SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1920. L Fon oh Yih i othle_ protein E00 00 3 lull = . tack than her inborn sense Qf what | == eatrica is right. Sally's life goes f from | 7.30 O'CLOCK SPECIAL SALE | smart houses, but her heart runs true | OF 400 YARDS THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG t-- to its original and irresistible simpli- At the Grand. [city. It is the heart of a child. Ray Elaine Hammerstein's newest Selz- iC. Smallwood is to be congratulated nic picture, "Whispers," a society [upon his effective direction of "The | photodrama, will be shown at the | Heart of a Child," shown on Monday, urand, Monday of next week, one | Tuesday and Wednesday. --Advt. day only. In this play the star pro- | ------------------ trays the role of a girl tormented | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ou all sides by mercenery relatives, | : ---- vuwelcomed suitors, and scandal- | Items of Interest Gathered by Ou nongers, In running away from Busy Reporters. + lier relatives she stumbles upon a ro. | Cooked meats at Pickering's. nance that quickly makes up for the | Mrs Charles McNeill and daugh- unpleasantness of her past and brings | ter, Mary, Rideau street, have re- her sunshine instead of gloom. Matt { turned home after visiting Mrs, A. Moore, playing a newspaper reporter, | pF, Bertrand, Clayton, N.Y.,.and Mrs. is the official dispeller of clouds, and | Georg Cumming, Watertown, N.Y. artisan of the happy ending. There | Another change is to take place in will be another fine feature, "His | the personnel of district headqura- IA If You Appreciate Good Style Wife's Money," 'starring Eugene 0' frien. Mr. C'Brien is effective in the role of Richard Flint, a clean cut, "two-fisted" young engineer who continually balks at being tied to his wife's apron strings, even though! Le cord be one of gold. The picture is a Ralph Ince produc- tion and has an excellent supporting cast. There will be reels of good comedies and other subjects and a gpecial musical programme by the Grand's orchestra. This bill will be seen for the one day only.--Advt. "Experience" Ig Coming. The long-expected engagement of the modern morality drama, "Expér- lence," which has been one of the biggest theatrical sensations of re- cent years, is now announced for the Grand Opera House on Tuesday, Sept. 28th. The play was written by George V. Hobart and it is pattern- €d after the old-time dramas of four | centuries ago. Yet while it retains | the torm and manner of the old piays, it is strictly up to date, and is adapted to modern conditions, The | | Breat novelty lies in the fact that it | | treats modern and up-to-date situa- ters, by the transfer of Major Neil- Son, recently appointed G.S.0., to Ot- | [tawa as staff officer to the inspector- | general, Thomas Cable, late of the C. E. F., passed away at Sydenham "hospital on Friday. The deceased was born in England and is survived by one brother, Octavius Cable, Colborne. Interment will take place there. A Scotch boy, aged sixteen, was given protection at the police station Friday night, and on Saturday was cared for by Inspector John Pollie, of the Children's Aid Society. The | youngster is bright and willing to work and he will be placed. Miss Elizabeth - Burch, recently married in Queen street, Methodist church, enjoyed the distinction of be- ing the first bride in the new church. Rev. W. S. Lennon presidented to her a bible that will be treasured as | |& momento of the unique distinction. | Marsden Kemp, specialist in | plano treatment and tuning, is busy with his engagements in Picton and | vicinity. Mr. Kemp is one of a very few who have served in all the fine | branches of comstruction as well as J Hm English Bar Muslin 23c. YARD This mill lot of English Cross Bar Muslin has been secured by our buyer at an unusually low price, con- sequently we are in a position to place on sale a Fine Check or Bar White Muslin at half the regular price. 27 in. wide." TO-NIGHT . . .. .. 