Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1920, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1928, The First Bark Hickey's We are depending upon the enormous sale of this--the Best of all Cough Mixtures-- to enable us to keep it atthe old price of 23 cents, All other mixtures have advanced to 35 and 40 cents, but we want the price and good quality to remain the same as before, Get it for a quarter at Best's The Popular Drug Store. | Phone 59, po GLASS Clear White and Beautifully cut Bowls Open Sundays. S-------- e-------------- ne Berry Sets Sherbet Glasses Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. Water Sets Vases Flower Baskets All marked at very reasonable prices. \ Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ! ical apparatus but must have | that knowledge in its use ! WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son '21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | Jelly Dishes, ete. | SMITH BROS. Limited Jewelers 850 King Street Established 1840. It is this combination of mind | and machinery of experience J and equipment that makes | Keeley's service unique dm { Kingston, ] | MacSwiney's death is not immin- Teachers in the Prince of Wales ent; neither his family or the offi- College, Charlottetown, P.E.I., walk- cials are concerned over his immedi- ed out Tuesday, demanding a mini- ate death. num wage scale of thirty dollars a| A special meeting is being held in week. Toronto to discuss the cancer serum. Bt ON MASON WORK ordered during the week October 2nd to October 9th, inclusive, 10% will be allowed off Labor, Walls Painted, Chimneys Repaired; new work undertaken. McKELVEY & BIRCH Bed Room Furniture We are showing some very fine designs in Bedroom Furniture. These suites are made of the best Black Walnut and Ma- hogany and are composed of the following pieces: The popular Vanity Dresser, fitted with three large mirrors and six drawers (three on each side). ; The Chiffrobe contains three linen drawers and three standard deep drawers. A Bed, with square or round cornered foot board. . +A Bench for Vanity Dresser. A Low Rocker and a straight backed Chair. ~ Make an early selection while the stock is large bY Sorin Oo, 1 N x l dist College. ll Daughters' ll week in Gananoque, read by Mrs. W. Campbell. ING ? THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. } ! Told In 8 Turllight | (Notice--Hereafter, the Whiz, ix ommon with uther papers all over Canada, wlll make a charge of $1 r inserting an engagement, mar. rlage or reception announcement. To get the Whig's society writer, clephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. - . . Miss Virnal Truesdell, one of Kingston's most popular young ladies, left the early part of this week for Toronto, where she will take a training course in the Metho- Prior to leaving, Miss Truesdell was presented with a handsome travelling case from Queen street choir. of which she has been a faithful and dearly beloved member. Dr. Allan Haffner, another starring member of the choir, was, on the eve of his departure, present- ed with a fine pair of military brushes and case. Dr. Haffner will take a post-graduate course in New York. The best wishes of a host of friends follow both members in their new spheres. * - * Edis, who was the principal and Mrs. Queen's University, Misg™ Olive guest of the Bruce Taylor, has gone up to Toronto and will 80 | on to Hamilton to take a photograph of Adam Brown, the well-known postmaster. She will 4hen go to Montreal and later to New York and will visit Washington, where she will be the guest of her second cousin, Sir Auckland Geddes and Lady Geddes, at the British Embas- sy. . - . The Lend-a'hand Circle, of Syd- enham street Methodist church, gave a tea in the church parlors on Tuesday afternoon, when the .peo- | ple gathered together listened to the very excellent report of the King's convention, held last Mrs. E. Walsh also j represented the circle at the conven- | tion. * * . Mrs. Bruce Taylor, the principal's | residence, Queen's University, will | receive on Thursday from 3 to 6, {and on the first Thursday of every month during the winter. She will {also be at home to the staff of the | university on the same evenings | from 8 to 11 | * * | Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, re- | ceived for the first time this season { on Monday afternoon and a great | many people came in to have a cup of | tea with their hostess and her aunt, | Mrs. George McLeod, Pictou, N, §, | who received with, her. Miss Ella Matthews, 121 Beverly street, gave two very enjoyable mis- cellaneous showers for the brides of next week, Miss Celia Partridge, and -- LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES | Girls! Make beauty lotion for { a few cents--Try It! | | | Squeeze the juice of two lemons | Into a bottle containing