Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1920, p. 2

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= Ft E000 ST BAS, Jr ee meg 2 A &7 (Chokers The fashionable Neck-piece for general wear. We have them in ranging in all ~ John McKay, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149.to 157 Brock Street. There Is A Good Sound Reason WHY "SKYS COMMUNITY STORES" SHARE TWO PROFITS A WITH CONSUMER. The price tickets on every article sold in our stores tell the truth mere convincingly than any argument! Yet it 1s quite simple and possible! You eliminate the profits made by "jobbers" and specula- Curtalil the "high-overhead" costs connected with so called tors. fashionable establishments. Then addi buying power and mercantile knowledge to aid you economize, and you have a system that saves more than two profits to consumers! That is why for your own benefit you should first compare values and quality at SKY'S 244 PRINCESS STREET Furs, price from $7.50 up Your inspection invited. 9 ee -- TA HIT! == ------ FE Fall SA i Worse than fire or theft Your car may be burned or stolen, and your loss will be only the value of the machine | You and be ins surance, the most necessary yay of protection for on , at the time. 7 | ine _ 1. SR NeCam 4 may accidentally hit a child, 3 forced to pay injuries. your car, ! Telephone to-day Phone No. 336 or 631, 86 BROCK STREET NW HATETEET we J ag LL your guests they will say that it's delightful. It will help you entertain them. If 've never tried it we're $25,000 for I% you serve our pastry to sorry. After you have tried you'll be sorry didn't try it sooner. now, call up the food man. LACKIES BARERY nh J that yon Begin THE THE DIOCESAN EXECUTAE Met on Tuesday -- Legacy of |---- $6,600 From Late B.S. i O'Loughlin. The quarterly meeting of the exe- cutive committee of the Diocese of Ontario was held in St. George's hall cn Tuesday, Bishop Bidwell presided and the secretary, Canon J. W. Jones, presented his report. There were pre- sent, the chancellor, Judge McDon- ald, Archdeacons, O. G. Dobbs and Beamish; Canon J, W.- Jones, Rev. J. W. Coleman, Canon W, F. FitzGer- ald, Rev, J, Lyons, Dean Starr, Canon Woodcock, Rev. A. F. Whalley, Can- on Armstrong, Rev. T. W. Savary, Mev. R. W. Spencer, Rural Deans, | Swayne, Crisp, French, Smith, Rev, A. L. McTear, R. J. Carson, (treasu- rer), Francis King, (lay secretary), J. B. Walkem, W. B. Dalton, J. H. Dawson, Judge Reynolds, F. F. Mil- ler, A. W. Gray, M. P. P,, A. N. Lys- ter, Dr. Jackson, After prayers, the correspondence was dealt with. There were letters of appreciation from widows, expressing thanks for their increased annuities, | Applications were received for per- mission to borrow on church proper- ty recently erected, from St, Peters, { Brockville, for a sum not to exceed | $8,000, and St. James, Kingston, not to exceed $15,000. These applica- | tions were granted under the usual conditions. Permission was granted to sell the rectory at Gananoque, and a piece of the unused cemetery at 'Westport, Archdeacon Beamish, in very feli- citious terms, welcomed Bishop Bid- well back from the Lambeth confer- ence. A resolution was presented expressing appreciation of the bis- ! hop's work, and his safe return, and was carried with much enthusiasm. The secretary reported that he had received notices of the following le- gacies: $25 for the Women's and Or- phans' Fund from the estate of the late Mrs. V, H. Murney, Belleville, $400 to be paid on behalf of the Herald Angels church from the es- tate of the late James G. Berming- ham, a former member of the congre- gation; also $6,500 from the estate of the late B. 8S. O'Loughlin, Yarker, for'many years a thember of the exe- cutive. A formal vote of thanks was passed. Temporary superannuation grants of $500 were made to Rev. C. B. S. Ryan, Coe Hill, and Rev. George Code, Athens, on account of serious illness. Certain correspondence was dealt with regarding Belleville réétory, and the solicitor presented his report set- ting forth the judge's decision in