23c. yard HOSIERY FOR AL] THE FAMILY Boys' and Girls' Heavy Black Ribb. School Stockings, THE WEARWELL BRAND, all sizes. PRICEDAT .. - .35¢, 40c, up to 69¢ pair | tions just as the priest-playwright | ------ { of four centuries ago treated the TRAP TO BE REMOVED; | moral and spiritual problems of that | ACTION AGAINST OWNER | day and age. | In "Experience" one sees in ten | vivid and dramatic scenes, the prin-| Following 8hooting of Lad In a | cipal events in the life of an average | Kingston Orchard. | Young man who goes forth into the esanersse world in search of fame and fortune. The police gave instructions for If you want to wear this Fall and Winter the kind of Clothes that offer you the very re- finement of style and good taste. LIVINGSTON'S CLOTHES are just the kind that will appeal to you-- Suits, $25.00 up to $50.00. FALL'S NEWEST TOP COATS The leading character, called Youth, | | says farewell to Love in the little country cottage, and with Ambition as his guide, sets forth into the big world. The glittering and gorgeous outlook does not last long, however, for Youth starts upon the downward path at a terrible rate. He suc- the removal of the rifle trap from the orchard of C, H. Powell, follow- ing the shooting of Percy Vincent, ten-year-old lad, on Thprsday night. The lad was shot in the knee when | he ran against the trap. It was stated on Saturday morn- | ing, that the father of the boy would Children's Fine Ribb. Cashmere, double knees, all Sizes... ..%.. ...... = .. 75¢. to $1.25 pair Boys' All-Wool Heather Mixture Knicker Hose, fancy double tops, in all sizes, Dress Coats, Motor Coats, Rain Coats,-- cumbs to various temptations, and fs take action against Mr. Powell. on the high road to Perdition when The lad who was shot is reported | 7 pa tie, high road to Perdition w he lad who ot | ted Ladies' Fine Black Cashmerette Hose, full fashioned, 8 salvation 8 prought about at the ote eu. as having pas; -- newest smart effects. ! through a song he hears outside ala quiet night. The case is under the Ee seamless feet, 81.9, 91, 10. church. fbr. C ley. If blood- 3 ors, Comstock & Gest, produc- a doo Reg it is rs = ON Y rr 2 rs tun : 40c, 50c pair @ @ Ml | ers of "Experience," have given Mr. | able that 0 ill take place, | . . ; . . Hobart's fmpression pray on anol: | able owing to the conan" Jiace. | Ladies' Heather Wool Hose in a big variety of combi- i stage setting, with ten brilliant knee joint there is no certainty as to | : 1 8 9 9 10 | scenes. The play is ouaeted by a its usefulness after the wound hetls, | nation co ors, 1, ' 1, . . company of forty players. "Exper-|and th is d f th - | y 3 BROCK STREET fence" ip hue go, York, Fae Ce Blger 0 22% De PRICED TR tr ora re se avin $1.25, $2.00 parr and up "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Men's Heavy All-Wool Grey Sox, HANSON BRAND. seven months in Chicago and five months in Boston.--Advt, SPECIAL .. ~. .. -. 50¢c. pair Ee -------- Real Chamoisette Gloves | Ander SON Br 0S. { nothing has been spared in way of | the gold brooch will be played over = A complete range of these celebrated KAYSER'S Chamoisette Gloves will be ready for you Saturday night, all sizes, The colors, White, Brown, Grey, Natural Pon. gee, Mastic, and White with Black Stitch. * - J Limited } t adia or : nine holes instead of eighteen on PRICE rrr mon en % i proying that Canadian material can Monday, Sept: 27th. Between Sept be superior to all others in their 27th and 'Oct, 4th a prize will be of' ' respective lines. | : Arrangements have been made, | | and the company is playing the latest releases, and the vaudeville between the acts has never before, on ac- count of expense, been attempted by any other repertoire company. Popu- | {lar prices will prevail. Opening | play, "Where the River Shannon | 2 to 10 p.m. : Flows." Extra' added attraction with | Miss Birdsall, Toronto, will con- this attraction is Salona, the girl | duct the services at the Pentecostal CLEARING SALE CRAWFORD AND | ith one thousant. eves "sna ads Er I en en, ELBERTA Argue will. conduct Thursday night's Coming to Griffin's. | service. 