Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1920, p. 16

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Going Fast WHY SHOULDN'T THEY ? A CHOICE COLLECTION of THE DAILY BRITIS e! Theatrical Jm-- | At the Grand. | "A Burglar for a Night," the! latest picture in which the popular | screen star, Warren Kerrigan, plays | the leading role, will be seen at the | Grand for the last time to-night. | The play is a delightful romance of "big business," in which the star, to | save his father from the schemes of some of his enemies, plays burglar | and robs a safe of some important documents with which to defeat the men who would ruin those he loved. In stealing the evidence he is inter- | rupted and has to kidnap the girl | he loves, and the picture that fol- | lows from this point is one that will | satisfy the most critical. There is | another extra fine feature, entitled | "The Battler,"" starring Earl Med- | calf and Virginia Hammond. It is | the story of an east side prize fight- | er, and his wonderful fight to save | the woman he loves from her brutai | husband. The picture carries one | from the slums of the east side to | the wealthy homes of society, and is | crammed with swift action that holds the audience throughout 'the entire five reels. The stars are sup- | causing damage to an aeroplane, ee -- SOMETHING REAL NEW IN JUVENILE COURT = Youngsters Were Accused of Damaging an Aeroplane. Magistrate Farrell had something real new at a session of the juvenile court, on Wednesday morning. Four little boys appeared on a charge of which has been holding forth on Reid's farm. This is the first charge of this nature that has come before a local court. The lads denied knowl- edge of the affair, and were allowed to go. It appears that boys have been amusing themselves by pitching stones at the flying maching and oth- erwise mutilating the flier. St. George's Cathedral, A.Y.P.A. St. George's cathedral branch of the A.Y.P.A. held a delightful social and musicale in St. George's hall last evening. An especially fine program was rendered, thanks to the energetic effort of Miss E. Billings ani Rev. W. E. Kidd. Those who took part were: R. R. Harvey, piano solo; P. Fair, W. Lower, Miss Ruby Buell and Miss E. E. Billings, vocal solos; Miss V. Posselthwaite and F. Rogers, re- citations. Mr. Harvey and Miss Hugh- H WHIG. I g = rm vemE-- EE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1920, AERA THURSDAY BIG SILK DAY i cc Constant selling from our extensive Silk Department, finds us in possession of a number of odd lines of high class Silks. These we must clear at a big sacrifice price in Order that the space will be available for incoming stock. CHIFFON TAFFETA ported by a splendid cast and the [€8 acted as accompanists. Dean picture is one of the best seen here | Starr spoke briefly with reference to In some time. There are reels of | the A.Y.P.A. objective, and congratu- comedies and other subjects and a | lated those who took part in the even- special musical programme by the | ing's entertainment. He also refer- Grand's Orchestra. This bill will be | red to the president, L. S. Phillips, seen for the last time to-night.-- attending the A 'Y.P.A. convention in $2.00 YARD Short lengths of each of these seven shades of Swiss Chif- fon Taffeta; all 36 ins. wide and over, will be cleared at an untaxable price. The colors: Black, Navy, Jade, Nigger, fmm ET You can pass this opportunity, but you can't surpass it. j cousin of Mark Twain, in introduc- tirely harmless, and possesses no \ \ ; t Advt. Toronto this week. t S-- After dainty refreshments were weal) [rey Coming to the Grand. served, the national anthem was : The Toronto World of September | sung, bringing a very happy evening Copen, Sand and Taupe. Price to clear sisi .$2.00 yard. 14th has the following to say of Mil-| to a close. | . ie dred Leo Clemens and her company -------- Regular price $3.00 and $3.50 a yard. 30 00 to 55 00 of native Hawaiians, which comes to Saved By Ugliness, ° ® the Grand Opera House, Thursday, The puss moth, when approached, Friday and Saturday of this week : withdraws its head into its first hody | | Charming and rare was entertain- | ring, In the upper part of that ring ment given at Massey Hall last are two intensely black spots resenmb- | All Styles. jnight by the 'Hawaiian Company | ling eyes, and the whole appearance | brought to Toronto by Miss Mildred | fg that of a large flat face possessing | {Leo Clemens, who less than a year |g perfectly fearsome expression. To | | go Jatted the Josuim islands of add to the malignity of its looks, the | . {the Pacific, where she loo Or | creature) extends two feelers from its | . 