SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1020. al 1 Hallowe'en Novelties MASKS, CAPS, APRONS, FAVORS AND TABLE DECORATIONS Everything that is needed for Hallowe'en parties for the little folks and grown-ups up SHEER REREAD --at-- R. Uglow & Co. ETE A A ' "GIFTS THAT LAST" Pearls clasps, F your work is hard on to endure a hot | your eyes corrective glass- es are needed. 'The lenses that will be prescribed by our skilled optometrist will furnish the exact assistance needed--they will not be too'weak or too strong. Eye examinations rarely show the condition of the two eyes to be the same. Don't let your eyes adjust themselves to glasses. We will make the proper lenses. ties. Priced from $12.00 to $75.00. Jewellers 100 PRINCESS STREET Phone 336. Marriage Licenses Issued. LJ. : SE RTO OOOO Richelieu In all lengths up to thirty-six inches with platinum and gold These Pearls are guaranteed boiling bath and retain all their fine quali- Kinnear & d'Esterre || a A Ati List of poultry prize winners at the Brahmas, cock, lst, V. F. Silmser, hen, 1st and nd, Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd, Keith Hull; cockerel, 1st, Mrs. La- pointe, 2nd and 3rd, Robt. Paynter; puliet, lst, Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd and 2rd, Robt. Paynter, Langshane, cock, 1st and 2nd, Hol- land Bros; hem, 1st and 2nd, Holland Bros; cockerel, 1st ard 2nd, Holland Bros; 3rd, R. Paynter; pullet, 1st and 2nd, Holland Bros, 3rd R. Payn- ter. Cochins, hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe. Plymouth Rocks, barred, cock, 1st and 2nd Jos. White; 3rd Mrs. La- pointe; hen, lst, Jos. White, 2nd 'Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd D. E. Wark; coc- kerel, 1st, W. J. Arnjel. 2nd and 3rd, Jos. White; pullet, 1st and 2nd, W. J. Arnel, 3rd, Jos White. White Rocks, cock, 1st, Mrs. La- pointe, 2nd, G. L. Bliss; hen, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd, G. L. Bliss; coe- kerel, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd, G. L. Bliss; pullet, 1st, J. Marshall, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd G. L. Bliss. Rocks, A. O. V. Cock, 1st-and 3rd, | D. E. Wark, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, | 1st and 2nd, D. E. Wark, 3rd, Mrs. | Lapointe; ocockerel, 1st, Keill and | Som, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st, | Keill and Son, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe. Golden Wyandottes, cock, 1st and | 2nd, C. S. Parkes; hen, 1st and 2nd, C. 8. Parkes, 3rd, Mrs. Lapointe; 5 I THE DAIL List of the Poultry Prize Winners At the Recent Kingston Fall Fair F. J. Coldham, 2nd, Mrs, Lapointe, 3rd, Keill & Son; pullet, 1st, Keill & Son, 2nd and 3rd, F. J. Coldham A. 0. V. Orpingtons: cock, 1st Mrs Lapointe; hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. La- pointe; cockerel, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, Cornish: cock, 1st, H. Larose, 2nd, | Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd, D. E. Wark; hen, ! 1st and 3rd, H. Larose, "2nd, D. E. Wark; cockerel, 1st, Kelll & Son, 2nd, D. E. Wark, 3rd, H. Larose; pullet, 1st, D. E. Wark, 2nd, H. La- rose, 3rd, Keill & Son. A. 0. V. English Breeds: cock, 1st, and 2nd, D. E. Wark; hen, 1st, Mrs. I&pointe, 2nd, D. E. Wark, 3rd, V. F. S8ilmser; cockerel, 1st, V_ F. Silm- ser;pullet, 1st, V. 