three ounces | of orchard white, shake well, and | you have a quarter pint of the best | freckle and tan lotion, and complex- ion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will | supply three ounces of orchard white | for a few cents. Massage this sweet- | ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, |arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disap- sear and how clear, soft and rosy- | white the skin becomes. Yes! It | is harmless and never irritates. PA eee to carry on against germs and microbes of disease. Use The presents Miss May Sheppard. were numerous and useful, * Mrs. Robert A. McMahon will re- | ceive at the home of her mother, | | Mrs. W. Montgomery, 294 Univer- | sity avenue, on Thursday afternoon {and evening, Oct. 7th. { . . . | The medical superintendent and | ftaff of the Mowat Sanatorium have | sent out cards for an At Home ou Friday, from 4106. | * | Mrs. H. J. Sharpe, Tweed, con- {venor of the Forward Movement in Kingston Presbyterial, was the guest lot the Misses Mowat, Johnson street, |during her visit to Kingston. | Miss Dorothy Chown, "Sunny- | side," will leave on Thursday for St. | Agathe sanitarium, where she has ! been appointed dietitian. | Lady Gordon, Montreal, with a | party of girls under her chapergn- age, is in town at the "Chateau Bel- , videre," for the field sports at the Royal Military College. Mrs. R. E. Elliott, Ottawa, who is in town for the Harrison-Robertson wedding to-day is the guest of Mrs. { T. McKean Robertson, Lower Union | street. | | - | Miss Martha | down from Conway Neilson motored | for the Dalton- Smythe wedding, this morning. Miss Blizabeth Sherwoed, or- ganizing dietitian, D.S.C.R., who | | was in town for several .days, has | | returned to Ottawa. Mrs. Bellhouse and Miss Aghes | | Bellhouse will come back from | | Wolfe Island on Friday and will be | {at 56 Earl street. | Mrs. J. A. McLean, who was in {tcwn for the meeting in Chalmers |church, was the guest of Mrs. John E. Gow, Union street. Rev. A. F. C. Whalley, rector of | St. Peter's church, Brockville, was | In town this week with the Misses | Lyman, King street. | Prof. and Mrs. McNeil are | settled in their new home at | Frontenac street. Archdeacon Beamish, Belleville, was in town this week with Canon T. W. and Mrs. Jones, Albert street. . * * HI now 32 Mrs. E. J. Corkhill, Napanee, who motored down for the Forward Movement convention in Chalmers church, was the guest of Mrs. James Fair, Brock street. Mrs. Waddell, Miss Lucy and Miss Gwendolen ° Waddell, who have spent a year in California, are being welcomed back to town. R. H. Partridge, Toronto, spent the week-end with his two small sons at Mrs. Easton Burns', Fronte- nac street. Mrs. John Macgillivray, Toronto, president of the General Council W. M. 8., of the Presbyterian church, whose jurisdiction extends from Que- bec to Vancouver, Was the speaker in Chalmers church on Monday evening and was during her stay in town the guest of Miss Ross, Alfred street. . * . Mrs. Edward Ely, Ottawa, has left to visit in Kingston and Syracuse, N.Y, il Austin is now at the Frontena¢ up, Major Willis O'Connor, Ottawa, spent the week-end in Ki 1gston. Colonel Barker, V.C., Toronto, and Mr. Alexander, were guests at the officers' mess at the tete-de-pont, barracks, during their stay in town, Rev. C. A. and Mrs, French, Card inal, were in town this week. Mrs. W. Gibson, who came up from Ganandque for the W.M.S. con- vention in connection with the For- ward Movement, held in Chalmers church this week, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson, Earl Street. * @ . Canon and Mrs. Dealtry Wood- Tock, Brockville, spent a few days in town this week with their daugh- ter, Mrs. W. Ennis Kidd, Welling- ton street. Miss Annie Green, who spent the week-end in town, has returned to Athens, Mrs. L. Dunbar Stevenson, and her little son, "Pete," who spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell at "Glen Lyon," returned to New York on Tuesday. | , Miss Hume, Stirling, president of the W.M.S. in Kingston Presbyterial, was the guest of Mrs. Thomas Don. nelly, Rideau street, during her stay in town. Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, King street, will leave at the end of the week for Montreal to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. E. Macdonell. Later she will go up to Toronto for a visit. -. . - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cogswell will come up on Friday from St. John's, N.B., to spend a week in town on their way to Toronto. Judge and Mrs. Hopkins, Cayuga, came down on Saturday to visit their | son, Dr. Bruce) Hopkins and Mrs, Hopkins, West street. Judge Hop- kins returned home on Monday but Mrs. Hopkins will remain in town for the present. Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie stret, Mrs. Wilmot, Clergy street, ond Mrs. Clark Taylor, Gananoque, who have been on a trip to Bay City, Mich., Detroit and Toronto will re- purn to town on Friday. : - - - Miss Bessie Power, Earl street, returned from Toronto on Monday. Miss Loretta Swift, King street, has returned from ' London, where she was the guest of Col. and Mrs. Henri Panet. Mrs. E. Ronald Vanluven, Earl street, went down ta. Alymer to-day to visit Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McQuire. Mrs. John Gordon MacKenzie will come down from Toronto this week with her baby to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon," Emily street. : Mrs. R. E. Kent, House," will go down to Friday to visit Bougies Ausll :" Eva Agutw 4 Rer Juter, iss Myrtle ew, New York, for- mer Kingstonians, are sailing Satu Oct, 9th, on the S.S. Com- anche, "for Jacksonville, Florida, where they intend to spend the win. ter in Clermont, hoping the change will benefit Dr. Agnew, who has been in poor health for some time, . Mrs. Phillys Blake and two small sons, Deseronto, who have been vi- siting Mrs. W. H. Matthews, Beverly street, for the past week, are return- ing hcme today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMurray, Watertown, N.Y., are spending a' week in the city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dine, Collingwood street. Miss Lett. Snow Road. who was in "Somersby Montreal on Major and Mrs. I» ND OS Sguguen PROBS: --Thursday, fair and cool. 02 Ih Now Ready! § VERY SPECIALLY PRICED | In making this announcement we wish to emphasize the fact that our showing of new Winter Coats are particularly good values--that in your choice of a Coat at this store you are securing the benefit of revised prices that mean a saving to you of from 10 to 25%. $39.50, All new styles, plain TTT HOW WE DID IT! We waited until the end of August when many of the small manufacturers were in urgent need of cash. We then made our pur- chases offering spot cash in payment and invariably secured a saving of from 10 to 25% on every garment--which saving we are now pass- ing on to you--if you are in need of a new Winter Coat you cannot afford to let this exceptional oppor tunity pass by unnoticed. mT a LLL satan sere Hhecantithtn: abthai ITIL 500 NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS ! Priced at $14.95, $25.00, $29.50, $35.00, $45. 00, $46.50, $50.00 and fur trimmed in the season's smartest fab- 'Z rics and shades. Sale Sale of Silk Stockings Your unlimited choice of our largé stock of the finest grade Silk Hose--black, white and colors-- all sizes and styles priced from 85c. to $5.50---marked in plain figures -- all sales for cash. Sale ends Friday Price Less 209 Sale Price less 209 Steac - Limited The Y'S Store of Kingston." SA OO I town for the meetings of Kingston Presbyterial, was the guest of Mrs. Isaac Allen, Victoria street. Mrs. Cooke came up from Mor- risburg last night with a party who will be in town for the field sports at the Royal Military College this afternoon. : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Leitch, Corn- wall, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss e Bryden Leitch, Phm.B., to Lieut.-Col. Robert Dickson Harkness, D.8.0., M.C., B.Sc., Montreal, son of Rev. and Mrs. Hark- ness, Wroxeter, Ont., formerly of Cornwall, the marriage to take place early in October. . : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gould, Ux- bridge, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elva, to Charles Vaughan Wilkins, B.8Sc., of Trenton, OR | Ontario, the niarriage'to take place quietly in October. » * -. /Mrs. John W. Morris, Portland, t., announces the 3 ment a her youngest ughter, Isabelle, Frederick a Th To- rqnto, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. , Gormley, Ont. The mar- riage will take place quietly in October. (Continued on Page 8.) According to an English authority Izther applied to a man's face for shaving bas such high antiseptic va- lune to destroy even the baccillus of tvahoid fever. y Death at Elgin. Elgin, Oct..1.--On Thursday morn- ing, Sept. 22nd, death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris and took away their little daughter, Geraldine, aged seventeen months. The deceased had been ill but a few hours and her death came as a great shock to those who mourn her loss. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Tackaberry, Portland, fn St. Paul's church, Elgin. -- a Small but adjustable awnings for automobile a shisids are a i rida inventor's idea, ia m---- Fall Arrivals The wet weather has arrived and so has the best in Fall Footwear. An extra heavy solid waterproof Walking Boot at $11.00. Dress Shoes from .....$14.00 down. A complete line of Rubbers now in stock. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 213) - 70 Brock St.

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