WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1020, . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 13 AN INVASION | (With Cream and Sugar) Not a substitute, but a perfect blend of highest grade coffee, rich milk and sugar. A guaranteed BORDEN product of quality and convenience. A tea- spoonful to a cup of boiling water. Delicious -- Instantancous-- Economical At your Grocers two size, 8 os and 14 on "Important Recipes Pres," & valuable Borden booklet--at your Grocers or direct from us The Borden Co. Limited MONTREAL Sore Throat, Colds Sly EA; Nomi Sore throat and chest colds should never be neglected. Few people realize how often they re- sult seriously if not promptly checked. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe, simple and effective treat- ment, Used as a gargle for sore throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen up a hard, deep seated cold in one night. Keep a bottle on the shelf. Ilzard Oll 1s a goc dependable prep- fom to have in the medicine chest for octor may be far ten sprains, bruises, cuts ocdur in every family, as well a Jatis troubles like earache, toothache, ©old sores, canker sores, stiff neck, and tired aching feet. Soothing, healing Wiz- ard Ofl will always bring quick relfet. Generous size bottle 35c. If you are troubled with constipation £5 sick headache try Jamiin's Wizard ver ips. pills at druggls erat ts for 80c, Guaranteed. | | AN OLD TIRE With a blow out fitted with an INSYDE TYRE Ran 8,000 miles. Cost less than $2.00. Have you tried ome? J. R. C, Dobbs & Co. Tel, 819, 41 Clarence St. ee RIESE | Morse, an aged man residing on Wy- Just pleasant little pink 1 (LESS MEAT IF BACK "BY PEASANTS Of Sicilian Estates--Pictur-| | esque Seenes Are Enact ed in Palermo. Palermo, Sicily, Oct. 6.--Thou- tands of armed men have invaded the large estates of almost the en-| tire island, whieh is still held in practically feudal condition by the | barons. These absentee landlords, whose properties, though not well cultivated usually yield immense pro- fits, spend most of their time and | money im Naples, Rome, Paris and Madrid. Picturesque scenes were enacted especially at Alcomno, where peas- ants marched, waying the national flag, bearing religious standards and singing popular songs. Thete were leaders from all parties, Socialists, Catholics and former combatants, even the monk father, Brancatelli, who proceeded the crowd on horse- back, crucifix in hand, surrounded by a staff composed of Catholics and ex-combatants, symbolizing the new alliance of the cross and sword. Amid cries of rejoicing and pray- ers of thanksgiving, the strange pro- cession occupied the large estate of the Duke of Corigilano. No resist- ance was offered, despite the pres- :nce of police and carabiners, whose instruetions were not to oppose oc- cupation of estates insufficiently cul- tivated. Similarly the peasants occupied the estate of Baron Camarita and { Baron Floristella and many others of the gentry. The prefect of Cata- nia was warmly applauded by the people for having issued a decree legally permitting the occupation of estates and their division into ¥mall holdings emong the peasants who fought in the war. Only one deplorable incident oc- curred. Three hundred horsemen from the village of Sant Angelo Muxara, led by their Mayor, were returning after having occupied the Muxarello estate, escorted by ten carabineers and two sergeants, when without warning, 100 peasants from the neighboring village of Sanbiagio, hidden behind tres fired, killing one and wownding several others and then making their escape. The attack by the peasants is at- tributed to the fact that the people of Sanbiagio considered Muxarello { within their province and, therefore, ithe Sant Angelo peasants as {usurpers. be ob | | Didn't Trust the Banks, : Footpads Get His Rol! London, Ont, 'Oct. 6. -- George att street, West London, reported to the police that two highwaymen held him up at midnight as he was near ing his home and made him hand over his roll of $650. Morse, who is a deaf mute, had been warned by his friends pot to carry his savings of years on his person,, but he would not trust the money to a bank. When the robbers held him up he had the cash in his hip pocket. The police believe that the men who committed the robbery were well aware of the fact that he earried his savings with him, ---------- Fire of unknown origin destroyed the home of Hatry Fitzgerald, sec- end concession of Sidney, on Sunday evening. There was no one at home at the time. AND KIDNEYS HURT Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- neys if Bladder Bothers You. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known author- ity, because the uric acid in meat ex- cites the kidneys, they become over- worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particular- ly backache and misery in the kid- ney region; rheumatic twinges, se- vere headaches, acid stomach, consti- pation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad- der bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tabléspoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few 'days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is ade from the acid of grapes and mon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu- tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent Ii- thia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious rr YY Yr spring hg You! Qanfort Lye ba dood ] NER mak em PEA kidney disease. pure, LL IFT "RE A LAND OF ROMANCE. Brittany Is Filled With Traditions and Charm, Opposite the Seven Islands on the extreme north of the coast of Brit- tany loom the huge red granite rocks of the promontery of the Plou- manac's, a relic of the Tertiary age, some call it, or of some dim period | when chaos ruled the world. No tree, only wind-swept stubble, may take root on those cliffs. A spot of wild | and awful beauty, to some it is the | "chaos of Ploumanac'h," a "territory 80 savage, a desert, yet more ter- rible in its charucter of desolation than any desert could be." But uthers speak of its grandeur, of the intense blue of the surrounding waters, smooth as a lake; of the island beyond, faint in a purple haze, says the Kansas City Star. Those to whom fhe forbidding as- pest. of the Ploumanat'h does not appeal, see rather the work of a glant hand, which pyramided the immense granite blocks one on the other in Titan playfulness. Yonder is the counterpart of a kneeling dromedary, which some ancient Michael Angelo might well have exe- cuted, one writer believes. Or that monstrous jar there--it might have come frou: the chisel of a Cellini of the Paleclithic age. Or the whole prodigious mass might be rome Babel cast up from the depths of the sea. But it is In its legendary lore as well as in ifs natural beauty that the potent charm of the Ploumanac'h and its domain lies. Briltany, ever a land of romantic myth and fanciful tradi- tion, outdid herself under the stimu. ius of the sbtting which the wild | afford. | haunts of the north coast Once, thay say, dragons lurked in caverns under those red granite boulders to come forth to combat, belching smoke and flame; once, true saints baptised the hegthen in those !ittle shrines; once King Arthur and a gallant cavalcade of knights spur- red their steods along the beach. On the knoll of one of the granite cliffs stands the little stone chapel of 8t. Guirec or Kirec. St. Guiree must at least be honored as a pionear missionary, for it was only the year 6547, the Celtic legend has it, that hae sailed over frow England. In the manner of his passage, 8!. Guirec ia sald to have follcwed the fushion nf saints of the day; he crossed on & large slab of stone. That served a double purpose. It furnished the ele. ment of the miruculour, which waa | rather expec.ed o* saints, and it pro- vided material for the statue of the saint In his new shrine, should nc.e be handy in the uew location. It 1s in a shrius on the rocks by the bay that the stone staiue of St. Guirec stands. Ou the pillars of the shrine there are ancient carvings of goat heads, which are believed to stablish the period of the work as the sixth century. The effigy of the saint in the cha- vel on the knoll i= of wood and to it s accorded the greater attention and éverence. For it is to this shrine hat the maidens of the countryside ~end their way, there to pray to their patron, St. Guirec, for husbands. As part of the ritual of such supplica- | ions, each malden must stick a pin roint in the statute of the saint. Mil- ions of faint indentations cover the statue's surface, it is related, with here and there the evidence of some very vicious little digs indeed. The little Breton village of La Clarte also houses an ancient chapel, that of Notre Dame de la Clarte, Dim tradition has it this "Our Lady of the Light" might be the flery Isis, goddess of Egypt, whose far flung cult might 'have reached out to the distant north. = But the pilgrimage made yearly to the chapel by a Chris- tain throng would call the chapel the abode of the Virgin. Those who come groping to seek Our Lady of the Light all are blind. The land is rich in legends: of King Arthur and the Knights of his Round Table, for it is opposite Tre- gastel, on the west side of the Plou- manac'h promotory, that the island of Avalon lies, burial place of Arthur, the Brétons say. Tho dry specula- tiom of the historian calls the legends the result of an English migration from Cornwall to Brittany. But ths poets tell that when the traitor, Mo- dred, had fallen at the hand of Ar- thur among the heaps of the slain, three queens bore Arthur, himself faint from mortal wounds, to a barge and thence the king called in fare- well to his last surviving knight as he was being earried to the "island valley of Avilion": "Where falls not hail nor rain nor any snow, Net ever wind blows loudly, but it es Deep meadow'd, happy, fair with orchard