Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1920, p. 1

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& 3 » A OUR NEW FALL HATS Have Arrived. Collier's Toggery VOL. 87 : NO. 246. ste abe se ee he Daily Br BROOKLYN WINS SECOND GAME Defeats Cleveland By 3 to 0 ~Grimes Pitched For | the Winners. New York, Oct. 6.--The second of the world series baseball games took place this afternoon in Brooklyn and resulted In a victory for Brooklyn, the score being: R. H. B. Cleveland .. 000 000 000--0 7 0 Brooklyn 101010 00x--3 7 | The batteries were: Cleveland, | Bagley and O'Neil; Brooklyn, Grimes | and Miller. Over twenty thousand People came out to see the fray. "A wind-blown fly was the cause of our downfall yesterday," said Manager Wilbert Robinson, of the Brooklyns. "With an even break on luck, my club will snow the way to victory. Speaker ruined our ball gate with hig catches in centre field. I think I'll tell the fellows to hit the ball over the fence and let Speaker do his worst." "First Inning. Cleveland: Jamieson out. Koney to Grimes. Johnston threw Wamby out at first. Speaker singled past | Johnston. Smith up. A pitch out, but Speaker did not try to go down. Smith struck out' No Tuns, one hit, no errors. Brooklyn: Olson popped to Wam- | by, hitting the first ball pitched. Johnston got a hit into dopshore. Johnston stole second. Griffith went out. Johnston to Bagby, Johnston 8o- ing to third. Johnston scored. Woea: hit to centre field for two bases. Wheat made second by fast base running. Gardner threw cu: Myers at first. One run, two hits, no errors. Second Inning. | Cleveland: Gardner got a two base | hit into left field. Grimes took Johnston's grounder and tossed to Olson who touched out Gardner be- tween bags, Johnston getting to first. Sewell flied to Olson. John- ston out stealing, Miller to Kilduff. No runs, one hit, no errors. | Brooklyn: Jamieson made a nice | catch of Koney's line drive. Kilduff lined out to Gardner. Miller popped to O'Neil, who took the ball near the visitors' bench. No runs, no hits, no errors. Third Inning: Cleveland: Grimes tossed out 'O'Neil at first. Grimes knocked "down Bagby's grounder and threw him out. Jamieson socked single aver second. . Wamby flied out to eal. "No ruus,~one Wit, Brooklyn: Grimes singled through pitcher's box. Bagby took Olson's. £acrifice and threw wildly to second. Both 'batter and runner were safe. Grimes was spiked as he slid into second. It was no sacrifice for Olson but fielder"s choice. Johnston fouled out to O'Nelll trying to bunt. Grimes scored on Griffiths' two-base hit into right field, Olson going to third. Wheat was purposely passed, filling bases, Cleveland infield played in , tlose. Double play followed. Gardner took Myers' grounder and threw to O'Neill, who threw to first. Throw hit Myers on the back. Griffiths tried to &core on the play but was thrown out, Johnston to O'Neill. One run, two hits, one error. rn Fourth Inning. Cleveland: Speaker walked. Smith grounded out to Koney, unassisted, Speaker going to second. Gardne: filed to Myers. Johnston flied out to Wheat, who ran back to the bleach- ers to make the catch. No runs, no hits, no errors. Brooklyn: Koney sent up a high fly to Wamby. Kilduff sent a long fly into left centre which Speaker took after a long run. Bagby threw out Miller at first. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning. Cleveland: Grimes threw Sewell out at first. O'Neill went out by the Olson-Koney route. Bagby sent a long fly to Myers. Grimes' spit ball had Clevelands badly puzzled. He kept it close and inside and varied jruns, one hit, no errors. through the box which only abut to knock down. Johnston O'Neill Graney batting for Bagby. struck Crowd cheered Cleveland. Grimes sent high fly to Smith. son fanned. errors. | Miller. Gardner walked, filling the {no errors. --_---- a -- Tm Grimes at initial sack Olson singled through pitchers box Johnston went out, Johnston to Bagby, Olson going to second, scoring when Grit- fith's grounder got away from Sewell for a hit. Griffith went out stealing, O'Nell to Wamby. One run, no hits, Lo errors. Sixth Inning. Cleveland Kilduft Jamieson at first Wamby flied out to Griffith, Speaker shot a long | drive into left centre