Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1920, p. 4

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4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. LE : Ew WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1920s rs A Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us your measurements now, Allan Lumber Co. Phone1042, : ; ; 3 } | | Ee TE | | Victoria Street ee J THE MAN WHO DOES NOT WORRY | About His Tires is the Man RI Who Uses MAXI TIRES For sale at the Home of Maxofires. 254 ONTARIO STREET, PHONE 2030. SSG = Ordering Suits ----o-day requires the most careful con- =| sideration. You may also require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of certain Cloths. After 35 years in the business we claim to be able to advise in this direction, he It costs nothing to cali and have a talk on Woollens with us. CRAWFORD & WALSH Tailors Bagot and Brock Streets. ; FA A, HS Nm. ~ > a il- FORD PRICES EFFECTIVE | SEPTEMBER, 22, 1920 ll. ROADSTER, without starter .., «.$730.00 I ROADSTER, with starter . 845.00 lf TOURING, without starter ....., 805.00 fll TOURJNG, with starter ..., ...., .. 920.00 i COUPE Ista] (tei [ehei lagei teiei [eioiele] (a) 1,290.00 SEDAN ...... ranpetariors « 1,405.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, without Starter .. .. oun. 0. 595.00 STANDARD CHASSIS, with starter... cucu ienii 695.00 TRUCK CHASSIS, without starter 795.00 TRUCK CHASSIS, with starter ~ 900.00 FORDSON TRACTOR ,. .. ... 790.00 Plus freight from Dearborn and exchange JThesé prices are F.O.B. Kingston, inclyd. ing freight and Government taxes: I VanLuvenBros. I Ford Sales and Service 34-38 Princess St. i i Hf | -------------- Ee ---------------- A A i -- -- -------- © wie |e "else It is approaching time to con- sider winter storage of Batteries. Do you not require your Battery : properly and scientifically cared for during the winter months, in order that it may come out in Al condition in the Spring? We have every facility for doing this, Come in and we will tell you all about it. THE MARKET REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS. : Torontos Toronto, Oct. 19.--Manitoba oats ---No. 2'C.W.,.78¢; No. 2 .CW., 67%c; extra No. 1 feed, 67c; No. 1 feed, 68c; No. 2 feed, 63c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barley--No 3 Cw, $1.20; No. 4 C.W., $1.17, 'in store Fort William. Manitoba wheat---No. 1 Northern, $2.45; No. 2 Northern, $2.44; No. $3 Northern, $2.34%; No. 4 wheat, $2.28, in store Fort William. American corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.- 30; nominal track, Toronto; prompt shipment. Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 64c to 68c. Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, $2.- 05 to $2.15; No. £ Spring, $2: to $2.10; shipping points,°according to freights. Peas--No. 2, nominal. Barley--$1.10 to $1.15, according to freights outside. Buckwheat--No. 2, nominal. Rye--No. 3, $1.65, nominal, cording to freights outside, Manitoba flour--§12.50 top pat- ents; $12 government standard. Ontario flour--3$§9 bulk, seaboard. Milfeed -- Car lots -- Delivered Montreal freights, bag included-- Bran, per ton, $45.25; shorts, per ton, $50.25; good feed flour, $3.50. ac- Chicago, Chicago, Oct. 19.--Wheat--No. 2 bard, $2.22. Corn--No. 2' mixed, 94c to 94%c; No. 2 95¢ to 96¢c. Oats--No. 2 white, 56cl4ec to 67c; No. 3 white, 55¢c. Rye--No. 2, .75. Barley, 94c to $1.06. Timothy seed, $5 to $6.50. Clover seed, $12 to $20. Pork, nominal, Lard, $20.75. Ribs, $17 to $18.50. yellow, Winnipeg Winnipeg, Oct. 19.