lawns, And bowery hollows crowmed with Bummer seas." Other legends have it that King Arthur came to Avalon or otherwise. Arthur, old wives relale, was riding along the beach in brave array, when Morgane Le Fay, sister of Merlin, set eyes on him, Already enamored of the king, she Was unable 'o resist the opportunity, but raped 2 uss. steel and all, in a cloud, an or sorcery conveyed him to her realm of Avalon. To there, the old wives whisper, the King was immured in an underground pal- ace and never allowed to come forth by the jealous queen, save in the guise of a raven. And who knows what magie and dire spells stil] are woven by moonlight on Avalon in the offing of the granite orags of the Ploumanao'h? What might you not expect to see--with Arthur a raven? "Have you ever geen Ki Ar- thur?" Frances Gostling once an aged Breton, who spin the tale to her, "Well," temporised the old fish man, "I've seen a raven sitting ig rock, and maybe so have you," ; The Flapper, Moth 'Why don't you TE ge ma, it would g %0 foolish, ' re Mun -- 'Would Be Quite Handy. - 'How does the breakfast suit you, Jack?" inquired the young bride anx- ously. "It's just right, dearest," declared Jack. "I'm awfully fond of calves' liver for breakfast. "80 am dear," she responded, with enthusiasm, adding: "Qh, Jack, don't you think it would pay us to keep a calf? Then we could have every morning for breakfast." + island. MASSACHUSETTS CLAIMS | LAND NEAR ROCHESTER | Bay State Asser.s Ownership of Strip at Mouth of Gensee River. | Boston. Oct. 6.--Massachusetts iowns a strp of land in New York state and will fight for it in the courts, Attorney General J. Weston | Allen announced to-day. | The land consists of twenty-two {acres on the outskirts of Rochester, IN.Y., a "made" strip, which juts {into Lake Ontapio at the mouth of the Genesee river. It is claimed by | the city of Rochester, the Naw York Central railroad and several other | parties, but. the attorney-general |said, it belongs to Massachusetts and Assistant Attorney-General Jay { R. Benton has been sent to Roches- ter the claim, | Under the treaty of Hartford, {made between Massachusetts and [New York in 1787, Mr. Allen ex- plained to-day a great area of land on the southern shore of Lake On- tario was given to Massachusetts. As | years passed, this land, much of | which is now included in the city of | Rochester, was sold gradually until it appeared that none was left. But iduring e last generation, twenty- two acres were made by filling in a section of the lake. THis, the attorney-general con- tends. became Massachusetts pro-y | perty, as the treaty gave this state all land from a certain point north | to the international boundary line, which is in the middle of the lake. Debs Predicts Gains For Socialist Party Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 6.--Great gains for the Socialist party in the Novem- ber elections with a 'united party" temerging from the contest, was the word from Eugene V. Debbs, Social- ist nominee for president, given out by members of the campaign com- mittee, who remained for a third con- ference with the leader at the Ajanta federal penitentiary. Discussions of the general situation !n the campaign and of the problems the party faces were Said to have marked the executive meetings of the nominee and the committee, headed by Otto F. Brandstetter, secretary. 1 i Made Police Inspector Without Any Experience Toronto, Ont., Oct. 8. -- Major. W. N. Knowles, Barrie, has been appointed by the Ontario gov- ernment to be divisional inspector and assistant superintendent of the provincial police, at $3,000 a year. Hon. W. E. Raney, attorney-general, said that he had recommended him for the position, and that the coun- cil had passed the recommendation. Major Knowles was formerly at Da- visville Orthopedic hospital and Ka- puskasing camp. He has had no previous police experience. SCOW SINKS IN GALE On Charleston Lake--It Was Filled i With Cement. Charleston, Oct. ¢.--During the 'heavy gale on Monday evening a scow, owned by Mr. Wattenburg, sunk in the lake. Del Covey was {towing the scow, which contained | sixty bags of cement, to Mrs. Mack's He was accompanied by T. | Peterson and John Bigalo. The gale struck the scow, which filled with | water, and it sank at once. The { motor boat partly filled too, but the | presence of mind of the men in | cutting the rope saved them from {what might have been a watery | grave. The cement is a loss, but it |is thought the scow can be drawn out when the lake freezes over. C. Murphy has rented his farm to R. Goodbody. He retains the pro- perty on the south side of the road. W. White, who has been employed by C. Murphy for the past few years, has now engaged with 'W. R. Green. | The campers have all left the lake but there are still a number of guests at the hotel. The heavy rain last. week prevented the farmers from finishing their silo filling, T. Hudson, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Keyes