Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1920, p. 12

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N \The Progress of Manitoba : 1H Fr bA IL Y BRITISH WHI RN HORA. inn 11, me . j oo - -- ee HIRES Provines of Quebeée, i | { { | | y iy DELICIOUS WORLD panous ROOT BEER BEVERAGE 1y Rope of Ho. Judse A a SA Th Sod BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. | Ron Hike 8 6t, 11.~~The annual ay | -- JAB. Craw 0. Ros) paris Canada ns that o sports of the pupils of Gananoque | JAS, HENDERSON : ws RETDES & £ Sir Wiltrid Laurer, but (here ate a igh Bchool were held on Friday af-| JOHN OILBRRY lam of Se In his teatyy, Vo Yetneds | at He maruss LSrounds 43d | Nothing, ary 'bto Hires but the pure healthful Juices of Roots, he whe Yniy nowrly achieved fase | Lubito as well as Seneral enthusiasm: | orbs, Barks and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. by whiting the 6tigiaal words to "O | on the part of the pupils. R. E. Lewls | Canada," acted as starter and Rev. C. B. Kidd, | A . "O Oanada," unlike most §¥est | Rey. Father Byrnes and T. D. O'- om INI] 0 no or sons, was Sotpoacd Siakwaria. The | Connor as judges. Ye.l { ih une wie made first, It was in On Thursday afternoon, at the e- | 2 N RIBITABE ay At a great convention of Bt. Jean | thodist parsonage, Rev. Daniel Mick | TELEPHONE 30, STRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON Tx Baptiste in Quedae City when a oali | united in marriage Miss Winifred | . OFFICE: 294 PRINC . arose from the delegates for some [ Slack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs! i of nationalizing hymn that | Amos Slack, King street, to TO | EE Settee eee shoud Oxpreas the aspirations of the |B. Dixon, Kingston, formerly of | y h-Canadians as & nation ia Can- Montreal. | ads. A committees was struck, with | The Methodist congregational rally | Judge Routhier pa chairman, for the {in Grace church on Thursday even- | purpose of getting a French-Oana- | Ing was an event long to be remem- | dian composer to do this on behalf bered in the annals of that church. | of the convention. The only French- The attendance was well above the | Oanadian composer capable of such | average for such functions. a0 inspiring task was Oulixte Laval The industrial night classes in con- | 100, a famous pianist then liviag in j nection with Gananoque high school | . . . Quebes. §o quickly was it all done. | were opened last week, and so far | International Joint Commission #0 much after thc manner of an in- | there has been an enrollment of 60. | ' *piration that the very next day the [Daring the same time fast Jour, 1 to di he d . fihe Si. La composer sent word that he was |enro ment was only thirty-two and | 1 A . ready. When the committee called this augurs well for a successful | o scuss the €epening of the t w upon him they found that he had | course. There are nine subjects, and | composed 20¢ cas but four or five [a number of those snrolied are for | rence Waterways and the development of melodies, of which he played on | two or three different classes. { + ag. . . his plano. Unanimously SIT |, The congregations of Grace and | Water Power in this district, ed ie melody sinc become so fam- | St. Andrew's churches, of this town, | ous as the voles of the Freuch-Cana- | worshipped together at both morn- | dian race. Catching up the imspira- | Ing and evening services yesterday | : ° tional mood of the composer, Judge [in the latter church, with the pastor, 1 a mn 5 on Routhier at once wrote his memor- { Rev. C. E. Kidd in charge. 9 able verses to fit the tune, and before | Rey, Danie] Mick and Sou Jerald, { the convention kroke up beth words | are en oying a few holidays in Perth, and musio were enihusiastieally ac- | and Mrs. Mick in Napanee. , MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th, at 2 p.m. claimed, adopted and sung.' Within a | The W. M. 8. of St. Andrew s | few years thousands of French-Cana- i Fhurch hei 3 Succussful Afternoon | dat h 1 thi fc [tea on ursday afternoon. uring 3 - . Be. 324 urast Sn Paleatls | the evening, Mrs. McKerrill, Toron- | Sir Adam Beck and other Prominent years before it got up as far'as On. [ to. head of the W. M. S. of the Pres- | men will speak tario, where it was used first at mili- | hyterian "Burey In Canada, gave * . t tatt in Ni Camp, later | excellent illustrated address on the . . x at airy Samy, later |<" sliest Susipaat Siirets onthe Because of the importance of this meet- forded the present Kin, Gorge V, | abiosd ing all citizens are urged to attend. » . . . | onduot f the Mendelssoh Cholr, | AS Mea "What is that Trenton High School J. M. CAMPBELL, wonderful thing?" On being told, he | Unvells Memorial Tablet made a nete of it, and a few years | ------ Presid nt later, much thanke to the admirable | Trenton, Oot. 11.