LIBERALS WIN HALF OF SEATS § 1 OUR NEW FALE HATS Have Arrived. Collier's Toggery YEAR 87 : NO, 250. The Daily ° pitish KINGSTON, ONTARIO. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920. Eee rt ree aisrae rr mrreree rr rer rer Tr -------- PR v a N Collier's Toggery The Only Store Where You can buy DR. HAWKINS INVISIBLE BELTS LAST EDITION. In the New Brunswick Lesis. lature---A Coalition is Necessary. St. John, N. B., Oct. 11.-- With some doubt still existing regarding | at least ome seat the best figures avallable for the provincial general elections held on Saturday give. the government twenty-four of the forty-, eight seats, the Opposition thirteen, | the United Farmers nihe and Labor | two. The government claims one addi- tional geat from the opposition in King's county. Even with this extra seat the government will find it ne- cessary to depend on the support of .some Farmer or Labor members in order to carry on. Two minis- ters, Hon. Robert Murray, Northum- ! and |: berland, provinelal secretary, Hon. J. F. Tweeddale, Victoria, min- ister of agriculture, were defeated. The success of Premier Foster aud | his three colleagues in St, John city, wheré formerly he had held only one seat, was one of the interesting fea- | tures of the contest. The candidates elected were follows: \ Madawaska, by acclamation -- Michaud and Daigle, government. St. John City--Premie Hon. W. .F. Roberts, minister of health; W. E. Scully, R. T. Hayes, government. St, John County--J. B. M. Baxter, leader of the Opposition; Dr. M. Curren, government. Moncton City--Hon. €. W. Robin- \ son, government. ' Westmoreland---Hon. Fred Magee, F. E. Bourgeois, F. L. Fetabrooks, Reid McManus, government. King's County--©. W. Wetmore, government; H. V, Dickson, G. B. Jones, Opposition. Queen"s--Hon, Dr. J. E. Hether- ington, G. H. King, government. Northumberland--F. Fowlie, J. W. | Vanderbeck, Farmers; J. S. Martin, | and C. T. Morrissey, Labor. Sunbury---D. W. Mersereau and R. B. Smith, government. Carleton--R. Tracey, Fred Smith, 8. Burlock, Farmers, York--J. A. Young, 8. B. Hunter, J. K. Pinder and C. D. Richards, Op- position. ' Kent--A. A. Dysart, P. P, Malan- gon and A. J. Bordage, government, Restigouche--David A. Stewart, Henry Dyotte, Opposition, SE oe Yeniat, Hon. J. P. er, John le. Robichaud, government, - . « . fon. : _ Victoria--George W. Warnock, D. W. Pickett, Farmers. Charlotte--Dr. H. I. Taylor, J. M. lewelling, Opposition; Scott D. uptill, Chauncey Pollard, Farmers. Of the forty-eight menfbers elected twenty-four were members of the last legislature, Twenty-Five Liberals. { ._ St. John, Oct. 11.--Announcement hat the government had elected -five members in the New "Brunswick elections as against twen- ty-three by the comservative-farmer- | bor opposition, was made here this afternoon by E.. 8. Carter, Premier Foeter's secretary. Mr. Carter said that the vote in King's county had been rechecked with the result that Keith, liberal, was shown, to be ahead of the conservative candidate by one vote, as | Foster, | TWO HOME RUNS IN SUNDAY'S GAME Smith's Homer for.Cleveland With Bases Full--A Triple Play. | MADE O., Oct. 11.--In a | baseball game of sensational and | thrilling plays, far beyond the wild- | est dreams of an imaginative fiction | or scenario writer, the Cleveland Am- | ericans defeated the Brooklyn Na- | tions 8 to 1 in the fifth contest of the world's series | afternoon, | Cleveland, of Cleveland, and home runs by Elm- er Smith and Jim Bagby were a trio of Individual feats which formed fiushlight photographs on the brains of the tans which no future diamond battle can erase. The victory broke the tie existing between the pennant winners of the major league and to-night Cleve- land is confident that the first Ameri- can league pennant ever won by this city will be overshadowed by the great glory of the world's series ban- ner to be flung to the breeze next spring. The Brooklyn Robins, crushed by | the two terrible catastrophies of Sat- |urday and to-day, are clinging des- | perately to the hope that Sherrod Smith may be able to check the sav- age batting onslaught of the Indians, but the home team fans declare that nothing can etop the rush of the | Clevelanders, now that they have solved the mystery of the Flatbush hurling staff. | The calibre of the play may be gathered from the fact that two world's series records were estab- lished during the hour and 49 min- utes in which the tribe of Speaker