Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1920, p. 2

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55 vi er Se opr | 2 ESTABLISHED 61 YEARS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Registered Chokers The Newest Vogue. A Choker Stole is practical in almost every fur and is shown most effectively in the dif- HAHA) HHA ferent furs mentioned below: $3 i "in, 5 OPOSSUM .... ... . $8.50 HUDSON SEAL $19.50 up. ~GREY SQUIRREL $19.50 KOLINCKY .. .. $19.50 MINK ......... $25.00 and up BLACK FOX $32.50 and up. (Good quality). FISHER . . $65.00 and up RBA McKay Fur Prices are based on the prevailing low prices, before the heavy advance last December. Compare our quotations. Your inspection of our beautiful furs invited. John McKay, Limited 149 to 157 Brock Street, , ET Pearl A. Neshit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH > For Early Possession. ~~$3,000--Montreal Street, rooms. | ---$4,800--Victoria Street, . mear Union Street, 6 rooms, «=$5,000--Frontenac Street, 8 Teacher of Singing and Plano. 8 Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J! MIRACLE MOTOR GAS MORE POWER--NO CARBON GUARANTEED Increases Mileage from 15% to 40%, Powell's Repair Shop Automobiles, Gas Engines, Compress- ors, Acetyleme, Welding and Cutting, Battery Service, Carbon Burning. 8514 JOHNSON STREET. Phone 1499. a ta cts got {il 'rooms. ll ~=8$3,600--Cilergy Street, 9 »a§3,950--Barrfe Street, 4 'TOOmS. ==$8,100--Aberdeen Avenue, § rooms. +~$4,100--Johnson Street, 7 rooms. --$7,000--Kensington Avenue, # rooms. According to the Rev. David Scotcher, curate of St. Martin's, Scar- borough, the modern girl sits on the edge of the table, crosses her legs, smokes a cigarette, and addresses her OZ OFFICERS HAVE BANQUET {And Talk Over the Tactical Problems of the Staff Tour. The officers of military district | No. 3, who attended the staff tour !this week, were the guests at a splen- did bdnquet in the Frontenac Club on Friday evening. The occasion {was marked by the greatest spirit { of unity, and all of the speakers who contrfbuted to the enjoyment of the evening aroused the feeling of good fellowship. Brig.-Gen. W. B. King, G.0.C., M.D. No. 3, presided, and the princi- pal speakers were Maj.-Gen. Sir A. C. | Macdonell, Col. Macphail, Col. Ed- wards, = Lieut.-Col. McLaughlin, | Lieut.<Col. Dawson, Lieut.-Col. H. E. | Pense, and Major J. Alman Lefer- riere,,of the Hull regiment. All of the speakers referred to the {tactical problems ef the tour, and i the value of the experience, but while [this was one of the objects it was |also the desire of the staff to pro- | mote an esprit de corps by getting | together and bringing about the re- organization of the militia. As a re- sult of the week's tour, local tours will be held at a later date at Peter- boro and Ottawa. The addresses of Col. Hill and Major Laferriere were very fine, both speakers being re- peatedly applauded. Gen. King in his address showed a deep appreciation of the needs of this district and is anxious to have the units under his command reach a high state of efffeiency. NAVY LEAGUE CAMPAIGN A Banquet on Friday Night-- $8,000 is Asked From Kingston. | _ U8 At a banquet in the British Ameri- can hotel on Friday evening given by the Kingston Naval Brigade a rumber of very fine addresses were given at the conclusion of which an ofganization was formed to conduct the drive for subscriptions with which to carry on the work of the Navy League in Canada. A resolution was passed in which the amount to be raised in Kingston was fixed at $8,- 000 and in the county of Frontenac $4,000, making in all $12,000. The drive will commence on Trafalgar Day, October 21st next, but in the meantime all of the officers and the members of the executive which was formed of practically all of those in | attendance at the banquet, will carry | on the work among their friends and | acquaintances. On Sunday Rev. A. S. Boal, the chief speaker of the | evening, will deliver an address in| the Strand theatre. | Mayor Wickle; 2nd vice-president, H. W. Newman; 3rd vice-president, ccmmander of the Kingston brigade; treasurer, Mr. Newman, managen of the Royal Bank; secretary, Sherman Hill; assistant secretary, Lt. H. Shaw; executive committee, R. J. Bushell, Lt.-Col. R. J. Gardiner, Dean Starr, Mr. Adney, J. C. Ponsford, Mr. Sky, George Young, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Cavanagh, Capt. C. Kane, Mr. Mc- Donald, Lt.