MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1920. --and Seal Brand boi Coffee -- Nothing else will do No other can compare with Seal Brand, Made only from the finest mountain. grown beans, which have developed slowly, absorbing goodness from the air, the sun and the luxurious soil of the cool rful Tropic Uplands, Pett y Blended and Rossted, the rich aroma and rare flavour sealed into the Tins. 7 In J, 1 and 2.1b. sizes, Whole, greund, and finé-ground. At all good groces, Write for "Perfoct Coffoe--Perfoctly Made", Mailed free on request. CHASE @ SANBORN, MONTREAL, 0 1 FTI AT 1 Edison-Dick MIEMOGRAPH The Perfected Duplicator. Edison Waxless Stencil. A Great Business Builder. Dr.J.D.KELLOGG'S AsTHMAREMEDY 'THE CHOKING, BUFFOCATING EFFECTS OF ASTHMA ARE @QREATLY MITIGATED BY THIS EFFECTIVE AGENT. A TRIAL 18 SUFFICIENT TO CONVINCE YOU OF IT8 RELIABILITY, Ask for demonstration. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Typewriter Headquarters. A at pr arr ert | , second eldest daughter of | On Oct. 2nd, a pretty though quiet{ Mrs + Goodmurphy, Belleville, and | wedding took place at the Baptist | Herbert Putman were united in mar- parsonage, Akron, Ohio, when Lulu | riage. . NA eb raat | SeMrent's Mouth. | tude. She is the second largest island | ous. | and minerals. | mainland of South America, possess- | with modern facilities at | after the | for West | Bird," | | the Caribs who inhabited the island, | THE Trinidad Boasts | : Many Industries ; RINIDAD is the southern- most colony in the chain of West Indian Islands proper, being situated 10 degrees north of the Equator, between the 61st and 62nd degrees of west longi- of the group, and the most prosper She is rich in soil, vegetation, Situated close to the ing extensive petroleum fields, and Port of Spain for the handling of cargo, she | has been singled out by the Com- | mittee on Shipping in the Caribbean | war as the headquarters | Indian shipping. { The "Land of the Humming | as Trindad was called by | was discavered by Christopher Co- | lumbus in 1498. Like Jamaica and! the majority of the West Indian | islands, Trinidad is mountainous, in- | tersected with ravines and plains, all | of which abound in luguriant vegeta- | tion. The scenery is gorgeous. Above, sunny skies, around the island glassy sea; sloping hills, rich foliage, ave- nues of palms. You marvel, on pass- ing the little islands that rise sen- tinel-like off the coast, at such sights | as the Gulf of Paria, which separates Trinidad from the Republic of Vene- suela, the four or five chaunels at the northern entrance known as the | Dragon's Mouth, each of the four islands at the entrance rising, as someone has written, like a jewel from the sea. To the south 18 the Then comes Port | of Spain, nestling below lofty peaks, | with hills and valleys in the distance #/..ds 10 good looks, sound teett., eager appetite and digestion are ] oy 3 hd Pp ll er R | Large q@antities of molasses are ex- | | See Our Assortment of THES Before Purchasing Dominion, Dunlop, Hercules, K. & S., Firestones, Lee Puncture Proof KINGSTONAUTO SALES CO. Limited CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS. Telephone 600. - - = pel of production and co-operation; public auction yearly. The botamisal | and people that a West Ind , cultural | hee, to j iroptoal lands could be sent to learn | ment of} | Water villages, and ha undertak 3 clothed in nature's garb, and looking resplendent under a tropical sun. i In 1797 Trinidad passed from ' Spanish control into the hands of Britain, the Spanish Governor having capitulated to an expedition headed by Admiral Harvey and Gen. Sir Ralph Abercromby. Sir Walter Ra- leigh had, however, visited it years before when he was on what is re- corded as-"'his ill-starred expedition to the Eldorado---Guiana"; Raleigh attacked St. Josef, one of the coast towns of Trinidad, and burnt it. It was from close to her shores that Nelson chased the French fleet through the West Indies across the Atlantic to Trafalgar. { Trinidad contains 1,860 square miles and is §6 miles in length. Her