THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. i TOWN OF TRIM SCENE OF DISTURBANCES.' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1020.) 4 BUY 1934 VICTORY BONDS at 93 i YIELD 6. 25% You will reap a nice profit a little Tater and assure yourself of the above yield for a ong beriod of time if you wish. Bogard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. Hr § Ordering Suits ----to-day requires the most careful con- sideration. You may also. require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of certain 'Cloths. After 35 years in th€ business we claim to be able to advise in this direction, It costs nothing to call and have a talk on.. Woollens with us. iy TTRUREETRRCT y i E I CRAWFORD & Walsh Tailors : Bagot and Brock Streets. El I I -------- A SB Eof Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ws -- -- 1 Hi For Over Thirty Years = (ASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper FUE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. - a o -r I Tecreation I'd planned and my recrea- animals 300ed and mooed soft expres- s | stock pem, the cows followed her ws Ee -------- ------ FORD PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER, 22, 1920 ROADSTER, 'without starter .. .. $730.00 - ROADSTER, with starter . ..,.. .845.00 TOURING, without starter ..... 805.00 TOURING, with starter 920.00 MEIPE, toe frat roi 1, 290.00 | SEDAN. ... BS raTtoie po 2 1s reiistet tutors -1,405.00 , STANDARD CHASSIS, without % : starter. . .. .. ir a 395 00 . STANDARD CHASSIS, with. : Rr SIATIEr. ..o a sole frisiirn 695.00 TRUCK. CHASSIS, without starter 795.00 "TRUCK CH SIS, with starter ., 900.004 [il . FORDSON CTOR ... .. .. 790.00 Mi Plus freight fiom Dearborn and- exchang, I These prices are F.O.B. Kingston, i er ; ing freight and Government taxes: : { vant anLuvenBros. ~~ me men got) into office with 6 op bition ag get out with ghne at wl Fi man es, le ole Often a benedict 1s but -an 'bachelor who was overtaken by mis- fortune and a widow | when last seen were wending their Hl ety. The ruins of a Shop in Trim, County Meath, Ireland, wrecked in reprisal for Sinn Fein raids. LIVED UP TO HER MOTTO Indianapolis Weman Had Made a Rule . and. Intended to Let Nothing Stand in the Way. She 1s one of Indianapolis' most |1as been a mystery for some time, {has at last been attributed to black And.! leg, 'although none of the usual signs ol" the disease has been successful business women--naturally;" too, one of its bestyiatured ones. her three small nephews idealize her | quite as much as do her business asso- clates., One afternoon she had prom- ised im a party out in the country and a wiener and marshmallow toast by the fireplace of their old country { home. But fer two days it rained and | on that afternoon it was raining, toe. =| Ihe three youngsters piled into her of- ! fice, their faces all full ef disappoint: | ment. - But she smiled at them. "Get your waterproofs," 'she commanded. "Why, are we going?' they asked in amazement. . "Why, of course," she mimicked their tone. "My car can get over worse roads than that." They Tushed away after thelr coats and the woman next her began to pro- test against her making this trip. "It's something that isn't necessary," she began. . "But it is, something that is neces- sary," the other interrupted. "It's the tion is as necessary as my work. It keeps up my morale. You know that a rala like this couldn't keep me away from my work--neither will I let it keep me away from my play. That's the motto I've adopted for life; and it's a very efficient one, too."--Indian- apolis News, COWS KNEW THEIR MISTRESS Weman Whe Had Leet Pets Mad Ne -- Trouble at all In Proving Owner ship of Them. J A happy reunion took place at the union stockyards, Herr's island, Pitts- | burgh, an exchange declares, late the other evening, when Mrs, P. J. Riley of Fox Chase road, O'Hara township, | "| rescued her four stolen cows, awaiting | their Soom 'at the hands of the exe- cutioner. During & heavy rainstortn the other | afternoon the sninidis were stolen from 'the pasture and driven to the stockyards and 'seld. County 'detec tives traced fre cows, but among the hundreds of ether "bossies" were un- able to identify them. Mrs Riley was sent for. As she stepped into the big. pen a stampede among the animals Tor a time threatened serious - conse- quences. When it had subsided, the detectives who were with Mrs. Riley were amased te see four of the cows rushing toward the woman. Brushing their heads against her shoulder, the . slens of relief. Overjeyed, Mrs. Riley grasped each around the neck in tara, stroking