\ THE- DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity 1 Dyspepsia Cure M.D. advises: "Persons who : suffer from severe indigestion and constipation can cure them- selves by taking - fifteen to thirty drops of Extract of Roots © after each meal and at bedtime. This pony is known as Mother Curative Syrupin the drug. trade." Get the/genuine.. 50c, and $1.00 Bottles. » 1 | Sencnsncnsessssersreres LUMBER We have a shed accommodation for a half million feet of lumber. si' $ Drug Store § Kw r-- ficers appointed were, Councillor Wm. Inglis, president; and J. Lafreniere, secretary-treasurer. With these of- ficers, two representatives from each lof the four unions in Renfrew will | act as an executive committee, ton for his 'prompt action in getting the fire under. control, and also the | neighbors for their kind assistance. iae-------------- Suddenly at the Sault. Toil Bn a native of Picton, and an esteemed resident until a few years ago, died suddenly at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Since leaving Picton Mr. Tait has divided his time between Toronto and the Sault, having daugh- ters living in both cities. He died at the home of his son-in-law, Cap- tain Keith. The deceased was a ship | A Visitor in Belleville. Miss B.'V, Greaza, Kingston, was the guest over Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs, John G. Meagher, Octavia street, Beéileville. . rm ---------- Held a Confirmation. Archbishop Spratt administered the sacrament of Conf Tat lon to sixty-four candidates at St. | church, Prescott, on Sunday ae BUILDING ?| , , ire, U. T. DePencier has disposed, of REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? hisifarm near North Rideau " to Estimates given by + Matthew MoLean, Bishop's Mills, ; : i for. $5,500. The farm is ene of the O. Aykroyd & Son finest in that section.of the vountry. 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. DR. A.W. WINNETT "This enables us to keep in nice dry condi- tion, a wide range of sizes in all the usual grades. Armands 'and Pompelan' "Tollet Preparations Powdeérs, Crea 3. Per- fumes and Toilet Walters, se tected for l4dies of ex- clusive taste. 2 SSA iiiiltslsssassss = {IE Winner of Golf President's Cup. The_ honor OF winning the presi. N ; dent's Br in the annual competition A NGI I ¢ C O. . Woodworking Factory land Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellingtos carpenter' of repute and for many . freets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 08. Factory yéars was in charge of Hépburn's | R wv Phome 14.5. ship yards where he constructed and , rebuilt craft ot all kinds. v Barns Are Destroyed, Appeal Allowed, Fire of unknown origin destroyed At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, in Ap- a frame | and byre, a log barn {peal Court, the case of Fuller vs.{ and stable belonging to Power Dow- [Thomas was heard. It was an action dall, township Of Drummond. Thelto recover $999 for value of lumber estimated loss of the Contents, com+|cut, and goods and chattels of plain- of the [Brockville Golf and Country Club fdlis to C. 8. Cossitt, who de- feated D" A. Cummings two up in the finals. The competition this year attracted a large number of followers of the game at every match and the elimination contests during the past few days were especially interesting. SEAL LEEA POY POPTTIETIY Austin's Drug Store Will Take Part, » Principal R. Bruce ' Taylor, of Queen's: University, has accepted an invitation extended by the Queen's Alumni Association of Western On- tario to take part in their St. Apd- TOT TETTTToeT TTR IYOT TT YT YI Mee 'BULBS Kingston - SALA alrt x ' orm ? THOMAS COPLEY . Phone 1318w. Streets DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson 'and Wellington * Phone 868 Telephone 987. + * Wanting anything dome in the AI tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; alse hard- waod floors of all Kinds. pH) orders will receive Prompt attention. Shop: 8 {Queen Street. AARAREAANNERERER 'Saturday Night We take Photographs on Satur | day night from 7.80 to 10.80 o'clock. HE MARRISON STUDIO Watches and Clocks | Repaired : ey Ye G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year, Call gr 'phone and your ore der will 'be promptly attended oth change of address: "Photo 1866. 