--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.39%; No. 2 Northern, $2.39; No. 3 Northern, $2.303 ; No. 4 Northern, $2.25; No. 6 Northern, $2.15; No, 6 Northern, $2.05; feed, $1.95; track Manitoba, $2.348; track Saskatchewan, $2.348%; track Alberta, $2.345;. Oats--No. 2 C.W., T4c; No. 3 C.W., 68c; extra No. 1 feed, 68c; No. 1 feed, 67c; No. 2 feed, 64c; track, 71c. Barley--No. 3 CW, $1.22; No. + CW, $1.18; rejected, 95c¢; feed, 95¢; track, $1.11. Rye--No. 2 .C.W.,. $1.86. Flax-- No. 1 N.-W.C.,. $3.03; No. 2 CW. $2.99; No. 3, do., $2.63; condemned, $2.63; on track, $3.01. Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 19.--Canadian Western, No. 2, 96¢c; No. 3, 8Sec. Flour--New Standard grade, $13. Rolled oats--Bags, 90 1bs., $4.10. Bran, $40.25. Shorts, $45.25. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Oct. 19.--Flour 30 to 60c higher; in carload lots family patents quoted at $12 a barrel in 98 pound cotton sacks. Shipments 66,- 139 barrels. Bran, $30 to $31. Wheat, cash No. 1 northern, $2.- 21% to $2.24%; Dec., $2.14; March, $2.11%. ; Corn--No. 3 yellow, 90 to 91¢; oats, No. 3 white, 5135 to 51%c; flax, No. 1, $2.77 to $2.79. LIVE STOOK MARKETS Toronto, Toronto, Oct. 19.--Choice heavy steers, §14 to $15; good heavy steers, $12.50 to $13; butchers' cattle, choice, $12 to $13; do., good, $10.50 to $11.50 do., medium, $8 to $9; do., common, $6 to $7; bulls, choice, $10 to $10.50; do. good, $9 to $9.25; do., rough, $6 to $8; ] utchers' cows, choice, $9.50 to $100 o,, good, $8.- 25 to $9; do., common, $6 to $7; feeders, best, $10.25, to $110.25; do., 900 Ibs., $9.75 to $10.25; do., 800 Ibs., $9 to $9.50; do., common, $7 to $8.50; canners and cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; milkers, good to choice, $100 to $165; do.,, common and medium, $65 to $75; lambs, yearling, $8.75 to $10; do., spring, $11 to $11.50; calves, good to choice, $18 to $19.- 50; sheep, $3.50 to $7; hogs, fed and watered, $19.25; do., weighed off cars, $19.50; do., f.0.b., $18.25; do., do., country points, $18. - Sr, Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 19. --~Cattle--Good and choice steers, $15.50 to $17.75, about steady; others averaged 26c lower; spots off 650c: bulk grassy kinds, $8.50 to $14.25; butcher cows slow, 25 to 50c lower, mostly $6 to $9.25; canners, $8.75 to $4.15, steady; bologra bulls, $4 to $6.75, steady; calves, 50 to 7ic lower; choice veals, $14 to $15; grassy erns, 13,500; good trades, $10.75 to $12.50, steady; others very .draggy and averaged 25c¢ lower, §3.2°% to $10.25, Hogs--Top early, $15.75; practical top late, $15.50; bulk light and butchers', $15 to $15.65; bulk 'packing sows, $14 to $14.35; pigs, 25 to 5Cc lower; bulk desirable kinds, S14 to $14.50. Western lambs, $12.50; top natives, $11.80; buik, £10.50; fat sheep firm; top ewes, $3. bulk native ewes, Western yearlings, $9.76; feeders steady; $5.25 to $5.75: choice wethers, $7.75; choice feeding lambe, §12. N Montreal. Montreal, Oct. 13, .--- Cattle ~- Butcher steers, good, $9 to $11; medium, $8 to $9; common, $6 to $8; butcher heifers, choice, $8.50 to $10; medium, $7 to $8.50; comm n, $5.50 to $7; butcher cows, choice, $7.50 to $9; medium, $5.50 to $7; canners, $3 to $3.50; cutters, $3.50 to $4.50; butcher bulls, common, $4.25 to $5. Good veal, $12 to $15; grass, $5.50 to $7. Sheep--Ewes, $3 to $6.50; lambs, good, $12; common, §8 to $11. Hogs--Off car weights, selects, $19.50; S0WS, $15.50. : GENERAL TRADE, to.. ! Toronto, Oct. 19.