for two bases. Smith grounded out to Koney. No runs, one hit, no errors. | Brooklyn: Wheat flied out to | Speaker who took the ball over in right field Myers got an Infield hit which Gardner could not field in time. Konsy flied out to Smith. Kil- duff sent a high fly to Smith. No threw out a | u 8 n d a | V Seventh, Inning: Cleveland: Gardner got a single Kilduff wa# forced Gardner at second, Olson to Kilduff. Sewell out to Griffith who made nice catch up against the wall, got a single into left field Graney balls echo. ig out on three pitched irimes to the No runs, two hits, no errors. Brooklyn: Uhle now pitching for Miller struck out. Ol- no P No runs, no hits, . Eighth Inning. Cleveland Jamieson walked. Burns batted for Wamby. Burns also walked. Kilduff threw out Speaker | at first, Jamieson going to third and Burns to second. Smith fouled out to 1 bases. Johnston forced Gardner, Kil- | b duff to Olson. No runs, no hits, no & errors, Brooklyn: Lunte went on second base for Cleveland Johnston popped to Sewell. Griffith fanned. Wheat flied to Jamieson. No runs, no hits, a d Ninth Inning. i Cleveland: Sewell grounded to Koney unassisted. O'Neill flied out to Griffith. Nunamaker batting for Uhle. Nunamaker singled over sec- ond base. Jamieson flied to Wheat No runs, one hit, no errors, Discuss Project. | Chicago, Oct. 6. --Complete re- | organization of professional base- ball as proposed in the Lasker plan which calls for civilian tribunal of | three persons not financially inter- ested in the game to replace the Na- tional commission, wag discussed yesterday by a group of major league club owners and officials | 8 with Alfred Austrian, attorney for |@ the Chicago National and American jo League clubs. ' 0 While no official announcement Si iJ reoncerning the meeting was made, ft was said that legal technicalities which would come up in the reor- ganization were discussed and that | the plan with decisions made at to- day's meeting, will be presented to the club owners of the National league in New York to-morrow. ip th ra h Thinks Harding Will' Sweep the Country IP Chicago, Oct. 6.--Will H' Hays, a | Republican national chairman to-day issued the followiag statement on Senator Harding's prospects in the | race for the presideicy: "Harding will carry of the New England States, and New York, New | Jersey, Pennsylvaiia, Delaware, | Maryland, West 'irginia, Ohio, | Michigan, Indianna, Kentucky, Wis- | ccnsin, and he has agood chance to carry Tennessee and North Carolina. "West of the Misissippi he will carry every state but Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, and now is in doubtul stae." 'm No One Was Injured | In Tokio Hall Fire New York, Oct. 6.--Sessions of te world's Sunday school convention n @klo will proceed with -the | gramme unchanged, despite the de | in which the convention was to be held. ceived here to-day from Dr. L. Brown, joint United States section of the assocla- {1 it with a fast inshoot. No runs, no hits, no errors. Brooklyn: Sewell The threw out The Public Service Commission ap- pointed by the Government of Onta- rio to investigate the officers under its jurisdiction, with a view to de- termining the best methods of ap- pointing sheriffs, local masters, de- buty 'clerks, magistrates, jailers, turn keys, justices of the peace, issuers of marriage licenses, officers of the sup- Teme court of judicature at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, division court clerks, bailiffs, registrars, coroners; and con- stables, reached Kingston on Wed- uesday morning and opened hearings in the county council chamber at the court house. The members of the commission are, W. D. Gregory, bar- rister, Toronto, chairman, Dr. Hor- ace L. Brittain, director Citizens Re- search Institute; Norman Sommer- ville, barrister, Toronto, Albart Hell- yer Arthur, representing U. F. O.. $dmund A. Pocock, managing editor "Breeze," Toronto, representing I.L. P., Wm. Mallen, inspector legal offi- ces, Toronto. secretary. The different officials summoned and who gave evidence were: J. M. Farrell, police magistrate. who when asked his opinion of the Proposal to require magistrates to de- vote their whole time ™ the duties of stated that a stenogra- be required. The salary fixed at $3.500. 