'F. Silmser. Houdans: cock, 1st, Clugston Bros., 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd, H. Larose; hen, 1st and 3rd, Clugston Bros., 2nd, H. Larose; cockerel, 1st, | H. Larose, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; pul- let, 1st, Clugston Bros., 2nd, H. La- rose, 3rd, Mrs. Lapointe. Black Hamburgs: cock, 1st, H. Larose, 2nd and 3nd, H. Robinson; hen, 1st, H. Larose, 2nd, H. Robin- son, 3rd, C. S. Parkes; cockerel, 1st, H. Robinson, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd, F. Joyce; pullet, 1st and 2nd, H. Robinson, 3rd, F. Joyce. Hamburgs, A. O. V,, cock, 1st and 2nd J. McCourtie, 3rd Mrs. Lapoints; hen, 1st and 2nd J. McCourtie; 3rd V. F..Silmser; cockerel, 1st Mrs. La- IT | cockerel, 1st and 3rd, C. S. Parkes, | 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st and érd, C. 8. Parkes, 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe. | Orr, 2nd and 3rd, B. O. Whitney; hen, 1st and 2nd, H. R. Orr, 3rd, B. | 0. Whitney; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, B. O. Whitney; pullet, 1st and | 2nd, B. O. Whitney, 8rd H. R. Orr. White Wyandottes, cock, 1st and | 2nd, Clugston Bros., 3rd, J. Marshall, { hen, 1st, Frank Biddulph, 2nd and | 3rd, J. Marshall; cockerel, 1st and «nd, Clugston Bros., 3rd, J. Marshall, | pullet, 1st and 2nd, Frank Biddulph, { 3rd Clugston Bros. | Partridge Wyandottes, cock, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J. G. Patterson; hen, | let and 3rd, J. G. Patterson, 2nd H. | R. Orr. cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, J. | G. Patterson; pullet, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, J. G. Patterson. | Wyandottes, A. O. V. cock, 1st, C. | S. Parkes; hen, 1st, C. S. Parkes, 2nd | 1st, C, 8. Parkes, | | R.I Reds, 8. C. cock, 1st, B, Coul- | ter: hen, 1st, B. Coulter, 2nd, D. E. | | Wark; cockerel, 1st, A. Jarrett; pul- | let, 1st and 2nd, A. Jarrett. { | R. 1. Reds, R."C. cock, 1st, H. A. ; | LeHeup; hen, 1st and 2nd, H. A. Le- Heup; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. BURGLARY INSURANCE Now absolutely essential, Rates-- The House of Better Glasses Cc. Opposite the Pest Office Phone 699. NGSTON. S. KIRKPATRICK 38 Clarence Street A. LeHeup; pullet, 1st and.2nd, H. A. LeHeup, 3rd, A. Jarrett. S. C. White Leghorns, cock, 1st.| R. Sinclair, 2nd, D. E. Wark, 3rd, G. L. Bliss; hen, 1st, G. L. Bliss, 2nd R. Sinclair, cockerel, 1st 2nd and 3rd, W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices mederate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. 1897 WELLINGTON STREET Angrove's Rep Scales, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. satisfaction. Talking Machines, Bicycles, do. repair work right and guarantee H. Boyes, 2nd, J. W. Norman, Brown Leghorns, cock, 1st, F. He- bert; hen, let, M. Wart, 2nd and 3rd, | F. Hebert; cockerel, 1st and 2nd, /F. Hebert; pullet, 1st, M. Wart, 2nd and 3rd, F. Hebert, S Black Leghorns: cock, 1st, 2nd and Desk Lamps and Table Lam For Students H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO. 167 Princess Street. 3rd, J. 8. O'Neill; O'Neill, 2nd and 3rd, cockerel, 1st and 3rd, J. S. O'Neill, 2nd, E. Sewell; pullet, 1st, 2nd and A. O. V. Leghorns: cock, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh; hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh; cockerel, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh; pullet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, H. Walsh. Minorcas: cock, 1st, C. Maxam, 2nd, J. M. Anderson, 3rd, Mrs. La- | pointe; hen, 1st and 2nd, C. Maxam, 3rd, J. M. Anderson; cockerel, 1st {and 3rd, J. M. Anderson, 2nd, V. F. Silmser; pullet, 1st, J. M. Anderson, 2nd, V. F. Silmser. Anconas R. C.: cock, 1st and 2nd, { J. Colclough; hen, 1st and 2nd, J. | Colclough; cockerel, 1st and 2nd, J. Colclough, 3rd, E. E. Ruttan; pullet, 1st and 2nd, J. Colclough, 3rd, E. E. Ruttan, Anconas, S. C.: cock, 1st and 2nd, Kelll & Son, 3rd, Mrs. Lapointe; hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Keill & Son; cock- 'Used Pine Lumber Several thousand feet of 2" Pine now being removed