- / MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH Ar ------ WHIG. 2 S000 CHA ELECTS OFFICERS INGDENTS OF . THE DAY Comrade J. W. Connor, Presi- Racy Local News and Items of | dent -- Address by the General Public Interest. Provincial Secretary. Try Chadwick's foal. Phone 67. | § Charm tea is from the best gar- | Ji dens, wo] 'W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders a' McAuley's or "-Lone 564w. The temaine of Dr. W. J. Gibson, Belleville, were brought here to-day and buried in Cataraqui Cemetery, Mrs. Laurier Taylor, Kingston, is ill at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Close, 30 Jessie | street, Brockville. {| If you have not yet used DALY'S | J! GOOD TEA and COFFEE, get some. | High School Arithmetics JUST RECEIVED. 'Shipment of the H. S. Arithmetic. the paper shortage publishers advise that re-orders will not able until after the first of the year--so secure v will be no change in this book for the next four he semi-annual meeting of the | ston Branch of the G.W.V.A. for election of officers was held on Friday night, Oct. 8th. The hall was d by a most émthusiastic body of nembers, the George Richardson Chapter #70. D. E., the association's ladies' auxiliary, also being present, and proyed by their interest in the meeting that they have the associa- tion's welfare heart. The meeting was' opened in the 1sual manner, all present standing 3 with bowed heads for the space of At MAHOOD S. ' | ne minute, in memory of the com- |, Ihe incorporated Synod o On- | rades who had paid the supreme |"ario has received a legacy of $200 from the estate of the [ite Neil Mec- |} | Millan, "Prescott, for the diocesan | | mission fund. John Marshall js an added bass voice to the choir of St. Andrew's | church and will be one of the spec- the presi- | ially splendid quartette of that or- being | ganization. i { To-morrow is the 428th anniver- | sary of the discovery of America by | Columbus. On that day in 1492 the ! low green ghore of Cuba was sighted | by the lookout in the rigging of the Owing to be obtain- our copy now. Theré A Beautiful animal effect Stole of or five years. Black Fox, lined with Crepe de Chene; Muff also of one skin with head and tail trimming, and shows "a wrist frill of Crepe de Chene. ER THE SELLING NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC Avalon, Let the Rest of the World Go By, You're a Million Miles From Nowhere, Your Eyes Have Told Me So, When Honey Sings An Old Time Song, Smiling Through, Sweet and Low, Oh, Jingo, My Isle of Golden Dreams, The Leaves of the Shamrock, Kiss a Miss Waltz, I'm Waiting for Ships That Never Come In, I'm Like a Ship Without a Sail, Hiawatha's Melody of Love, Dardan- ella, Daddy, You've Been a Mother to Me, Carolina Sunshine, Hold So E E E BE E E E BE E E | 1 ovement, need of | funds if its good work is to be car- ried on. A report presented by dent showed that the appeal made to the citizens was Jestng with a ready response, while full and complete arrangements are under way for the association's tag day to Sets also in Taupe, Cinnamon, Red and White Fox, or in the cheaper Furs. John McKay, Limited You Could Care, Donations = = = 149 to 157 Brock Street. -- Fil HHA AREER ERRATA REE | ny LAST XWO DAYS OF THE GREAT Overcoat Sale! A consignment of 200 Men's All Wool Overcoats are now on dlisplay. The styles are of many varieties, from a snug-fitting Waist Line tosthe Massive Trench Coat and Ulster. The sale price of these barely covers the cost of productioh! $18.00 to $29.50 Boys' Overcoats Every mother should see first the Coats we offer at ....$16.50. They are mostly manufacturers' samples---worth up to $30.00, Sizes 28 to 34. Now on sale at : $16.50 PURE WOOL CASHMERE SOX--$1.50 value ........... 