3. : . the best of the native singers and | tai] which waving in the air,, have a | Eight shades of a high grade, three cord Silk Poplin, with | dancers, whom she persuaded to | nasty suggestion of stings. : : 3 : id 1 1 00 | come with her to America, The The elephant caterpiller employs a beautiful finish; full 6 ns, wide; regu arly 80 d at $2. | company consists of three men and | similar tactics, and manage . three women, who sing, playing | strongly to counterteit an sven | a yard. The colors are: Myrtle, Burgundy, Sea-Green, {Lbelr own accompaniment on the 'ance of a snake that even fowl re i vy i Vy | ukulele or guitar, and one of them, afraid of it. As for SPRrTony hr Amethyst, Silver Grey, Na Light, Nay Dark, Black. |Ane Hilla, gave several of the na- chaffinches, they will not go any- | Price to clear 19% S.0ie age sims Sine aie non a asennd 50 YARD {tive dances in the costume of her | where near it. Yet, like the puss ili i | country. Miss Clemens, who is a moth the elephant caterpillar is en- {ing her company told of one Who | means either of offense or defense, ot? jcould speak seventeen different | -------- B] languages and was.also one of the = vy ° ® jonly two women on the islands who Bad Weather Prevants a an aC €SSa 1I1e tom S ons iY Joe Heel gular, Bvery| tart of Air Flight | member in the same way had some -- a a: - | specialty. The performers sang to-| Halfax, Oct. 6.--Bad flying | About seventy-five yards each of Navy and Black; soft Mi | gether and at times introduced solos | Weather prevented Colonel Robert i . 1 : : ' RAS | ahich wero supported by chorus. | Leckie and Major Basi Hobbs trom French Dress Silk; excellent quality; will not cut or erock The voices were for the most part | oft here this morning on the . 3 1 BROCK STREET soft, 200 toes] wane, Toft Part oP) leg of their trans-continental and dyes perfectly dependable; 36 inches wide. Black quality that made them convey sen- | aeroplane flight. If Weather condi- | 3 : (Founded 1847) os orp ey ot pat ty hyper vondi. | and Navyonly. Toclear ............. .$2.00 YARD tional."--Advt, TOW morning in their seaplane, ac- > i companied as far as Fredericton by "re ' | At the Strand. Major A. B. Shearer, superintendent af Off Your Route It Pays To Walk | Over 900 feature pictures are |Of the Halifax air station, in 5 sin made every year in the United | tion flying boat. States to supply the demand of 14, SS ------------ NATURAL COLOR SHANTUNG HEAVY WHITE WABUTAI Anderson Bros. {000 motion picture theatres. These | theatres in turn cater to 8,000,000 people every day. To please them {all is a gigantic problem. The man- {agement of the Strand theatre in its efforts to get the very best feature possible for its patrons has had the good fortune to secure for three | days, beginning Thursday, Marie | Doro in "12:10," in six reels, direct- |ed by Herbert Brenon. Mr. Brenon, | after having scored an enormous | success with "Neptune's Daughter," { "A Daughter of the Gods," "Empty | Pockets," "War Brides" and "The | Fall of the Romanoff's," determined to add another triumph to his ca- reer by going abroad and making The difference between a country youth and a city youth is that the for- mer wants to know everything and the latter thinks he knows it all. Miss Helen Shearer, Delta, who has! been visiting Mrs. C. Braley thero, has come to Kingston to undergo an operation, Vasu MasOKANDUM. See top of Page Three, ri, corner for probabili*ies. Ebi sand Princess Street Church Rummage Sale, Friday, Oct. 8th, in Market House | at 2.30 p.m. | (IRR RIA TSOT The weight you have often paid $1.50 a yard for; free from the usual rough threads and powder dressing; 38 inches wide; a limited quantity. $1.00 YARD CREPE GERORGETTR Navy and White, Black ..$2.00 yard. A few pieces of Fremch Georgette Crepe; the untearable make; 88 to 40 ins. wide. The $2.75 quality. A Tub Silk that will not only please you in weight but also in price -- you will want some of it for Under Slips and Middies, etc., ete. Usual price $1.75 yard. TO GLEAR ..........$1.00 YARD CREPE DE CHENE Black and White . ......$2.00 yard About one hundred yards of Black and White French Crepe de Chene; nice even thread; free from sialag, and good dress weight of reliable make; 40 inches wide; $8.00 qual ty. . » { pictures with a background of the Limited { historical spots of England and | | France. With the whole picture world to select from he chose Marie Doro who, before becoming identi- fied. with the screen had been starred by Frohman and other fa- DALTON--SMY THB mous theatrical producers. Mr. Cathedral on Wearesity. Oct Bo Brenonis next step was to secure a 1920, by Dr. Starr, Dean of Ontario. story that had every element of suc- Bessie Louise, second daughter of cess. He picked a human document PE pe, iv i nythe, iC. that 'had that quality of suspense to William Bartlett Dalton x that made it impossible for screen fon of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton patrons to visualize the finish at the Kingston, end of the first reel. The solving of the enigma gave to the stery that IN MEMORIAM. grip that has made of mystery plays In loving memory of William L.