Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Sep 1920, p. 12

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12 LUEBEARD MAY "BE ACQUITTED | Weak Case Aginst Landry, Accused of Murder of | Eleven Women. Paris, Sept. 3.--The "preliminary investigation" in the case of Henri "Landru, whom the police refer to as the Gambais Bluebeard, and hold responsible for the disappearance of eleven women to whom he had prom- ised marriage, has Just been con- cluded. It has lasted eighteen months. All the documents in the case, amounting to over five thousand, have been turned over to Presecutor General of the Republic, by Judge "Bonin, who conducted the prelimin- | ary investigation. The judge im- mediately left for a "delayed vaca- tion. He was accompanied by the ; d wishes of Landru, who told the judge that it had been a great com- fort to him to make his acquaintance and that he hoped the feeling was mutual. Landru has consistently refused to answer the questions of Judge \ Bonin and has made the investiga- tion as difficult as possible for the strate. mag! is the feeling In court house circles that the cass 'against Landru fs weak and much doubt is being expressed as to the chances of con yiction for murder against him. The eleven women have simply vanished into thin air. dru at Gambals, and the prosecution will contend they are human bones, but the defence will call experts to swear they are rabbit, lamb and dog es. Landru is confident of acquittal and is already considering offers L from moving picture concerns in the | event of his being freed. RAY GOSSEN ELECTROCUTED. Fell Twenty Feet or More Fracturing Neck and Skull. The "corpus delicti" | 48 lacking in the case. Bones were found in the villa occupied by Lan-| | LAWSON-BUCK NUPTIALS. it the Home of the Bride esday, | marriage took | of the bride, Vie- s Hattie E. Buck Lawson, Elginburg. Rev. J. A. Waddell performed the ceremony. The bride was attired in handsome gown of charmeuse satin with overdress of beaded georgette crepe. Thirty guests were present. | Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served, the young ladies of the bride's Sunday school at Princess Street Methodist church waiting on the guests. The bride was the recipient of a beautiful collection of gifts, includ- ing a case of silver from Princess Street Sunday school and Young People's Society, of which the bride has been a fai 1l and much esteem- ed member, and a handsome electric lamp from the staff at T. J. O'Con- nor"s store A Wedding « ! on Ta On Tuesday ihe place at ti an T. Herbert ------ The bride and groom left after a shower of confetti and wishes on their honeymoon, to be spent in | Montreal and other eastern points. The bride's going away gown was of | Belgian grey with hat to match. best Married on Wednesday. A quiet wedding took place on | Wednesday, at Princess Street Meth- | odist parsonage, 'when Miss Margar- | et Jane Conlon, Seeley"s Bay, became ithe bride of David Galloway, Howick, Scotland. Rev. J. A. Waddell offici- | ated. The bride wag attired in a| suit of navy blue silk, and also wore | the gifts of the groom, a gold watch | and bracelet. On Friday evening the | bride was the recipient of a hand- some case of silver from her friends | at Seeley's Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Gal- | loway left on a trip to Wincheste; | and later will take up residence ai | Seeley's Bay. | | ever, the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY. SEPT. 80. 1920. A scene from Geo. C. Tylor's new satirical comedy "On the Hiring Line." which comes [to the Grand Opera House, Saturday, Oct. 2nd, matinee and night. OTTAWA GAMBLES ON EXCHANGE DROP Will Lose Money on Deben- ture Sale Unless New York Funds Fall. Ottawa, Sept. 30.--Confident that the rate of exchange on New York will improve, the city board of con- | trol has accepted the tender of the Guaranty Trust Company, of New York, for its entire debenture issue of $2,300,000. The offer of this firm was 97.29 for six per cent. de- | bentures, ranging from ten to thirty years. The bid yields in actual How- { funds, which. at present rate of ex- | Frankford bridge was the scene | ot a terrible fatality on Tuesday, 'when Ray Gossen, son of Charles n, manager of the Frankford : ing Company, was electrocuted unfortunate lad, thisteen years was in company with a num- er ae others. They had climbed up on the arch girder of the bridge change, would mean $19,000 ® year more than the highest Canadian bidder would have received. It is only by improvement in the rates on New York that the city will stand to win by the action of the board. Wood, Gundy & Campany was the second highest bidder. Its ten- der was 96.64, with interest pay- able in the United States. or 94.59 payable in Canada only. PEELE FFE EI FREED across the Trent River and were near | of Frankford side. To get down the arch, it appears that the Gossen boy | started backwards on his hands and knees. It is thought that in hie posi- tion he put his foot across an electric | strung on arms at the top of Te patdge. There he was held by the REV. JAMES A. Who has retu thirty-six vears | work in North H SLIMMON 1 to Canada arter pent in missioner) an, C * STORM SIGNALS UP. + Toronto, Sept. 30.