69c¢. SILK TIES--reg. $2.00 value MEN'S CAPS--silk lined, sectional and one-piece top up to $4.00 value Students will find their allowance last much longer by dealing with liz Ee ty be held on Saturday next. are still being received for the Ford car which is to be drawn for at the Strand theatre on that date. After | the report on the finances of the | association the regular order of busi- | ness was suspended to allow for the | election of officers for the new term. |The Comrades the Very Rqv. Dean { Starr and Rev. A. M. Gordon were unanimously elected scrutineers | Those elected were: President, Com- | rade J. W. Connor; vice-president, Comrade A. McDonough; 2nd vice- president, Comrade W, Susman; hon. treasurer, Comrade H. H. Walkem; executive committee, comrades Car- ter, Hicks and Miles; sergeant-at- arms, comrade Considine, re-elected by acclamation. | After the election of officers the | meeting was addressed by Comrade | Turley, the provincial secretary. He | dwelt on several problems of great | EERE ETE interest to the veteran, pointing out-| that it was not the fault of the G. | W. V. A. that there was not a closer co-operation between veteran organ- | izations in Canada, and statdd that | the association' stands as it has al- | ways done, ever ready to fight the | just cause of the returned soldier and | his dependents, and was always will- | ing to co-operate in every possible | manner when the welfare of the vet- | eran and his dependent were at stake | Dwelling on ths results achieved | by the dominion convention, he | stated that we had larger pensions, nore careful consideration of the | t@bercular veteran; both in hospital | after discharge, increases in pay Ba students, etc. He also stated that the Soldiers Insurance Act was a direct result of the pres- sure brought to bear on the govern ment by our organization. Comrade Turley stated that it was only fair to point out the immense value of the evidence presented by the tuber: cular leagne in the attainment of the improvements to the tubercular veteran. In concluding, Comrade Turley pointed. out that there was still thirty millions left of the forty millions voted by the government as an emergency fund during the. past winter, and stated that it was the in- tention of the dominion executive to bi en press that this be divided amongst the returned soldier in proportion to ate Real Est $7,000--Johnson st.; brick; 9 rooms; hot water heating; hard- wood floors; large stable and store-house, $4.800-- Victoria st., near Union street; brick; 6 rooms; new. , $3,000---Montreal street; brick; $ rooms, T'S quite evident that fas- | tideous people favor the best pastry as they do other perfect foods. There's no reason why von shouldn't enjoy the well-flavored. ex- ,pertly made bakery products turned out by us. We insist that you try them, $5,000--Frontenac rooms; brick. $4,600--Albent street; brick; 7 rooms; hot water 'heating. FARM FOR SALE $14,000 --Township Pittsburg; middle 'road, near the City; 300 acres; brick dwelling; bank barn 50 x 70. Other outbuildings. >. McCANN Real Estatq and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 326 or 621 street; 7 HIME MAOE BORN I TR Rh EYEE, the length of service and the field of such service. Questioned about the housing problem, he pointed out that it was up to every municipality to take ad- vantaga of the legislation passed by the federal and .provincial govern- ments. It was a duty of every muni- cipalitv to see that the citizens were housed in comfortable 'and sanitary houses. Owing to the great scarcity of suitable houses in almost every town and city, families were being compelled to live in houses which were not fit for human habitation, and under conditions which were an {insult to civilization. Too much pro- | fiteering in rents was allowed hy | municipalities, and 'this was the |cause of the great amount of dissatis- { faction among tenants. This could { be remedied, he claimed, by the vet- {eran using his sound common sense lon election day, and voting for can- didates who do not represent a cer- [tain class. | Comrade. Turley cxpressed his {great pleasure at the welcome ten- | dered him on his first visit to King- {ston, and hoped to come agaifi at an | early date. The Kingston branch | was to be congratulated on the werk {it had accomplished, and he stated eC "The Talk of the Town" - ~--Our most exacting customers hail our new Fall Hats with unqualified anproval. --We are showing an immense line of new Soft Hats in all colors suitable for Fall, and these are special values at $4.50 and $5.00 | CAMPBELL BROS. a KINGSTON'S LARGEST