re- cent litigation. The technical differ- ences will soon be amicably adjusted. A committee was appointed to as- sist the bishop in securing candidates for holy orders in the diocese. Rev. T. Savary presented a report cn Sunday schools, and some sugges- tions offered were adopted. A resolution of sympathy with Rev. C. Watson in his recent bereavement, by the death of his wife, was passed. The report of the Anglican For- ward Movement in the diocese show- ed that 6,732 subscribers subscribed $147,957, of which $63,000 had been paid through the diocese to head- quarters Toronto. The sum of $15,- 000 had been allocated by the Dom- inion Forward Movement to the be- neficlary funds of the Ontario dio- cese, * A strong committee was appointed by the bishop to recommend to the executive an equitable division among the various benefit funds of all money received from the head- quarters of the Forward Movement The stipends of missionary clergy was dealt with, and several grants were made to needy missions, It is expected the salaries this year wili be better than in former years. A resolution of regret was unani- mously passed upon the resignation of Rural Dean Crisp, of St. John's, Portsmouth; and also wishing him bon voyage on his twelve months leave of absence to England. The financial condition of the dio- cese shows great imprqvement, and there was a spirit of great optimism throughout all the proceedings of the meeting. yi HOLLISTE R-COBET WEDDING. Performed by Rev. J. K. Fairfull on Wednesday Mornings At the residence of Rev. J. K. Fair- full, 77 Nelson street, the DAILY BRITIS INCIDENTS | Racy Local, News and Items | General' Public Interest. Try Chadwick's Coal. Phone. More 'darmsons at Carnovsky ». W. Swaine, plano tuner, ordert McAuley's. or =bone 564w, | Planos tuned. Phone 1544 C.. | Lindsay, Ltd. i The tug Mackay and barge arrfl {up Tuesday night en route to It | Erie. | Tea and Coffee prices rapidlyl- | vancing. Get your supply of DAIS | now! At MAHOOD'S. Mrs. George Taylor, Gananoe, | and her mother, Mrs. Coleman, 11 | | J. L. Murray, B.A. has avid) f |safely at. Smyrna, Asia Minor, er | Ji a most enjoyable ocean voyage. After six montns' rental we ill allow money paid in rental to aly on purchase of piano. say .td. C. D. Perrin, Brockville, the ¢n-| er of the fast pacing mare "Bie | (has sold the animal to a Qwec! | party . This horse has a mar of| 04%. Mr. and Mrs. John Cauley, Todo, {announce the engagement of 1eir| 'second daughter, Anna Loretta te! Bernard John Shea, Athens, iar (riage to take place Oct. 12th. | A drunk who stated that hehal | {secured liquor at the home tf friend, was fined $10 and cost, o | | |B (one month in jail, when arragnel {before Magistrate Farrell on Ved inesday morning. The death is announced ir Teo {ronto of R. H. P. Bell, son of Rey {R. H. Bell, pastor of High Part | avenue Methodist church, whois © | | be the Methodist church in July next | Miss Nora Wright, who has bea training at Rockwood hospitd fa the past year and a half, has bea staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hui- ter, Portsmouth, until last Thus- to Mr. Grant, city. One of the newcomers on the Ar- gonaut grounds, Toronto, who was | conspicuous was Kirkpatrick, forn- er Kingston C.I. and R.M.C. outside wing. He is a likely lookhg ! player. and will be given a mal chance to make a place. All this week you can get big bas- kets of green gages and peaches for| 765c. Carnovsky's. | A social event occurred on Tues-| {day evening at the home of Miss | { Ethel Ross, Ordnance street, whe | the 'members "of Cooke's church | | choir presented Miss Lettie Walker | with a beautiful black leather clib | bag. A delightful evening was speat, varied with music and games, and after refreshments the happy even- ing was brought to a close with | "Auld Lang Syne," and the National Anthem. 