tore great handfuls of plumage from the stunned and helpless Robins. Never before in the history of the world's serieg had a triple play been | made by one player and so seldom { has this baseball feat been accomp- | lished in the history of either major or minor leagues that each and every such play is familiar to thousands of fans. A home run with the baseg full is also an innovation in the modern history of the super-series, yet both these records were made at League Park here this afternoon with a second home run, four double plays and a score of other fieldi and batting features which would have been acclaimed as thrilling during the course of a normal world series conflict. Are Ready To Sign The Armistice Riga, Oct. 11.--Polish and Bolshevik delegates, engaged in negotiations here, will sign the armistice agreement to- night. Hostilitles will cease six days after the signature of the covenant. The armistice will run for twenty-five days, and forty-eight hours' notice will be necessary before -either side can legally break it. If it is not broken for a period of twenty-five days it will con- tinue automatically in effect for an indefinite period, with the provision that it may be broken on ten days' notice. A branch of the independent labor party has been formed at Owen. sound Cleveland, Oct. 11.--With south- paw Walter Mails for Cleveland and Sherrod Smith for Brooklyn schedul- ed to pitch in to-day's game of the world series, both managers planned to make the usual changes in the . line-ups go as to increase the number - |, Of right-handed hitters. Brooklyn--Olson ss; Sheehan 3b; . Nels rf; Wheat If; Myers cf; Konet- chie 1b; Kilduff 2b; Miller ¢; Smith Pp. Cleveland--Evans If; Wambagan '2b; Speaker cf; Burns 1b; Gardner 8b; Wood rf; Sewell -; O'Neill c; Mails p 'Brooklyn Dodgers primed their big gun, Sherrod Smith, to check ythe rushing offense of the Cleveland 'Indians, who have started a batting spree amidst their tepees. Brook- 'lyn must win to-day or their chances for the championship: will .be reduced almost to the vanishing 'point. "1 have, Smith ready," said "Manager Hobinston, "and if neces- sary can pitch Pfeffer. Remember it we win to-day we will be all even again." '"'Dmster'" Mails, the In- dians' southpaw, was all pitch for the American league champions. The weather was hot and the sun burned fiercely in an unclouded sky. It was a real August ball day. First Inuning. __Brooklyn--Olson flied to Evans. Sheehan fanped. Wanby threw out eis at first. No runs, no hits, no . Cleveland--Evans got a hit past han for 'a single. 'Evans out Miller to Olson. Wamby to Neis. Speaker fouled out to . No runs, one hit, no errors. Second Inning. 'Wheat fanned. that he did not 'strike at ball for strike. Myers flied to who did not have to move 1 Koney_ singled to field. Sewell fumbed Kil- grounder and the batter was 'st first. Koney going to sec- Gardner mussed up Miller's er and He the batter reached ¢ieveland veland Defeats Brooklyn By 1 to 0 In Monday's World's Series Baseball Game first. Smith flied to Speaker. runs, one hit, two errors. Cleveland---~Burns walked. Gard- ner forced Burns, Koney to Olson. Wood got a single into left field, Gardner going to third. On Wheat's throw to third, Wood dashed for sofond, Kilduff took Sewell's grounder and threw Gardner out at the plate, Wood going to third. O'Neill "forced Sewell when Kilduff took his grounder and gouched sec- ond. No runs, one hit, no errors. / Third Inning. Brooklyn: Olson lined to Sewell. Sheehan flied to Speaker. Nels popped to Sewell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Cleveland : Sheehan threw out Mails at first. Evans singled into centre field, his second hit. Miller took Wamby's hopper and threw to Kilduff, and Evans was out. Speak- er went out, Koney unassisted. No runs, one hit, no errors. Fourth Inning. Brooklyn : Wheat popped to Burns. Myers singled to right. Koney walked on four bad balls. Kilduff flied to Wood. Miller flied to Evans. No runs, one hit, no er- rors. . Cleveland: Burns sent up a high fly to Olson. Garner flied to Wheat. Wood flied to Neis. No runs, no hits, no errors. : Fifth Inning. Brooklyn: Smith struck out. Ol- 80_nsent fly to Speaker. Sewell threw out Sheehan at. first. No reds, no hits, no errors. i Cleveland: Sewell shot a single (over Kilduft's head. Sewell was {out stealing] Miller to Olson. Kil- duff threw out O'Neil at first. Shee- han threw out Mails at first. No runs, one hit, no errors. | Speaker scored for Cleveland In the sixth on Burns' two base hit that was the only score made in the game. R H E 000000 000--0. 