| the gigantic vogue which has never | Burnside, who died October 6th, 1918. been duplicated by any other kind Short and sudden was the call . of play or picture. =--Advt. | Of one so dearly loved by all, | ---- BV Bile Tho ae gen oor At Griffin's. And only thoes i Go uth ao fear, Tom Moore and the celebrated | The pain at saying the last farewell, Tom Moore smile has been pleasing --Mother. the audiences at Griffin's during the past few days in "Lord and Lady | - IN MEMORIAM, Algy', the finest photoplay of his In loving memory of our dear par-| noteworthy career. It's a racing ro-| ents, Mr. Wm if Shangraw, died July, mance all right and has more speed 14th, 1918, and Mrs. YE H. Shangraw, 1,000 bars Pride Soap . . .....9c. per bar and dash than the fastest thorough- aied Oofober Sy 191 | bred that ever scampered over the vacant place; 1,000 Ibs. Hersley Blend Black Tea 50c. 1b. 2.000 Ibs. Brown Sugar .......... 18c. per Ib. [J lori Aer bau shosse Socunch | £1 5% rk est Ee sp, keeping his wife and playing the | Sad and mournful was our parting, horses, and took the latter course. Lonely are our hearts to-day, | But Lady Algy had a little trick up Have mre: Pantod w rly, {her sleeve and when Algy staked --Daughter and sons. Se family fortune on a 'sure bet" Et ----------------_-- something happened. See this pic- f ture at Griffin's to-night where it IN MEMORIAM, RE £2. Erin dec SE ev E00 --MEATS-- Also to-night will be the last chance | life October 151g "10 departed this THOSE GLANCES-- 1,000 Ibs Western Beef Stewing Cuts 15c¢1b |} Wii a Tilih, episuls of "The But 'easy Othel, ves. we loved her, 500 Ibs. Hamburg Steak . . . ..... 20c. Ib "you Are they of Admiration or Criticizm? | which becomes more interesting has sweetly called her 300 Ibs. Choice Pot Roasts . . . . .. .20c. Ib dly misseq by her loving cousin, ton. reavement; also No. rs The glance that approves a chic hat and sveit costume, too often is Vegetables of all kinds: see our prices. | with each chapter. Remember our | T¢ yonder shining shore. 1,200 lbs. Choice Oven Roasts . . .25¢. 1b fy rman Mrs. George Know! At Syracuse Wedding. -- Boyd, a nephew of Mrs. Mills, 1 Died pb rr ---------- Sane .20c¢. ib {Miss Elizabeth Archibaid . "The i changed to disapproval when it reaches the shoes. Quality and service our motto. TO CLEAR . .,.,.......82.00 yard TO CLEAR .,,,,.......82.00 yard BLACK HABUTAI SILK $1.25 YARD A wonderful hasvy quality Black Habutai Silk, not the usual rusty black, but a clear jet black--so much in de- mand for mourning apparel--36 inches wide. While the lot lasts reas brine Tinney vvweive os 31.25 Y, Please note all of the above "Specials arr, free from TAX. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. ERT Market Square, Kingsten MARRIED, RIAA Where Price and Quality Meet. ERAT TTR AREA RT 2 Thursday's Specials --GROCERIES-- 1,000 pkgs. Corn Flakes . . . .12c. per pkg. 300 pkgs. Shirriff's Jelly Powders 2 for 25¢ } | well-known orchestra is on hand The gol { again, bigger and better than ever, | A gentle v. A and will render pleasing selections | And with farewells unspoken, throughout the evening.--Advt. She calmly entered home. ' . . : ! 'W.Y. Mills and hie mother, Mrs, d 500 Ibs. Choice Ribs .......... 30c. Ib. Arnie E, Mills accompanied by rs | CARD OF THANKS . |E. M. Ely, Ottawa, have returned ~ 1,000 lbs. Windsor Sausage (our own {bom attending the wedding at' the | thew many: fends HY Rin eng (Park Central Presbyterian church, floral offerings i make) »....;.... I... ops Ib Syracuse, N.Y. of Daniel Martin o 1,000 Ibs. Corn Beef . . . . ' church wag very beautifuily decorat- JAMES REID ed, and it was a splendid society The Old Firm of Undertakers. event. There were many out-vf-town | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET guests from all parts of the United Phone 147 for Ambulance Far too often, a woman fails to realize how important her shoes really Sates, also including many Canoes are--the result: wrong shoes, and a rained costume. friends of the groom, his relatives | being very largely represented at the Phones: 458-459. Whalesale 1767 event. Nr. Mills'motored his mothar (and sister over to Syracuss from , Kingston, and had a very enioyable | : trip and a splendid time at tj i { 3 aE i Ne WeC-| Cndertalier and Bmbalmer. . 5 --------------i Undertaking Parlers, 228 Princess St. | | ° = Time of closing British mals %1p Ambulance Phone 1889. i be found posted up in the lobby cf, "ET Tee : ; J d lie general post office. There will ie | JUIN CORNELIUS [re letter despatches next Friday, Tues- and Tmbalmer ~ 4 day aid the foll Parlors: 274 Princess Street or {= "™ Phone 599. Ladies' smart Oxfords--wing tip effect or plain military heels; black | Phone 577. or brown, and Spats to match any costume, ® ah i EF

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