UAT *DRALERS Ire ry i if 5 AO A It MAG OE i that many of the denefits derived by veterans had been brought about as vi? result of resolutions presented by JE tne branch at the dominion eonven- tions. : Comrade Turley was tendered a {hearty vote of thanks for his inter- esting address. I HHI IN MARINE CIRCLES The schponer Horace Taber ar- rived at Collin's Bay, with coal from Oswego. The schooner Newlands arrived at Richardson's wharf, with coal from Fairhaven. The schooner St. Crawford's wharf, Oswego. The steamer Charlotte, with | Crawford , | FINED $500 AND COSTS Louis arrived at with coal from Jex arrived from coal for Robert nier Dis, of Monday rning. -- Magistrate Farrell dolph Fournier "guilty" | liquor in police court {| morning, and imposed a tine $500 and costs or gne month, {+ase "was adjourned on two occa- {slons, but the evidence was con- Iuded on Monday, after which Magistrate Farrel imposed sentence. | 0 men swore hey bought liquor | The 'accused charge. found Al- of selling of from Fournier. | stoutly denied the v i vas satistied on the 'otrnier wag guilty, ecided mot to im le Pose the extreme on TY 'Fournier has a wife and {J. BE. Sparks, S. E. Keyes FOR SELLING LIQUOR | 'Case Against Randolph Four- | fil on Monday ' Ji The | positively that fi Magistrate Farrell stated that he | § evidence that |} but that he hag | i kid, i Santa Maria. Me, The Love Nest, Alice Blue Gown, Old Fashioned Garden, If | Lake trout are running in the lake just now and Cape Vincent fishermen have had excellent luck in catching them. They weigh as high as ten pounds. Charity Shoals is the fav- orite fishing ground. allow. money paid in rental to apply on purchase of piano. C. W. Lind- say T.td. > Mrs. John Sherman, Brock street, has returned from Toronto, her son, {Dr. C. P. Sherman, showing marked improvement in health. He ig con- ivalescing in Wellesley Hospital. *Rev. C. BE. 8. Raacliffe and Mrs. Radcliffe, of Deseronto, were in town | attending the funeral of the late Mrs. J. de Pencier Wright, wife of the rector of St. Luke's enurch. Drs. J. C. Connell, D. E. Mundel A. R. B. Williamson, G. W. Mylks, and L. Austin are attending the convention - 1, {of the American Surgical Association in Montreal this week. { ib || Telephone 919 Dr. Alexander Forier, Edmonton, | is a visitor in the city: He is a grad- uate of Queen's who has attained suc- cess. While here lie is the guest of | Warden Ponsford and many King- stonians have heartily greeted him. Charm tea is economical tea. | More cups to the pound. Miss Annie E. Denvir, who kept a grocery in Watertown, N.Y., died on | Friday after a prolonged illness. She | was a native of Picton. A brother who lived with her and a niece, Miss May Denvir, Glenora, survive, Planos tuned. Lindsay, Ltd. Dr, Dennis Jordan, Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Dr and Mrs. Jordan, Barrie street. He went on to Montreal to attend the American Congress of Surgeons and at which he is to be given a fellow- | ship. Charles Meredith, son of Albert | Meredith, 204 Colborne street, has been appointed district Tanager of | the California Fruit Growers' Ex- | change, Montreal. The young man was in the costs offce of the Cana- dian Locomotive Works and also time keeper, On Monday morning in St. Mark's church, Barriefield, Rev. A. O. Cooke united in marriage, Jesse W. Winney, an overseas man and now taking a vocational course in King- | ston, end Miss Margery I. Haines. They were attended by Mrs. J. Mr. and O. Finnigan, RBarriefield. Marks Company at Watertown. Tom Marks, theatrical manager, and his wife, May A. Bell Marks, with the members of their family, have selected Watertown, N.Y. as their winter home. Mr. Marks has begun to organize a dramatic com- pany which will be rounded into form under his direction, for a tour of * the winter. | 'son of James P. Lamb, Athens. | gan teaching school at fifteen, at ll | Addison, having as one of his pupils 'Fall Hats | FOR GIRLS AND BOYS As sual we are showing an immense range of the correct headwear for the young peo- ple. For school wear and other occasions a suitable good-look- ing Hat is essential to their ap- pearance. Its cost must bo a consideration, for as a rule they get hard and steady wear. Our best selling Mats are not in any | way "fussy" -----sensible, Zood- il looking Hats of good materials. TAMS--of Cloth, Corduroy, Velvet, Plush, etc. $1 to $8.50 * HATS of Velour, Velvet, Plush, Corduroy, Tweed, I cvesie 1 to $7.50 George ils & Co. Phone 1544 C. W. | | The College Book Store After.six montns' rental we will | Open Evenings 1,000 yards of Striped F lannelette--mill ends--33 and 34 ins. wide; regular 50c. quality. On sale Tuesday, peryard . ...... 