3 © . 00000100x--1 7 3 v Brooklyn ... here yesterday | An udassisted triple play by Wil- | Ham Wambsganss, a native-born son | No | SOVIET RULE IS CRUMBLING Discontent With the Bolshe- viki Government Growing | in Russia. {88--SOVIET-- ' London, Oct. 11.--Emma Gold. {man and Alexander Berkman both want to return to the United States, according to Boris Sokoloff, former | professsor bf biology in Petrograd university, and well known as a socialist writer, who has just arrived {in England. | With Mrs. Kerensky, wife of the {former head of the Ruesian govera- itaent, and her two children, Sokoloff (left Russia early in September carry- ing a mandate from the workmen members of the Petrograd soviet "to inform the proletariat world about {the soviet Russia comedy." "Within a month, I am going to New York, where I have been invited {to report to the United States work- |ers my observations," sald Sokoloff. "I did not want to leave Russia, be- |cause great events are ripening there and discontent with the soviet gov- ernment is growing more and more." Czecho-Slovakian Conditionse London, Oct. 11.--The resignation of the Czecho-Slovakian cabinet is of more than local interest, because this is the first European government which has fallen on account of the Bolshevistic views of some of its members. President Masaryk's cab- inet was frankly radical, but it comes as a surprise to learn that some of his associates would have the Czecho- Slovak state openly and immediately endorse the Leninist creed and mem- bership in the 3rd (Moscow) In- ternational. That President Masaryk will be fooled or beaten is a possibility no one who knows this able statesman would admit for a momen'. So long as his health lasts and his mind re- mains keen, he will be able to cope with the situation, provided he hag the moral and national support of the western allies. JOINT WATERWAYS | COMMISSION HERE To Hold a Hearing in the City i Hall on Monday Afternoon. The members of the Internatiopal Joint Waterways Commission: arriv- {ed In Kingston on Sunday and took {apartments at the Chateau Belvidere. | They are H. A. Powell, K.C., Sir W. H. Hearst, C. A. Magrath, Canadian section; Senator .Obediah Gardiner, {Robert B. Glenn, Senator C. | Clarke, United States section; L. J Burpee and W. Klutts, secretaries. There are among others attending the hearing to take place in the city hall here, Sir Adam Beck, Toronto; Senators William H. Smith and Stewart, Washington; J. H. Meikle, reeve of Morrisburg; J. Hilliard and B. B. Tucker, C. E., Morrisburg; A. 8. Forster, Oakville. On Monday morning the party made a tour of the Kingston harbor on the steamer Brockville, accom- panied by Mayor Nickle and J. M. Campbell, president of the Board of Trade. After their return they were given a drive about the city. The members of the commissich also paid a visit to the Royal Milit- ary College, prior to the afternoon meeting. Word was received this afternoon that Sir Adam Beok would be present at the meeting. : {SIBERIA 18 SOLUTION [ OF JAP PROBLEM | {Only Place : Nip} onese Can | Emigrate to Without i Bringing Protest. | | Tokio, Oet. 11.--Alleging that | under the names of 'territorial | greed" and "invasion" the Japanese people are prevented from seeking land beyond the seas 'to live and have their being," the Nichi Nichi .putg the question: "Where shall our countrymen go?" After remarking that the United States had protested against Japan's Siberian policy, therby causing unde- sirable complications netween the two nations, the newspaper gives prominence to an interview with an anonymous high official who says that Japan's development in Siberia will be beneficial both to Japan and the United States, if the matter is considered rationally. \ A ------------------ Made Forced Landing At Regina, Sask. trouble caused the pilots in the Trans-Canada flight to make a forced 5 landing at Regina at 8.30 this morn- ing. south of the aerial service company's acrodrome, and a good landing was| made. making necessary repairs before the where the repair machine is station- ely oo Cannot Ralse Embargo ister of Agriculture, has reiterated to a 'deputation of Scottish agricultur- ists and meat traders that the Gov- ernment is still unable to raise the sabes on Canadian store cattle. He fitted that Canada's cattle record was one of the cleanest in the whole world, but that it was im- possible to import from any quarter Regina, Sask., Oct. 11.