Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1920, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. CYT FRGRAND ---- brand 2 Eo. Fri, Oc big wom | | «| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM The Lendon, Eng., Gaiety ' h ! Genuine Native "Toe weet 50 People An Arion of we HAWAIAN | F » STUART WHYTE Singers, Players, Dancers, Motion | coxpinsen ADVERTISING RATES: LET FOR SALE. Pictures, Colored Views, Talks and | 1 . ) l . anaes First insertion, lc. a word. Each «con- | rp (E NEW J AP- Offe » > Aen ! > LDSMOBILE TRUCK. flers His Most Gorgeous Production Alluring Music by Real Hawaiians, Secutive Insertion thereafter, half! ONm FURNISHED FRONF ROOM ON | FOUND : | ONE NEW SLDANO} A Treat of a Life-time. cent i word. Mintmum chacge for | third floor, for lady, at 357 John- | A PURSE ON THE MARKET, . . i wr 2pe insertion, 25¢; three Inseruons, | son street. { Saturday morning. Owner ONE SOUVENIR HEATER. APPLY 94 "Rambles 1] Paradise Hawaii The above rates are for ca h only; | FIRST CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS Mel. have same at J81 Barrie Lower Bagot Street. en charge re and board; business men preferred. | A FUR. APPLY DR. NASH'S = % UM SIZE, Ee el -- ; . > A QUEBEC HEATER, MEDIUM | Introduced by ee Apply Box D-8, Whig Office. Dental Office. Kirn areas new. Apply 116 Rideau St. xs MILDGED LEO CLEMENS HELP WANTED. UNFURNISHED FLATS, HEATED || A HUB From A PRANKLIN Two POVPLE PARRBLLED ROP With And an Imported English Cousin of Mark Twain LABORERS. APPLY AT PIGOTT. | Doin o fe sooms as desire | er may have. same at 791 Guns; one 8s good &s new, at 43 MISS ZARA CLINTON Cast and Chorus { PRICES: Healy Construction Co. R.M.C. Te Fou iS Te! Princess Street. Princess street. 3 gi . |B | FIRST AD a < . . S . Gorgequs Costumes and Scenery--Bewitching Music--Playing to | Evening at 8.15 A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL all improvements; centrally iocat. | FOLD JARLICLES AuvER A ALE flr AND CUSHIONS Capacity Everywhere--There's a Reason ! i TseWOTk ATTY Mrs. Smith, 195 ed. Apply 242 Brock stréet. Anyone fuding eaything" and an Tops, Brockville. PRICES; Evening + «+ .B0c., 75c., $1.00, $1.50, $2 | 8 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH LIGHT|] wishing to reach the owner may . ¥ * " 00, 20, $<. { 'OU - i + - y facts to . - YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WO- housekeeping privileges; no child- | do so by reporting the facts i = Matipee ' . "v 50c., 75¢., $1.00, and $1.50 man to Jo ouseWork. Apply to ren. Apply y %.4 E-§, Whig Office. | The British VIRIE The Saver. FRAME DWELLING cit Nimits: ADy Sale Wednesday. ) 7 i 2 rock street. tisement w e rT ART : 4 at € 3 Mail orders now | ToUNG HAY FoR OR Dai FURNISHED SINGLE AND DOUBLE column {res of charge. dot In ply KE. Wathen, 143 Nelson AN edroom; ail conveniences; priv "Found article i. . SS CLITDIII eB RTT a ---- d must be accustomed to figures. ap family. Apply 228 Barrie street. clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, GRAIN SErEYATON JSRCLP AERTS, ) AUCTION SALE Ply McKelvey & Birch, Limited. - - etc. These, if lost, may be ad- AE AAs, yaiarh aT At the Late John Bannister's, 1008 BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND vertised for in the 'Lost" column. Union St. Wo. Th y, October GENERAL HAID, OR JOUNG GIRL As Si chandize; Sean and gry. Mo ONE LOT, €6x133 FOOT FRONTAGE, tho : y mother's help, in sm amily. Ap- ann, ock street. one oo eS x Valuable mining machinery, ete, con- 14th at 1.30 p.m. 