'DYSENTERY EPIDEMIC "IS VERY PREVALEN' | | [The Medical Health Ofer | Advises the People to Boil Milk. Dr. A. R. B, Wiliamson, mdical {health officer, wher asked abot the | epidemia of dyseatery which, has { made its' appearascte throughoft the | district, stated tbat there hac been some very severe cases, and tvo pa- | ! tients brought fom a town vest of ! | here had died in hospital. The cause lof the dysentery was supposed to be ! {from the milk supply. The ~ city | water had beer found all right. The [health officer advises people to boil {their milk, unless it is pasteurized, | and also to cook all food they eat. | {In this way, the epidemic will soon disappear. A Variety Shower. A reception and variety shower was given to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. | Richardson, at tho home of the bride's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. D. A. | Simmons, Actinolite, on Friday | { nient, Sept. 17th. The list of pre-| sents were numerous and beautiful. | | ll Come to Headquarters | For Your Hats Union | Street Baptist minister, on Wednes- i WHIG. OF THE BJ High School Arithmetics {spend the winter in Ottawa. | | Cc. w. nd-| J | | pastor of Sydenham itred | {i JUST RECEIVED--shipment of the H. §. A rithmetic. Owing to the paper shortage publish- ers advise that re-orders ¥ill not be obtainable un til after the first of the year, so secure your copy now. There will be no hange in this book for the next four or five years, The Selling Numbers in Sheet Music Avalon, Let te Rest of the World Go By, You're a Million Miles From Nowhere, Your Eyes Have Told Me So, Wen Honey Sings an Old Time Song, Sailing Through, Sweet and Low, Oh, By Jingo, My Isle of Glden Dreams, The Leaves of the Shamrock, Kiss a Miss Waltz, I'm Waiting for Ships That Never Cme In, I'm Like a Ship Without a Sail, Hiawatha's Melody of Love, Dardanella, Daddy, You've Beera Mcther to Me, Carolina Sunshine, Hold Me, The Love Nest, Alice Blue Gown, Old Fashioned Garen, The Leaves of the Shamrock, If You Could Care, , The College Book Store Telephme919 Open Evenings Queen's, Queen's, Queen's Just alin: to let the Freshettes, as well as the older students know, that hisis the Ladies' Style Centre of Kingston, LADIES' SILL DRESSES-- : In allthenewest creations for Fall -- dainty shades of Navy, Brown, Tzupy Black; all sizes--r easonably priced, BLOUSES © PLEASE-- : Elegantange of late style Blouses--Voiles, Wash Silks, Fancy Silks, Georgete Crepe, Crepe de Chene--popular priced. To sée is to admire an buy. KIMONAS-- Specialale of Wool Eiderd own Kimonas--a sample lot, no two alike; plin and fancy colors; daintily trimmed with pretty shades of Sil. Prices greatly reduced for Thursday, ot YOUR COA \ is in oucollection, and it is certainly a beauty. Call and see it Thursday. = " Nevman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" JOSEPH SEABROOK GETS MONTH 7 JAIL For Endeavoring to Te Out Uncensored Letter om Just the Property You Want May Be on Our List §3050..,.....5.+...Brick Bungalow; Barrie Street No $3300... ++ .Brick Dwelling; Union Street, he $3500. ++++...Brick Bungalow; Quebec Street, $4800 Brick Dwelling; Earl Street. $3000... Frame Dwelling; Bagot Street. $2300... Frame Dwelling; Union Street. Frame Bungalow; Patrick Street. E. W. MULLIN & SON Kingston Home Finders. Buyers and Sel Phones 539w and 539). JOHNSTON and DIVES) TREE day morning at 10.30 o'clock, united in marriage Miss Annie Cobet, daughter of Mrs. Cobet, Bagot street, to George Hollister, Cornwall. The bride wore a.navy blue tricotine suit, a blue velvet and gold brocaded hat, a corsage bouquet of ophelia.roses, and a seal and ermine cape. The | bridesmaid was Miss [Clara Millward | and the best man Stanley Mayers. The newly-weds left on the 1.15 train | for eastern points. They will reside at Cornwall, The bride\was the re- cipient of many beautiful gifts. Penitentiary, MODE b y PACT Representing ACBL: The TRAVELERS || RES HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT | SS a- EEE EE CH CE HT Ys » "Early Buying Is Best Buying" FURS High in Quality-- But Not High in Price Our long experience in the fur business enables us to know just when to buy to best advantage, also the best market. ' Just