4. M. Bradshaw, county magistrate Ontario Public Service Commission ~~ Hears Evidence At the Court House tion. | statement that no one was injured |! in the fire. | | . and county clerk, was of ne opinien | gistrate who would devote his whole | time to his work. He disposed of 32 cases in five years. Judge Lavell advised the abolition of all justices of the peace and the appointment of one qualified magis- trate for the city and county. He would also appoint one permanent high constable. J. L. Whiting, county crown at- torney and clerk of the peace, also City solicitor, and president of the Frontenac Law Society, contributed | very valuable information. He was | asked about the two registry offices, one for the county and one for the city. This was a condition found only in two other places in Canada, said the commission, and means just twice the expense needed for these offices which can just as well be under one official. The two offices are of no ad- yantage to the law profession. Mr. Whiting was also questioned regard- ing the Land Titles Act. Favors Justices of Peace. Questioned regarding the appoint- ment of the magistrates Mr. Whiting expressed hi objection Yo one magis- trate for city and county. The just- ices of the peace render service that Saves much expense owing to the long distances to be travelled from Place to place in Frontenac. It was (Continued on Page 14.) ' L 'morning at ta» he head of fie Rygj cepted Vituallia peace drat baad framed by the ed to the Sviet Russig the Swiet Wrangd, it Makno, it ! Ontario ire Pp wich U to that rm of | league quest feet to existin existingoof | shingle; | decideyesterday that t |in frei and passenger rat the raays by thy sailw Word to this effect was re- the ratpg Frank unterfer with, secretary of the |\ explajon of Dr. Brown added the definite | YStigat be issue on Fell trom, motorig t {lard Tipe {and fratu | sulted. 'D _ | four smi e that there should be one county ma oft, and pn he n. Riga,0ct, 6.--The rmistic negotiations te. The gli ued hisporning, ghting wip-- ivisims , bout mid ay 'ina, andadq ithudiian rq ide Pgs} 8: ops are fi, 1€'k troops." , Accoted the Draft: Riga, Oct. gy; olish race dleg lg: dlegation. Ha London, )ct 'kralnian com een operaing el, axd Bashevik has joined nd his bee mader, espata frox PROHBIT WOODEN SHINGLES ON ROOF: 'Suggesd L. ARE RUSHING MEACE PARLEYS Betwen Poland And Russia ~Poland's Terms Are Vrtually Accepted. i 3 Russo-Polish | t their arrival at Kenilworth are { Tushed \ a speedy conclusion the Lithunjan-Polish situations | meanwhil to have become more ac- | sh official statement is- reports tacking Lithuanian | the vicinity of Orany, between Grodno and "It is stated that | ghting along. | ate totalling approximately $I. t. was said adquarters of the | ation that M. Joffe, | ®aland personal property" in the an mission, had ac- | ©coapanying petition, 8 4 whole the Polish | on eleven points | #md;-the only legatees are Mortl- | a delegation, and he beginning of the - These, it is stated, € formally present- Turnq Traitor. - 6.~General Makno, who eader in Sout) | city, and $100,000 for the Hebrew the Bols given ommand dministation asserte in a wireless | Tuskegee Institute $10,000. Moscow to-day. is declared has a gislation at Fire Prevetion League--CQCause 3 Many Fires. Torom, Oct. 6.-- ession {the ain RY lluded the rty whi has be riginaty on w ad, th Mr. ldlaw su ass ant with ibit thuse of roof verin ereaftcerected ne INOT ) DISALLOW INCREASED RATES | {The inet to Give Out alot atement Later in the Week. Otta, Oct. 6.--Tne issiovill not be disallow Texas just | ficial sement will be mad [the we, but it is learned that the outstaing decision is against dis- allowze, coupled with a number o | Buggedns to the Railway Commis. | islon t institute further enquiries | | Into Vous phases of the question | decide, finally, |notablhe discrimination which in pre | his juGent the chi affirms struction by fire yesterday of the hall and we Pend an w ying Vig thepely -- HAOSTS HIS LIFE i iio Recover It. Petrbolgpy Oct. t This skull. 