--A beautiful ent of the Board of Trade. choral and orchestral setting and Memorial tablet was unveiled in English translation, all made by Trenton on Friday night. General Dr. T. B. Richardson, of Toronto, Sir Sam Hughes performed the cere- { who had become familiar with the mony in the presence of an audience | plece when an officer at Niagara jhat Jacked the sembly hall and g : . | Camp, the Mendelssohn Choir gave adjoining halls. (1) On the left the Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg, and on the right a portion of the | the first ohoral verformamoe of "0 | Brigadier-General King, Kingston, P. R. Stal | 9 ® ® i tion Building. (2) Fort Garry Winnipeg.--A plate on the | Qanada." Since that time, soores of (also spoke. 10g. y ' 3 Anglo-Sax hay 1tt ish | The honor roll contains the names wall, presented by Winnipeg Canadian Ciub, tells its story. | Angio-ta NE vic iuen Wngiish | Tho, puplls and ex-pupils who There is an Indian legend of a Red River territory, between the in Manitoba fs largely written in | served in the great war. 9 | In Ontario schools, and a dosen com- Of these ace of peeple who dwelt Upon the | present international boundaries and | the heroic efforts of the Church, both | posers have written varfous arrange- [ten were killed in action; ten won bedore the Red | Lakes Winnipeg and Winnipegosts. Catholic and Protestant. In the be | ments for choirs, men's voles, quar- |medals, three are lieutenant-colon. Men came, but why they vanished or | This land he preceeded to colonize | ginning of the Provincial era there who on tettes, etc. But the original Lavallee- |©I8; two are majors; six are captains; r win 1 they were man knows, Van- | with settlers from the Scottish High- | were 33 parish schools in eperation, | Routhier setting arivinsi as the |Dineteen are lieutenants, and four We A e Sho g the Latest Production ish they aid and their place was tak- | lands. The Colony grow and flourish- | but in 1876 the number of sobools | greatest of them all, and by long odds |3T® nursing sisters. f C . Art th N by wandering tribes of Indians ed. About 1830 the population of|had grown to 53. Last year there one of the greatest national hymns -------- O eramic 9 e INew Who hunted and fished, bullt their Red River was 1.500. Ia 1835 the were 3,200 teachers and 116,000 pu- ever known under any flag. Wigwams and their camp-fires, told | Council of Assinibola was organised [pils in the public and high schools tassios His Death In Toronto, thelr wild legends and smeked their [to govern the colony and Fort Garry [of the Province. Gilbert Harkness, who for the Deace-pipes for many a gemeration| (now Winnipeg) was built. Theories Regarding the Moon. greater part of his life, lived in I before the foot-ef the white men ever| From this time on the history of A great many clrious ideas exist Sheffield, near Tamworth, passed Visited the plains that were their Manitoba is one of growing presper- A In various parts of the world regard- | away at Toronto, at the age of 83 Reritage. ity, brokem omly by the Riel rebel- Ing the dark spots on the meon's | years. The late Mr. Harkness was The first lions of 1869 and 1885. To Sir Ed- oaly a couple of hundred people. |disk. In Eastern Asia the spets are | well known in Tamworth, where he mund Head, "Governor-General of Main Street was only a prairie trail. believed to be a rabbit or hare; the (commanded the respect of all who Canada in 1861, is due the fact that |There Was no school, no railway or | Ohinese in particular look upon them | knew him. Two years go he moved Manitoba waa Sontederaiad into the Wisfiagh connection with the outer |as a hare sitting up and pounding jo Torsuto, ang jor many BoBiba gut. . 1369 the Hu world; y ri , red w eart trouble. 