industries are many; her population is about 400,000. Of this number one-third consists of Bast Indians. About 1857 borings fer petroleum were made by an American comgern, but the venture was net successful. In 1866 another start was made at | Brighton, and at a depth of 169 feet small deposits of oil were found, | the weekly output being from 50 to 60 gallons. In 1901 Mr. Randolph Rust and others took upthe question, with the result that operations were commenced on extensive lines. Sue- cess crowned the efforts of those con- cerned. In the financial year 1914-15, 36,753,931 gallons of petroleum were handled. To-day there are at least 70 ofl-wells in the colony, the pro- duct of each being from the heavy asphaltic to light oils. Refineries have been established to manufacture gasoline, kerosene, and other oils; and to-day the Trinidad produet is being placed on the market of the neighboring islands. In 1917 35,808,- 505 gallons of petroleum were ex- ported; in 1918, 41,132,837 gallons; and in 1919, 46,017,810 gallons. The increase of sugar tn Trinidad is satisfactory. From 10,000 tons in the years gone by, it has advanced steadily until last year the output was considerably over 50,000 tops. In the second year of the war, the sugar industry was worth to Trini- dad more than one million sterling. ported, along with sugar, to Britain | Trinidad cocoa has won its way! to popular favor. In 1848; but 1,254 | fons were exported; in 1915 a high- | water mark was reached, 24,000 | tons being shipped to British mar- | kets at a price of at least two millions. | Last year moré than 24,000 tons were | sent abroad. Trinidad produces cocoa- | nuts by the million each season. Last | year 30,000,000 nuts were exported. | Trinidad is the only colony in the proper that possesses a floating dock and up-to-date repair plant, and a line of steamers owned ia the colony. . The island is well provided with hotels, clubs, and golf links. The Savannah is the centre of galety at meetings, . cricket, or other sports which attract many persons te Port of Spain. Her rivers; pools, and waterfalls -- the Diego Martin and Maracas falls, the Blue Basin with its beautful cascade -- in the midst of the mest luxuriant tropical vegetation, are worth seeing. an agrienltural colony, no effort is spared in the training of young men in matters relating to that industry. Agricultural societies preach the gos- an extensive Government stock farm | is maintained, where cattle and horses of high grade are offered at gardens, attached to the Agricultural t, and a monastery om the hills, are among the institutions that: have helped to advance agriculture, and it is the desire of the Government lan Agri- Oollege should be created which not only lads from the colonies but those of other agriculture. Her railway its share in the develop- i It is to be extended; to be provided for rbor works are to be en at a cost of $2,600,000. London Times. ------ Goes Up Eleven Millions, Ottawa, Oct. 11.-~The assessment { of Ottawa this year, for taxes to be system levied in 1921, shows an increase of | almost eleven million doliars over the | assessment made in 1919 on which { this year's taxes were levied. 2 A ---------- | Fresh, violent earth tremors have | curred on Sept. 25th of one of the j children, of whom eight are living, | lam F. and Claude C., on the home- { of roses from L. O. L. No. 503. The been felt pear Mantera in Italy, 3 DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TIDINGS FROM SUNBURY. 1 Township Hall Needod--Farewell to | Mr. and Mrs. H. Moreland. Sunbury, Oct. 9.--The many | friends of Hiram Spooner will be glad | to hear that he is progressing very | favorably from his recent operation In Kingston General Hospital and ex- pects to be home soon, although he will require some months rest. Mrs. Spooner, his mother, is also recover. ing slowly and expects her daughter to visit her very soon. A farewell will be given to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moreland, who have re- cently moved to Kingston. The need of a new and ecommo- dious town hall is being more felt as the colder weather draws near, and when the Christmas festivities are nigh. \ Several of the farmers are draw- ing grain to Kingston where prices are said to be high and the demand | almost unlimited, Silo filling has few more days of see it almot George Clark has been quite {11 for some time but is around again though not able for hard work, ------ The Late Mrs, Somerville. Lyndhurst, Qct. 8.