and family to Throoptown on | Friday evening, to attend the re- | ception given Harry Keyes and bride at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Black, Some from this section attended Kingston fair Jast week, Others were prevented from going on Thursday and Friday on account of the rain. : From a Sure Source. During a court case a solicitor was | examining a witness dnd happened to | ask him about the character of a de- ceased man who was mentioned. To the amazement of the court the witness replied: "He was a man with- | out blame, beloved and respected by | all, pure in all his thoughts, and--" | "How didi you learn that?" de- | manded the judge in surprise. | "I read it on his tombstone, your | honor," was the disconcerting reply. | | Improving His Method. Atlas was watching the proceedings of the profiteers. "These modern fellows," he mus- ed, "know a lot more about holding | up the earth than was dreamed of in my young days." ~ London's oldest markets are said | sold In 1150, and Billingsgate, which | is reputed to have been founded in| 400 B.C. , . ¢ Made in a great variety of | to be Smithtield, where cattle were = my Are You Run-down, Pale, Weak, Nervous, Anaemic? No Vitality, No Ambition? Have You Stomach Trouble? Are You All Ih? VITAL TABLETS JHE GREAT FRENCH TONIC BUILDS UP A RUNDOWN CONSTITUTION. TONES YOU UP GENERALLY. Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble will feel the influence of this wonderful remedy. I cannot praise Vital Tablets sufficiently. I only wish I could tell every one who suf- fers as I did- I was a nervous wreck. My nerves were all unstrung. 1 had indigestion so bad that at times I became very despondent. Isaw youradvertisem ent of Vital T lets in a news- paper. I have used twelve boxes. To-day I am a new woman and so happy. I have told dozens about your wonderful remedy. . (Signed) MRS. McGEE, Halifax, N.8. VITAL TABLETS will do all we claim for them. ASk someone who has tried them. You will feel like a new person in a few days. Headaches, biliousness, consti- pation, wdak nerves and all nervous trouble will at once feel the relief that follows, You will sleep better, eat better and life will be truly worth living. Why drag on with your suffering? VITAL TABLETS do not cost a fortune, but will be worth a fortune to you. If you need bracing up, if vou need a tonic, if you haye rheumatjsm, if your blood and nerves need toning uptake VIT AL. TABLETS. Your stomach will be sweet; the coating from your tongue will go; your eves will be bright; your colour . ter. No matter what your trouble is, just von try VITAL TABLETS. Price, 50e. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50, Sold af all' Drug Stoes. If you have any difs ficulty purchasing VITAL TABLETS, send to us and we will mail them to you. The SCOBELL DRUG Company, Manufacturing Chemists, Canadian Agents, Moxtres} Quebec. Sold in Kingston at Mahood 's Drug Store, J re ER UO HT FET Prepared with Prodigssted Oran on - Easily are combined in -our newest ' shoes for men. They have that smart, handsome ap- pearance so -- essential to good dressing. Being made of tested leathers these shoes will give far more than ordinary wear. We extend an invitation to men fn need of new footwear to take a look at thesé™shoes. They are the real thing, The Victory Shoe Store Fhone 480. ory Corner Princess and Oiergy. For Red Blobd,Healthrand NIE, A tetera The caribou, the reindeer of Ame- rica, which was quite common in northern Alaska thirty years ago, 1s now, like the buffalo, almost ext net. A Libel actions can be taken in de- 'n France, Japan and some of the fence of the reputation of the des American states. i Ten years without a corn Countless people boast that record now. Years ago they started using Blue-jay. dlever since has a corn pained twice. And never has a corn stayed a week. You can quickly prove that corns are needless. Millions have already done it. Think what it means. No more paring, no more pain, no, more unsightly pads. Dainty shoes with- out unhappy hours. Apply a touch of liquid Blue-jay or a Blue-jay plaster. The coin pain will end. And soon the whole corn will loosen and come out. The action is gentle but sure.' Bluejay is the scientific method, created by this world-famed laboratory. It is not like the methods which are harsh and crude. Try Blue-jay on one corn. Buy it to- night from your druggist. Live the rest of your life without corns. Blue-jay Plaster or Liquid The Scientific Corn Ender BAUER & BLACK, Limited Chicago Toroate New York' Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Products GA Get Them at Sawyer's Your New Oxfords for Autumn Wear Oxfords will be in great demand for Autumn wear. We have a complete range of Oxfords puitable to be worn with woollen hosiery or spats. The newest creations in Bro Black and Brown. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE | ~ 184 Princess St. i gues-- ie Shoes and Oxfords--in