their glossy coats and pefung, them: 7 > When their mistress left the big obediently as well-trained dogs, and way to their home on Fox Chase road | with their mistress. Valuable New Metal. + A mew invention, called condpeting, alumina, 'which is said to be creat: ing a profound \impression, has been made by Dr. Geerge Giulini, the most fameus expert in the alumiitum trade, states Consul Philip Helland, Basel, | Switzerland, in a recent report. This . new metal is produced by putting the | ordimary aluminuwin through a special patented process, by which It acquires Js sdid that the price of the new metal can be kept within very low ll §| 50 that, even at the pre-war prices other metals; Tt will be able, by reason" 'of its 'sma specific weight, to com- pete with copper and brass very faver- The fact that the new métal is 8 conducter will make it especially in_ "X | demand In' the electrical trade. it Valuable Tool Chest. "War created many Ingenious de- vices, developed in the time of stress to ald the fighting men en the battl front; but capable of adaption te Hi Hi {SitKay, veterinary, of Fenelon § A take Aspirin marked with the scribed by phy SE a Cattle Killing Plague Found to be "Black Leg" Lindsay, Oct. 21.--The large num- ber of deaths among cattle in Veru- lam township, the cause of which black leg disease. Up 164 Per Cent. London, Oct. 21.--The increase of 164 per cent. The food controller apparent among the cattle affected. Dr. J. i. acres less than last year. ep -------------- a blood test from one of the mals to Ottawa for examination. It tractive. (ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" - ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All 'without the "Bayer Cross" nr contains complete a u are getting rea nine A pirin re- s for over ears. Now made in Canada. fle ont Aydin ccept only "Ba; Tablets of | lots t a few cents, Aspirin" in an unbr "Bayer" also soll larger "Bayer" pa There is only ons Aspirin Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- A r of Sallcylicacid, While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer eT public against imitations, Ihe avis of Bayer Company will be stamped with their genera] trads mark, the * package which and for padage 'Then - | Aspirin--the name "Bayer" or you are not taking | teen Aspirin at all. \ a was adjudged to be affected "with ~ govern- ment, in the house of commons, stat? ed that the latest figures of the cost of living in Great Britain showed an | announced (that area under wheat was 368,000 Plain duties are naturally unat- 1 I ------------ a Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us your measurements now. ie - Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. : 3 ; : Victoria Street A ---- A I FR We | hs ig { ' Kingston Industrial Exhibition } "VETCRAFT" THE HANDIWORK OF DISABLED SOLDIERS.' '+E: WARBURTON, / Sole Distributor { NJ Wholesale and Retail 79 Princess Street, Kingston. Stang No. 47 * Phone 2277 I, ----- "FOR SALE. Brick; Hot Water, Brick; Hot Water. Brick; Hot Water. New Brick; Hot Water, New Brick; Hot Water. Stone; Hot Alri Frame; large baras. 84% Collingwood Street . .. Frame; no furasce. King Street Large store and dwelling, Also three houses under cons truction on Edgehill strest, and a bungalow on Mack Street. Buy mow mad have finished to sult your taste. Insurance of all kinds. Victory Bonds bought, sold and exe changed. Apply toi== ' J.O.HUTTON 174 Barrie Street ... 377 Alfred Street ... 413 Johnson Street . 31 Alfred Street .. mY Princess Street . 23 Wellington Street 5. . 468 Albert Street 67 CLARENCE STRERT Phone 703. Footwear Fashion's latest d&iow tates in Ladies' Evening Footwear. . Handsome Slippers and Sandals full of style and elegance, Many new and exelu- nive things to interest Young women. Young women can find here Pressy Evening ' ¥ootwear of genuine distinction that will a" thelr heart's desire. $6.00 up to $12.00, erland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES The Economy In Buying The Best bi A twelve-month-old Fashion-Craft Suit will look better and more distinc- -- ' tive than an absolutely new Suit poorly made. The shape retaining fea- tures in Fashion-Craft Clothes are due to unseen merits in their construc- tion, not found in lower grade tailoring. "Test it in the next Suit you buy, wr i syle a 2 re MR. W. P. CRYDERMAN Special Order R epresentative for Fashion-Craft Quality Clothes will be here Thursday and Friday, with a full range of - cloths, models-and fashion plates for Fall and Winter WAKEFIELD HATS :| ---MOORE'S HATS -- KNITTED COATS & PULLOVERS NECKWEAR FOR GENTLEMEN