MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. The First Bark Hickey's We are depending upon the enormous sale of this--the Best of all Cough Mixtures-- to enalle us to keep it at the old price of 25 cents. All other mixtures have advanced to 35 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before. FINEST CUT GLASS Clear White and Beautifully cut Bowls Get it_for a quarter at Best's The Popular Drug Store, Phone B59," -- an oo Open Sundays. ---------- ee Berry Sets Sherbet Glasses Keeley I. M.0.D.0. Water Sets Vases Flower Baskets Jelly Dishes, etc. All marked at very reasonable prices. SMITH BROS. Limited Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only 'be equipped with the best mechan- ! jcal apparatus but must have ! that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- i ENCE CAN GIVE. | Jewelers - 850 King Street Established 1840. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. Muric a = stringe Plano, violin and other s instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontenac Street. Phone 1325) For waterproofing clothing and shoes a French scientist has discover- ed that a solution of about an ounce of paraffin to the quart of gasolina ig | | | | pwnd A ------ effective. | GREAT DAY AT ST. JAMES -- The Telgmann School of ES - = -- PerfectionQil Heaters --are enjoyed these cool evenings--can be carried from room to room when required. & f These are Extra Value. TJAPANNED .. .. iii .. $97.50 NICKLE-PLATED .............. 885 \ .: "eee. See our MAJESTIC ELECTRIC HEATER 10 ft. cord attached ............ $11.50 OUR STOVE DEPARTMENT is complete in every line. second floor. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. 'Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. PHONE 387. Take elevator, Bed Room Furniture We are showing some very fine designs in Bedroom Furniture. These suites are made of the best Black Walnut and Ma- hogany and are composed of the following pieces. : : The popular Vanity Dresser, fitted with three large mirrors and six drawers (three on each side). 1] ~~ The Chiffrobe contains three linen 1, drawers and three standard deep drawers. | A Bed, with square or round cornered i}! foot board. A Bench for Vanity Dresser. A Low {I= Rocker and a straight backed Chair. {1 Make an early selection while the stock is large SS COR ST: A LS The 75th Anniversary and Dedication of New Sunday School Hall. James' church 'celebrated its 1arvest thanksgiving and the versary of the church on lay and the occasion was marked by the dedication of the new Sun- lay school hall built in memory of : late Archdeacon Macmorine, for many years rector of the parish. The service was conducted by Rev. T. W. Savary, the rector, assisted by Arch- deacon Dobbs, and Canon Fornier. Bishop Bidwell was the special preacher. The church was beautifully de- corated with flowers, sheaves of grain and fruit, and the harvest music was brilliantly rendered by the choir. un- der the direction of Mrs A. R. B. Williamson. Bishop Bidwell spoke from Chroni- cles, IX, 9:--'""The offered willingly to the Lord." The occasion, he said, was most unique, being the seventy- fifth anniversary of the founding of the church. It recalled many of those who from time to time had minister- ed in the church, notaoly the late be- loved Archdeacon Macmorine, so well known to all. St, James' church always contributed admir- able and leading men, such as the late R. V. Rogers, whose name will always stand high on the scroll. It is when we think of these and the great many who have in the interval passed to their rest, that we realize the truth of the communion of saints. Referring to the progress made in the work of the church, the Bishop offered his heartiest congratulations to those who were carrying it on at the present time. "The present," said he, 'is a time for rejoicing. God is not averse to our making his hoase a house of beauty, provided there is no com- pulsion about it, and it is here that a great contrast is found between our churches and the temples of earl- ier ages which are monuments of the | days of slavery. Our churches are | the people's free-will offerings. There , was a time when it was not thought | proper to beautify and ornament a | place of worship, but. it is a mistake to think that God does not want us | {to make His house beautiful. In the church we are all brothers and sisters and we ought to forget all { outside distinctions. Here are dis- | pensed the means of grace." | THe bishop referred also. to the i place of the church in the important | events of human life with which it | was identified, and it filled a large | | place in the Christian education of | children. He congratulated . St. | j James' people upon the new Sunday | | school building. Instead of the Sun- | | day school being the least important, | it was! one of the most important | | parts of the work the church had to | | do. | "God cares for the whole man. | This is the truth of the harvest | | thanksgiving. 