-Col. Bedell. Captain, the Rev. A. S .Boal, gave a most inspiring address upon the British'Ndvy and the Mercantile Mar- ine. He dealt with the rise of Bri- tish sea power, so essential to the life of the Empire, the enormous resources of the various dominions and the need of maintaining the com- munications by sea. It was becom- ing more and more essential that British ships of all kinds should be manned By British sailors, and it was hoped that the people of Can- ada might become fully aware of the duty and opportunity to take a greater part in providing the neces- sary men for naval and cerchant service. The work of the Navy League of Canada was dest with in detail and the number of boys being fitted under its care for seafaring life entitled the organization to the ful- lest sympathy of the public. Capt. al told of the work of 'a similar | « 'ganization in othér parts of the empire and showed the enormous value it was. He was followed by Dean Starr and FARMER COLLECTED TOLL. For Allowing Vehicles to Take a hort Cut. 8 Several Kingstonians who attend- The officers elected are: President, | Hon. A. E. Ross; 1st vice-president, | the Commander of the Kingston unit. | IN Racy Local News and Items of eneral Public Interest. Orange pekoe tea at Pickering's. Try Chadwick's Coal. Phone 67. : Pure vinegar and' spices at Picker- ng's. ~ Planos tuned. Phone 1544 C. W. Lindsay, Ltd, 36x334 inner tubes at $1.75, while they last, at Lemmon & Sons. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's or '=bune 564w. H.'J. Hamilton, of the firm of Mc- Kelvey and Birch, left to-day for Ottawa, where he enters the employ of W. G. Edge, Limited. An adjourned case, in which a citizen was charged with being intoxi- cated, was heard at the police court Saturday morning, and a fine of $10 Land costs was imposed. Charles Timmerman, of the C.P.R. offices, Montreal, who has been in the city for the past three weeks, on a holiday trip, returned to Montreal on Saturday. . After six months' rental we will allow money paid in rental to apply on purchase of piano. C. W. Lind- say, Ltd. Will the boys who wish to enter bird house for the Kingston Hu- mane Society's * competition at the fair, take them to St. George's Hall on Monday evening, The firemen were called to the home of W. Baker, 156 Ontario [street, on Friday afternoon, where some paper on a shelf near a gas stove caught fire. There was no damage. David Burtch, 297 Montreal street, on Saturday showed the Whig three large potatoes which were planted May 27th in his garden at the rear of his home. The three It is understood that Miss Mary McPhail, daughter of Mrs. D. G. Mec- Phail, King street, has been appoint- ed to the Collegiate Institute teache ing staff, in succession to Miss Mary Werte, Iroquois, who resigned. When at the exhibition be sure and see our display of stoves and fanges. The Lighter Day Range 1s the most complete one on the mar- ket. We have also a number of good second hand ranges at very low pri- ces in our display room. Lemmon & Sons, 187 Princess street, Fare Refund Sale I OF FURS | { } | 0 | Our Big Showrooms | "Fair" Week in Kingston is | generally "Fur" Week and we our store to see our big dis- play of beautiful Furs. In co- operation with other leading | stores we will refund fares to || potatoes | weighed three pounds, eleven ounces, | ll A Wonderful Exhibit { of the New Furs in | THE DAILY BRITISH WHig E JAILY BR H | INCIDENTS OF THE I Nf Book and Music Sale To-night Popular Muse 1. wiv: 1s: (00: erst eres eT ne Two for a Quarter Popular Copywrights . . . .. 'weiner eis Ninety Cents Each Benazir SAVE FIFTEEN CENTS TO-NIGHT By purchasing at "new issue' rate of 25c., the Greatest Irish Song in years, "The Leaves of the Shamrock Are Shaped Like My H » Special to-night at 25c. Monday. price advances to regular Stand- ard price of 40c per copy. . LATEST MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE. Red Book, Pictoral Review, Blue Book, Green Book, Smart Set, Ainslees, Good Housekeeping, He arsts, Photoplay, Motion Picture, Peoples, True Story, etc., etc. cw * . PREMIUM PAID ON AMERICAN MONEY. _ The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings $0 8 viiaie fare A Cosy Home * HELPS TO MAKE A HAPPY HOME. We specialize in House F urnishings, and Complete: -- MARQUISETTE CURTAINS-- Beautiful range of fine quality Marquisette Curtains, that are h emstitched, with lace and insertion. white, ecru or IVOTY. Spell .iyiicivi. Dieu feter teres ses: fosss ie .$4.25 pair COMFORTERS--Large size Bed Comforters covered with best quality chintz and filled with clean cotton batting. Special .. $4.95 EIDERROWN COMF ORTERS--McLintock's celebrated F. lish Eiderdown Quilts, sateen and satin coverings, dainty designs. tra Special oie! fa s/ fe eis 0! fete) [06] To's) [oo *.0'eg fi'vw (elie; (se @® oo loo $16.50 up that will make your Home Cosy SEE OUR WINDOW ? » Lots of Snaps. For Big Range of Fair Week Bargains. FLOOR RUGS--New shipment of Wilton, Axminster, Brussels, Balmoral, Tapestry and Congoleum Rugs. All sizes in handsome QBBIBIE. vr vv tins iti Gl airs inten vine ori a see ar Popular Prices Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" || DRY AMERICANS LIKE cordially invite all visitors to J || They Can Get All Kinds of Must Be Sold At Once QUEEN STREET \ Detached frame; new hardwood floors; new 3 piece bath; TO VISIT MONTREAL Drinks in Canadian Metropolis. out-of-town patrons, who will be thus enabled to buy Furs ed the Odessa fair on Friday and | | : d tairs; 3 fire pl : Were returning home abort elon | 6 bedrooms; 5 rooms downstairs '® places; hot air fur Syracuse Post-Standard Despatch. Montreal, Sept. 256.