-- SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 7 LS The Novel of the Hour Basil King's new story--of a modern Enoch Arden--is a novel so arresting in situation, so universal in appeal, so crammed with event and interest and thought, ag to make a book for every reader of fiction. The discriminating who demand high excellence will find it here. For the reader who '"'just wants a story"--here is a story--the biggest he's come across in a long time, THE THREAD OF FLAME BY BASI L KING Illustrated, post 8 vol. C loth, $2.00, For 8 ale at R. Uglow & Co. SEERA REAR ---------- UTE S00 = 2mm ear "GIFTS THAT LAST" For Fall Weddings Three and four piece Silver Tea Services ...+.$45.00 up Bakers, Casseroles and Pie OU can receive an ex- Plates . . Y pert optometric exam - ination of your eyes. the proper prescription and the mounted lenses at a modified price if you seek 'our services. You select the mountings and we pre- scribe the lenses. Upon the amount of work done upon the lenses and your choice of suitable mountdigs de- pends the price we charge you. In any event you will be perfectly satisfied. Sandwich Plates and Bread Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers Princess and Wellington Sts. Marriage Licenses Issued. BURGLARY INSURANCE Now absolutely essential. Rates-- The House of Better Glasses z Opposite the Post Office Phone 0699. KINGSTON. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. 8. KIRKPATRICK 36 Claremce Street od Ee THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. ' anything dome 1 a ia. Estimates siven kinds airs a mew work; alse hard. wood floors of all kinds. AHN orders will receive prompt attemtion. Shop: 28 Queen Street. rpen- . Y Ears of experience in the Tire busi- ness have gained for us the confidence of the people because we handle only b jand his chorus girls did their part the best Tire on the market. THE DOMINION TiRE We also conduct the most up-to-date and reliable tire repair department in the . province. Every customer has our gilt edge guarantee on all "Repaired" or "Rebuilt" Tires. OUR TIRE SERVICE IS FREE MOORE'S The Oldest Tire Shop in Kingston IT ERR EH Bootsat .. .. .. Allan A special lot of Boys' Lr Special ' Women's Sample Boots, in Black Kid and Patent Leather, with plain and fancy tops, $4.95 and Girls' School eis FLAN ES HY0 M. Reid, SHOE STORE HERI HHH THE "NATZENAMNER" KDS| Famous Fun-Makers Delighted | Big Audience at Grand f Opera House. The "Katzenjammer Kids,' fa- mous fn newspaper cartoons, are in the city, playing at the Grand Opera House. They have entertained thou- sands through the newspapers, but to see them in action on the stage is a real treat. Last night they kept a big audience in roars of laughter at the Grand, and the celabrated fun- makers scored a decidea hit. Ma Katzenjammer and Der Captain are | also with the show, and the four | funny characters were a big attrac- | tion, and they have with them a strong company of entertainers, in- cluding a bevy of pretty girls who can sing and dance well. The production demonstrates the 'popularity of newspaper cartoon com- edies transferred to the stage. The liberal applause throughout the even- | ing decided this point. The different | parts are in able hands, and the two acts are brimful of fun, good sing- ing, dancing and special features. As in the comics, the poor old Captain has to stand for a barrel of tricks pulled off on him by Hans and Frits, and they put them over in grea: style. The part of the "Kids," Hans. and Fritz, were taken very capably by Henry Washer and George Bech. Their sayings and antics kept the audience in a ripple of laughter, both making the very best of their roles. One of the outstanding members of the company is Olivia Myfanwyn, who takes the part of Valeska Gran- ger, leading woman in the Shameless Players. She is a charming ac'ress, and possessed of a sweet voice, sne captivated her audience on her first appearance . The difficult role of the Captain was ably portrayed by Wii- liam J. Hoyt, who started off the fun when he endeavored to boom up busi- ness for the Whirlpool Inn, of which he is the proprietor. As Ma Katzen- jammer, Florence Guise certainly made good. Eddie Maldea showed the necessary dash called for his part as Don Keller, director of the Shame- {less Players. Earl Bonner was good in the roll of Jack Waller, the ar- [tist. | Some of the song hits were "Don't {Let Them Take You Up In the Air, { Girls," by Valeska and chorus; "Rag- time Calesthenics," by Don and chor- {us; "Boogie Man," by Jack and {chorus; while others are "Building {Castles," Valeska-and 'Jack; "Lone- |some," by Jack; 'Mighty Like a | Rose," by Valeska; '"Job for Life," {by Valeska and Jack. | A real novelty was introduced in a little sketch entitled "It Pays to Ad- | vertise," and the truth of the old say- ling was most convincing after Don 'In this sketch some well-known trade | marks were introduced, featuring {some daily newspaper advertisirz. | Special mention shopld also be {made of the Shimmy Wedding at the close of the performance. It-is some- thing new and interesting. The "Kat- jzenjammer Kids" played to a big {audience Saturday and will ba giver |its final presentation to-night. WHEN BABY IS SICK When the baby is sick--wHen he is cross and peevish; cries a great deal and is a constant worry to the mother--he needs Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are an ideal medi- cine for little ones. They are a gen- tle but thorough laxative which re- gulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation and indigestion, break up colds and sim- ple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Philippe Payen, St. Flavien, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets have heen a wonderful help to me in the case of { my baby and I can strongly recom- | mend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or bysmail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Burglars broke into the Grand Trunk ticket office at. Belleville and stole $25. A good five strand broom, special for 70c, at Lemmon & Sons. Unleds kindness and forbearance are in good working order you never get a full crop of affection. The international signal code makers use of eighteen:flags from which 78,000 signals may be given. Hood's | Mrs. Dickinson played a Very pretty Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste ( Cood Creates an appetite, aidg digestion, purifies the blood, ahd thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. Nearly §0 years' phenomenal sales tell the story of the great merit and success of Heod's Sarsaparitla. It is just the medicine you need ow, Hood's Pills help--fine cathartie, DREW-MACDONALD NUPTIALS |= A Marriage Was Solemnized at Cam- den East. : At 10 o'clock on Wednesday morn- | ing at St. Luke's church, Camden East, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, when Vera Louise, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mac- donald, Camden East, Ont., and Rich- ard Clarence: third son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drew, Odessa, were unit- ed in marriage by Rev. A. S. Dickin- son, rector of Camden parish. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal chorus, played by Mrs. Dickinson, and looked very sweet and dainty, in a gown of white marquisette, with pearl trimming, and embroidered net veil, cap style with drop pearl trimming and bri- dal wreath of orange blossoms, carry- ing a bouquet of cahla lilies and mai- den hair fern, and wore a pearl and emerald necklace, the gift of the groom. During the signing of the register, military wedding march (Rackmanin off) as a recessional. After the ceremony, the bridal party proceeded to the home of the bride and partook of a dainty lunch- €on, The dining room was prettily decorated with pink and white fes- toons, lilies, ferns and asters. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present, and among | the groom's relatives there were four | generations represented. After luncheon, the bride donned a travelling suit of navy blue broad- cloth, navy silk embroidered geor- gette blouse with coral trimming, and taupe hat with touches of blue. The groom's gift to the organist was fleur-de-dis brooch set with pearls. The happy couple motored to Na- panee and left on 2.18 train amid | chowers of rice and good wishes for Toronto. Sudbury and points west. On their return they will reside near Violet where the groom is a prosper- ous farmer. FALL FAIR DATES Sten Almonte . . Arden . . Bancroft . . Demorestville Oct. 9. KINGSTON . . ..Sept. 28 to Oct. 2. Maberly ...,. ..i. 0.0... Sept. 29 fladoe .. ..........0 0, Oct. 5-6. Marmora:. . . ..:..,.. Sept. 27-28, Stella . . ........;..... Sept. 2%, Tweed . . Sept. 30 Oct. 1. . 28-30 Oct. 5. -. 7-8, Insurance Agents' Certificates. Ontario Insurance Agents Certifi- cates of Authority expire next Thurs- day. All agents continuing in busi- ness must apply to the Department of Insurance at Toronto, or to some registered insurance company for new forms of application for certi- ficate for the year 1920-1921. By an amendment of the Ontario In- surance 'Act adopted at the last ses- sion of the legislature, 8eparate indi- | vidual certificates are required by | agents for life, fire and casualty in- | surance. No certificates are issued to | firms or corporations, but every indi- vidual agent must have his individual | certificate, The fee is $3 for each certificate in each division.. Applica. tions should be forwarded to the de- | partment promptly to avoid the pen- alties provided by the act for carry- | ing on business without a license. | | | Need a Larger Steamer. The Cape Vincent Eagle says: Tra- | vel between here and Kingston, on | the steamer Missisquoi has fallen off considerably and the steamship com- | pany has discontinued the Sunday ! runs from here to the limestone city, During the whole summer the boat has had an unusual good season and | has been filled to full capacity with | automobiles going from the States | in many cases au, tos have been turned away on ac* count of lack of space. It is thought that owing to the number of cars that are transported at this point that a larger boat will be put on here next season. The steamer Missisquoi into Canada, and has been making this run for aeveral | years and has been under the control of Captain Carnegie of Kingston. Cheese Factories Reopen. Cheese factories' are reopening in many places in the district surround- ! ing London, as a result of the closing of the milk condensing: factories, While the condensiug paid the farm- ers $2.85 per cwt for milk, the cheese factories pay only $2.40, but In the latter case the farmers get back the whey to feed to pigs. Some of the condenseries are making butter for the farmers for five cents per pound, but it ig" claimed that this scheme is hot a profitable one for the milk producers, -- Trenton Bonds Awarded. The issue of $12,000; 6% per cent, 20-year instalment bonds of Trenton, bave been awarded to Messrs. Wood, Gundy and Co., Toronto, on a basis of 63 per cent, -- When at the