8 stepped if t the car was Sin motion. OVEROME,Ngy SCARCITY 'em Countries Will Wheat, Bogert Sys Buy Winnipg, ernments re in wheat, a His / said C. A.Boger, of the Dornion returned t Win through th west. Smut! A } London, Morning Pd orial approhl and Smut's apphl for party in Soth Afric, predicts thaiir the ig the whole tind o t bot a ed Tews; the istory st decly formation of on-racia, be have been of of events in th At the afternoon ual meeting of the revention League, Mr.. dlaw, manager of the Nor. pn Fire Insurance Society, great amount of prop- en destroyed by fire ooden shingle roofs r throm the spreading of fire due' roof covering, occasions," he said, | tweny students lled for house- Tour ite ageney; | hold ce. Ti pat Tu not mu over one hundr no ggested that the the Legislature to | no exception, to pro- | Wooden shingles as | teachers arp badly & on any building (Out the province. arer' than fifty | cent, ef the student: E structure, and to | are of the male rohibihe extensive repair of any | ber being war veterans of th covering of eS develope into conflagrations.' government | a plain citizen increase es given ay Com- | ed, an of- | can state headquarters put up the e later in | foregoing as his he ef commissioner | seek exist as between the east y such further enquiry in force will not be A long statement this decision out- f\ the new points to be in. Sand the reasons under- sions arrived at will ng Auto, Killed Try- 6.--While Alibrook Tuesday, Wil- 1 from a moving auto Death re- ed leaves a wife and His hat blew ste to recover it, he unning board while 0% -- Foreign Gov- ng for Canadian 1 tend to over- ney in Canada, neral manager E Toronto who from a trip * PPESr Unity. >t. 6.44 Mimes and % strong edit- rt to Gen. 'W patriotic 1 prove to 3t decisive he union. that the uth Afri. » Collier's Toggery The Only Store Where You can buy DR. HAWKINS INVISIBLE BELTS itish Whig KINGsTO ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1920. LAST EDITION UARD MAN-O'-WAR f AGAINST GAMBLERS SOVIET ARMIES | New York, Oct. 6.--So that [crooks and unscr s - | foo -- To IN CONFUSION to turn any trick on Man o' ------ War, a squad of Pinkerton de- . | Wrangel Effects a Junction, With Makno---Barefooted | Conscripts Surrender. ectives will accompany the worse to Canada today, the {erald says this morning. They | | i f Constantinople, Oct, 6.--Forces commanded by General Baron | Wrangel, head of the anti-Bolshe- | vill guard the horse and ockey Kummer from the time FROM SCHIFF WILL | Viki Government of South Russia, | | have joined the armies led by Gener- | |Baker and Philanthropist | al Makno, the Ukranian chief, severe | kaves About $13,500,000 which have been operating against to Worthy Causes. | the Soviet troops in the region of ------ | Kharkov. ! Bw York, Oct. 6.--Charitable be- | The junction was effected at Sime- | Inikova, a village twenty-five miles , Southwest of Ekaterinoslav, and the Bolsheviki, who have been trapped {in that vicinity since the anti-Bol- !sheviki forces have been approach- | ing each other during the past fort- | night, were captured, ! General Makno's flying raid on harkov, which resulted in the cap- | ture of that city, has contributed to the confusion of the Soviet armies in Southern Russia the position of | which along the Dueiper river has | become more critical. Insurgent bands are reported to be in the |! rear of the Bolsheviki and are said | to have captured Nikolaiev, near | Odessa. It is rumored cholera has | appeared among Soviet troops in | Kharkov, : Barefooted conscripts of the Bol- | sheviki army continue to surrender in large numbers without resistance, ! but the 'Bolsheviki . regulars and | student regiments continue their re- | treat. | 1 ntil their return. being + but | DARITY BENEFITS | eems $000 are made in the wi of |dcb H. Schiff, banker and philan- | Uroist, filed in the surrogate's of- this | fre.The value of the estate is given | uerly as "more than $10,000 fn i ' Besides the charitable institutions K Ler jchiff, Oyster Bay, the testator's sin, ind Frieda Warburg, New "Pork, tie estator's daughter. The resi- dar? estate is divided between them | slare and share alike. | Charitable bequests of Mr. Schiff | itlule $500,000 for the Federation { fa tte Support of Jewish Philantro- | plic Societies of New York, $300,- has | (0 for the Monteflore Home, $150 .