--Engine ; The machine came down Just ; Several hours will be lost| flight can be contained to Moose Jaw ; On Canadian Store Cattle | London, Oct. 11.--Lord Lee, Min- 4 TEACH THE CHILDREN RULES OF THE ROAD Boys and Girls Should Know the Riglit and Wrong _ Sides. A ---- Reopening of the schools means renewal of traffic Thou- sands of children congregating at a central point, them scattering over many streefS at di hour, cre- ates a menace diffisult to control. The teacher who does mot instruct carefulness of conduet om public thoroughfares to help the children look out for themselves is neglect- ing a primary duty. The school that fails to teach safety comstantly in some practical way 18 failing in an elemental function. Most gchools do take up this ques- tion of teaching the kiddies the right and wrong way of traffi~ ques- tion, and more esp@elally to teach them how and where to cross the roads, and not to "jay walk" all over the streets. U.S. GETTING AFTER COAL PROFITEERS Railways East of Montana and Wyoming to Rush Cars to the Mines. Washington, Oct. 11.--Two divis- fons of the Government were in action today to insure a supply of coal for domestic consumers throughout the country and to keep down prices. Under special new orders of the Inter-State Commerce Commission all railroads east of Montana and Wyoming were rushing every avail- able coal car to the m¥nes to increase production. Acting on diréct orders from At- torney-Genesal Palmer,. distriet at- torneys and special agents in all big cities were Soliostind evidence of al- leged profiteering By coal dealers. The evidence will be presented to grand juries under the Lever anti- profiteering law, before October 13. meg . London Acclaims Prince of Wales London, Oct.' 11,.-- The Prince of Wales, who reached Spithead yesterday ' om the battle cruiser Renown, made a triumphant entry. into London to-day, on his return frem his six months' tour of the empire. Hundreds of thousands out to give the pi the greatest welc No kind in the history of family, the premier and other dignatories, all along the route to Buckingh#m ' palace, the streets were lined with cheer- ing multitudes, eager to catch a glimpse of the prince. Wheat Control Again Under Consideration Ottawa, Oct. 11.--Premier Mel- ghen isymaking an investigation into the possibilities of reviving the wheat board with contrel of the marketing of our Canadian wheat similar to last year, as requested by our western farmers. The two ministers in the west, Calder and Drayton, are gett- ing a lot of information, and minis- ters here are also busy on the sub- ject. Probably conversations are now being carried om with the British government as to Canada filling the wheat needs of Britain and France. This seems the most hopeful lead to- ward a control of prices. Turk Treasurer -Unab . To Meet Obligations ------ Constantinople, Oct. 11.--The war ministry here was stormed twice by the 'wives of Turkish war prisoners and unpaid, officers, who demanded money, Sabri Bey, the 80-year-old minister of finance, waved a report at the crowd showing that the trea- sury had only $100,000 with which 0 Joes a monthly payroll of $1,060, 000. , The New Brunswick Qovernment Sustained St. John, N/B., Oct. 11.--Premier Foster's Ii government in New Brunswick pas sustained on Satur- duy. The result: Liberals, 24; Con- servatives, 13; United Farmers, 9; Labor, 2. John W. Fish, Aged thirty-one, was killed by a falling limb at the Golden Lumber Co.'s camp near Grassmere. of the globe without incutring risk. ; ; wh ad TD gy t 3 FIFTY SEATS MAY BE ADDED US. Population Gain Indicates West And South Benefit Politically. Washington, Oct. 11.--Examina- tion of the final census figures of the country which place the total popu- lation of the States at 105,683,108 indicates that the west and the south proportion- ately will gain more in a political way than the east or middle west through increased membership in the house of representatives, more votes in the electoral college and in lar- ger delegations to the national politi- cal conventions. This result will obtain whatever basis of apportionment is adopted by congress next winter, fixing the size of the next house, which in turn is reflected in the electoral college and the conventions of the big poli- tical parties. As a result of the increase of 13,- ten