THURSDAY. SEPT. 80. 1020. DR. SEEPPEE IEEE IEEE ESSE IED Austin's Drug Store KINGSTON For students at Qucen's we SSA EALLLSl a have a full range of WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN 3 PENS DISSECTING SETS. for Anatomy and Biology Austin's Drug Store Corner King and Market Square. bE ALE LL AL Kingston Y FENNENNRENENNANE | PHOTOGRAPHS We can make beautiful enlarge- ments from your best vacation films, THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1318w, 92 Princess Street. Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark » Tomato Soup Qlark's Vegetable Soup { Good Tea WR Meh & Co. GOLDEN LION License No, 6-543. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 8490 Princess St. POOSITTE IIIS I brtors for Red Ruse Tea--thw | || '] DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing and Gas Work a speeial- ty. All work guaranteed. Address 145 Frontemae street. Phone 1277. THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the earpen« tery lin Estimates given on all kinds and new work; alse hard- all rompt attention, Shop: ZN Queen Street. » : "Phone 735 WE TAKE X-RAY FICTURES ! of troublesome teeth traction, Safe and painless. | OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 SPECIAL PRICES FOR SATUR- DAY AND NEXT WEEK Choice Sale Pork ....35¢. per 1b, Choice Lamb Chops Cholce Pork Chops Cholce Steak. All kinds of Smoked Meats at | lowest prices at QUICK'S YESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET Phone 2011. | Seasoned Soft or Hard Inch Lumber and 13% inch Oak, Rock Elm or White Ash. McNAMEE & SLACK Blacksmith and Carriage Shop 54 QUEEN STREET PHONE 1217W, 'Boost Bushell's Fair" Watches and Clocks Repaired eyes G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phome and your ore der will be promptly attended to Note change of address: "Phon : 1866. 267 Princess St, * * FO SALE An excellent farm of 1060 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- 34,000, W. tH. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 80 Brock St. Phone 424 FOR SALE | A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. . Pepsodent Tooth Past fleans the teeth and removes the lm, thereby preventing acidity of the mouth, decay of the teeth and : pyorrhoea of the gums. Get a sam- "ple tube to-day, a ten days' free trial i by filling in the coupon in to-day's 'paper. Present the coupon and get the generous tube of Pepsodent at Prouse's Drug Store 4 Opposinte St. Andrew's Church. Phone 82. i Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks Always on Hand. ina, yo We Invite You 10 Culstuil us wuun Fuu wish to Teplace your old Mattress with & Dew one, or have it renovated and renewed. © emplo, scientific me thods and skill workmansh Which guarantees satisfaction All concerned. { Just call 602w and our repre bentative will call and offer a Practipal suggestion--and don't orget to ask,us about our "COMFY DOWN" THE SILK FLOSS MATTRESS You would like it. 1 KingstonMattressCo, '856 PRINCESS STREET onl, ' SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES Always fresh and prices right. pee @ ee FRIENDSHIP' 210 Division St. Phone 545. Fresh Dairy and Creamery Butter. ' Cooked Meats and Bacon. Fresh Fruits in season. Lanka Tea Coupons exchanged rr------ It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material--we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. on us. IL. Cohen & Co. 261.275 ONTARIO FTREDE Groceries Aud Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE »7. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt Delivery { WE - DID YOU EVER TRY Nita Siam Memaiatz, TE a isl RLS tn, at: : PHONE 603w, kinds. All orders! Dormoform Gas aamalistered for ex- | oy w= ou THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | Kingston and Vicinity i Milk Fourteen Cents. | Tt is announced that on and after the first of October, the price of milk in Kingston will be fourteen cents a quart. This will be the fall and winter price. Call to Lindsay Pastor. | The official board of the Central Methodist church, Moncton, N.B., | has extended a call to the Rev. E. U. Tilton, of Cambridge street Metho- | dist church, Lindsay,; Ont. | Improve Financial Condition. At a meeting of the Renfrew Hos- | pital Board it was decided to appoint | 8 committee to meet the council with | a view to having the financial affairs of the hospital put on a sounder foot- | Ing. Weather, E. W Waldron is home from his outing in England. Speaking of the weather he said that he had never &00d 'weather as Kingston was now | enjoying. London experienced frost | in July, i ---- After Forty Years, | A. Williamson, Brownville, N.Y., is | visiting his brother, Arthur William- | ances. Forty years ago Mr. William- | he has lived in New York State for | many years. | | Captain Calvin A. M'Kee Dies, | Word was received at Clayton, N. {Y., of the death in Chicago of Capt. | Calvin A. McKee, formerly of Clay- | ton. Capt. McKee is survived by his | wite and family of grown children. {Interment was made in Rosehill | cemetery. Put Time Limit on Sale. Shareholders of Canada Foundries and Forgings, Limited, at a meeting held at the head office, Brockville, approved of the sale of the Delaney Iron and Forge Co., Inc., of Buffalo, N.Y., a unit of Forgings, with the | proviso that the sale must be com- rleted within sixty days. Given Suspended Sentence. William A. Richardson, a young man from Tweed, convicted on a charge of theft of a watch and