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--13 ly Box Be] Pil Gffice. 7 AP oa 4 ee on South Macdonald street; isting of boilers, air drill, steel cables, | 2 Alvardo mares, 5 years: 1 Joo Pat. ply : . for quick buyer. Batemans Rea ers, rill, of c ly - hs . in po a tank, steel] Shen filly, 2 years; single harness. OLIVE THOMAS RELIABLE GIRL TO CLERK IN A| FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT LOST. Estate. ' Pomp r * | 'Bike." 2 jogging carts; buggy; set grocery; state qualifications. Ap-| housekeeping, bathroom floor; gas A T-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; BATH, na ou Alto quantity of cual sad alle' forge' abs' *iciEn; cutter: Port. Rice, PY letter 10TBox 27, Whig Of:| for cooking.' Apply 33¢ Princess A SMALL GOLD WATCH ON A BLACK closet and ges; 198 Stuary Street. feldspar. { Sie Xorge & = s and carpenter's In a Selznick Feature fice. street. No children. wrist band, Mpnday. Reward if re: Apply J. R. Laidiaw, 34% Division . > i i» outfit, Cc - - 1 oO Savages SY office, ot hoe, WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. "OUT YONDER" WOMAN FOR KITCHEN, AND GIRL | FURNISHED HOUSE, WiTH ALL CON. turned to Wins. : Si-eet, at 12 o'clock noon." 4 Oe le Tu: WADE, a histo fom Osteber Sarr} | LADY'S RED PLUSH SAILOR HAT ON | GENUING GRAPHONOLA AND TEN ' { enac wsireet, n an: p< . . a ar 2 ither in Kingston or seleciions; your own chuice, 2. William Murray, Thomas Dawson, B kY P Ov --and-- 5 oy EY IK Street. P 68. October 2nd eit A unsx Sherif. | 00 our assage erseas Ear] streets. Agency, 56 Brock Stree hone | on road between Kingston and ders, §5 cash, §1 r week. C. W, N 'E. JRE bf - m rcevil o i return Lindsay, Limited, 121 Frincess St. This Fall or for Xmas, with ANOTHER FEATURE PICTURE | oor rgwor GENERAL SERVANT| TWO ROOMS ON BATHROOM FLAT, Pe ns ie: Bless rey x AUCTION SALE { or : y h 1 for small family; references requir- Suitable for light housekeeping | to Cockburn's ware Stor THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIX F. CONWAY Comedies and Other Reels £4. Apply Mrs. Stewart, "The Apply atter 4 JW to 6 Jenkin St, JERSEY AYRESHIRE HEIFER, 2. jiores of pulpwood land. wi the cla, J alow," 97 C i or 'phon 19J. RSE CIFER, Fe ds 13 Furniture, 2 Raglan Road, Tuesday, Ocean Steamship Ticket Agent GRAND ORCHESTRA ned ow 37 Centre Stremt nr : year-old, heavy with calf; lost on nen. atinsuire 9 October 12th, 1.30 p.m. All Lines 230 BAGoT street. | Mat at 2.30 Evg at 7.30 PLUMBERS, STEAM FITTERS, AND STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, near pS ncession a ey . ~oH N Y Dew t.' Ching t . . . tinsmith immediately; highest | ry. alry rooms; your own lock a ive information re i 2,000 FEET OF 1 1-4 AND 1% I Enea Table ana (Gathoina cabinet, Phone 1197. 20¢. ANY SEAT Grou wages paid to competent men | key. Frost's City Storage. 292 to M. Bailey, 450 Division street. An centre, students' and card tables, ple- . FAA AAA AA A A eta. .--l Piye; in goo4 condition. { Bal Phone and reverse charges. Howe Queen street. Phone 526; res. 989w, | quantity of all kinds of vaives. - "a Jo sloe oh | an, 5 | | E. BE. W y 0 lures, cale Rdar, Slo K. chins, tea and & Hagerman Belleville | BRICK HOUSE, CENTRALLY LUCAT-| IN BARLY PART OF WEEK, BE- bly E. E Wsthen, 143 Nelson combination Quebec pea PF ator, AT ONCE, A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT! ed; all modern conveniences; | Jaded Marysville and Napande, | Equi CV INTEL FOUR CYCLE, 38 tron Dads dro Jee