years, 50 new geats must be add- ed to the house to prevent any state from losing any part of its present representation. Should the present membership of 436 be left unchang- ed by Increasing the basis of appor- tionment, there will have to be a transfer of 13 seats, now held by 12 states, to nine other states. For the past half a century the precedent has been to increase the size of the house so as to prevent loss of existing representation by ary state. As a result, the house hag grown from 243 to 435 members, with only three states--Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont-- losing one member each in the last 60 years. If this precedent is followed this year, five additional representatives' seats must be given to California, four each for New York, Ohio, Penn- sylvania and Michigan; three to Illi- ncis and Texas, two to Massachusetts, one each to Alabama, Arizona, Con- necticut, Georgia, Maryland, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Ore- gon, South Carolina, Tennessee, sin, Virginia, Arkansas and Minne- sota. BRITISH BREAD UP, DESPITE WHEAT YIELD Canadian Crop Proving Em- barassing to Old World Food Controller. London, Qct. 11.--News 'of Can- ada"s bumper harvest increases the embarrassment of the Food Control- ler's and other departments of the Government here, especially in view of their announcement that the price of bread was to be raised three pence per quarter loaf on Oct. 18th. Today's Canadian official message head of the Great Lakes at the rate of over a million bushels daily. News like this encourages Lord Beaver- brook to pr hotly his demand that quarter loaf must not be raised more than three half-pence. DELAYS ITINERARY i TO ATTEND TO JOBS Business Piles Up on Minis- ters as They Tour Through the West. Saskatoon, Sask., Oct. 11.--S8ir : Henry Drayton, chairman of the tar- j ift commission, said that while the iti- rerary of the commission would not be discontinued, upon arrival in Ot- tawa, a delay of ten days would oc- cur to enable the ministers to attend to departmental business that had been delayed since commencing the western sittings. The itinerary will be continued as far as Sault Ste. Marie. and from there the commission will proceed di rect to Ottawa. As a consequence, the Windsor sitting, which was original- ly scheduled to be held at the con- clusion of the western sittings, will now be included in the general On- tario sessions. There will not be any necessity for Victory loan this fall, said the min- ister. Rube Marquard Arrested or Scalping Tickets Cleveland, Oct. 11.--Richard "Rube" Marquard, one of the star- left-handed pitchers of the Brooklyn team, was arrested here Saturday on a charge of ticket "scalping." Marquard was arrested in the lob- by of a downtown hotel on a warrant issued by Assistant A 1ocutor Ed- ward C. Stanton. was charged with offering for sale, eight world seriés box seats, the original cost of which was $52.80, for $350. He was released on his own recog- nizance to appear before Municipal Judge Silbert, Monday, to answer to : the charge of ticket "scalping." Milan in Darkness. Milan, Oct. 11.--The power houses and several factories here were in | the hands of the workers Saturday following failure of employers and {employees to reach an agreement on | wages and working conditions. The {electricians cut off the current, plung- ing part of the city into darkness. Mount Alison University, Sack- ville, N.B., received a cheque from '| the executors of the Massey estate, Toronto, for $50,000, being one-half - the legacy bequeathed by the late The Po " government disavows the occupation of Vilna by General Zellgousk! and his , according continental United | 710,842 in population during the past | New Jersey and North Carolina, and | Washington, West Virginia, Wiscon- | says that wheat is arriving at the | 1 IN IRISH CITIES | MORE DISORDERS Dublin, Oct. 11.--More dis- orders occur In Irish cities. | | Troops were called to the Lon- donderry prison. Cork shop windows were broken. Soldiers | and policemen were fired upon | in Belfast. {GATHERS INSURGENTS | AGAINST SOVIETS In His March to Cut the Kya- kama High Road to Siberia. Harbin, Manchuria, Oct. 11.