--Butter, choice dairy, 55 to 60c; do., creamery, 65 KINGSTONAUTO SALES C0. Limited - CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS. Telephone 600. to 70c¢c; margarine, 1b, 37 to 40¢; eggs, new laid, doz., 65 to 80c; » 1b, 40 to 4Be; chickens, spring, 1b., 45 to 50¢; fowl, 1b, 35 to 40c; dlicks, spring, 1b., 45 to B0c; tur- keys, 1b., 65 to 75c; apples, barrel, $1.76 to $4; apples, basket, 30 to 60c; cantaloupes, basket, 60 to 75¢; oranges, doz, 30 to 75¢; plums, bas- ket, 50 to $1; peaches, Can., 11-qts., 75¢ to $1; do.,, 6-qts, 40 to 60c pears, 11-qts, 75¢; quinces, 75¢ to $1.25; lemons, doz., 20 to 30c; beans, bas- ket, 75¢c to $1; beets, 11-qt. basket, steady, $6 to $10.25; receipts Wast- | | 40 to 50c; carrots, new, 11qt. basket, 40¢; cabbage, each, 5 to 10c¢; cauli- flower, each, 10 te 25c¢; pumpkins, 15 to 25¢; celery, 2 bunches, 25¢; gE plants, each, 10 to 15¢; leeks, bundle, 40¢; lettuce, leaf, doz., 35 to 40c; potatoes, bag, $1.75 to: $1.90; do., peck, 35c; parsley, bunch, 5 to 10c¢c; Peppers, green, basket, 75¢ to $1; tomatoes, 11-qt. basket, 50 tc | 60c; squash, each, 15 to 20c; vege- | table marrow, 10c. {THE SUDDEN PASSING OF BELLEVILLE MAN License Inspector Richard Arnott Drops Dead of Heart Belleville, Oct. © 19.--Richard Ar- nott, license inspector for the south- ern part of. Hastfigs county and Prince Edward county, dropped dead on the market square on Sunday, while taking two men to the police station who were intoxicated. Heart disease, of which Mr. Arnott had been a victim for some time, was the cause of his death. He was about fifty-eight years of age and was born in Belleville. He had been inspector for a number of years and was a faithful officer. He was a member of the Methodist church and identified with the Masonic society. A wife and family survive. - {A Young Boy May Lose His Eyesight Norwood, Oct. 19.--Harold Davis, the sim year old son of Alexander Davis, of this village, met with an unfortunate accident when he was hit {in the eye with a stone thrown by an- {other lad. It is feared he may lose [the sight of his eye. He was taken to {Peterboro by Mr. Bruce Livingstone by automobile the night of the acci- dent and Dr. Buchanan, eye special- ist, placed him in the hospital, where an operation was made on the optic. This is the second occurrence in this village of a child losing hig eye- sight through being hit in the eye with a stone. Parents should fmpress upon their children the danger of throwing stones. Belleville. Boy Injured When Struck by Auto Belleville, Oct. 19.--Jack Wills, a lad twelve years of age, whose home is in this city, was severely injured when he was riding a bicycle on the Trent road and was run into by an auto. The lag, suffered a compound fracture of the right ankle and was severely bruised all over the body. Fortunately the car did not run over him. The wheel was wrecked. Who Will Win. Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 19.--Senator Harding will carry New York state by a decisive majority, Senator Wadswonth will be re-elected by many thousands of votes less, and, at this writing, there is serious doubt whether Al Smith, the pride of Tam- many's heart, will be re-elected gov- ernor. Miss Jean Daly, Napanee, left To- ronto Sunday night for Winnipeg, where she will be physical instrue- tress at The Robertson Memorial House. Miss Marion Spencer, Watertown, N.Y.,- has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Willlam Pennell, Napanee, and her cousin, Miss Lottie VanAlstyne. A A aan, Glorious Relief! Corns, Callouses,, Foot Lumps Go You'll feel like a kid again, you'll be tickled to death at the painless, quick riddance of all your corns once you paint