from the Elevator, foot o Gore Street. or This is nice Soft Pine, of good lengths, easy to work 'and is very cheap. : Also several tons of 4' and 5" Nails at a bargain. S. Anglin & Co. OFFICE PHONE 66 erel, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd, Miss A. Gardiner, 3rd, W. Duncan; pullet, 1st, Miss A. Gardiner, 2nd and 3rd, W. Duncan. Campines: cock, 1st, J. W. Lake, 2nd, E. BE. Ruttan; hen, 1st, E. E. Ruttan, 2nd and 3rd, J. W. Lake; cockerel, 'ist, D. BE. Wark, 2nd, J. W. Lake, 3rd, E. E. Ruttan; pullet, 1st, D. E. Wark, 2nd, E. E. Ruttan. Andalusians: cock, 1st and 2nd, H. Larose, 3rd, J. McCourtie; hen, 1st, H. Larose, 2nd, J. McCourtie, 3rd, D. E. Wark; cockerel, 1st.and 3rd, J. McCourtie, 2nd, H. Larose; pullet, 1st, J. McCourtie, 2nd and 3rd, D. E. Wark. A. O. V. Mediterraneans: hen, 1st and 2nd, Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe, 1 Buff Orpingtons: cock, 1st, F. J. Coldham, 2nd and 3rd D. E. Wark; hen, 1st, F. J. Coldham, 2nd, H. La- Silver Wyandottes, cock, 1st, H. R. | Clugston Bros.; cockerel, 1st, @. S.| Parkes, 2nd Clugston Bros.; pullet, | Son; hen, 1st Keill & Son, 2nd and | Muller. C. H. Boyee; pullet, 1st and 3rd C.| Buff Leghorne: Cooke, 1st, Mrs. La-; pointe; hen, 1st, Mrs. Lapointe. {ins, cock, ist and 2nd Paul Rees, 3rd hen, 1st, J. 8.' H. Walsh; ' 3rd, J. S. O'Neill. } pointe, 2nd J. W. Lake, 3rd J. Mec- Courtie; pullet, 1st F. Joyce, 2nd Mrs. Lapointe, 3rd J. W. Lake. Polands, W. C. B.,, cock, 1st T. A. Gunn, 2nd and 3rd Mrs. Lapointe; hen, 1st and 3rd T. A. Gunn, 2nd D. E. Wark; cockerel, T: A. Gunn; pul- let, 1st Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd and 3rd T. | A. Gunn. | Polands, G. or S., cock, 1st Mrs. | Lapointe; hen, 1st D. E. Wark, 2nd | and 3rd Mrs. Lapointe; pullet, 1st | Mrs. Lapointe. | A. 0. V. Standard Breeds, cock, 1st D. E. Wark, 2nd Mrs. Lapointe; hen, | 1st Mrs. Lapointe, 2nd D. E. Wark'; | cockerel, 1st D. E. Wark; pullet, 1st D. E. Wark. Old English Pit Game, cock, 1st E. E. Ruttan, 2nd E. S. Steen, 3rd Kejll & Son; hen 1st E. S. Steen, 2nd Kéill & Son; cockerel, lst Keill & Son, 2nd E. S. Steen; pullet, 1st Keill (& Son, 2nd E. S. Steen. ol Black Red Game, cock, 1st Keill & | 3rd Mrs. Lapointe; cockerel, 1st Keill | & Son; pullet, 1st Keill & Son. Black Red Bantams, cock, 1st J. C. K. Munsie, 2nd George Muller; hen, 1st J. C. K. Munsie, 2nd and 3rd, George Muller; cockerel, 1st J. C. K. | Munsie, 2nd V. F. Silmser, 3rd | George Muller; pullet, 1st, J. C. K. Munsie 2nd V. F. Silmser, 3rd George | Pyle Bantams, cock, 1st Keill Son, 2nd ¥. P. Silmser; hen, V. P. Silmser; cockerel, V. P. Silmser, pul- let, V. P. Silmser. | Birchen Bantams, cock, Bottrell & | Son; cockerel, Bottrell & Son, pullet, | Bottrell & Son. { A. O0.V. Bantams, cock, V. F. Silm- ser; hen, 1st V. F. Silmser, 2nd and 3rd, C. H. Larose; cockerel, 1st C. H. Larose; pullet, C. H, Larose. Ornamental Bantams, Black Coch- P. C. H. Larose; hen, 1st Holland Bros., 2nd Bottrell & Son, 3rd V. F. Silm- ser; cockerel, 1st afid 2nd Holland Bros., 3rd C,H. Boyes; pullet, 1st and 3rd C. H. Boyes, 2nd V. F. Silm- | ser. White Cochins, cockerel, B. O. Whitney; pullet, 1st and 2nd*B. O. | Whitney. Buff Cochins, cock, 1st C. H. La- rose, 2nd Bottrell & Som, 3rd C. S. | | Parkes; hen, 1st and 2nd C. H. La- rose, 3rd Bottrgll & Son; cockerel, 1st Bottrell & Son, 2nd B. 0. Whit- ney, 3rd C. H. Larose; pullet, 1st and 2nd C. H. Larose, 3rd B. O. 