-- |General Ungern Sternburg, chief {lieutenant of General Semenoff, anti- Bolshevik Cossack leader, fs reported to be gathering insurgents against ithe Bolshevik regime in Siberia in {his march to cut the Kyakama high (road, seventy miles south of Verk- {hyne-Udins, the capital of the far- |eastern' republic. A general revolt against the Bolsheviki is sald to be {in progress in southern Balkal dis- |trict and the Verkhine-Udinsk gov- {ernment is moving its treasury to {Misovala on the western shore of Lake Baikal. STEALS IN ORDER TO ENTER A JAIL 'Guelph Man, Aged 63, Has ish Satisfied by Police Magistrate. Guelph, Oct. 11.--A pathetic case was heard before Magistrate Watt at the police court, when Malcolm Mc- Gilllvray, sixty-three years of age, was charged with the theft of a watch from St. Joseph's Hospital. Ac- cording to the story related to the police by MeGillivray, he had no home, and, as he was unable to work on account of ill-health, he wanted to be sent to jail for the winter months. He also said that he was a native of Elora, Ont., but he had no relatives and no means of support. Mr. Me- | Gillivray pleaded guilty to the theft. | | The magistrate sentenced him to six | months, and also ordered that he be taken to a physician for examination as to his physical condition. BIBLE SOCIETY'S WORK. The Table of Languages Now Reaches 528. London, Oct. 11.--During the war i the energies of the British and For- | etn Bible Society were directed into | new channels to meet the changed re- | quirements, but the old work in dis- | | tant fields was not forgotten, and | preparations were made to resume | |it at the earliest possible moment. There is evidence of this in the fact that last year the society printed the Scriptures in nine languages in which they had not hitherto.been written. Fivagt iese 'editions were for Africa, one for China, one for Northern Can- (ada, one for Argentina, and one for | the Southern Seas. These additions | bring tke total of the society's histori- | cal table of languages up to 628.' | This list fhcludes the complete Bible in 134 forms of speech, and in addi- {tion the complete New Testament in 24 The annual report shows that the | society's issues for the year 1919-20 | amounted to 8,615,930 coples of the | Beriptures. The figure indicates a falling-off, which is accounted for by the fact that the war distribution has come to an end and that political conditions still paralyse work in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as in Siberia. Body To Enforce Laws. Montreal, Oct. 11.--The appoint- ment of D. R. Murphy, K.C,, as gen- eral administrator of the prohibition law of the province of Quebec, an- nounced Thursday, may ultimately lead to the creation of a commission having general charge of enforce- ment of the law, The Montreal Gaz- ette says this morning. Immigrants Congest Port. Montreal, Oct. 11.--The arrival at Quebec of four out of five incoming liners will make a difficult task for the immigration authorities. The first to arrive was the Minnedosa, follow- ed by the Megantic, the Sigiian and the Grampian. The Cassandra arrived Sunday. Steal Much Whiskey. New York, Oct. 11.--Eight armed men, representing themselves to be revenue agents, held up two men in a garage in West 52nd street and drove oft with two automobile trucks con- taining 400 cases of whiskey. Wichita, Kansas, Oct. 11.--The Wheat Growers' Association of the United States, with a membership of 70,000 in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska and South Dakota, has is- sued from {ts office here a proclama- tion to all ite members urging them to refrain from selling any wheat af- ter 8 p.m., Oct. 26th, until such time as the price of good wheat {s raised to $3 'a bushel at growers' terminal market, # s Agricultural colleges, farm bur- eaus, state boards of agriculture and similar organizations are urged to co- operate with the association in its ef- fort to raise the price of wheat. ._The proclamation is signed by W. M.'M. Michael, national presidentand W. H. McGreevy, national secretary. The latter said today that he ex- pects the members to refrain from selling their wheat until the price or $3 is re-established. Blame Canadian Grain. Washington, Oct 11.