1 1-Quart Baskets "en a yy Im ---------------- [Pte ttre rr rede | --. " Arlie Marks Co. + WHO GETS 50c¢ TO-DAY? Take other outside attractions in | % Lo the theatrical profession and com-/+ Who gets 50 cents to-day? The pare them with a real true Canadian | % British Whi attraction such as Arlie Marks, the popular little commedienne, who will | , Or by % { be at the Grand Opera House three | # calling at the office, results from + | nights, beginning Wednesday, Sept. # a classified advt. in the last is- # { 29th, with her associate players. She : sue of the Whig, * > * RIT has shown this year that it is 'with- out a doubt the biggest and most ex- | CE r rere LE XX pensive repertoire company travel- | ST ------ ling in Canada. The company In) fuiaed Judet fhe ES esial Mauate. | The ladies monthly competition for Ladies' Golf Competition, 1 { SATURDAY fered for the best match against bogey with handicap, on condition that the ladder competition ig play- ed at the same time. _ In the events i of challenge being refused or anyone being out of town, the player may challenge the next above . JUST ARRIVED. NAVY GYMNASIUM BLOOMERS A Fine All-Wool English Serge GYM. BLOOMER, fast color, and very serviceable. np ar------ Church Services. For Monday, Tuesday and Wed- | St. John's church, Portsmouth-- nesday a bill of exceptional merit | The harvest thanksgiving services | | Will be shown at Griffin's, and is will be held to-morrow. Rev. J. A. headlined by that sterling actor, Tom | Davies, Roslin, will be the preacher | Mix, in "Three Gold Coins," his new- at both services, | est attraction, which is considered | vi ecm one of the finest vehicles of his | Athherst Island Fair, | screen career. "Three Gold Coins" is | Tuesday, September 28th, steamer a tale of love, stunts and romance, in | Brockville leaveS ferry dock at 7.30 hich the auring Western aster has' a.m.; returning, leaves Stella at 5.00 | ample opportunity to perform to the | pm Fave, round 'trip, $1.00. delight of his numerous admirers, P x Tound arp, § HR; Sizes 12 and 14 years . . 'vein $5.95 | Sizes 16, 18, 20 years . w+ vv. $6.75 + John Laidlaw & Son, [ td. ------ OO RE QT CIT oH ho Kingston Hospital, on Sept. 24th, 192 WE HAVE A FEW ENGLISH PIGSKIN SOCCER FOOTBALL BOOTS, $7.00. | pearing in Oct. 15th, in Market eighth episode of that wonder CLAPP'SF AVORITE, At The Strand. | who relish seeing him in a Stirring | Cork's org mayor still lives in legitimate plays. Se. of Page Three, right nand serial "The Whirlwind" is 'another Monday morning at 10 o'clock, to SECKLE-PICKLING Rn eh, successive } C J picture. Don't miss it. On the same Brixton prison, England. He passed | ® {the greatest stars of the American | Vain: MEMOKANDUM, =i {women on the stage, and is stil] ap-| First Baptist Kumma ke Sale, Friday, "Romeo's Dad" is only an incident in corner oe probabilities. | duction." "Romeo's Dad" is an ex- CAMPBELL--In ROGERS, Red | well worth seeing. Don't forget the Cataraqui a glance over the above feature wil] BARTLETT, FLEMISH BEAUTY Be sure and come. Ader has become a process very similar to : 'a large and final mouthful of alkalf 'dust, ry criticism of the mar- | velous screen artist is simple an- {other notch cut in th | Nazimova is better in "The Heart Point. She is eich time so utterly T ABLE FRUITS SOLD BY THE DOZEN different, and each time it seems she | Nazimova the rather formidable task {slums of London known as Lime- Programme as a special feature we a falr night, stage, in "Romeo's Dad." Gail Kane ~Katzenjammer Kids" Grand, 8.15. : GC RAP ES [her busy lite. As Doth. onthe wiv | Ind Mike pe RammaEs Sate E0000 0000 OO Jil Arr Arn {ample of an all too small class of MOORES EARLY, Blue item of interest On our programme Friends and ACTUR IN Roos respectful to attend, { convince the most blase theatregoer |that of the old frontiersman after he e gun-stock of RIENE-CLAUDE, Gage than in previou pro- 'were more moving and appealing. Ph : 458-459. Wholesale 1767 Fol depicting a cockney girl, Sally Se h RA le] | Loc, i Scar of er riioca will show Tom Wise, and Gail Kane, | 1 | Is known as one of the most beautiful Supreme Court, Monday, 3 : | sheet and stage to require an int NIAGARA, White °t gn , ® * 9 | highly desirable photoplays. It is 1C 1 in ime . . PJ ARS for the first half of the week and iy invited | that it is away above the .average. 'has caused a pesky redskin to take 'her fame. To say whether or not FRENCH PRUNE, Blue (ductions is somewhat beside the | This, her present production, gives pe,-brought up haphazard in the : Te iid : §