Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Oct 1920, p. 9

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ee Tr YHURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1920. ort { sanitary Biscuit factory in Arerica. | MOTOR CARS PALMER You Do Not Cure Constipation You must prevent it "It isn't like measles -- these secretions away by caught---endured--cured-- never to return. : _ Constipation can be so ever- returning as to become chrenic. The best way to be free from it. is to prevent its » by removing the © Salts or ils patly clear - the bowel but do not re- mov: hard secre! Hons that's the name. $1.00 bot- that cause constipation, = But Pandl' should tke' oivanoes8 for 4 BB'S The Par-ol Company R. G. WEST & 00., Distributors ONTARIO 80 George Street MUFFINS hot--Eagle Brand gives --_-- 0 py ® since 1857." re at Sree Maree Ta i and sugar are used. 5 . Nr THE BORDEN COMPANY), Our recipe booklet free % , | needed. "| and fartners here have their potatoes | From the Countryside "FRONTENAC _ BUNKER'S HILL. ! 0Oét. 20.--Quite a number attended the service in the Methodist church on Sunday. Mr. Gregory and Charles Babcock were present from Verona. George Wilson is engaged in thresh- ing tor some of the 'people of the neighborhood. LELAND. ~ Oct, 16.--The fine weather of thé last few days has enabled farmers to. about complete plowing. J. Ruttan is doing good work with his new trac- tor threshing machine. A. Wilson is alsg in the neighborhood with His gasoline outfit. A 'number from here L cock's, Raymond's Corner, on Wed- nesday last. Mrs. Isaac Molliroy has returned to her home in Keelerville, after visiting her parents here. Mr. Sage; Flint, Mich., called on friends recently, Mrs, T. D. Smith is visiting her daughter, Mrs. O. Cumpson. Miss Mrs. A. Ritchie, Wilmur. A few from here attended the thanksgiving mar- ket on- Saturday. : ~~ . a ~ARDEN. O6t-19.--The sale at B. Barker's on Wednesday was well attended, everything going at a good price. Er- nest 'Barr and Miss Myrtle Mosier were quietly married at the Metho- dist parsonage by Rev. R. Stocker, Miss G, Jeffrey, Parham, visiting at Mrs. A. Pringle's. Miss Florence Steele and brother, Cecil took tea at Q. Steele's, Sunday night. Mrs. Wm, McCutcheon, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving with her father, S. Alexander. Quite a bunch of our youngsters at- tended .the dance at Mountain Grove Friday night and report having a fine time. Some going with autos and some with hana cars, Mis. H. Hannah Mrs. A. Miller, Mrs. B. Dellor and Mpe. Stocker attended the missionary convention at Centreville. Mrs. Jas. Alexander has been visiting her sis- ter and friends at Napanee. MYER'S CAVE. Oct. 17.--D. B. Trask, Welland, left on Monday for his home after spending a couple of weeks fishing here. Clarence Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Menor, Odessa, "at Charles MaoGregor's, last week. A party from Toronto spent the week-end at T. D. Perry's. Samuel Kirke and Ray Mor- rison, Tamworth, made a flying trip through here to John Smith's, Ar- doch, on Saturday. Wilfred Perry at the Cave oh Sunday. Norman Cram, Carleton Plale, and a party of nine motored to C. MaoGregor's, Sunday, to spend a few days fishing C. Wales, accompanied by Miss T. MaeGregor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Minor, Mrs. C. Mac- Gregor and son, Willlam, attended Northbrook fair, on Wednesday. Mr. Wales took first p running a rdce with his baby grand car. Ervin Smith took dinner at T. D. Perry's, Saturday last. 8. Kirke called here on Sunday. Jack Simpson and sister, Marjorie, Napanee, accompanied by Miss Reeves, Ottawa, were guests here last week. Samuel Grey, Ar- doch, and sister, Mrs, William Young. Tamworth, at C. MacGregor's, Fri- day night. George Perry is home from R. Bauder"s. Mrs. John Grey and daughter, Mary, Harlowe, and Mrs. R. Grey-Roblin, called here Sat- urday en route to Mrs. Alice Grey's, Ardoch, A few from here motored to Northbrook, Wednesday evening for the. dance. > : KEELERVILLE. Oct. 18. -- Threshing is the order of the day; if the present fine weather continues a few more days it will be all finished up in good shape. Grain is turning well. Potatoe digg- ing and corn cutting is about all done and fall ploughing will be In full swing by next week. A great many were disappointed in not being able to attend Bushell's big fair at Kingston on account of the rain. The school children are having a few holi- days pn account of the teacher, Miss Pauline Anglin, attending the con- vention at Sydenham on Thursday and Friday. Miss Mildred Anglin, Napanee, is home for Thanksgiving. Chas. Clark