La BATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. a a il In the World of Sport Warning !! Women May Serve as § phoca, 9 » Don't go out without a Daylo--when you the alternative of woman foot- oaches, or no professional coach il, according to William A. Ste- director of public school phy- sical education. At the last examination for physi- cal instructors in the high schools in darkness, these lights will show the way--qu ly and safely. Ask the owner of a Daylo how he finds them--he'll say the same as we: "The only men applicants. . thing fora man in the dark' --and that means near- | CHRISTY MATHEWSON GIVES i AUTHORITIES INFORMATION ly everybody. | Christy Mathewsom has turned | over to the authorities further in- side information concerning the act- fvities of Hal Chase, Lee Magee, and Heine Zigmerman, all of whom have ALIS We stock them in all sizes ---Lanterns and Candles-- ones that are suited for RI ball. He has sent an affidavit to the officials investigating the White Sox baseball scandal. i In the courze of the affidavit" Mat- : , i | ty" declares that Magee worked for milady 8 satchel to ones | Chase, and one He ay both bet | $500 that the Boston team would that are made for a car. ; j win, "The game will not suffer greatly despite the black eye it has received because a few betrayed thir team- mates and their clubs," Mathewson said. 1 [ Roo TO COS AEE wd : Come in and let us show LLALL LN DRE you the size you need. -------- CANADIAN INDIANS TO MAKE TRIS CHIEF The mississauga Indians of the re- servation north of Peterboro are {planning to make Trig Speaker an {honorary chief of their tribe when the makes his annual hunting trip to |the Kawartha Lakes district upon | the €onclusion of the world series. {The Mississaugas celebrated Cleve- {land's capture of the American {League pennant, and are closely fol- lowing the championship games. Fresh Batteries and Bulbs always on hand Football--Tennis (The two leading sports of the day) - We have a complete stock of all supplies for these games. No waiting on mail orders. sas Hamilton Spectator:--The Sel- Y i kirk hockey team, world's champ- | lons, is shot to pieces. Mike Good* {man {is expected to come east to join the pro. ranks; Penson and | Halderson are headed for Saska- | toon, where they huve received of- [fers to play amateur hockey: which equal the best inducements the pro- fessional clubs could make; Johann- son is to enter schoo! at Boston, while Frederickson, who captained the famous team, left for England { last Wednesday, and upon his return is expected to settle down in To- ronto, providing arrangements -are suitable. Come here for your wants--we'll make ever effort to fill them. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET 3: ; Telephone 529, "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" Coaches for Football | Philadelphia high schools are fac- | no men applied. There were ten wo- | been dropped from organized base- | i YOUTHFUL PRODIGIES able Scores. ~Children in America playtennizwith considerable skill and dash, but us- | ually their presence on the golf links {is not encouraged. It would seem, | however, that the game is not so | exclusively for older heads and hands as Americans have believed. In Eng- | land they are staking championship | matches for girls, with the result | that more than one infant prodigy has been brought to light. On the St. | Andrew's links, Barbara Griffiths, aged 14, recently did a 92 in one of | her rounds. And on the ladies' course at Sunningdale, a 13-year-old miss, Ruth Pharasyn, made rounds of $0, 78 and 77. English golf writers as- sert that children readily acquire a | 'natural swing and for this reason | they believe more youngsters should | be taught the game, --ni---------- | PROFESSIONALS AFTER AMATEUR HOCKEYISTS. | Efforts to lure the amateur hock- | ey players into professional ranks | are not meeting with success. Geo. Kennedy, of Canadiens, with head- quarters at Montreal, recently offer- ed a contract to Charles Langlois, Sudbury, but the latter declined Conacher and Burch, T.C.C. juniors, and Cooper, Reaume and Reise, | Hamliton Tigers, have also been ap- proached. ' Doesn't Seem Right, At Montreal considerable surprise Is expressed that a player from the | United States should be picked as | ene of the team of Canadian curlers ! which will invade Scotland for a six weeks' tour, and will leave St. John, N.B.,, on the thirtieth of Decemker next. The man picked 1s Dr. J. D. Me- Gregor, Butte, Montana, and it is ex- plained not only that the Butte Curl- { ing Club is affiliated with the Mani- toba Curling