8 c- ii of whieh he Huw Boy . Ro Danks, except that the Teeina mortar: Moat of the Slamese tion brought about hig death. Besides Dazzingly brilliant with color and fascinating with its opale- tor, transferred back to England, In Some few, however, see in the | his beloved wife whom he leaves to cent reflections. It is the result of a new and wonderful discov. consideration of a sum of £500,000, Toon a man and woman working in a | Mourn his loss, he leaves a family ot the lands which It had received from ; field. Curiously enough, the North |four, two of whom live in Toranie ey of an English potter. her some twe hundred years before. a American Indians have almost the [20d two in the West. His remains Oriflamme ware fulfills the sound condition of the highest England transferred the territories Same superstition as the Chinese, and | Were interred at Toronto. No two bi alik and the debt of $15,000,000 to the i on old monuments in Central Amer- art. Xo two pieves are o young Dominion of Canada and om ; foa the moon appears as a jug or ves- ~ Scaffold Collapsed: The old. bronze and old gold effects produced with this dull Jume 17th. 1870, Manitoba became a , sel, out of which an animal like a Thomas Somerville, foreman in Province of that Dominion, taking A rabbit is jumping. charge of the erecting of five metallic surface are at once artistic in the highest degree, the her place ameng her sisters under The South American Indians, on [houses on Edgehill street, suffered flame in the furnace transmits at will the modern creation. the Lieutenant - Governorship ot the other hand, believe that a girl ja sprained arm Monday afternoon Adams G. Archibald. In 1371 she who had.fallen in love with the MOOR | when a scaffold, fifteen feet high, col- a : elected her fimst Premier, Hon. H. J, Sprang upward toward it, was caught lapsed. Three other workmen escaped CALL AND SEE THIS LINE Clarke, a nib Ie nd Bopt My > and That it is her injury. Mr. Somerville feels that he ays beem a ure wl seen on the moon's (was very lu in n e ite Famine 3 rae a 8 m ry Y in not being impaired face, to a great extent. J . ° ® besides this she possesses many before The Samoa Islanders look on the EE ---- : other sources of wealth In the Spots as representing a woman carry- Lloyd Schafter, aged fifteen, . Yalusble area ow knows in ¥ort:- ing a child, and many other southern Gueph, was killed accidentally by 9 POMS Of Erect mains wii peopla have similar beliefs, the wo- |the discharge of his rifle when he powers 000. man and child sometimes being alter- tried to knock down with it an apple v to Screen immense power, fisheries . ed into an old woman bearing a bur- |off a tree. 78-76 PRINCESS STREET capable of yielditrg large returns, fur den om her back. Fuel administrators are. empower- bearing animals innumerable and The Bskimos have an original (ed to seize coal in cars remaining much good land available for the Superstition. They say that ene day unloaded longer than eight days, hardier crops. The climate in this | wh Aniga, the moon, chased his sister, William MeDonald, Beachville, | * re Tr SN ndgou's Tay Jorberh Jerk of Manitoba is extreme dou sad lig Rarme: Exown inal' |the Sun, in wrath. Just as he was |near Ingersoll, was killed by a train. Many a man looks upon marriage! The troutle with the religious ar. ut he A Me to Free about to oateh her, howeve , she sud- Jou get a quality tea wh 3 ] bles him to | gument is that neither side can o ot] Ug to 1870 the Matory of no n a er, ho r €D you (as an institution thta ena desiy turned around amd 'threw'a (buy Charm. put his property ini his wife's name. | prove conclusively that it is right. em AA ---------- great handful of soot in his face and . -- - -------- England Mills company at Central Falls, R.I., an-] . QUICK WORK. Shu Scared Anand of ou soot . A Reducin ages | 'ounced a fifteen per cent, reduction sts . re Reducing Wages In wages. A hoisery and underwear |I. C. 8. Obtains Good Results From | The people of Northwestern India, ul Y a a; ho socconnt for the moon's menthly ton, Oct. 11.