267 Princess St, 92 Pfincess Street. Ld a a rr -------------------------- Kingsion Co-operative Society, Ltd. * PROVISIONS--MEATS - FRUITS LIPTON'S TEA only 60c per Ib. We close Wednesdays at 1 p.m. B. 0, SMITH, Manager. i W. R. McRae & Co. : GOLDEN LION BLOCK. ~ PATTON'S Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP' For Choice Groceries and Provisions =2 STORES 210 Division Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired. DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) = Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 840 Princess St. FOR SALE 4 Goo, CLEAN COAL. MATTRESSES Don't throw away your od Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new, Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 21d6w A. Chadwick & Son Ew location: {Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Mea 5 Wagmiali Bramble Jellly. DID YOU EVER TRY Ww tafl's Gi Wagaialls Fincappie Marmalade, ot makes of Marma- lades, Jam and. Jellleg for sale at; We also bave . + other reliable Cor, King and Earl Streets License No, 5-27149 Phono 1844. R. J. Saks & Son Jmptmer Phone 1588 and Get Prompt Davie & Barrett yew's Day convention and celebration at London. Attending a Banquet, R. J. "Bushell, manager and secre- tary of the Kingston Industrial Fair, went to Belleville today, where he will be a guest at the annual ban- quet tendered by John Elliott, man- ager of the Standard Bank in Belle- ville, to the cheesemen af Hastings county. Married at Uxbridge. On Oct. 16th, at Uxbridge, the marriage took place of Elva, only daughter of Mr; a Mrs. Walter Gould; to Charles Vaughan Wilkins, B.Sc., Trenton, the bridegroom's fa- ther, Rev. W. T. Wilkins, é¢onducting the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins will reside. in Glen Miller, Ont, Had Three Fingers Broken. When his left hand became caught between two rails while loading scrap on a work train. Albert Cain, aged fifty-two, of Lyn, a Gtand Trunk trackman, had the last three fingers | of his hand broken. The injury was dressed by Dr. E. 8. Bissell, Mallory- | town, following which Cain was able to return to his home in Lyn. Dr. Cleaver Injured. Rev. Dr. Cleaver, Belleville, was injured, though fortunately not ser- iously, on Saturday by a fall from his bicycle. He ran into a depression on the roadway that was congealed with leaves and the unexpected jolt threw him to the ground in such a way that 'his face was considerably cut and bruised. A Quiet Convocation. The proceedings of Convocation at Queen's University on Wednesday night were very tame from the stu- dents' standpoint. Years ago the stu- dents were quite 'lively on all such occasions, but beyond a few college yells, the students were very quiet. They were strictly on thefr good be- haviour. However, they gave the speakers liberal applause. To Have a Council. The various labor unipns in Ren- frew have decided to! organize a Trades 'and Labor Coungil and to apply for a charter. The! protem of- DEATH HOVERS OVER WEE KIDDIE AT PLAY Three = year - old Hides Leaves In Path of' Locomotive.. Lindsay, Oct. 21.-~Death hovered over a tiny three-year-old girl at play on the Victoria avenue railway tracks here Monday, She and some of her little com- panions had been gathering*autumn leaves and piling them on the tacks; taking turns to bury one another. She wag "it" and had curled up in her little nest between the rails, com- pletely hidden from sight, when En- gineer Hutchinson entered the town with a long string of freight cars. Leaning from his cab window he saw the heaps 'of leaves covering the tracks and the children playing along- side. Proceeding slowly, the pilot of his engine had almnfost reached the leafy heap when the towzled <urls and laughing face of the tiny girl popped up from their hiding place. 'With screaming brake shoes and a grinding shudder the heavy train canie to a Btop within juches of the little ome. a Apout the first thing a child learns in this strenuous old world is how got to behave. The man who imagines he never did a foolish act isn't wise enough prising farm produce, implements and nimals is- placed at $1,740, with th® estimated loss on buildings as $2,500. Only $84% in insurance is held. The dwelling also caught fire but was not seriously damaged. Death of Wm. M. Brown. William M, in' Belleville.. He was eighty-four years of age and. was born in Adol- phustown. For fifty years he lived in Belleville. For twenty-three years he lived on Moira street, conduct- ing a grocery. He leaves his wi- dow, one son, Sidney H., Wisconsin, and four sisters: Mrs. Mahala Pat- terson, Prince Edward _ county; Mrs. Cornelia Craig, Calgary; Mrs. Adelia Smith, Iowa and Mrs, Ame- lia Lawrente, Michigan. Smallpox Outbreaif. Because of an outbreak of sma oh pox in Morrisburg, Dr. Paul J. loney, of Ottawa, provincial er of health, has ordered "all public aprusement places and pool rooms in the village closed for an indefinite period. 