a oil Janis, sixteen years of age, to assist with | hardwood floors; cement cellar; No. lady's b: containing Some money horse power motor boat engine; pipes, etc a. i SR amps, housework, and help with care of 474 Barrie. For key apply 265 and papers of W.M.S. Finder will compleie equipment, with rear-en: Pipey, a Jing. desk. - two children; ages Iour and seven. Princess street. be rewarded by returning same to ALLEN, the Auctioneer. : eason. Wh, Sp Ky Apply Mrs. Day, R.M'C., or phone C. Livingston & Bro. Brock St. or reeri. asc she - . Telephone 252. PICTURE 1149. . THREE LARGE, BRIGHT ROOMS; s=mcomraon mm LS I LL RS Ag ae) suitable for light higuseiee Ang, on | A FEW EASY CHAIRS IN FINE FE i r A NI bath room flat; 3 piece bath; elec- SIGNS rad Tapestr at exceptionally LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME X y : 2 frase apes TO-DAY or steadily--selling our guaranteed tric light, etc.; moderqte rent. Ap Ny 19501 Pring low prices. a8 kinds, orang . 3 trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- ply Nelson SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, executed quickly. Stoddar Pearl A. Nesbit, LTCM We will hold our annual : . oy eral commission. Brown Brothers 4 " etc. large or small, guaranteed XX SRE. uphoisters, 377 King street, * Company, Nurserymen Limited, Cm E gold leaf; posters, shoecards ete, . Brown Nt P.O, & 'WO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- artistically writt and designed ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR 66 9 PAULINE FREDERICK mn rown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. cially furnished for light House- Pr hay, 05 Pree ane | OUR. NOONED FRAME COTTAGE; QUEEN ST. CHURCH C a e keeping: gas for sucking ang lint Kin " . extra Kitchen: good-sized lot, haves A or A RE ¢ a e Pioneer Ap nents, a vind i ar irontage for anot 4 ° Bonds of Love | wp: waxmeozopo ram on 3s RE tod leh i, grare | froniage "lor aiother spare time, good pay. Work sent ARCHITECT. \ ossession. Terms cash. Apply 141 . ru ' any distance, charges paid. Send | yp ~ - fickson Ave. Outer Station. on Thursday, Friday and CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN stimp for parses 1 FURNISHED ROOMS IN GOOD LO "THE FLOOR WALKER" Fo Fay oh ATSC Nationa) ality on bath room floor; gas for | POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH. i { cooking; electric light; furnace; | tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, | MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, | Saturday, October 1 4th, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY| Finivin wANTED FOR A horn suitable' for light housekeeping corner of Brock and Wellington house MIRA specialize in gills 15 h d 16 h h Show--lady or gentleman -- one No children. Apply Box O-4, Whig streets. tary boots; buy all kinds seconds t an t -- t ree SHIPWRECKED AMONG Who can sell tickets and handle Office. tp hand goods; highest prices p#id. L. receipls. Services rather than capi- LAND AND BUILDING | days only. SEALED TENDERS will be received a Routbard. Phone 1723. 239 Prine CANNIBALS tal required, though small invest- THERE ERE | FOR SALE, cess Street. by the undersigned at his home, Col- ment is necessary, big money to| + h the right party. LeRoy H. Wagar, | % Solid brick house; all conveni- DUMINION EXPRESS MONEY OR. -- lin'a Bay, until noon on Friday, the Mah d 5 "St The authentic picture story of two dar- Strand Theatre, Napanee, Ont. # ences; hardwood floors and far. i ders are on sale in five thousand | WE HAVE FOR SALK ALL KINDS OF Fifteenth dny of October, 1920, for the 00 S ore i Teacher of Singing and Plane. Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167). ; i y - econd hand furniture and \ a the man-edte| ------______' "| 4 nace; good location: can have im offices throughout Canada. &oo0d = purchase of what is commonly known jue Camera Men, Smong ie "SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO STU-| + mediate possession. Phone 1446. SlOVes. Any person heviug Stov as the Presbyterian Hall site and Hall | dents who wish to make money be- | % _ we : LADY'S NAVY BLUE BOTANY SERGE "nd furniture to dispose of, we w. acqdgrs may be submitted for the land The World's Greatest Prima Donna tween this and Christmas in spare | FEHR | tatlored suit; size 3%: never been pay highest prices. J. Tho! ny and building as one parcel or for = Be U T D t *U cI hours selling our d «ss ¥ ries Sn ha person. | | worn. Apply at 306 Brock Street. 333 Princess street: Phone 1600w. land and building separately The high- | ROOK BLINN al Christmas Greeting Cards. Free| Ry n | : r Yop eet tender need not mecessariy bh | With HULERO samples with weekly drawing ac. | > UPHOLSTERING. PENSULAR RANGE, WITH HIGH ERFEOT, COLUMBIA, DAYTO . cepted. "Tenders for hall" marked on "THE MADONNA OF THE SLUMS" count and liberal commission. The even, good as new. Price $100 Princeton and Victory Bleycles, A envelope. 3 Carlton Publishing Contpany, Her- CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. J. Aliso four burner gas range. A real 3 a number of de aud gents' Collin's Bay, Oct. 7th, 1920. COLLEEN MOORE tel Bldg., 325 Spadina Ave. Toron- Gavine, upholster, 21¢ Bagot st. bargain. Apply Box F-9, Whig Of- usea Micycles and moloreycies, at ' A. M. RANKIN, Read the latest--smoke the best -- to, Ont. fice. Collin's Bay. eff} duced ices. Special a a "A ROMAN SCANDAL" = - F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. Seduced pr eal aiiention 4 we give value plus satisfaction to $20 AND UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR hone 1 il b holsterin and general repairing. | N Een Bl). work. Mure ai ears r A h } a d th 10th Episode agents men and women, u Spare Leave orders at or drop a card to BRIOR, MOUSE, 8 1220s, SPIE BE Works, §71-373 King stre Pi | the woman who ads an eria time ay or evenings, sellin the 104 Cler; street. 'ath; furnace; electricity; gas; also * THE ESTATE OF LATE! h re x the man of the Super-3 1 ° best apd largest seisciion ot Per. Ee a is corner lot. 60 foot fonisgs ea Divi 1032w. | who smokes. 1 d sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, at > sion street; also Ford car. A pply The Whirlwin Boptiar prices. Maghantrs sam MKNGAL 141 Pine Street. oy - 9 ook free, No experience heces- | nOCTOR E. L. STONE, 3133 BROCK ST Cou tre ab Sak i sary. Does not interfere with reg- Office hours: 10 to 12: 2 to & o.m., | 5 iy L ring, 191%. . ° 3 ular work. A few agency appoint- 7 to 8.30 pm. Phone 2066w. © | MUNICIPAL BONDS AT TORONTO OF 39 : eT . Rt ments still open. Service guaran. i il . prices. Province Ontario yield Grey ott. Trash Offers for sale: mew Coal Sheds and 269 PRINCESS STREET | teed. Modern Art Company, Manu- DR. H. 5. ANGROVE WISHES TO Nn. 6.50. City Owen Sound yield 6.75. McLaughlin Truck. Overhead Storage and all . Public Utilities. Phome 1 ; facturers, 122 Richmond West, To- Gemeral store, with or without stock; ? is > A, PALM ce that has resumed hi City St. Thomas yield § 60. and N ronto. practice tha 93 Welling! a. others. Mills Company, 79 Clarence Corner Bagot and Queen. dwelling, bakery, garage and barn, 1 ours: J till These are two separate businesses og : s: 3.30 and 7 till 8.30 Street. WANTED GENERAL. Phone 2163. GOOD DWELLING HOUS, * 3 : a o> Te FARM. NCESSION JEDS, 2: rooms; stabie, drive she work AY he combined. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING A I ONE nos (Fb ho shop, ed ahe-quatier acre, a Three drawer National Cash Regis- d arre HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE well watered; house, seven rooms: Z(, north-east rauge Ciaren teri; ome 6 ft. and ene S-ft. Silent! or four bright, airy rooms, in good | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR x barn, #; ft. long; cow barn Township, at Ardoch; also Lots 3% . ' V r locality. Apply Box L-3, Whig O:f- Paperhanging done, dr a card t aoldin 50 > and 27, 1eth Concession, Clarendo Salesman; one 7 passenger Studebaker | TO-DAY AND SATURDAY va ¥ Pply . ig pe ging do Op a card to feet, aolding 30 head: stable for ce. A. Mounteer, §4 Arch street. Dine horses; two barns 34 x 44; about 180 acres. Apply King Car, PL MBI = - - = buildings newly covered with iron. | Dmythe, 71 Ciarence sireet, Kingss PHARMACY, MATRICULATION TUI- FOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- Joh : y ton. tion, Algenra, Latina. Chemigtry ing, get my prices. Chofce variety br os Day, Gananoque, or = ins and Com tion. Apply x C-8, of wall paper in stock. H. B. Row- and TINSMITHING i Whig tlce. ley, 258 Queen Street. | Dodge Tourng. Reo Roadster. | "T T ' 1160 Acres $8,800 With Hoy Rosdetel in vi | TO RENT OR BUY, A MEDIUM-SIZED - - y x F 0 t h p | Now s The nme to eve your Fur- welve en farm in yiDESton a Jytrie, ith FINANCIAL. 7 Horses, 27 Cattle and Systiang Duuring | | nace repaire efore e cold wea- . light soil, part sandy loam prefer- eee x ' " "W1 4 Ford Trucks. or C 0 I ther sets In. Sce us for prices. Romance--Mystery--Thrills red. Apply Box U-4, Whig Office. | wHEN ORDERING GOODS BY MAIL Pe tio Iie, ppm bir Ty All in ready for the road, 203 WELLINGTON STREET "LITTLE MISS Jazz" Shas; Dominion, Express' Money | fanning mill, wagon. Da shuip- BLUE GARAGLS, LIMITED Ww Idi { Phone 688. Featuri Beatrice LaPlant SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO ment, some household furniture; Im y > diate possession; in one of best grade| Cormer Queen & Hagot Sts. home 367, tee a axa L Dane nd Boar aosy ment of hew STRANGE & STRANuS INURANCE grain TEROWIng sections Ontario, near . "THREE MEN AND A GIRL» y {cess street. dFents; established ia 1880; oniy| Dig Canadian' City: 110 sores Bently 4 AR of the Northwest 3aY Limited, 12105 1incens street Ihe most reliable $3mpanies repre- | rolling loam fields, immense crops BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, iS N. BOY PAT- sented. ce SL Clarence street, wheat, oats, clover, alsi e; spring- -- "JIGGS IN SOCIETY" A a 2 hax opposite the pos: office. watered pasture; valuable wood and ALOR JALE a Mothers' U " and boys' hair cut, 30c. Shave, 10c. timber; good apple urchard; roomy| VICTORY WONDS FOM SALE. MONEY . | If you are in doubt as to Firat of the "Bring Up Father" Series. Razors honed 25c. 236 Ontario St. ouse; magnificent view; $0-ft. barn; te Loan. ; near Brock street. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST-| various outbuildings; owner left alone; : -- What to give the bride, why MR. LUKE GASK ment Soclety; Incorporated 186i. | closing out includes everything at 33.