and family are spending Thanksgiving day at Thomas Clark's, Cedar Lake. John Robb and family visited at Mrs Townsend's, Joyce- ville, Misses Susie and M -Sleeth spent Sunday last at Orham- Baxter's, Califoipia. Mrs. E. Andrews and don, John, visited -at- James ' White's, Jones' Falls, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott and son, Millburn, at Robt. Dixon's, Sunday. Miss Mildred Yateman, Inverary, at her home on his son's, Edward Sleeth, on Sunde last; Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, Newboro, Westbgro, at J. E. Anglin's. . | Read, W. Sagnuel Janifteson, Battersea, is over- eeing 4 road job here and will make a" great improvement which is much ' WASHBURN'S CORNERS. Oct. 18.--Ideal weather prevails ~ ~oout all dug and fall ploughing well under way. The party at H. Moul- . ton's on Friday night was well at- tended. Report says Samuel Hol- lingsworth has purchased the Morri- lingsworth sym: Rev, Mr. Wright. Oct, 18M the v No, - Jennie Yorks Out- ¥ attended the sale at Mrs. H. Bab-' Thelma Ferguson is visiting her aunt, | Sunday; John Slesth, Cedar Lake, at | are visiting at Alex. Jackson's; F. W, 1 { A number {rom here took in Wilson's sale at Gananoque on Saturday last. | Andrew Dillon spent a couple of days | last week at Gananoque attending the teacher's convention. CHARLESTON. c Oct. 18.--Mrs. McKenney and chil- dren, Frankville, were visitors over Thanksgiving at the old home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. King and Mr. and Mrs. A. Boulton, Young Mills, were Sunday visitors at John King's. The farmers are wishingefor rain so they ¢..n do their fall plowing. The fure- ral of the late John Spence was held on Monday at the résidence of his son, Samu-l, and was conducted by Rev. V. O. Boyle, Athens. The re- mains were afterwards interred in the cemetery at Oak Leaf. B. Stack, Brockville, was a recent visitor here. W. Morris is threshing: at W. Halli- day's. Miss Doris -Anderson, Syra- cuse, N.Y,, was a visitor over Thanks- giving with the Misses Hudson, There was a social evening at C. Murphy's on Thanksgiving. Miss™ Lillian Boulton, Carleton, is visiting Miss Mary Johnson. " SELBY, . Oct. 19.--A number from here at- tended the -W.M.J, convention at Wesley on Tuesday. Misses Price and Denison attended the teachers' con- vention at Napanee last Thursday and Friday. Miss © W, Fargsworth spent Thanksgiving with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hudgin and children spent Sunday with friends at Tweed. The League intends hav- ing a debaté soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Amey and daughter and*Mrs. J. Gome, spent Sunday at Dr. File's, Ameltasburg, Mr. and Mrs. G. An- derson and baby spent a couple of days last week with his father. Mrs. F. Rose returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong, Deser- onto, spent Tuesday with Miss A. Wood. Mr. McCarken, Toronto, spent a couple of days recently with his sister, Mrs, E. Doldge. MILLHAVEN. Oct. 15.--O0Owing to the fine wea- ther, the farmers have finished threshing and are starting to plough. John Clement picked a dish of rasp- berries on Friday last off his bushes and treated his neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacFarlane and family, Kingston, spent Sunday at Fred Wemp's. Mr. apd Mrs. John Clement spent a day recently at Thomas Lewis', Bath. Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Milligan, Toronto, and Miss Gretta Milligan, Kingston, are visiting at Oscar Amey's. An enjoyable time was spent Friday evening last at Frank Collins' when the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sams gathered and presented them with a variety shower, On September 25th, Mrs. Henry Bullock passed away in her tifty-fifth year. She Had been ill for some time, Surviving her loss, be- sides her husband, are three daugh- ters and a son, Mrs. J. B. Franklin, Milthaven, Mrs. Alman Young, Ports- moutM, and Miss Eleanor and Cyril, at home. BLOOMFIELD. Oct. 20.