--Storm sig- + % nals are displayed to-day at gov- & * ernment signal stations on Lake » Ontario, Lake Erie and the low- «+ er part of Lake Huron. Lake » captaing are taking precautions * There is an unusual heavy freight traffic on the great lakes this fall, according to steamship agencies, and passenger traffic has extended late in the season. Ed * + -* + -* i cash | Isome $62,000 more than the highest tenders from Canadian firms. interest of the successful | tenderer must be paid in New York ' + | + i MORE INDICTMENTS | COMING AT CHICAGO | Baseball Trouble is Likely to Cost Comiskey $230,000. | Chicago, Sept. 30.--Evidence al- | ready placed before the grand jury, y it is known, {former prize fighter; Lee, Magee, | Hal Chase and Heinie Zimmerman, | former member of the Giants: three | eastern gamblers whose names have {not been divuiged, and at least two | National League players. Hartley | Replogle, assistant state's attorney, who to-day confirmed these facts, admitted that ten or twelve indiet- ments were in prospect. Indictment of his 'seven players cost Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the © White Sox, $230,000, the amount for which he could have ! sold their services, he said to-day. | | The club owner fixed the valuation | of the seven at : Joe Jackson. $50,- [000; "Buck" Weaver, $50,000; | Oscar Felsch, £50,000; Clauds Wil- | liams, $25,000; Eddie Cicottz $25, | oo; Charley Riseber:, $20,000; Fred McMullin, $10,000. & Total. $230,000. | Chinaman Fails To Get Divorce Montreal, Sept. 30.--The petition [for an annulment of his marriage to Florida Mallette. a Roman Catholic, | by Henry Fonk, a Chinaman, on the {ground that his wife is not of the {same religious faith as himself (Fouk is a follower of Confucius), was dismissed yesterday in the su- | perior court by Justice Bruneau, on the ground that no proceedings can be taken against the defendant be- cause she is a minor. Fonk married Miss Mallette be- involves Abe Attell, [of Vilna, and Pinsk, ninety POLES TAKE LIDA; VILNA ABOUT TO FALL The Ukrainians Have Recap- tured a City From the Bolsheviki. London, Sept- 30.--Polish forces captured Lida, forty-five miles south miles east of Brest-Litovsk, according to an official anonuncement issued 'here. The Polish advance towards the north-east is continuing, and the fall of Vilna, which is the Lithuanian capital, is expected within a few days. Kamenetz-Podolsk, a city on the northern bank of the Dniester river in Ukraine, has been recovered hy Ukranian troops from the Bolshevik, it is reported. Art is not a thing separate and anart--art s only the beautiful way of doing things. DELICIOUS WORLD p AT-- Jas. CRAWFORD, JAS. HENDERSON. Nothing goes into Hir Herbs, HIRES AMOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. JOHN GILBERT. es but the pure healthful juices of Roots, Barks and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. IN JAS. REDDEN & CO. W. V. WEBSTER. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBU TELEPHONE 304. BUTOR Thompson Bot S FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. ing Works | OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR SPECIAL FEED and get results In the egg rasket and in thriving chicks. This feed is one nf our specialties and those who use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improvement in laying hens and growing chicks. W. F. McBroo m 42-44 Princess Street. Phone 1688 Nov Likely To Do It. Regina, Sask., Sept. 29.--The sug- gestion that the Regina library fol- low the example of Brantford, Ont., and circulate gramophone records among {its patrons in addition to books and sheet music is not well re- ceived by the authorities at the lib- rary. \ J. R. C. Honeyman, the chief lib- rarian, said that the question of loan- ing gfamophone records had been considered, but was abandoned as not feasible. He was of the opinion that they would very quickly get spoiled and would prove-a considerable ex- pense to the library, more than the service would warrant. Lightning Kills Farmer. Picton, Sept. 30.