--Strong pres- sure from the farmers' organizations of the west is being exerted to induce President Wilson to place an em- onthe importation of wheat. The of , would cours? SUGAR DUMPING 5 DCSE Refiners Only Given Legal | Protection--No Profit m | US. Sugar. | Ottawa, Oct. ficial protection, beyond that provid- led for by law is being afforded Can- | adian sugar refiners through the oc- casional invocation of the anti-dump- | Ing clause and regulations of the Cus- | toms Act, is the statement of the Cus- toms authorities here. Section six lof the Act provides that "In the case of "articles exported to Canada of a class or kind made or produced in | Canada if the export on actual sell- Ing price to an importer in Canada be less than the fair market of the same article when sold for home con- sumption in the usual and ordinary | course in the country whence export- {ed to Canada at the time of its ex- | portation to Canada, there shall in | addition to the duties otherwise | established be levied, collected and { paid on such article, on its importa. : { tion into Canada a special duty (or dumping duty) equal to' a difference | between the said selling price of the { article for export and the said fair !market value thereof lor home com- | sumption, and such special duty (or | dumping duty) shall be levied, col- | lected and paid on such articles, al- {though it is not otherwise dutiable." i ep | Is Limfted. The special or dumping duty, how- i ever, shall not exceed 15 per cent. ad | valorem in any case, and does not | apply to goods bearing an ad valorem | duty of 50 per cent. or to goods on | which an excise tax is charged or to sugar refined in Great Britain It is further provided that the duty | does not- apply when the difference between the fair market value and | the selling price to the importer does not exceed five per cent. of the fair | market value. This margin, how- ever, may be changed by order-in- Council. s | When it is considered that the or- | dinary specific duty on sugar equals [2.09 cents per pound, that the freight is 3% cent per pound and that ex- change is 9 per cent. authorities say [It is difficult to see how, even at | eleven cents per pound (the lower figure in the United States) su can very profitably be sent to Ca ada' where the lowest price is 19% cents. The application of the dum ing clause would cause the mar to disappear completely, » The department, in applying the clause, declares that it does not t coghizante of local If this is objected to, recourse may. be had to investigation, 1 The only further protection which could be given to the Canadian re- finers in the matter would be for the Governors In Council 'to reduce the | margin provided for in the regula- tions. Women in Theological College. - Winnipeg, Oct. 11.--For the first time in the history of the west, wo- men are enrolled as students of a theological college. It is the Mani- toba College (Presbyterian) here where the girls are enrolled and they are, taking courses as deaconesses, social service workers, missiona on the foreign fleld, and in kin garten work. The women of the Presbyterian church of the provinee have interested themselves in provid- ing a residence for the women stu- dents, Miss Edna Sutherland, being in charge as dean. Where They Were Found. Regina, Sask., Oct. 11.--When Au education, dug up in his garden re- cently a potato in which was em- bedded an unblushing corkscrew, some of his friends were unkind enough to suggest that the bottle could not be far away. They were entirely wrong. The bottle was dis- covered=--or at least a pant of it-- several blocks away, snugly fixed! around the neck of a ca growing! in the garden of the Rev. Father Gil-: Tes. i This is the sixtieth day of the im- prisoned Cork mayor's hunger strike. MacSwiney still lives, i US. Farmers Demand Three Dollar Wheat 'And An Embargo on Imports From rected against imports from Canada. Last year when government control of wheat existed in both count both Canada and the United ; ut with the passing of g A control wheat is now admitted from Canada free of duty. In response to the formal demand Governor Allen, of thar adian wheat ba barred from ens trance into the United States, the president is quoted as saying that he has no doubt of his power to : bargo imports under some of the E measures still on the statute book, r but that the question of policy was one for investigation and report the department of agriculture, A similar reply was made some weeks &g0 to the wool growers, demanded an embargo upon the . ther Importation of woul and the i ference to ture is a intery as pigeon-holing of Governor Allen's re-| guest, The slump in the price of has accelerated the of Canadian wheat into the A ' market, and most of the farmers lieve that an embargo will steady the be &%{ market and stiffen yrices. 11.--That no artl- gustus H. Ball, deputy minister "of Prohibited the importation of wheat,