chain, | was before Magistrate Masson, Belle- ville, for sentence. Owing to testimo- nials being presented on his behalf suspended sentence Of one year. Is a Nonagenarian. On Sept. 23rd, William Neilson, of "Blink Bonnie Farm," Lyn, celebrat- ed his ninetieth birthday, being the recipient of numerous congratula- tions, Mr. Neilson, who was for many years in the Grand Trunk Rail- way service as agent at Lyn and health. To Run the Creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and two children arrived at Renfrew on Tuesday from Summerland B.C., and Walter has returned to Renfrew to remain, and will assist his father in the management of the ceamery, whose scope is ever extending. Formerly of Kingston Rev. Dr. Harper H. Coates, whose will conduct the missionary services Bunday, October 10th. Dr. Japan and is home on furlough. He is an old Prescott bay, son of the late James Coates. His home church will hold a reception for him on Oct. 11th. Golden Wedding Event, At Holloway street Methodist church, Belleville, on Monday, a re- ception was held in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. B, R. Quincey. The fun- ction was under the joint auspices of the Epworth League and Wo- man's Missionary Society. Gifts were presented. Mr. Quincey has been a class leader for thirty-five years, Died At Smith's Falls. The death occurred on Wednesday of Thomas W. Burrows at the age of Seventy-eight, following an illness of thirty-six hours. The late Mr. Bur- rows was born in Pontiac County, Que., and spent nearly all his life on a farm in Montague Township. Fol- lowing the death of his wife, he moved to Smith's Falls to live retir- ed. Surviving are four sons and five daughters. Road Taken Over. Anthony Rankin. M.P.P., stated on Wednesday that the highway from Kingston to Joyceville, which has been under the suburban area commission, has been taken over by the provincial high commission. The local suburban commission has given the provincial engineers the use of its plant so that the work of repairing the road may be proceed- ed with at once. | Bishop Welcomed Home. A cordial welcome home was ten- dered Bishop Farthing at the quar- terly meeting of the executive com- mittee of the Anglican diocese of Montreal, at which there was a very representative attendance. In res- ponding to this welcome, the bishop made a few informal remarks con- cerning the Lambeth conference and the conference on Faith and Order at Geneva, both of which he had at- tended. To mario "Sh" on the Rural A school teacher in was teaching the primary class the sounds of the letters, and was having some ty In explaining "Sh." By way of illustration she says "Why, you have all heard your mother say 'sh,' especially when you have been m too much noise." ®oticing that one little girl wanted to something, she said, 'have you heard her say 'Sh'?" Helen replied, "Yes, she says 'Sh' when she is listening on the telephone." A -------------- May Form-Board of Education. Decision to secure the opinion of the ratepayers of Brockville on the seen all the time he was away as | educational institutions of the com- | munity was decided upon by the | Keyes: | council, which placed itself on record | as favoring such a change and pro- vided for a vote of the people In January next. 'Should the measure carry, it was pointed out that it would not become effective until a | year later, which is the earliest date at which members of the Board of Education can be elected. Special For the Fair. We will give a special reduction in our three departments during fair week. Our lines of Gents' Furnishings are complete in every detail. Our ready-td-wear clothing for boys and men is of the best quality and of the latest styles. Boys' suits from' $7.50 to $15.00; mens' from $16.50 to $38. Our made to measure suits of Eng- lish worsted cloths in colors, brown, gray, dark striped, at prices from $45 to $55, our blue and back serges at $50 to $65, are of the best quality. Prevost clothing house, Brock street. Show in Trenton's New Arena. The first exhibition of the Tren- ton Horticultural Society was held on Tuesday in the new arena build- | son taught school at Point Petre, but | the magistrate allowed him out on | Kingston Junction, still enjoys good | are staying with Mr. Wright's par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wright. | son won the Rhodles Scholarship. | in the Prescott Methodist church on | Coates | has spent the last twenty years in| say} "Well, Helen, question of substitution of a Board of Education for the boards of trus- tesa which at present sup vise the ing, and proved to be a great suc- | cess, the exhibits of flowers, fruits | son, Picton, and renewing acquaint- | and vegetables in particular exceed- ed the expectations of the manage- ment committee, and many appli- cants for space were turned away for lack of room. The society and citizens are so encouraged they pro- pose holding an annual agricultu- ral and horticultural exhibition. The manufacturers, merchants and other dealers in town contributed largely also to the exhibits, Elected the Officers. The Young People's Society of St. Andrew's church, Wolfe Island, held its annual business meeting in the church on Tuesday evening. During the meeting the following officers were elected for the coming year : Honorary president, Rev, H, For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- ia, Toothache, Earache, and for EE Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the