--Neilsotr Cahoon, an old resident of this locality, passed away on Saturday night. He is survived by 4 large family of grown up children. Mrs. John Striker, Wellington, Mrs. Wilfred Haight, Mrs. Arnold Raynor and Miss Susie Cahoon, Bloomfield, are daughters. The sons are Dr. F. Cahoott, of this place, and Charles and Gordon Cahpon, Ploton. Thomas Cooper, Winnipeg, is visiting hig bro- ther, H. Y. Cooper. John Ashley, Lockport, is visiting his parents and sisters here. The evaporators have started. The canning factories have closed after a big season's pack. Caniff Haight, Toronto, is visiting triends here. Ralph Leavens and fa- mily, are spending a few days in To- ronto. Fine autumn weather is help- ing along the fall work of silo filling and apple picking. Joseph Rippin, who has sold his farm to Herbert Knight, is moving to Bloomfield i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Tires '90 Tires Tires Try Our $17.00 Tire at W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 216. Travelling about the country to; ©., is sleeping and eating In & speci- reduce' the high cost of living, edu- cate his son and enjoy his middle age life, Frank Hayrold, ot Canton. well worth its price. ally constructed: touring car, the construction of which has been con- verted into something which closely resembles the body of a Pullman ear. " REPAIRS! _ REPAIRS! Welding is not a side-line with us. We guarantee our workmanship. All broken parts made as strong 4s new, Water Jackets and Crank Cases weld- ed without heating. KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINCESS STREET. DENTIST i83 Princess Street. 'Phone 733 WE, TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teoth Dormoform Gas aammistered for e%= traction. Safe amd painless, OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 .~ THE Greene Piano Is Well Worth Its Price SOME REASONS: Present factory wages are material of pre-war times. almost equal to both wages and 'Where other products advanced as high as 800%, Pianos advanced in the same period only 30%. This advance just about covers the advance in wages alone. Materials are still on the advance. Piano prices cannot defiate because there has never been any inflation, : » Piano prices are just where they should ha ve been five years ago. A good piano is indispensible in the home and compared to other manufactured articles .is Let our salesmen explain more fully. The J. M. Greene Music Co., Limited ERREEEEEREEERRES "THE HOME OF GOOD MUSIC" . Stores at Peterboro, Lindsay, Belleville, Kingston, Barrie. Do you know there are only two methods of Knitting Underwear? 1. One is the method used in the manufactur- ing of "CEETEE" -- knitted on full fashioning ma- chines, which "knit - to - fit"'--- used only by Turnbull's, and by no other underwear man- ufacturer in anada. THE PURE WOOL UNDERCLOTHING THAT WILL NOT SHRINK "The Woollen Underwear without the itch" 2. The other method is that of knitting on circular knitting machines, such as are used by every other manufacturer of knitted underwear in Canada---also by 'Turnbull's, for their other lines. Good appearance, "wonderful softness, case and comfort in fit, with quality always first, the best yarns, the most modern process of manu= facture--are embodied in all Turnbull's Under- wear. For over sixty years Turnbull's have specialized in the making of high: grade, knitted underwear in Canada. Sold by tho Best dealers, | MANUFACTURED ONLY BY There are two things fo remember, when buying 1.-Buy "CEETEE" if you possibly can. 2...11 you cannot bay "CEETEE™ buy TURNBULL'S. Worn by the best people. INN - SSOP dnl nS PDP | FALLBROOK. Oct. 19.-- Farmers have commenc- ed ploughing. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cameron over the death of their little boy. A number of adults | and children are suffering from grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Halt is vi her father and mother, Mr. and 4 John Kirkham.- A number from attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Millikin, Maberly, on Sunday. William Bain and wife, Cedar Ra- 'pids, Iowa, are visiting at George arren's, in Fallbrook. Mrs. William ,| Warrington and little daughter ar- rived home on Saturday. A number of the young le were home for Thanksgiving. iss Agnes Ennis and Miss Moena Cammeron, Ottawa Normal school, spent the holidays at their homes herd. Lloyd McKerrascher, St. Anme de Belleville, and Dr. E. J. Walroth, » | Smith's Falls, spent Sundey at home.. the questions of tone and and natarally. Call at our store and ef a close-up of this beautiful instrument. Ask us to explain Ask us to demonstrate why the straight tone arm allows the music to deyelop fully . Don't fail to ask for a demonstration of the Non.Bet Automatic «+ Of course we want you to see the Columbia Grafonola. But. above all else we want you to hear it. Then and only then will you realize why it is the cKoice of musicians and of those who appreciaté correct tonal effects." eal Columbia Grafonola tone control. graph can get Stop. Never stops befdre it should. Al. whys stops at the very end. Nothing to moye or set or measure. No other Phono- "this interesting andl convineing close-u of the Columbia Grafonola. ' it. Be sure to call and get ) DR. NASH

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