'Whitney. | G. or 8. Seabrights, cock, 1st and 3rd C. H. Larose, 2nd G. L. Bliss; hen, 1st and 2nd, C. H. Larose, 3rd G. L. Bliss; cockerel, 1st C. H. La- rose, 2nd and 3rd G. L. Bliss; pullet, | 1st and 2nd G. L. Bliss, 3rd G. H. Larose. {Bottrell & Son. Black or White R.C. Bantams, j cock, 1st P. Rees, 2nd C, H. Larose, 3rd George Muller; hen, 1st George Muller, 2nd C. H. Larose, 3rd P.! Rees; cockerel, 1st C. H. Larose, 2nd and 3rd G.' L. Bliss; pullet, 1st C. H. Larose, 2nd and 3rd G. L. Bliss. A.0.V. Orn. Bantams, cock, 1st and 3rd C. H. Larose, 2nd G. L. Bliss; hen, 1st and 3rd C. H. Larose, 2nd 'G. L. Bliss; cockerel, C. H. La- rose; pullet, C. H. Larose. Chanteclers, cock, +st and 2nd Jos. Lebeau; hen, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Jos. Lebeau; cockerel 1st, 2nd and 3rd Jos. Lebeau; pullet, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Jos. Lebeau. Selling Glass, cock, 1st G. L. Bliss; hen, 1st G. L. Bliss; cockerel, (3), 1st and 3rd W. J. Arniel, 2nd G. L. Bliss; pullet, 1st G. L. Bliss. Exhibition Pens, Heavy Breeds, 1st Fk. Biddulph, 2nd Jos. Labeau, 3rd W. J. Arniel, 4th Jos. White; light breeds, 1st C. H. Boyes, 2nd rose; 3rd, D. E. Wark; Cockerel, 1st, J. 8. O'Neill, 3rd R. Sinclair,.4th ~------ Ji Special Boys' Black Box Calf and Tan Grain Boots --just the thing for school wear and at a au special bargain © $2.99 Allan M. Reid, " SHOE STORE | EEE ETE TWICE TOLD TALES | TEN YEARS AGO. Scandal is rife at Queen's over the resignation of Professer Joha Mar- shall from the Kng!ish department and the charges he makes against high officials of the university. An investigation is likely. Sheldon, the Montreal broker, writes from the west that he will return and pay all that be owed. William Méagher, a middle aged man, escaped from Rockwood early Friday evening, bat was found and wenght back ino short dame Ze Justrayed 4 barn a sticks of nay belonging to Wwihi , Britt, Collins Bay. 5 am McGill hopes to deat Queen's in {Montreal to-day, but th sastern team is crippled by accidents, The individuals most before the {public nowadays are "Jack" Wil {liams, "Teddy" Roosevelt, Sheldon, {the Montreal broker, and "Nap" La- Joie, the leading batter of the major | leagues. biind OOO TERRACES x News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, ty-Five Years Ago. Kingston lady golfers have issued a challenge to the lady golfers of Ut- tawa for a game to be played in this city 'a the near future. Théy are waiting for an answer, : McDonald is the figkt freshman to win the cup in the col sports at Queen's. He outclassed 411 comers. Now doth the foothall player Rise on the autumn air With the same ol trick And the same old kick . And the same big shock of hair. Laurier will be given a great re- ception on his arrival here to-mor- TOW. ' Principal Grant says that Queen's is progressing rapidly, but it is in need of more financial aid. A couple of oddities were in town to-day advertising for a Montreal firm. One was as short as the other Y BPITISH WHIG. "Hull; young pair, 1st G. 1 | se | not the cause. ms | STUDENTS! We carry a stock of Refills for Loose Leaf Note Books Dance Programmes] and Invitations A Specialty Printing of all kinds Phone 292 for our representative to call BRITISH WHIG Job Dept. pr = = = ° = = | | | | { | | | ETD GER 1D | G. L. Bliss, Egg Laying Contest, 1st Holland | Bros., 2nd Jos. White, 3rd G. L.| Bliss. Bronze Turkeys, cock, H. B Lyon; hen, H. B. Lyon; cockerel, AH B. Lyon; pullet, H. B. Geese, old pair, C. young pair, C. N. Stokes. Pekin Ducks, old pair, Keith L. Bliss; Lyon. 2nd K. Hull. trell & Son, 3rd V. F. Silmser. Magpies, 1st V. F. Silmser, 2nd M. Patterson, 3rd Keill & Son. V. F. Silmser. r, 2nd G. L. Bliss. Pigmy Pouters, A.0.C., 1st G. L. Bliss. and 3rd G. L. Bliss. Working Homers, 3rd Hughes Bros. A.0.V. Homers, L. Bliss, 2nd M. Patterson. Tipplers, Keill & Son. son. liss. White Kings, 1st, 2nd and 3rd, G. L. Bliss. . Runts, A.0.V., 1st G. L. Bliss, 2nd Bot- trell & Son, 3rd