Assqciation, but that its representative is a Scotchman. "Chelt" Childs in Calgary. Calgary hockey clubs are lining up strong teams for the coming season, but they will be fortunate if the |C. A. H. A. does not take action. |Brandow and Oliver, of Selkirk, are expected to play for the ' Calgary Canadians this season,'as are also Alexander Irwin, former pro., and Childs, Oshawa goalkeeper. Calgary Tigers have signed "Mickey" Mackay and several other capable players. (AEE ERENANENREEREEENOES OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL "I haven't XN seen a Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, Pe Hors Cough, Asthma, Etc. MATHIELS SYRUP i a Soverd) gn Sonje combi curative rties O an e strengthening virtues of oD. IVER OIL. Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sucha grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. MA' 'S SYRUP is th uine whose MATHS TIRE fh Si ph et em . GIRLS WILL B' GIRLS "Mabel doesn't seem to mind the swells at all now." fh any of the real 'swells' minding much about her, either. CE CREAM SOFT DRINKS MA RS © NN NOTICE Jocke: tub of lemaneda? POOR JOCK® What will you have, Miss Hippo? Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles At Reduced Prices---- Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying. H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET Twenty poreons Were killed and, Mouers, found guilty at Sault Ste. thirty hurt in a collision and wreck | Marie, of killing George Elliott, was of the Venyo-Milan express, a0cord- ' sentenced to be hanged on January ing to advices from Rome. 5th. Just about the time a man thinks BRINGING UP FATHER ho Jigge (perspiring pref mensely, Miss May? Miss May: swim, Miss Hippo: Oh, nothing much--about a gallon of Ice cream, ™ IN THE PAVILION _ usely): Aren't you enjoying this dance Im I'm fond of dancing, Mr. Jiggs, but must warn you | cant in 5 Girls In England Turn In Remark. AL-McGILL MATCH ON THANKSGIVING DAY Montreal A. A. A.. and McGill rug- by teams will meet on Thanksgiving day in what promises to be the big- gest attraction of the season. Last | year these teams won the champion- (ships of their respective leagues, and [there was a great demand for a game on the part of the public, but it was impossible on account of the severe weather. With both of the Montreal clubs strong contenders for cham- plonship honors again this season, the game will be watched as a coan- {test between the game as played in the two leagues. Many thought that Shag's boys would have had their hands full with the Red and Blue squad last season, and while : the teams are not the same this year, MONTRE a hot argument is sure to take place when they meet. | The rules under which the game {will be played will be & combina- {tion of the Intercollegiate and inter- provincial rules. Of eourse, the dif- ferences are very slight, but where any are found they will be adjusted by conferences between the two clubs. | HORSEMEN COME FAR TO SEE GREAT RACE. Horsemen from all over the coun- | try will be present at Windsor, next | Tuesday, to witness the match race between Man o' War and Sir Barton. No turf event in many years has ex- | cited such widespread interest. Many | New York sportsmen are making | plans to leave here late this week for the Canadian city and on Sunday a big delegation will leave. Samuel D. Riddle will go to Wind- | sor in a private car, accompanied by Jockey Clarence Kummer and a number of his friends. Commander Ross and a party of his friends will { 80 from Laurel on Sunday, and will | A er ST TT ee Araneta emirate retort II cer ---- ee » 'Upholstered in Velours, Tapestry, Heather, Extension Couches. R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker nad Furniture Dealey Gmbulance Phone 577. 280 PRIN now for your new | be at Kenilworth in time to see the [| A Letter to Carpentier. Perhaps no better proof Georges Carpentier is one of the best known celebrities in the world can be furnished than the delivery to him the other day of a postcard" addressed Georges Carpentier Am- erique. The card came from Bor- deaux, France, with no other mark or address than just the plain "Amerique." Speaking of mail to Carpentier, among the many letters from home {invitations to dinners, or asking him to appear at benefits; some from silly women admirers and others, just plain begging let- ters there was one that started from Brussels, Belgium, and was address- ed to his Paris address. On the back of the envelope was the follow- ing message : "Bonne chance contre | Levinsky. Les Por§ers du bureau ! 