35¢. 20 dozen Men's Extra Quality Fleece-lined Underwear--Shirts and Drawers; sizies 34 to 44. Wholesale price to-day $13.50 per dozen. Our price, Tuesday ' severities ene... $1.00 per garment. 50 dozen Swiss Embroidered Handkerchief samples--beautiful north country during the | | | customs. | studied dentistry with the late Dr. fl Returning to Ontario he went ll Farmersville, where he purchased the | drug store of the late Dr. Giles, and | cessfully for a long period. ll posing ef his practice to Dr. C. B. | Lillie. | to Selina Alguire, daughter of the | of Athens. i! the Medical Health buyer admires and buys 'Hl' quality. On sale Tuesday at about half price YOUR COAT is in our range. See it before some other shrewd "se siete vo Sarerais G0C. up. . if it. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" J. P. LAMB SUCCUMBS TO SHORT ILLNESS Prominent Man in Village and { Former Reeve--Was Leading Mason. | On Saturday the county of Leeds lost one of the hest known and most highly re: nected residents in the per- The deceased was in his usual good ! health until about four weeks ago, | when he suffered a stroke of paralysis He was seventy-nine years of age and was born at Elizabethtown. He be- the late Hon. John F. Wood, later M.P. for Brockville, and minister of On giving up teaching he Maybee, and for several years prac- itised the profession at Central, N.Y. to had continued the business very suc- He also practised dentistry in Athens, dis- In 1882 Mr. Lamb was married late Mr, and Mrs. Harmonius Alguire, of Athens. She passed away on March 31st, 1911. He was for some | years a member of the public and | high school beards, and was reeve In such capacity he re- presented the village in the counties council. He was a splendid member of these bodiesy Hp was a man of ' | sound judgment and bad a _ clear vision. In 1898 he was appointed treasurer of Athens and held it until his death with great satisfaction to all. In politics he was a staunch Lib- eral. He was a prominent member of the Masonic order, and was Past | Master of Rising Sun Lodge, Athens. He was also a member of the A. O. U, W. $ { The death of Mr. Lamb is a dis- | ~ il | tinct loss. There was no finer char- iacter in this county, and no man {more generally respected." He had a fine, robust, strong personality, and i his word was as good a bond, i work during 'absence gf Dr. A. R, 8 Williamson. |day. Cs . . Think Of The Future-Secure Yourself a Home ; - The Frontenac County Teachers' ; "Dr. Thomas Little will carry on |Association convention is to be held the {in Sydemham on Thursday and PRINCE §8 STREET Semi-detached Brick; hot alr furnace; gas; rooms; 2 fire places; good cellar ; per Colborne St. Right-of-way Immediate possession. House in excellent state of repair--g6, 300, UNION STREET Detached frame Bungalow n edr Portsmouth; electric lights; 7 rooms; large garden; house in ex celle; condition; 8s 30 days--82,300, ng yonsedon improvements; 8 ig lot with a frontage on Up- DIVISION STREET Detached . frame, south of P rincess Street; toilet; § yard. An excellent location at a reasonable price--e1, 50, '" No information given over te lephone. . E. W. MULLIN & SON Kingston Home Finders. Buyers and Selle; Rea Phones 539w and 539). JOHNSTON 'add DIVISION TREES ean rooms; Something Special - For the Men A Man's Black Kid Blucher--wide toes, low heels, Goodyear welted soles; a good-look- ing Shoe, and one that will give splendid 'wear. All sizes; this week = = . $4.95 Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 188 PRINCESS STREET. i Phone 2816. Wise men may fool others, bt fool fools ouly himself. Fri-} Our best opportunities are of t . variety,