exhibition be sure and see our display of stoves and ranges. The Lighter Day Range is the most complete one on the mar- ket. We have als a number of good second hand ranges at very low pri- ces in our display room. Lemmon & Sons, 187 Princess street, TWICE TOLD TALES || News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. The fruit season is on in Kingston in' full sewing. Large condignments have been coming into the city every day. s The local Y.M.C.A. will have ten, five and three mile road races in connection with their sports on Oct- ober 31st. It has been decided that non-resi- dent pupils may remain at Kingston Collegiate Institute by paying a fee aimost four times as large as the average. Closed street cars made their first appearance this fall this morning. * The first nurses to receive train- ing in connection with an insane anylim in America were at Rock- wood. Dan McCarey, the "sprinting cop," has signed up with the locomotive works football team and will turn out for the next game, ¥ -- ro rt -- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. 'Billy Lyons," James Linegar, a former Kingstonian, who has made 'a name for himself as a female im- personator, will appear with Guy Brothers this season. ! Frank (""Mokley") Mann, who has in charge of the "fly" galleries at the opera house, fell into the wings during last night's performance and broke his collar-bone. The bottom 1s rapidly dropping out of the matrimonial market in Kingston and there is a panic among the "lambs." The "bears" mean- ing the men of the city, more and move display a tendency to cling to the charms of bachelorhood. The man who issues marriage Jicenses is seeking a more remunerative job. Amant D. Reid, formerly of King- ston, accepted the superinten- dency of the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Company of London, Eng- A good five land. _ tect strana 305, at Lemmon & Sons, TT Catalogues Booklets Folders Pamphlets Embossed Stationery * Engraved Stationery Ruling Binding Invoices | Envelopes Letter-Heads Typewriter Circulars oill-Heads Note-Heads Statements Visiting Cards | Post Ga Phone 292 for our representa- British Whig Job Dept. ED EE Be py See These Shoe Bargains OO 1.95 Sale of WOMEN'S BUTTON BOOTS 1.95 Sale of CHILDREN'S BOOTS 145 Sale of Infants' BOOTS Sizes 4 to 71. Require from the Following List: Business Cards Ball Programmes Announcements Wedding Invitations Tags Dodgers Blotters Calendars Price Lists Order Blanks Reports Programmes Windows Cards Sale Bills Street Car Signs Theatre Heralds rds Theatre Dates By-laws and Constitutions Stock Forms and Cards tive to call on you 'The Good Judge Somes that the capacity of the Mill is being again increased and we are now able to supply those who have not { been able to secure this high grade | Flour, giving special attention to Central and Eastern Ontario. That {was the object of building the Mill, {which we have already increased | greatly over our original intentions. | {| This was made necessary owing to the great demand for this high grade Flour, all fresh Flour, no old stock war Flour. Our special process en- ables us fo make Flour of improved color and whiteness without remov- ing the best part of the grain--all the old-time flavour of Mother's and | Grandmother's Bread retained with all the modern color added. Thou- | sands of bakers and householders are | now certifying to the above and send- | ing renewed orders. It's the flavour does it. 'THE JUDGE-JONES - MILLING CO.,LTD, Belleville, Ont. Buyers of all kinds of Grain. UR bread is real food. O It's the food that be- longs on your table It's the bread that will help build up the health of your family. It's the bread that you should order by name to avoid substitution and - that's a rather important thing to remember. LACKIES BAKERY SMIAME MBE EAR &. PASTR 4 Ah AIH Earl Wilson, the six-year-old son of Melville Wilson, who resides two miles east of Bewdley, Northumber- land county, met with a bad accident. The manure spreader was in opera- tion, and in playing around the lit- tie fellow went too close to the machine and was caught in the cyli- der. He was badly cut about the face and chest. SHS George W. Davis, Jellyby, lost a recent heifer, killed by lightning during a | storm. Abernethy's Shoe Store By ER aE, Ea EE Select What You by Quality. in style and so uniformly excellent. smh, CHEE The considerable outlay required in furnishing & home should be justified Take a Jook at this immense stock--so low in price, so varied It will pay you handsomely to get your Furniture at:-- Phone 147 for Service, JAMES REID The Tending Undertaker. ( --- ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a specialty of serving the best and purest Ice Cream. ; Call in and we feel sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE § PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES MADE IN CANADA Davie & Barrett | PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING Now is the time to have yo ur Furnace repaired before the cold weather sets in. See us for prices. ~ 203 WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 688 Summer Fruits and Pure Ice Cream We have all kinds of Fresh Fruits arriving daily CHOICE PEACHES, PEARS, CANTELOPES, ORANGES, BANANAS, ETC. MASOUD'S PURE ICE CREAM in bricks or bulk. - FRUITLAND ALLAN MASO UD, PROP. : 848 Princess Street. : $ : Phone 904 Sr strand broom, special VETCRAFT Floor Lamps, Toys, Reed . Work, Work, etc., ete. Compare. "VETCRAFT" prices with those of other manu- facturers. Copper Work, Bead