- Wran- | 00 for the Jewish Theological So- heviki | Utlon College of Cincinnati. under New York University receives $50, | against| 00); Harvard College, $25,000 and | | | Gen. | plied Divorced Twenty Years And Didn't Know It New York, Oct. 6.--Mrs. Emily Barnum, 63 years old, of 210 46th Reds Admit Retreat. London, Oct. 6.--Continued re- tirement of the Russians in the region southwest we Minsk, where itreet, has been divorced from ler |the Poles have been rapidly driving | | fusband for twenty years, and was | @astward, is reported in Monday's | | not aware of it until she brought suit | Soviet official statement from Mos- | to forcé him to pay her $15 weekly, | COW, received by wireless, | which she claimed the court ordered mm 1900. "I vas divorced from her in May, 1900, said Barnum, and pro- uced a decrea of divorce granted in The Poles Bag." | Riga, Oct. 6.--Polish official com- munication received yesterday by the {fanhattan. Mes. Barnum declared it | peace delegates says that during the 'as news to her, as she had been |Past week the Poles have taken fifty- Wder the impression that only a se- | two thousand prisoners, 190 guns, Pration had been granted. 1,100 machine guns, seven armored ----es trains, twenty-eight locomotives and SHORTAGE OF TEACHERS much other material. Attaches or 'oronto, Oct. 6.--Somewhat to the the Polish general staff here say that Cishpointment of the staff, registra- | the Poles now occupy the major part tionat the Ontavo College of Educa- | of the old German trench system on tionhas only clmbed up to seventy (the Baranovitchi line, notably in in tie general tourse, with about) Lida sector, and in the direction of Minsk, which they insist, however, is not their objective, A GREAT INCREASE. Show Phone Rate Raise Would Be About 180 Per Cent. Montreal, Oct. 8.--As a result of ¢ in attendance |; questionnaire sent out among persuasion, a num. |;memhers of the Montreal Branch of © great tho Canadian Manufacturers' Asso- [ciation recently, in regard to the pro- posed new Bell Telephone rates, 157 replies have been received to date jand show that the increase would ap- proximately be 180 per cent. over eox- isting rates. The most informative of the re- plies was received from.the Northern Electric Company, a subsidiary of the Bell Telephone Company, which fur- nished figures showing that over a measured month its telephone costs would be increased from $9,000 a year to $23,748.32, an igcrease of 150 per cent. over present rates. Increases varied from 50 per cent. to as high as 500. per cent. addition- al to the present rates. fairly well assurel, Not only could larger classes be landled easily hy the ollege staff, wut high school heeded through- Some forty per | Democrat Administration | Is Just Like Purgatory Chicago, Oct. 6 --'We, the peopla the United States, are now in pur- gatory. Four years more of Democra- tic administration and we would be in hell. We can get out of purgatory, but we can never get out of hell. As my judgment is that we will take the chance in Novem- ber of emerging from purgatory." "Uncle Joe" Cannon at Republi. idea of the national political state of affairs. To Decide School Action. : x { Hotels in Chicago Winnipeg, Oct. 6.--Mennonites of | Manitoba will meet at Rhineland to Cut Their Prices Chicago, Oct. '6.--The Hotel As- whether they will |obey the law or leave Manitoba to "religious freedom" elsewhere, sociation of Chicago, composed of all the loop hotels, have put into effect their revised menus. The price cut Last week it was announced that final warnings having been given was brought about by a request from the city council high cost of living wholesale prosecutions would take place in the Mennonites district if heads of the Mennonites familes in- committee to lower their prices to sisted in deflance of the Manitoba | conform with wholesalers. The price cut ranged all the way from 10 to 60 per cent. school act, Salads were cut 25 to 50 per cent. Ice creams were reduced 15 to 25 per cent a dish. Entrees were cut from 25 to 60 per cent. Steaks, chops. roast beef and other meat dishes will be reduced later in the week. Grants Paroles to Leavenworth, Kansas, Eckhard von Schack and Franz von Bopp, at one time consul and vice- consul for the German Imperial gov- ernment at San Francisco, are to be released from the federal prison here to-day, prison officials announced. Word was received' at the prison that paroles had been granted the two German noblemen, who are serv- ing sentences of five years for viola- tion of the neutrality laws of the United States. Oct. 8.