of 1913, and were being tert back.--Datrcit News. : Pomestic Strategy. v + He--Why do you say such hard things about Bridget to our callers? She's 'a treasure; the best cook we ever had. She--How little you men under stand your wives' problems. If I told the truth about her those women would be falling over themselves in their efforts to get her away from us. Boston Transcript. Very many times we find a gener a ous spirit handicapped by a lean statute, while otlers may not. What think that the bulk of the convicts in | EGG COAL ............$16.50 per ton STOVE COAL .-. $16.50 per ton NUTCOAL............316.50perton PeaCoal .. iii $15.00 per ton Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D. SOWARDS COAL CO. PATTON'S DYE WORKS | | (Late Montgomery's) | Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess st. 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