--William Grim- Cuticura Soap Will Help You Clear Your Skin fon em RA SCT shaw, farmer, residing at Green Point, was instantly killed by light- ning in a severe electric storm which passed over here Monday evening. He was leaving his field and while crossing the road was struck. Another farmer," Mr. Van Horn, was so severely shocked and stunned that he has been uncon- scious since and it-is feared, if he recovers, he will be blind. AA AAA ---------- NlonGe BROTHERS MOTOR CAR Following is a Copy of the wire and the steel arch, for sev- eral minutes until the electric cur- rent had burned his foot off. His A. | ------ | SPORTIN NEWS 3 [tore Rev. F. H. Sproule, a Metho- T ° | § jin miter 48 25 Mone) Manin Telegram Received To FEI ILELCEP IEEE SD body being against the steel, the cur- 'gent flowed through his body. ~ Pinally the body fell against a irder, about twenty or twenty-five below. His neck was broken and his skull fractured. Dr. Sim- was called to the scene but 'eould do nothing as life was extinct. Mrs. Burton Genge : Don4® od Herself Mrs. Burton Genge drowned her- f on Wednesday last in Varty She lett her home for Verona wisit the doctor who after con- mee urged her to stay over so that could diagnose hér case. She she could not, but would after a return. She did not come back Put instead jumped into the lake. for body was found by Ernest y. Deceased's husband works a 'of Cyrus Estes' at Varty Lake. maiden name was Botton. A pd and four children survive. ARRESTED FOR THEFT. Woman Was Wanted In Belleville 8 . Crime. On Thursday morning at six ck a woman, who gave her name My George Bates, was placed per arrest by Police Constable Cotter on the charge of steal- _gome new clothes the property Mr. Wotten, who keeps a ladies' ing store in Belleville. Wednesday afternoon Sergt. of the Belleville police force, in the city in search of this , who had stopped in Belle- After she left Mr. Wotten mis- pods and he suspected her. en arrested the woman was some of the articles. The )Y left with the woman on mrsday morning. Entering Queen's. Jean MacKenzie, Keefer Brockville, left yesterday for e m td enter Queen's univer-! a$ Goodison, 192 Perth Brockville, has returned from on, to which place he accom- his son, Thomas Goodison, has entered Queen's University. William Cook, Rideau street, p after spending two months in hewan with her son, William Sovereign Lodge, Oddfellows, in Boston, have decided to Toronto the third week of Basketball in Season. The president of the S.S.A.AA.| {is arranging to call a meeting of | | the executive some time the latter | part of this week or the early part | of next for the purpose of getting the { basketball series started. For years there has been a feeling that if the | basketball series was started some | | time before the cold weather set in| | would mean that the games would | {create a great deal of interest. In| |the past the series has been under | way the same time that hockey was | | played. | Several members of the executive | have suggested that the games should commence not later than the | third week in October. It is not known what Sunday schools will en- ter but it is very'likely that about the same number as last year. The | | younger boys in the schools are very | | anxious that junior series be run | this year. | | iD MRS. E. A. STEVENS | For eight yeara President of On- | tarto W.C.T.U., 'which opens its annual Lonvenuon at Smith's Falls on Oct. 5th, Cheese Sold at 235 5-16 Cents. The Frontenac cheese board met at 10.30 a.m. Thursday so, that the] farmers could spend the wheia after-| noon at the Kingston fair. There were eleven factories represented, with a total of 423 boxes of colored cheese. The buyers were Messrs. Smith, Murphy, Gibson. At 25 5-16 cents, Mr. Murphy Bought Gilt Edge, Howe Island, Model, Ontario, Silver Spring, Wolfe Island and Mr. Smith at the same price bought Arigan, Cold Springs, Glenburnie, St. Law- rence and Thousand Islands, Gasoline To Be Cheaper, Denver, Sept. 30.--The price of gasoline will soon follow other com- modities and decline in price, accord- ing to W. H. Barber, Minneapolis. Barber is president of the W. H. Rarber company, makers of oil pro- ducts, and is former president of the Independent Oil Men's association, now in convention here. "Babe" Ruth scored his 54th home run Wednesday, when he hit the ball over the t field fence in the ninth inn of the first game of the dou eader between | New York and PHiladelphia. Women talk aljout their clothes being uncomfortable, but there ars lots of men who envy them every BELFAST MAY HAVE ARMED CIVIC GUARDS In Order to Maintain Order-- The Situation is Intolerable. Belfast, Sept. 30.