now Animal Style Scarfs are in great demand. See our handsome Neck Pieces in Black . Fox at $35.00 CAMPBELL BROS, : "Furs of Quality" MI NW A ' ; s Joseph Leaman Seabr¢ the pe- nitentiary guard, who won Tues- day, found guilty by Majrate Far rell of endeavoring susp out fror the penitentiary an uncered letts from a convitt, was of¥ednesds morning sentenced to | month. jail. The accused has eady spnt one week in jail on red. Magistrate Farrell ©d thatthe charge on which Seapk had een found guilty, was onejch he ould not overlook. entree] TF A CHARGE | $100. And Expenses For J Calls Jutside City 8, The fire and H Dmmyes will recommend to th¢¥ couril that hereafter when tfire briade re- sponds to a calfitside (he city limits, excepting f° hutrents, the Royal Military [e8e an Mowat hospital, a charff $100'e maae, besides any exp} incurrd by the department for Airs to pparatus. The Stmant for 8 that wen it ar- fords protectig® Propely ip an- other municipf it shoul he fully reimbur 5 The auld. hag nojvet taken any action ggard to ding four men to the forigade h the first of January. pcording b the new 1] act passed He Ontaridegislature at its last sn, firemeimusé have one day offseven. Migston has the platoog®tem whic gives tae men twelvpurs on an twelve off. PORTSMOUTH SCHOOL BOARD Appoint J. J. Hughes as Principal of Public School. At a meeting of the Portsmouth public school board, held Tuesday evening, the following were present: F. Nicholson, (chairman), Messrs. Johnston, Graham and Halliday. Mrs. Revell's report for September showed an average atendance of fifty pupils. The following appointments were made: J. J. Hughes, B.A., Kingston, principal; Miss Wood, Sydenham, as- sistant, and G. Holland, caretaker. A proposition was agreed to by the board, to give a prize to those scholars who pass the entrance ex- amination to enter the Collegiate institute, NO CHEAP APPLES. of Barrels Will Help K Scarcity ely 1p eep P ce, Despite the fact that there is a heavy apple crop this year there is not much likelihood of cheaper prices. The great scarcity of barrels and boxes and the high cost of pick- ing the fruit are the reasons given for the high 'prices. Spies are expect ed to sell at abont $8 a barrel. Snows and Melntosh Reds will fetch about $7 a barrel. It is stated that own- ers of automobiles can, however, drive into the country and fill the back of their cars with apples of good quality for a couple of dollars. It's easy to choose from the variety of Hats 'we show---=the range is so large. Not evem in Toronto or Montreal could you find a bigger or better assbrt- ment and our values can not be beaten anywhere. Let us show you what is correct for Fall in Men's Hats, from such well known makers as Christy, Borsalino, Knox, Pic. cadilly and others. DERBIES . _., ..$4.50 to $7 SOFT FELTS ,.....$3 to $11 VELOURS ,.., 4...85 to §9 TWEED HATS . .....93 to $4 "We save you something on every Hat you buy." George Mills-& Co. 126 and 128 PRINCESS ST. Quality Footwear FOR WOMEN Shoes combining style, quality and service --all that is new and elegant in shoedom, High and Low Cut Models---- Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" "A 'Whibscriber ipAigoma dis- . trict wrifithat the cs are over- 189 PRINCESS STREET. \ flowing § country § there this 3 hing is pitiful, and in #80 plentifythat a great . ily hfe to De wast- as been v§ scarce also, Phone 2210, ---- The marriage of Winfred Gorman, On Thursday last death visited the ® gathering! the wonder- Syracuse, N.Y., and Hazel Ena home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Morris, 1 the mo# difficult. Our|{Brown, daughter of O. E. Brown, | Elgin, 2nd took away their Hitle also statdthat-it is ex- | Portland, was solemnized on Sept. |daughter, Geraldine, aged seventeen cold in Soma for this [29th at the home of the bride. months. The deceased had been fil the year, Fresh cocoanuts at Cirnovsky's. (but a few hours. . The more some men owe, the more they want to owe, {| aii I}

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