9, Paris." Translated : "Best wishes against Levinsky. The clerks at sta- | tion 9, Paris." The letter was some | time in transit and the message was written two days after the match was first annousced in America. Proving that the Paris public is keeping well-posted on Georges' movements. Efforts on the part of the local foot ball club to promote a league em- bracing teams representing King- ston, Gananoque and Brockville, ap- pears to have failed. The Brockville club dropped from the Q.R.F.U. this season. Pale-Cheeked Girls Tired-Out Women * Quickly Built Up. WONDERFUL RECORD MADE BY NEW BLOOD-FOOD REMEDY Certain Results Guaranteed. Pale people have pale blood. In other words, the blood is watery and lacks red corpuscles, The stomach is wrong. Assimilation is poor and food 1s not changed into blocd. Naturally the system is robbed ' of vitality, acks strength and reconstructive power. Don't slip from vigor into weak- ness, Don't allow the appetite to faf, but instead use Ferrozone. You're bound to feel rejuvenated and strengthened at once, "Appetite is braced up, digestion is stimulated, vigor imparted to the stomach. BEverytling you eat fs transformed into nutriment that sup plies what your thin, weak system needs. . Vital, life-giving binod that makes rosy cheeks and dancing eyes--that"s the kind that Ferrozone makes, The strength and buoyancy that defies depression and tiredness, that's | the sort you get with Ferrozone. Every pale woman can transform her Dbleached-out' appearance with Ferrozone, Not only will it improve looks and spirits, but by rebuilding all weak, tired organs, Ferrozone establishes & soundness of health that's surpris- | ing. Sor women and girls who want to feel well, to look well, to be well, and stay well, nothing known in the an- nals of medicine is so certain as Fer- rozone. Won't you try Ferrozone? Concentrated cure in tablet form, ! that's Ferrozone 50c per box or siz for $2.6" at +11 dealers, i ORO ALA RAR 2 a -- | final workouts of the rival horses. i and we will make SUT NOW Call and pick ou (the clon Hl alt, We make both Ladies' and Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. You can also bifng inthe cloth M. YAMPOLSKY 358 PRINCESS STREET Phene 2115 Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp Proot Cement Blocks, Bric Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamenta} Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN Majestic Heaters Will make your home com fortable this time of year, BARGAIN PRICES ON ELECT RIC IRONS, TOASTERS, Rs | HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. Cor. King and Princess Phone 94 ( nw FARMERS | You will have Savings to Invest this Fail. Are you gaging to accept 3% just because you are handed & neat, little passbook and a smile? Why let the other fellow make the money with your hard earned cash? Come to our office and we guaran: the smile, and also that your savings will be invested direct in th ery Securities in which the insti- tutions that pay you 3%, turn roun re-invest yours. You will find your intelligent investing friends in our office looking over ¢ and % securities as a resting place for their money until it is needed. Not In the Savings department of a 3% institution as Ian the old days. Weg shall be glad to show you in dollars and cents Just what you are los- ing by depositing your funds at 3% and remember your savings should be made to earn you money just as surely as you make it by the sweat of your brow. Why throw away 4% JO&T After year? Call at our office or write for our full list of Canadian §overnment and municipal investments &g these are always rea di ble and we recommend: them as the most intelligent invest t ean be made to-day. : BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. Government, Munieipsd and Oswperation Bonds .237 BAGOT STREET. KINGSTON, ONT. | £ = E 2 2 gE = : Ordering Suits -day requires the most careful con- & sideration. You may also require expert = advice as to the wearing qualities of certain Cloths. * After 35 years'in the business we' claim to be able to advise in this direction, It costs nothing to call and have a talk on Woollens with us, CRAWFORD & WaLsH Tailors Bagot and Brock Streets. ICA 3 he has acquired wisdom something happens. aA LL THE GUY THAT INVENTED COLLARY MUST nave ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON BEEN ALL NECK AN NO . 9 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING peciaity, 149 SYDENHAM ST. Phone 2086J. SOIN' IN THE DAVGHTER : YOU DON'T MEAN TO TE LL ME YOU ARE 1 SED fLLTELL HER MOTHER. THE IDEA OF WEAR: IN' A LOW NECK 9% LIKE THAT. ORE 2 HAVE OME iN PARLOR OVE YOUR COAT | SNOT TO FBR J YOU ARE