--A large number | Mill at Lowell refused a proposition Whig Ad. » of Baste A Xe Tn New England | rom its emploves that a wage reduc- M. M./ Sims, local manager of rey by alstisring oi she will be idle for two days next week | tiOn be put into effect to avert athe International Correspondence! by a fresh moon explain as dark AS a result of plans announced in va- | COMmPplete shutdown. Schools, is delighted with the re- sDots by saying they are the -- rious textile manufacturing centres. | * a sults of an advertisement placed in of the former moes fl many instances, it was explained Peter Boussey, a farmer near | the Whig on Saturday last. The Other mations . lain its dis- hat with Tuesday a holiday (Colum- |Ruthven, has sold a five-acre gravel | paper was issued at two o'clock, and oa pret Bhvin iy Sa Wedd us Day) it was considered inadvis- (hill for $40,000 cash, out of a 37. al four, Mr. Sims already had recely- 3 pSurante 1 hares bbl he oc able to operate the mills on Monday, |acre farm he bought last spring for | ed answers to the advertisement, is eaten up by mice; the Polynesian | wiille in other cases mills shut down | $12,000. three days before he expected any. "i ftion a the sider: an last night for a vacation until Wed-| Anti-soviet peasants, led by white | Mr. Sims made it a point to express Superait d its Ning to oF esday. Ofticers,. have occupied Tornsk, | his appreteiation of the value of the Hottontos » $ acco! oy, ° 8 4 In addition, a silk manufacturing Siberia. Whig's columns 'as an advertising h ly the Pini #illers ton = medium ag soon as he could do so. hadache, an When it gets very bad | ry He also stated that he was very |tL% Moon hides its head with a hand | much pleased with the manner ip | 20d covers up the face from the gase CJ A - 0d ined In She paper wad spats | DAELAY Bblatae a ts | The LINDSAY PLAYER PIANO SA TE tr BR oe a en ee dite ana ry will make you a great piano player ) ' meal after their own fashion, aad | 1 i ee epeitis aw fashion. sad --a master of the piano, able to yrrades. Disappearing again. i play classical and popular music, oodstoc entinel-Review) TT ------ : 3 if 1 x : : wor! The value of the Province's' 1920 hetboll JL ur re Hopeless Case. accompanying other instruments wheat and oat crep alone is estimated at cents aplece. But in those good old i The keeps ar Ge aasne Sytem or singing. In a word it gives you, : i A . : 3 We T0500. $500 and $1,000 denominations, mont every: own aahope th ai- {had taken Tan across s pedestrian | in 10 minutes, the ability that a n Cooper shops are di Ting. Is (gasing perplexedly at the raiiroad | ici i vince of Saskatchewan 6% Gold Boas anybody Iearning © the' combis | Keung Ho musician takes |5 years to acquire, ot 96.62, yielding 6.300 trade these days? Is anybody learn. | Osh Top, toil ms where (fi rat Come in for free demonstration. " as A Province of Inherent Wealth Saskatchewan has played an important part in gaining for Canada her place amongst the great wheat producing countries of the 2 > ing any trade? The old-time shoe- road : 3 Mal your der or telegraph at our expense maker Das practically diss peared. "You" better come along quietly If you have a silent piano, we descrip ircular. ere hé survives at all it is as a |pack inside 'with us," answered ill ace 1 ym : or a ve o Sobhler, The old-time Sailor 12 di. of the patients sotth ingly. "That wil ept it "3 PE pa ont on 5 : appearing. Many of those who still | doesn't £0 anywhere. e of a layer ee us , k the st trains on." : : - Wood, Gundy & Com pany rh more of thelr Toying | Here to run trains en." about it. / Canadian Pacific Railway Bidg, Siskatonn thending 'thay. Yrom making. Tin- Winnipeg's Twins. New York smiths and plumbers tell you it is ag \ : ; almost impossible t ty Seventy-seven pairs of twins were wa learn the, traden'® Sue "078 11% bere Wm it premone QRS. Rolls-the latest always serve the apprenticeship necessary |MOMths, secording to department re. to learn a trade, when 'they can go | ports. The number of births into a factory and, in a few weeks, | Was 5,460. = Si) | learn to run a machine sufficiently | were born in 1918. -- fl] | ell to earn a man's wages. Ip a : C AR few years more, if conditions do not : change, there will be nobody to put | 3, MeBwen, Dela wsis. pith - wheels (a nA Slane far In every way; wire SP up Jtovepines or attend dent EN Sven, Delawar company f}| plumbing. There will be aud & prominent farmer, dropped ST ENROLET TOURING---very little used; good as new ie elled do his i § ¢ i J Im Sale or trade. : x 3 1 lexander Greece B~. WW. IND ra P R ; The maeting of the League of Na-| = At Hf a. tional Bank " 3 Hl avan o oh SND SuERN. seeellfl [tions Das Deon posftromed to Oet. | op Cubs rreviziagen Moasspenaza. Lar. y = 120th. iments,

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