-- Bandit Asks Amnesty. Mexico City, Oct. 6.--Pedro Za- mora, the Jalisco bandit, whose forces werd virtually annihilated following his raids upon two towns in that stale, daring which he cap- tured several foreigners, has writ- ten to the war department asking for amnesty. He promises to follow a peaceful life in future and to fol- low the example of Francisco Villa, who has settled on a farm. Equality for the Jews. Warsaw, Oct. 6.--The Polish gov- ernment will take all steps to secure civil equality for the Jews of the country, Ignace Daszinki, the vice- premier, told the delegates to the Polish-Jewish conference being held here in an effort to bring about a better understanding between the ' Holding Back Sugar, Havana, Oct. 6.--Prediction that Cuba's cane crop would be inferior to the one of 1919, and that its pro- vol Simons' Store. PEOPLE FLEEING FROM PETROGRAD London, Qct. ¢.-- Despatch- ! es to the Exchange Telegraph | and Central News from Hel- | POLICE RESCUE MAN AND WIFE Broke Into Home And Found Mr. And Mrs. Bureau Nigh Asphxiated. singfors quote Russian reports of an increasing exodus from Petrograd in order to escape threatened starvation. De- | spatches say that two hundred { thousand persons have left the | former capital and that the i | Outgoing trains are crowded. A tragedy almost occurred late on es {Tuesday night, when Mr. and Mrs. KELLY AND SONS . BEGIN LEGAL FIGHT Alexander Bureau, residing 'at 221 {Stuart street, were overcome by gas Appeal to Winnipeg Courts °scaping in their home, and were ~~ Against Order Directing taken out of the house unconscious. Payment of $1 680,956. { Their condition was quite critical all night, but om Wednesday morning iunises, Qt 2 Bat Pro- wag reported quite favorable, and mises to be one of the hardest Ought 4) q¢ they would recover if nothin legal battles in the history of the ldeveto ed, altnough there were -- local courts has commenced. This roped, 8 : 's the appeal of Thomas Kelly and [that the patlents might develop Sous against the Board of Appraisal, pneumonia as a jesult of exposure. Which was incorporated in a judg- A collie dog belonging to Mr. and ment of the Court of King's Bench. Mrs. Bureau Re in 5 house, and By this order the Kelly company was {rendered unconscious as a result of ordered to pay the provincial Bovern- 4). escaping gas, and Wednesday ment $1,680,956 in connection with {forenoon had not recovered. the alleged poor workmanship in the | The barking of the collie dog, and but balding of the new parliament {the fact that their nearby neighbors Ha} dings, could smell the escaping gas, saved A. J. Andrews, K. ' Mr. and Mrs. fro what appellants, characterized the award would § Me urea + om cor of the appraisers as: death "Attempt to charge Kelly a million M : t Mr. and Mrs. McBride live next dollars for messing up a lot. It door, at 219 Stuart street, as Mr. Jutuany means they took Kelly's and Mr. and Mrs. Calvert, at No. 217. op ing, pafd him nothing for it, They detected a strong smell of gas an charged him a million dollars about 10.30 o'clock, and they became for the privilege of building it." {alarmed and summoned the police. | Police Sergeant Marshall Armstron Mystery Shot Wounds f Conste? : 'and Constable Campbell jumped in a Ogdensburg Schoolboy taxi and made the trip in record time. Ogdensburg, N.Y., On their arrival they found the Oct. 6.