--The death oo gone on well and a | good weather will | oldest and most highly respected resi- dents in the person of Mre. Sarah Jade Somerville, widow of thé late Jas. Somerville. Deceased had been in poor health for some months. Mrs. Somerville had been a resident of Leeds for upwards of sixty years, be- ng in her seventy-eighth year. De- ceased was born at Lisbeen County Antrim, Ireland, and was a daughter | of the iaty James Neil McMillan, El- lisville. She was the mother of ten fire sons and three daughters: Wil- stead; James N., Morton, Robert M., and Clifford, C., Winnipeg; Mrs. W. H. Pritchard, Timmins; Miss Eliza J., Lyndhurst; -Miss Minnie at home. Two sons predeceased her some years ago, Among the many floral tributes were a wreath of lilies from St. John's Church Guild, also a wreath funeral to St. John's church, of which the deceased was a life long, and a devout member, was held on Tues- day afternoon and was largely at- tended. Rural Dean Smith conducted the services and delivered an im- pressive sermon, Interment was made in the family plot. The pall bearers were the five sons and R. H. Somer- ville, Kingston. Being of a loving and cheerful disposition, the deceased will be missed by a large circle of re- latives and friends. t completed, le PIN rer na al... ly - eh EE ------------ ee, --_-- 8% Po -- ig Where Whigs Are Sold | attr tert 0000000 000 00g, The Daily British Whig is on sale at the following places in the city: Cullen's Grocery, Alfred and Prin. | cess streets. Cullen's Ice Cream Parlor, Alfred and Princoss streets. McGall's Cigar Store, Princess and i King streets. Twigg's Cigar Store, 70 Princess street. McOsuley's Book Store. 98 Prin- cess street, College Book Store, 250 Princess street. George Thompson, 204 Princess street, i Prouse's Drug Store, 312 Princess | street | Best's Up-Town Drug Store, Prin. i cess and Division streets. { T. R. Carnovsky, Princess and Vic toria streets, Bath Road Post Office, Upper Prin. ess street, Miss Bucknell's News Stand, King street, corner Clarence street. McLeod's Grogery, corner Division and ujon Jacl. » thi George r, Portsmou Austin's Drug Store, corner King and Market streets. Frontenac Hotel, Ontario street. O.P.R. Station, Ontario street At Canifton, on Thursday, William Harvid, a well known resident passed away after being ill for some months. Deceased was born at Torquay, Eng- land in 1868. Hazel Harris, adopted daughter of Mrs. Annie Harris, Belleville, suc- cumbed Thursday night to the burns which she sustaingd yesterday after- noon while playing with matches at her home, SR "KIDNEY ~ PILLS K 2] 31 oe hd h BO Hal LARA TES 11 HTT Storm Sash Don't wait until January, give us your measurements now. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042, 3 3 3 Victoria Street EE EET TIRES COMING DOWN Put a MAXOTIRE in that old casing and get the balance of the season out of it. "THE HOME OF . THE MAXOTIRE" 2684 Ontario Street = J Uz, THT TTT Phone 2000. § -------- SERVICE and STYLE are combined in our newest shoes for meh. They have that smart, handsome ap pearance so essential to good dressing. Belang made of tested leathers these shoes will give far more than | ordinary wear. We extend a1 Invitation to mea in need of new footwear to take a look at these shoes. They are the real thing. - The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Olergy. Phone 498, Be sure when fortune knocks at something the ordinary mortal finde your door that the knocker ig in per- | hard to do. EE ---- - _------,--,---------- a fect order. A woman's face isn't always ag bad To err 43 human; to forgive-- as it is painted. 3 Ba A. I...