--Canada is the father as some sort of a ve etable. ("Old bean."?) : 5 A ns ce amok et . o'clock in the evening, were surprised should not be ped with poor eyesight. It takes but a few moments for us in exam- ing a child's eyes to KNOW not th eir eyes focus properly. whether or ' Why not make sure on this point to-day by ting ' s J. S. ASSELSTINE, D.O.S. 42 KING STREET - . KINGSTON . "The Busy Optical House" li fic has been allowed the hours that the workmen were | ernment highway about one mile from Westbrooke. This farmer had things so arranged that unlesg a per- son paid him a small sum of money it was impossible to follow tfe main road to Westbrooke. He had taken a few boards off his fence and. one could travel across the corner of his |property and then get onto the new road, providing the driver of the ve- hiole put up the fee. When a Whig representative drove along he saw some dutomobiles ahead of him g this cut, so he followed suit. 'When he arrived at a certain point him up and said that if he wanted to Needless to say the Whig man was not so easy as that. under construction no trat- over it during busy. Friday night things were $0 arranged that unless one paid the to- aton. To strangers it convenient. On Saturday morning the was very ine | road }| contractors instructed their solicitor | | to take action against the farmer for assisting people to travel over the lece of highway under construction. is road was blocked from traffic for reason of the fact that it was at What is known as the "green" stage and any traffic might cause a great deal of damage. - s The contractors have secured the names of people who paid the man sty sanity Jo low them to take the cu rought the new road. g wey y : Buy your groceries at Pick p A fot of times Tanya Us much easier than oT to learn that a farmer had estab- || lished a "toll gate" on the new kov-| get through he would have to pay. |i money demanded they had either to | Hi} {take the detours, one leading ] wards Glenvale and the other to- }| wards Ernesttown, to: get to King- with no more expense than if | they lived in Kingston. || censed here under a policy similar to | by law throughout Quebec, I be unusually drastic. he was stopped by a man who held | Our Millinery Department will interest all ladies, filled as it Trimmed Hats--Smart Ready. to-Wear Shapes, etc. You will find our prices in all lines very moderate. We sell - 7 Hats for Men, 'Hats for Ladies, Hats for Children Fares refunded on Hats and Furs. During the time. that the highway | [i READ OUR SPECIAL AN- NOUNCEMENT ON PAGE 9 | George Nils & Co. il | prohibition of Montreal. cationists, attracted by the partial ale of beer and light wine is li- that now being advocated by wets to replace the total prohibition of the United States. Sale of whiskey, gin and other hard liquor is prohibited: except under certain regulations intended to The plain fact is that whiskey can be obtained practically openly at al- most every saloon in Montreal 1li- censed to sell beer and light wine. This bears out the claim of United States Federal Prohibition Director John Kramer, who said recently: 'If the sale of beer and light wine is permitted in the United States through a modification of the prohi- bition laws we might as well go the whole way apd not restrict'the liquor traic at all. Here in Montreal whiskey may be bought by the bottle from drug stores on prescription of a physician. Certain dealers also are permitted to sell it on prescription as '"licens- ed Vendors." he A Tah) pu closing law. generally. o , al- discovered until 11 sm. 'selling all kinds of drinks. : nace; electric light; gas; good cellar and driveway; house new- ly decorated. Possession. $5,000. No information given over telephone. E. W. MULLIN & SON Kingston Home Finders. Buyers and Sellerg of Real Estate, Phones 539w and 539). "JOHNSTON and DIVISION STREETS. "of _aueity "ang qu n style, through snd through, and at a price which is reatiy moderate. A beautiful ric dark brown shade which will take a good polish single sole, ang invigible 'eylets; recede ther new styles priced $7.00 to @15.00. Steve J. Martin "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" 189 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 2816, yoo and operators have been zi : re : Creases In wages good r stra room, special | cent., following $0, at Lemmon & Sons, tions, a ne '

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