'Six cases have so far bceh reported and, according to the Leader, there are prospects of from forty to fifty cases within a week. Dr. Maloney declares that it is the worst outbreak, Whe has ever éxperi- enced. ie Defeated But Not Disgraced, At Queen's Convocation on Wed- nesday night Principal Taylor stated that Queen's had taken on a pre-war swing, and had new hopes, and incl- dentally he noted the sports pro- gramme. The football team had been in two encounters. The hoys at Queen's had been defeated in these two matches, but had 'not been dis- graced, and the remarks of the i rin- cipal were received with rouads of applause. Fire on Stephen Street. George Robertson, Stephen, street, writes the Whig, stating that the fire at his place did not start around a"gas stove as reported. Mr. Robert- son points out. that he has mo gas stove in the house, and says that the fire started in the partition between the two front bedrooms. The cause of the fire is unknown. Mr. Robert- son desires to thank Fireman New- AT CAMDEN EAST. The Ladies' Aid Having Methodist Church Roof Shingled. Camden East, Oct. 20.--W. Pyne, Dresden, called on his aunt, Mrs, N Steadman, and other friends. in the village last week. R. Longmore spent a few days recently with friends at Campbellford. Mrs. James Henderson is seriously ill. The anniversary and thanksgiving Sunday last were Well attended: Rev. J. A. Waddell; Kingston, gave two fine sermons, which were appreciat- ed very much. Rev. H. J. Latimer went to Kingston to take charge of Rev. Mr. Waddell's work. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Snider and | Riehard Glover spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. B. Yeomans,' and attended the anniversary services. A number from here attended the kit- chen shower at the home of Mr. gnd Mrs. Drew, Violet, in honor of their son and daughter, Mrs. George Babcock was called to Verona to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Cephas. Peters, who is very low. Robert Glover is home A month's absence. Mrs. Hogeboom and Roy Perry took dinner with Mrs, L. H. Stover on Sunday last. The Ladies" Aid have a number of men shingling the Methodist church this week. Geqrge Babcock, road superintendent for this district, is re- pairing the roads. A number. from here attended the convention at Wes- Brown died Monday] tiff alleged to have been wrongfully taken by -defendant. At trial judg- ment was given plaintiff for eight dollars and otherwise Hi§ action was dismissed with cd8ts, and judgment was given defendant on his counter- claim with referenceto master at Picton and with costs. Further direc- tions and subsequent costs reserved until after report. Appeal argued and allowed as to the injunction | against waste and dismissed as to all other matters. Defendant to have costs of appeal; To Wolfe Island Branch. At the first meeting of the execu- tive comnmiittee of the Wolfe Island Bible Society, held at the Anglican rectory, on Tuesday, 12th inst, the following were appointed collectors: Simcoe and Wolfe Islands : Mrs. George Eves, Sr., Mrs, Sterling Orr, Miss Elsie Allum, Miss Emily Spence, Miss Francés Horne, J. S. Armstrong, Miss Jessie Cooper, Miss Marjory Keys, Mrs, George Keys. Mrs, Thomas Rogers, Mrs. (Rev.) Thomas Leech, Miss L. Woodman, Mrs. Monte Fawcett, Miss Marion Healy, Mrs. Richard Halliday, Miss M. Irwin, Mrs. Raymond McFadden, Miss Clara Gillespie. Garden Island: Miss Kennedy. The collectors were urged to ac- complish their work as soon as pos sible and hand in returns to George Keys, ---------- Nearly an Accident. An accident which might have been attended by serious. results took result on Monday night, near Frankville, Clark Eaton and friends | were on their way home from Athens, when the lights on the car | went out. Thinking that he could | make home without danger, Mr. Eaton proceeded on his way. When | about a mile from his home he Tan | into a surrey . driven by Parker | Richards with six people: in it who had no intimation of a car being on | the road. They escaped very luck- | ily, the horses being slightly cut | about the legs agd other daraage be- ing done to the surrey. The wind- shield on Mr. . Eaton's car Was broken and the lamps and other parts of the machine damaged. The occupants, though startled by the collision, escaped injury. JUMPED FROM BRIDGE. | -- | He Committed Suicide in Presence | . of Fiancee. | Fort Edward, N. Y. Oct. 21.