'Be not overanxious | for the things of this world, because ! the heavenly father knowth ye have | need of these things.' We thank God | for the spirit of the joy of thanks- | giving to-day. The members of St. | James' church had always shown a | spirit of generosity in the support | of their church and it is a great | | privilege to be able to take part in | i the ceremonies of the day that recalls | such a record of achievements and | | 1s so full of promise for the future, In addition to the harvest hymns | | beautifully rende: ', an anthem | "Praise The Lord" was sung very | effectively. -------- Memorial Hall Dedicated. The Macmorine memorial hall was dedicated by Rev. T. W. Savary, as- | | sisted by Archdeacon Dobbs, Canon | | Forneri and Canon J. W. Jones. Rev. | Mr. Hiltz, general secretary of the { Sunday school commission, Toronto, | was the special speaker for the oc- casion. i The new hall is Octaganol in shape, each side having windows of | | cathedral glass. The main floor is! subdivided into many class rooms | { which form a part of the auditorium when the partitions are removed. | There is a gallery with large seating { capacity. | for the occasion and the singing of | the children, led by the church choir | { was beautiful. Amo=g those present | | wag Miss Mary E. Rogers the only | | person in the congregation who took | | part in the opening of St. James' church, . i- "Rev. Mr. Hiltz gave a most inspir- | | ing address, taking for his text, | "The Lord hath done great things | for us, whereof we are glad." He | congratulated the rector, the church | wardens and the congregation upon having such a fine building. It | brought with it a responsibility and {all are called upon to do his and her | part in the work of the church He touched upon the qualities so essen- tial to success in every endeavor, and | showed a marvellous faculty in adapting his remarks to the children whose attention he held throughout. | The building was crowded | At Chalmers Church. There was a large congregation at the Sunday evening service in Chalmers church. Rev. Dr. R. J. Wilson delivered the first of a se- ries of sermons on "Night Scenes From the Bible." His subject on this occasion was "A Young Man's First Night From Home." There was a large student attendance. angelistic Services, Most profound attention marked the service Sunday night at the Pentecostal tabernacle as Evangelist A. H. Argue stirred, the hearts of his hearers by a most telling talk on 'prophecy. He gave scriptures fore- telling the auto, the aeroplane, the submarine, and the return of the Jews to Palestine, together with the close of the Gentile age; all coming Corns Go! You Bet! Calloused Foot Lumps Too Blistering sore feet from corn- pinched toes, tired aching lumpy feet are things of the past. A true, successful, painless and dependable remedy can now had for the mo- dest price of a quarter, Who would suffer a minute after tor doés the trick so neatly, so quickly? : Qutt songs the Sura, no scar left, no pain to 's a magical, wone derful remedy, and is as hearing that Putnam's Corn Evxtrac-|. , ---- |to pass in our generation. { The music on the slide trombone, | by his young son and daughter, was «| reinforced by several other instru- ments. The house was filled, some standing, and others being turned | away. tion is being arranged for. ! Meetings are announced to con- tinue every night, with a specia service Tuesday afternoon to pray for the sick. The tabernacle is lo- cated on Queen street, near Barrie. i Civic Apathy Prevails, ° Rev. W. T. G. Brown in Sydenham Street Methodist church on Sunday night preached a vigorous sermon on "Citizenship," in which he de- plored the apathy in civic affairs ap- 'parent all over the country. Elec- tors would pot assume any respon- sibility, but were vigorous in denun- 'ciation of failure and neglect on the part of those who do. Everybody wanted somebddy else to do the civic work. A good citizen, to his mind, was a good Christian, and vice-versa; a good citizen was one who sought the best for himself, his city, country and God. OASE WAS DISMISSED, Court Was Held at Newboro on Thursday Last. ckville Recorder-Times. - Bre At Newboro on Thursday before | Magistrate Preston, Lachlin Much- more, a resident of Westport district, appeared on a charge of intoxibation, arising out of an alleged assault on John Truelove, a resident of West- port, said to have occurred in the | Wardrope House, conducted by Don- ald Curtis, at Westport, on 'Sept. 28th After considerable evidence was heard the charge of intoxication was dismissed. At Westport on Friday four resi- dents of the district were scheduled to appear before Police Magistrate William 8. Murtch on charges of | intoxication. Only one of the quar- tette appeared, however, and he was fined $10 and costs. GERMS IN WARFARE. Canadian Scientist Does Not Thin Scheme Practical, If Dr. Charies HE. Mayo of Roches ter, Minnesota, roally did say at dinner in Londcii, England, the germs 'would be the ammunition © the next war--wael!. Col. George CG Nasmith, C.M.QG., cf Toronto, isn't a all convinced, Col. Nasmith is famillar wit' =#Arms, tco. Wren the great wo "-oke out he wae director of labore rories, Department of Health, Toror to. When thie couflict came he offer ed his services, aud became adviser i: sanitation, etc., to the First Canadia Contingent, and for eighteen month