V. F. Silmser. O. Whitney; A.0.V. Rabbits, 1st F. Hebert, 2nd and 3rd V. Dash. Siberian Hares, 1st R. S. Graham, 2nd K. Hull. ; Canaries, cock, 1st P. Lowing, 2nd J. M. Anderson, 3rd W. A. Hamilton; hen, 1st P. Lowing, 2nd J. P. Donnelly, 3rd W. A. Hamilton; cockerel, 1st A. D. Holton, 2nd and 3rd J. P. Donnelly; young hen, 1st and 2nd P. Lowing, 3rd J. P, Don- nelly. ' RHEUMATIC PEOPLE Can Only .Find Relief by Enriching the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. ; It attacks. people when the blood overcharged with acid and impurities, thus setting up inflamma- tion in the muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold ther may start the tortures of rheumatism, but is The. cause ie in the blood and the blood only. Victims of this malady have every reason to fear the first dull ache in the limbs {and joints, followed -by sharp pains | through the flesh and muscles; these are the symptoms of poison in the blood which will shortly leave the victim painracked and helpless. There is only one way to cure rheumatism, and that is through the blood. Liniments, hot applications, and rubbing may. give temporary ease, but cannot possibly root the trouble out of the system. That can only be done by the rich, red blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make. This new blood drives out the poison- ous acids and impurities, and rheumatism disappears. If you are 'a sufferer from this painful malady begin the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon the pains and stiffness of the joints fade away, leaving behind new energy snd new health You can get Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' was tall. : Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. N. Stokes; | Fe | Fantails, 1st Son, 2nd | V. F. Silmser, 3rd McMahon Bros. | Jacobins, 1st G. L. Bliss, 2nd Bot- | Owls, 1st and 3rd G. L. Buss, 2nd | English Pouters, 1st V. F. Silm- | Pigmy Pouters, 1st V. F. Silmser. | Tumblers, 1st W. F. Silmser, 2nd | 1st, 2nd and | 1st and 3rd, G.| Carneaux, 1st and 2nd G. L. Bliss. | Turbitts, 1st and 2nd M. Patter- | Mondanes, 1st, 2nd and 3rd G. L. 1st and 2nd, G. L. Bliss. | Pet Stock, Flemish Giants, 1st B. | the | = --_-- -- To -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_-- -- --_-- -- -- -- -- _-- -- -- -- --_-- -- --_-- _-- -- -- -- _-- = 0 = = = == = -- - = --- -- = = freee) = 1 £ Ladies' Spats in grey, fawn, taupe, brown and black; all prices, from cee... 92.00 to $4.00. We are showing a Pearl Grey 12-Button Spat --regular $3, that we are clearing at . . $1.95 Wear Spats with your low Shoes and save doctor bills. - - ETT HH Abernethy's Shoe Store 0 tr BRASS BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES BRASS BEDS--Handsome continuous post and ball cornered Brass Beds. SPRINGS---Hercules and Leggett and Platt Spiral Spring; also the popu- lar Box Spring and Mattress. MATTRESSES--Imperial Kapok Ma ttresses. thorough treatment steaming; p rocess. --WE GUARANTEE THEM-- JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. The Leading Undertaker. ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a spetialty of serving the best and purest Ice Cream. . Call in and we feel sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE Kapok must be given a N PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIE MADE IN CANADA MCALLISTER & DRAKE - PRINCESS STREET GARAGE Automobile repairs done right. Let us re-bore your cylinders. Satisfaction guaranteed Service calls promptly attended to. We sell White Gasoline and Rolls Royce Motor Oils. 593 Princess St. Phone 1750. <¥ i Pop Sold by all Good Grocers. CEYLON .......... 30 cents package | JAPAN ............ 33 cents package | Quality guaranteed.'