- | ge200--DOURLE BRICK; VENEER; @ Allowances In New Songs. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- 500; part cash; Balance, easy terms. De- rooms each. . Bot visit the 2 Jonge. WANTED TO PURCHASE DWELLING president, A. B. Cunningham® tails this and other farms in Ontario, : a ' --8i ine rooms; central state Money Issued on city and farm | Nova Scotia, Alberta and 33 States 1] a 0 * ° STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA ton house, price and full roperties, municipal and county| Strout's Big New Illustrated Catalog $I--BUILIIN LOT; CONVENIRNP * Commission Sey particulars to Box Z-7, Whig Of- y bomturca; mortgages purchased, | Farm Bargains. Just out. Write for ouse 0 \ investment bonds for sale; deposits | free copy. STROUT FARM AGENCY, t I 3 LOT 33x132, WITH CEMENT FOUN. BE ras Intarest allowsy. , K, JE Maaning Chambers; Toronto, dation 4x30, ang Jotes road for ; A public meeting of the KINGNUT POSITION WANTEA. ence street, Kingston. bullding: good chance to build tor Our salespeople can help you Citizens of Kingston will be -- EEE -- ! to make wise seléctions in held in the City Hall, on:-- YOUNG JouAN A on FURNITURE FINISHING FOR = ALE $2,000 FRAME HOUSE IN PORTS. | - . r Patrick and Quebec streets. | -------------- usp J Silver and Cut Glass. . Th N -Margarine a ane Suches sents. | call on Duor A CARD TO W. DRIS. -- : Friday, the 15th Oct. e Nut = TLR ond Siren, : Sn ene BOEL $,n00usy Zz PERSONAL. air; good stable. R. J. Rodger y at 8 o'clock, when For Eating and Cooking WIDOW, 40; WITH $50,000, WANTS TO CARPENTERING. The well-known licensed hotel $1706--FRAME HOUSE, Jon sm Jeweler MRS. ADAM SHORTT Sold M * juarry, T-Box 432, League, Colum-| "un vou WANT THE CARrmaTA| [ip the Village > Portsmouth, a ' ¢ on a Money Bac us, 0. see James Selby, Contractor. Temp- equipped with al modern con- $3,500--RO UG! CAST; 11 ROOMS) 182 PRINCESS STREET Yioe-Chatemun of the Mothers' Guan sr = Y. ware To Sra. change of address $0 Arch veniences; electric lights; hot and toilet and stable. "Where the Clock is on the explain the nig lon, = many soon, J-Box 325, Cor. Club, | ony : fold water, oe Shout one atre of $3.300_FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION Walk." its administration. - " and attached; go outer buiid- street. CALIFORNIA BACHELOR, 42; WORTH LAND SURVEYOR, ing and a never-failing well. -- 2 $40,000 would marry. E-Box 35, F. F BILLER, MAR. Se. Cb Oia Apply: -- $3,100--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES; ¢ Ns League Toledo, Ohdo, . DLS BIC, Napiies. Ba on: W. B. WESTLAKE rooms; toilet and electric lights, i " ; tari n rveyor: ngston Of- on " 28 BORN. TO AD ah INCoNE, WISH. fice: Walkem & Walkem S35 Clos. > Property S.A. BATEMAN, Wn | 5 es to hear 158 Well n Street, : - +h COWAN--At Picton, on Oct. gnd, to Mr. Box 55, Oxford, Fi ence strest lagte, Kington IA IS At Richens Cowan, a 'son. REMIT BY DOMINION EXPRESS na, ' : \ to Mr. and Mrs. James Money Order. If Jost or stolen, you LEGAL. / eek son. get your money -- We off Limi : / gt - rsa CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY, CN Te an SeicaiT Hy. BA RRIST. € olfer a imited quantity of 'Alfred Street; mew brick house; 7 rooms; electric lights, t " wantin introductions, booklet Street, Kingston. A.B. Cunaing- z fr ite Catholic OCorrespon- ham. Cyril M. Smith. hot air heating; fire place; gar age. Terms can be arranged. . Gdlbe. dence Club, Grand Rapids, Mion. " > = PEA COAL AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, and Solicitor. Law offic, corner » 5 M 5 MARRY--FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL of King and Brock, over Royal . THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY PMBURY_MARKLE A: Napanes, on Por Vin married Now Finn 0. | mein MoRey to loka. Phone' 190} Our own preparation. » Roy Lena . . Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street RI ND: B. Embury ang pt. 204, Kansas City, Mo. DENTAL, ELL---At Napanee on = Oct. 6th, Archibald = MARRIAGE DIRECTORY | a, E. KNAPP L.D. D.D.S, A and Geraldine raters i Rring MARRY photos and descriptions, free; office 258 Brita, 5 Phone : ~ STOR KS--On Sept. 29th, at pr when married. The Exchange, 652. - : Mary Ellen Jinks to Calvin pt. 504, Kansas City, Mo. b a ms. both of North 59 one street. over - FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND sky's. Phone 346. Ts SE, dry IER stn | Hn Vib EO TB "ER E J Harry don Smith, his, pioavinging os, "AGENTS W, ; 3 Hazel Hause, Box 215, Los Angeles, ANTED, 3 . 1 - Province of Saskatchewan ot Alvuy: sep. 19 Ey avn woes vor 0 cava Auction Sales HIGHEST PRICES PAID 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1'st Oct, 1940. Price 96.63" i Rho. Shdeat Gaughter of but to rave and sppoint iocal °p- For Serap Iron, Metals, and interest, yielding 6.30%. ithe Lioyd Reginald Weess, Amciiat® Miya al Sopra This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and burg. DRS. SP. 'ARKS, DEN. Rags f you telephone us gxpenses. State age and quaii- | [ am the best auctioneer in Kingston. we will call promptly. 5 fications. Experience unnecessary. Make me prove it. Phone 1840w, Res. 2087. This is the Sut _leug term Fr ov re -------------- : siriotly confiden- Winston Ce. Dept. A., Toronto. . M ROSEN & Co. DIED. ; descriptions free. "The Suc- | DISTRIBUTORS AGENTS AND CAN. RD The Auctioneer, . . . BARKER--On Oct. 2nd. at Toronto, Mra. Ball, Box 556, Yassers everywhere, for new auto- Phone 1721 or 1428. 140 RIDEAU STREET C of S - William Shove Barker in his six- Oakland, Calif mobile accessory; winter neces. arna Seta year, beloved husbang of sy for all makes usannah Sode NST 6% HYDRO-ELECT RIC DEBENTURES toa. A Barker, late of Ple- HAIR. MOLES, WARTS. mmTH- A anficialls 3000. Money-back : ! GOO! , stb mar! cancer: uarantee; ™ s - 1921-1930 Maturities tr tes secu... Price to yield $% % Tams Good n, rg y+ Ty i moved. Berman mently. Saburacity Tatas: Sa contract for those qual: A Reo Bus : 1931-1940 Maturities ... ++ «+. Price to yield 6% % AA RR in RanaNa, Monday, Oot. Fame have failed. Goitre ees Para Row New York . ears' experience. , hk all Room for 12 peeple; will make MERRILL--In Picton, Oct. 5h, . fake: Eye. Ear. Noss. Th oat Skin : |§ = mood stage or any other pur- Geo e awden Co Wich ak 10 his seventy-touris yeas, FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE TEACHERS WANTED. Phony | pose; in best of orfer--g1,000.90, . Eagar Wight® Ta it ath. John in PROTESTANT THACHER FOR _S. 8. Ati ' * . Seventy -first - J . i . year. No. 13, to ip Miller. Salary | fugue ' be hy ualifica- Investment Brokers Generai Insurance |}. = ny POaE| Mabe to ase sceihaing tu auaiitce" LTURK Phone 705 PHONE 400 : 14 : 111% BROCK STREET dumping of Unit dential descriptions free. tenac. Duties to commence at once. The dumping Dited States su- Reliable Club, Mrs Wrubel, Box 25, Apply to Wm. J. Thompson Becre- : eset gar in Canada is checked, . Qakiangd, Calif. « wry, Wiison, Ont. zero,

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