name "Bayer" or you are not taking Aspirin at all. ccept only "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" V. Workman; president, vice-president, Miss secretary-treasurer, organist, Miss Elsie C. A. | Allum; [ Elsie Loughlin; Allan | Healy; convenor of sports' commit- | tee, Earl Kemp; convenor of social committee, J. W. Keyes. These of- |ficers will be installed on Sunday {next at the morning service. ~~ E-- Genuine Dramatic Treat. A charming play, done, describes briefly the spectacularly great | success scored at Montreal on Tues- | |day, by William Faversham with [Mark Twain's "The Prince and the | Pauper." One of the most brilliant {audiences ever assembled in His | | Majesty's theatre cheered the star | {and shared his triumphs the premiere. at { York. A genuine dramatic treat is impending. Playgrounds Exhibit. The exhibit at the fair of the sup- ervised play grounds is | much attentidh. this exhibit, it is pointed out that it represents the work of little tots between five and twelve years who attended the playgrounds during the summer holidays. The work is re- markable, as showing the results of and means much in physical and mental development. vising the classes, Eight thousand miners struck at Wilkesbarre, Pa., after two days' work, on account of failure to live up to the agreement. Unless something unforeseen oc- curs, the coal situation in western Canada is satisfactory, ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ~ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the 'Bayer Cross" package which contains complete di- rections. Then you are getting real Aspirin--the genuine Aspirin pre- scribed by physicians for over nine- teen years. ow made in Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- lets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin~"Bayer"~You must say "Bayer" Aspirin {s the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be PN cn or ra wm stamped with thelr general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross. Internal and External Pains are prom pe THOMAS' EC SOLD FOR GREATER SEL! TIT Has BEEN ARD iS TO-DAY A BEFORE na TESTIMONIAL THA' reliev I ECTRIC OIL SPECIAL VALUES AND LOW PRICES DURING FAIR WEEK. We have a choice stock of all lines of goods for Fall and Winter trade. Come and con- vince yourself of our genuine bargains. Suits, all shades, from $20 up to. $60. . Overcoats from $18 to $45. Fall Hats, $3 to $6. Caps, $1.50 to $3. Underwear, all grades, values, per suit, $3 to $6. Socks, 35c. to $1.25. Men's and Boys' Boots at re- duced prices. I. ZACKS ORDER F SUIT NOW Call and pick out the cloth now for your new Sulit. We make b th Ladies' and Men's Suits. Prices reasonable. You can also bring In the cloth and we will make it up for you. M. YAMPOLSKY 349 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2119. MATTRESSES Don't throw aw. 3 Mate ay your ol8 We renovate all kinds ang make them as good as new. Get our prices Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET WE HAVE IN STOCK FULL L FOR HAR INE OF CHOICE GROCERIES. VESTING: OVERALLS, SMOCKS AND LEATHER MITTS MILL FEFDS: SAMPSON FEED, BRAN, SHO RTS, MONARCH SCRATCH FEED. CREAM OF TH E WEST FLOUR. "CASH AND CARRX™ 25 Brock Street Phone 14. oo, | Mr, Faversham and "The | Prince and the Pauper' are shortly | to visit Kingston, one of the very | few favored for presentation of the | spectacle prior to opening in New | | | 1 attracting | In connection with ® ~~ Shingles B. C. XXX clear edge-grained Red Cedar Shingles are perfect. They make a durable roof. We have a splendid brand and recommend them. Use zint coated nails. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctury aiid Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory . Ha Phone 14.5. "Say It With Flowers" A material ald In the quick recovery of any patient {s making the surroundings cheerful and pl easant--something to encourage a happy and hopeful attitude--I know of nothing that fulfills this requirement as perfectly as do flowers. The sweet scented bou- quet and its irresistible beauty captivates instantly, wo sons D HOLTON - FLORIST Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. applications on the part of the child; | Only two and | a quarter hours a week were devoted | to such work, as play rather than work is the subject of those super- | PN Nets tine apts MAXOTIRES SEE OUR BIG EXHIBIT at Kingston's Industrial Exhibition Eastern Canada Maxotire & Rubber Co. emma, We Are Just Opening Our New Fall Shoes And are making a fine showing of all the new Fall Styles of Footwear of every kind, shape, price and description. You're nof limited to a few kinds and prices here. We show everything in Footwear for everybody, from the tod- dling babe to the tottering cer tenarian, at prices ranging from $1.00 to'$12.00 and $15.00. You'll not do justice to your feet, family or pocket- book if you don't see our new Fall Footwear before buying. J. 0. Sutherland" & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES ores For Men And Young Men SMART NEW MODELS IN FALL SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 (All Prices Between) : BEST WEARING CLOTHES VALUES TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel, ~~ Children's School Boots You will need the best that is made in shoe leather, to stand the bad weather that we are sure to have this Fall. You had better get a pair of our Children's Boots and be pre- pared. Da, H. JENNINGS KING STREET