--Mys- house locked. They raised a win- tery surrounds the shooting of dow and making their ay upstairs, Charles St. Andrews, aged twelve, they found Mr. and Mrs. Bureau ly- son of Joseph St. Andrews, of the ing on the floor, both in an uncon- city fire department. The boy was scious condition. With the aid of gathering butternuts, two miles Mr. McBride the officers carried the west of the city, and had climbed a victims down stairs to the front door, tree. Suddenly a shot rang out and and summoning an ambulance, had he felt a sharp pain in his left leg. them removed to the General hospi- He managed to reach the ground tal. Before the ambulance arrived, and was taken to his home. A phy- two medical students from Queen's siclan examined his wound and he university arrived on the scen. from vas removed to the Hepburn hospi- a nearby boarding house, and cared tal, where a bull Efforts are C., acting for the --pn Alarmed Over Gas Odor, When Mr, McBride became alarme ed over smelling the gas, he went to his neighbor's door and found it lock- He could see a small lamp burn- | upstairs, and getting a he put it up to a side upstair window 'and looking in he could see the couple on the floor. The collie dog {was lying close to the front door, and {It is quite 'evident that the canine ST had been making an endeavor to get Prize Pig is Lodged [out of the house. The dog is quite In Hote! Bedroom old. and is both blind and deaf. S------ > | Mr. and Mrs. Bureau just moved » Iowa, Oct. 6.--1In Iowa (Into this house on Tuesday, it having nothing is too good for the hog. Baby been vacated by Charles Bayley, Hawkey's Giant, an eight-months-old former engineer at the Portsmouth junior champion porker, weighing Penitentiary, who has been transfer- 250 pounds and valued at $10,000 red to Dorchester, N.B. They for- arrived at a prominent downtown ho- merly resided on Garrett street. Mr. tel in an expensive automobile yes. ard Mrs. Bureau were fully dressed terday, walked into the hotel lobhy | When found, and it is believed they On carpets spread especially for his | were overcome by the gas while they visit, was registered for by.,W. J. Car- | were working around the house, get- michael, secretary = of the Nationa] [ting their furniture in order. swine show, posed for a picture and | It is considered short of a miracle then snorted his way haughtily into that the lamp which was burning up- the elevator and rose to a tenth floor, Stairs did not explode and set fire corner front room, where he spent [to t | he house, the night. The people living in the two near- ------------ Bakers Ask Right to | by houses certainly had a close call | Sell Bread on Sunday | occurred et was extracted. for the patients At the General being made to ascer- hospital the pulmotor was used and tain who fired the shot, but' have lat 2 o'clock in the morning Mrs. Proved unsuccessful thus far, Bureau regained consciousness. Mr. ---- | Bureau regained comseciousness be- Robbers Take New tween 8 and 9 o'clock. Cl . A Whig representative was on the Othes; Leave Old Ones scene shortly after Mr. and Mrs. Bu- Philadelphia, N.Y., Oct. 6.--Fas- reau were removed from their home. tidious thieves visited this town last | Nelghbors praised the quick response StSht and as a result Philadelphia Made by the police. Had the couple stores are several suits of clothes, been allowed to remain in their home several pairs'of shoes and several about ten minutes longer, it js stated Other things poorer. About 320 ip |that nothing could have saved them. cash is reported missing. . | bbers first went 'to Fred They broke the glass in the rear door and proceeded to Inventory the clothing in stock. To- | day three old suits are in the shop | and three new ones are gone, At the E. A. Drake store in town hall the robbers changed shoes for new, removed somewhat worn stockings and selected new ones, and further outfitted them- selves by selecting new neckties. Des Moines [for their Hves. Just how the accident 'was not known on Wednesday morn- ing, but the Whig was informed that 6.--Amendment of the Sunday closing law to permit |2bout 9 o'clock on esdey night bakers to keep open their shops ang | ITS. Bureau went to the home of one dispose of bread during hours allow. | Of het neighbors and complained that od for sales in other lines of busi. B® could not get her gas stove to ness was recommended by the | WOTK Properly, and that she wanted executive committee of the Master [10 boll some water. The neighbor Bakers' association of New York 2llowed her to boil some water in state in convention here. The pro. her home. [Jt may be that a gas jet posal will be discussed at to. | On the stove bad been left turned om. morrow's session. In order to make sure that hire Reduction of baking costs and the Would be no more gas escaping, the price of bread to consumers was dis. {gas was turned off in the cellar as cussed. {soon as the couple were rescued. [The house was just recently wired {for electricity, and all the gas fix- | tures removed. \ |. The affair caused a big sensation Comain |; the neighborheod, and it was in: Watertown, N.Y, Oct. 6.