commandéd the Canadian mebile lab oratory in France. "Dr. Mayo is reported as expecting war to become one of bacteris dropped from airplanes over enem: cities," an Interviewer said to Col Nasmith as he was making some scientific test or other in his office in the Confederation Life Building. Col. Nasmith smiled. "Are you sure that Dr. Mayo said it?" he ask- ed. When informed that a cable made the afirmation, Col. Nasmith laughed a little. » : "Get away from the question of humanity, and come down to cold- blooded practicability," prefaced Col. Nasmith in comment. "It's the busi- ness of armies to kill and destroy. Yet, respecting the prediction attri- buted to Dr. Mayo, it is interesting to | recall that no epidemics were started deliberately. Why? Well, if an epi- | demic had beén launched by one army, it would have heen a boom- erang, recoiling on the sender. Con- sider it in this light, and you will perceive that common sense is oppos- ed to such a thing between armies. I don't know which army had it first. But both suffered." "During the war, Col. Nasmith, there were rumcrs of poisomous wells," cbserved the interviewer. "There was never any proof of such a thing during my time," Col. Nasmith replied. "In 1916 I repre- sented Canada on the War Allies' | Sanitary Commission in Paris. We took every angle of 'infection and | contagion, and there was no evidence | submitted that disease germs had been or were being used." "Science would combat sciance if Dr. Mayo's fears were realized, Col. Nasmith 7" "Certainly. If the enemy. in the | last war, had desired to uss ine germ weapon, they would havo atiempted { It with typhoid and cholera. Mut { they didn't. Now. as between armise, the germ systema vould hit back, and, anyway, the mr ied would net de- velop fast enouy'? "Say that germs were dropped from the skies, I see only one condi- tion under will the pian miaht operate: If Geodany were at war with the United States, German air- | ships might cross the ocean and drop their war-to%ens ox American territory. The s:-ead of the disease back to the Germans, ia such an event, would be barred by the seay. But difficulties are manifest." "Then, Col. Nasmith, while Dr. Mayo's forecast is interesting, the world need not be downcast at the possible horrors?" Col. Nasmwith nodded assent, and then went back te his little powders and his work of mystery which the interviewsr had inreiTupted. And tha colonel wus as calm as ever. Good hip Means Service. (Acton Free Press) Salutory results are sure to amec- crue to the boy or girl who, at school and at home has had held before him the ideal of service as that which should dominate his life, and who is accustomed to perform everyday tasks of service. This is the best possible training for citi- zenship.. In too much school and home training stress has been laid upon the importance of successful acquisition rather than upofi that of using the fruits of agquisition for the benefit of others. Boys and girls are learning through this means to be more thoughtinl, hind and erous. ey are learning also yA directly with the prob- lems and needs of life. Succeeds ¥. Hoag. J. 8. Shurie, Welllngton' popular druggist, was elected representative for District No. 2 at the recent eon- vention of the Canadian Retail Drug- gists Association of the province of Ontario, Mr. urie succeeds represented. Sold everywhere in 25c bottles. Get Frank Hoag, Ki who was Extra seating accommoda- |' Spe PROBS: --Tuesday, few showers; mostly fair. " 5 ON smashing bargain sales. STEACY THANKSGIVING SALE Starts Tomorrow and continues until Saturday with special offerings daily. This great sale event should prove of "the greatest interest to all thrif- ty women, who realize the wonderful benefits of Steacy's price- The curtain raises A 5 FOR 4 SALE 20% Discount Sale. OE Tuesday and Wednesday Only + This great feature sale is one of the most extraordinary events of its kind ever introduced--it includes every department of this well stocked store in its saving opportunities--if you have not already participated in one of our two former 5 for 4 Sales come to this one and learn what it means to you--its benefits are greater than any 5 FOR 4 You secure through the medium of this sale--5 yds. of any kind of the same priced merchandise for the price of 4--or you get 5 pairs. of Hose or 5 of anything of the same price at the cost of 4. Realize What It Means This is positively one of the really big sales of the year, and comes just at the opportune ' time for Fall and Winiter out- fitting--we invite your active participation. Come to-morrow. AO CRATER Steacy's - Limited mr -------- British miners' wives paraded recent is called. : : the threatened miners' strike. They fear starvation if the srike MINERS' WIVES OPPOSE STRIKE. {Buffalo Courier) X { It is evident that the general | public does not regard the growth lof cities with the enthusiasm that {was once shown. In these days of {auto accidents and city hold-ups | mere bign has lost its charm for | city 'dwellers outside of the growing { etre les of bandits and gunmen. Philadelphia women « who have married aliens will not be perm! 2 to vote at the coming presidential ele oslicn.