--Continuance of rioting and bloodshed in this city is viewed officially as creating an in- tolerable situation, and Ulster's pro- posal for armed civic guards is likely to be adopted by the government if {the disorders continue. Thregts by the Sinn Fein that the organization of such guard would be taken as "a | declaration of war' with a resultant uprising of Irish nationalists are not taken seriously, it being asserted | that the 'existing situation cannot podsibly be worse." It is claimed that the government cannot afford to maintain sufficient military forces in this eity to cope with the disturb- ed conditions, and must rely on the co-operation of loyal subjects to maintain order. Many Were Willing. A certain rector, just before the service, was called to the vestibule to meet a couple who wanted to be mar- ried. He explained that there wasn't time for the ceremony then. "But," said he, "if you will be seated I will give an"epportulity at the end of the service for you to come forward, and I will then |} rform the ceremony." The couple agreed, and at the proper moment the clergyman said, "Will those who wish to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony please come | forward?" Whereupon thirteen wo- | men and one man proceeded to the altar, Superinduced Dis-ease. "Was it a high fever your husband had?" "Well, we didn't think so until the doctor sent in his bill." A black powder bomb on Wed- nesday wrecked the home of Alder- man John Powers, of the nineteenth ward, Chicago, but no one was in- jured. It isn't necessary to spend money in advertising your troubles; simply tell them to a gossip. ACCUSED! OF TH Eight members of the Ch series last year. Left to right, Joe Jackson, C. F. Williams, Gandil, Claude Risberg, Ed M time they see a thin georgette blouse, the "frame-up." ROWING WORLD'S SERIES. ht me icago White Sox, indicted by the grand jury on charges of conspiring to throw the world's cotte, Jaskson and Williams hav riage has been declared null and |void by the Roman Catholic arch- bishop of Montreal and Fonk peti- tioned in the superfor court to have civil effect. given to this judgment. -- Rev. F. H. Sproule was formerly pastor. of Princess street Methodist church, Kingston. Fined for Drinking ' At a Church Picnic Brockville; Sept. 30.--At Smith's Falls a local man, on a charge laid by Inspector F. B. Taber, was fined $400 and costs of $16 for selling li- quor without a license to two minors from the neighborhood of Seeley's Bay, who had gone to Smith's Falls to attend a celebration. At New- boro the same official laid three | charges against Newboro men of al- |leged breaches of the Ontario Tem- ! perance Act. One man found guilty of intoxication, was fined $10 and costs. Another, found guilty of giv- ing liquor to a minor was fined $50 and costs, and a third man, charged with drinking in a public place, was fined"$100 and costs. The latter of- fence is said to have occurred at a {church picnic, the defendant claim- |ing that he had found a bottle of {liquor in a hollow log. At Ten, a Childs At ten, a child; At twenty, wild; At thirty, strong--if ever; At forty, wise; pe At fifty, rich; At sixty, good--or never. Hubby's Hue. At Deauville women are using col- ored face powders to match their frocks. But whatever the hue of tne latest purchase, the husband always looks a little blue.--Lady's Pictorial. Going the Pace. "What kind of a time is he having on his motor-trip?" "Guess he's having a pretty lively time. He sent me a picture post-card of a hospital." General Wrangel is in control of the famous Donetz coal basin. Twenty thousand Bolsheviki were tawen prisoners. above, they are : Eddie Cicotte, "Buck" Weaver; below : Chick cMullin, and "Hap" Felsch. Ci- Marcus Oberndorffer, Kingston, Ont. DODGE BROTHERS policy has ever been to give true value for the price asked. There will be no reduction in the present prices of DODGE BROTHERS Cars. Newspaper reports to the contrary are absolutely untrue. DODGE BROTHERS. M. Oberndorffer Local Distributor. 124 CLARENCE STREET - - -. - KINGSTON % e confessed to their part in We Are Not Showing i at the KINGSTON INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION THIS YEAR BUT--we cordially invite our many patrons and visitors to the Fair to inspect our extensive exhibit of Heintzman, Weber and Lindsay Grand, Player and Upright Pianos at our SHOWROOMS, 121 PRINCESS STREET. IF--you would like to see the cream of phonograph production, see our large exhibit of Sonoras and Grafanolas. WHILE--you are downtown, drop in and hear our latest bunch of Columbia Records. They're dandies! WV. NDSA LIMITED, Gl 121 Princess Street

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