--How deed a sad sight that met the eyes of caretakers of American éemeteries [the neighbors who rushed to the In France are profiting through the S¢°0e to give what help they could. purial of French soldiers within the Mr. and Mrs. Bureau were taken to inclosures was related by Iroquois [the front steps to get the fresh air Irwin dancing fnstructor of this |and to await an ambulance, and Just Who toured France last sum. 2 ®W feet away from them lay their : {collie dog. Early Wednosday morn- {ing the dog made a feeble effort to Pal by he stave. {walk, but. taking a few steps out to more renumeration. {he roadway, collapsed. Kind neigh- New York, Oct, ---- OTHERS BURIED THERE Bays Graves of Americans les of Poilus. city, mer. Caretakers are Mr. Irwin says, graves the Poles and Jews. M. Daszinski said, However, that for the moment all the forces must be concentrated upon the defence.and protection of the country. duct would not reach the market be- fore February, 1922, was made in a bulletin issued by the Sales Commis- sion, which represents holders of a considerable portion of this year's unsoid crop. Have Ceased Hunger 4 London, Oct. 6.--Irish \ prisoners have ceased td resort to hunger strik- ing, says the Dally Mail. The news- paper adds that there were more than 300. arrests in connection with Sinn Fein propaganda disturbances during September, but tha: only four of the men arrested attempted hun- ger striking and these abandoned it in a day or two. Not To Run Again. . Winnipeg, Oct. 6.-- Mayor Charles F. Gray wlll not run again at the coming civid election. Chief among | his reasofs for retiring is the neces turkey | sity of devoting his time to his pri- I vate business. Wins Scholarship. The Saskatchewan University Scho- larship for the Regina student receiy- ing the highest marks at the recent honor matriculation examinations, been awarded to Miss Olive Kath- lTeen Leitch, a brilliant student at the Collegiate Institute and daughter of the Rev. H. D. Leitch, of Westmin- ster Church, Regina, and grand- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ber- keley, Victoria avenue, PBeileville Miss Leitch's scholarship entitles her to tuition for the four-year course at the Saskatchewan University, ------i There are over 130,000 Jews in Canada Since the com French soldiers, buried in forms, have been he the graves of their , among the Americans to increase ©asily fall'a vietim to the eseca fees. { - | bors then took the dog into the yard. bodies Talagion has heey send | Mr. and Mrs. Bureau were work- their uni- Ing hard all day, on account of mov- found, and Mr. Ir. {ng their furniture 'into the house, caretakers have numbered and as a result of their eondition, i countrymen | is believed that they would ny gas. . -- | At the Zenetat -hespital. at noon, {it was stated that Mrs. Bureau was . Appointed Inspector. making splendid progress, but that Chatham, Ont., Oct. 6.--Matthew | the condition of Mr. Buseau was not Side, who for a Dumber of yea®s has favorable. 'He has been in deli- been engaged in the shoe business in | cate health for some time. Chatham, received official notifica- | "ys "wae earned Wednesday that Hon of his appointment as License |;,,, Morris happened to be at the Inspector of West Kent, to take the {police station when the call was re- place of Thomas French, resigned. |ceived. He took the police out in his d also helped them get Mr. Painters May Strike, ea Ottawa, Oct. 6.--Unless the de and Mrs. Bureau out of the house. mand for $10 per day by painters . and art decorators on strike in New The death is announced of C. N. York is granted immediately a hun-| Williamson, the novelist, at Bath, dred or more men en aged on com- | England. pletion of the here 8 Parliament Buildings| Torento Board of Control will ask will walk out, | Drury for rent regulation slay

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