-- | Leaping over the railing of a bridge spanning the Champlain Canal here after a quarrel with his sweetheart, Mise Elizabeth Kennedy, a telephone operator, Danfel T. McCormick, Jr., son of Daniel T. McCormick, Sr, manager of mills for the Internation- services in the Methodist church. onal Paper Company in this place, com- mitted suicide by drowning. | The act was committed in the pre- sence of Miss Kennedy, with whom he | had just quarrelled. The young wo- | man fainted when McCormick drop- ped into the ¢anal channel. Hundreds of villagers gathered at the scene watching volunteers drag for the body, which was taken from the water an hour aftér. McCormick was well-known in Northern New York in sporting circles. Early this season he was manager of the Inter- national baseball team here. During the war he was in the navy. Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Importing direct from Holland we have saved considerable, and are giving customers this ad vantage. You can buy Bulbs # from us at less cost than anyWh ére in Canada hd the quality is there. - ~ We have also a few high-gra de Canaries, Which we guarantee ' xt every regard. It pays to buy tested birds A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET Phone, 061; Ree. 2088W. i - t 4 ( 'Comfydown" is a Paramount Mattress, with a personality. . The result of the -- conscientious care with which it is built. gr : Manufactured by~-- Kingston Ma \ . SALES ROOM ; 136 Princess Street Phone 2283. FALL CLOTHES" (of the finer quality), For Men And Young Men SMART. NEW MODELS IN FALL "SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 (All. Prices Between) BEST, WEARING CLOTHES VALUES rfl w TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel. Taste ( Good Creates an appetite, aids digestion, - purifies the blood, and thus relievés scrofula, catarrh, the pains and oches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. ~ Nearly §0 years' phenomenal sales tell the story eof the great merit and success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is just the medicine you need now, Hood's Pills' help--fine cathartie, Delivery v ley on Tuesday. "A. Gallagher, Port- land, Mr. and Mrs, W. Kerfoot, of Smith's Falls, and Mrs. J. 8. Gal- lagher, Harrowsmith, were at Mrs. James Skinner's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cewall and two child- ren, Napanee, spent Sunday with MF. and Mrs. F. Coakwell. A. Gile and son, Stanley, Harlem, called on Miss Grace Gallagher on Tuesday.' Wel- lington Perry returned home after spending the summer with his nephew, Mr. Perry, of Gretna} to 3 Sun what Tally 1a. PLUMBING and ONLY $2.95 TINSMITHING Now is the fime to have your Fur- nace repaired before the cold wea- ther sets in. See us for prices, 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688. Bargain For This Week Ore 43% h.p. Massey Harris Engine; nearly new. ssgsaseay Sssseseeyd Watch our advertisements each week. E. Brawley STDERR, SXrkiio s Is "Flu" Time _ =~CAMPHOR GUM Labor to Deplore i Irish Reprisal London, Oct. 21 EAE Hender- son, the labor lead@r, presented in the house of commous a motion of the labor party regratting "the state |4 of lawlessness 'nn Ira'and, and the|} lack of discipline o{ armed forces, wa.ch resuited in the death of inno- nent crtizens and the destruction of. property." 'The motion expressed the opinion that . an . independent investigation shouid immediate y be instituted into Maxim 'Batteries give: 'Maxim Service andare .Made-in-Canada. They are guaranteed. "Also all our repairs. . Try our F ree Testing Sggvice Kingston Battery Service Co. Cor. Quéen and ~Bagot Streets. " Gentine Bargains 7 For This Week ' "Good fine Blue Serge Suits, --CARBOLIC ACID ' low price at a 848.00 a --SRYCO-TRYNOLINE - .* Special heavy Winter Ulster the causes, naiure and extent of the * =LISTERINE . Overcoats, bargain price $35.00. BI 8 | [Te prisals. ' OIL EUCALYPTUS Sweater Coats from $3.50 to ! 4 : We recommend "Wampole's $12.50. tig Solution" ty be used as a Sek fine Underwear --. n's--$2.50 per. Suit. . So. Wool. Underwear $4.00 per Suit. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET Women's Gunmetal Patent Leather _ Boots, buttoned or laced, Louis heel and low heel; all sizes in the lot for, ie e1etes $2.95 Had Miraculous Escape. Belleville, Ont., Oct. 21. Shaughnessy, timekeeper of the dard Paving Company, in com with two other employees, was ing a Ford oar on Mill street when" something went wrong with the steer- ing gear, causing the car to swerve |' oe plunge headlong into a sewer excavation about fourteen feet deep. From the road, only the rear of the car was visible. The men miracul- 'ously escaped with a few bruises, hile: the machine was badly wreck: Busan x An ni Try one of our Patent Bob- sleigh Couplings. It will please you. A Our-make of Bobs all a ¢ x The Repair Shop.' eat