on Putman"s Extractor. Do it to-day! Dealers everywhere have been selling this safe, depend- able and sure remedy for nearly fifty years. Only costs a quarter. Does the trick every time. 5 : Putnam's Corn Extractor was the first corn remover on the market, has to-day the largest sale, and simply becalse it's by long odds the best. -- - $500 WILL BUY Five Shares Preferred amd Five Shares Common a --------------. of a new lssue of a PULP & PAPER COMPANY which we are at present to our clients. Larger or smaller amounts will buy in propertien. REMOVAL NOTICE Robinson &Wiltshire Auto Repair Shop is mow located at MARTIN'S GARAGE 110 CLERGY STREET All kinds of work promptly at- tended to. & PHONE 1192w, It pays to save Your Newepapits, Magasines and fcrap material----we are paying g00d prices / YOU MAY NBED Pipes for water or fsaving or & tent for next summer. Call on na L Cohen & Co. Fg 836.37, 267-378 ONTARIO STRER? "You're right! In the busy season when a trip to town is necessary, you need a car that is ready to go. And the best car is no good without proper lubrication and good asoline. Imperial Polarine and Imperial Premier Gasoline ave kept my car running 'slick as a whistle' every minute all season." : » Steady Dependable Service assures a motorist steady, dependable service from his car. It gives correct lubrication_to every type of motor and every moving part. It keeps your motor running smoothly and quietly. } I MPERIAL Polarine , Cd Imperial Polarine maintains, under all operating conditions, exactly the right body to seal 1 compression and reduce wear--it burns clean. Imperial Polarine establishes and-maintains a power tight seal between piston and cylinder walls. Its body is er high heats and the gruelling friction of engaging parts, Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you buy oil. It shows which of the three grades described below is best suited to your car. ' ' Six sizes--gallon and four-gallon sealed cans, steel kegs, half-barrels and barrels. Buy by the barrel or halfybarrel and save money, Sold by good dealers everywhere in Canada. : WIPER, larine IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE EAVY IMPERIAL POLARINE A (Light medium body) (Medium heavy body) #* #17 (Extra heavy body) "A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR MPERIAL OIL LIMITED Power - Heat'~Light - Lubrication Branches im all Cities al sa in Internal and External Pains are promptly relieved by pe THoMAs" ECLECTRIC OIL THAT IT HAS BEEN 80OLD FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS 0D DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER [ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty, Taxi Service In connection. Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 15377. AND 18 A BEFORE 1S A SF STIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR ITS 378% BROCK STREET? TO- NUMEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIES, Sn enn Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Prest-O-Lite and Battery Service for all makes. McLaughlin Motor Cars. Reliable used Cars. Sedan Tops for any make of car. Auto Tops, Slip Covers, Up- holstering. Painting and Varnishing. Vulcanizing and Tire Sectioning. Storage far Cars. General Overhauling. Samson Trucks, Tractors, Plows and Harrows, a Open Day and Night Blue Garages, Limited Phone 567. ° H.M. FARR, 129 Brock Street rt HAVE YOUR STORAGE BATTERY LOOKED AF- TER BEFORE COLD WEATHER COMES, IT WILL FREEZE, IF NOT FULLY CHARGED. EXPERT MANN CHARGE OF BATTERY DEPARTMENT. 7 1

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