Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1920, p. 19

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THE DAI ra House Grand oe AY, SEPT. 28th NIGHT F. RAY COMSTOCK AND MORRIS GEST AMERICAS GREATEST PLAY, by the Clergy of All Creeds and Denominations A Love Story of Youth, His T rials and Temptations. PRICES ... ... ... +» 80c, 75¢,$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Sale. Beats Now on Beautiful Girls--Magnificently Gowned POPULAR PRICES: Matinee «eve. .28c, to $1.00 Evenings ..... .. ., .. 5c to $1.50 AUCTION SALE. Under instructions from Robert Baird, 246 Kar] street, I intend to sell at my Auction Rooms, Market Square, on Saturday, the 2nd day October, 1920, ®t 12 o'clock sharp, one black horse about 12 years old, and one spring wag- gon--to satisfy a claim of $50.00 for Accommodation and storage incurred by A. Flejszman, the owner of the arti- cles. WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Kingston, Sept. 18th, 1920. Kingston-Cape Vincent Ferry Rockport KINGNUT The Nut-Margarine For Eating and Cooking Sold on a Money Back Guarantee. Navigation Company, Ltd. a. ra a Kingston, Ont, ASK YOUR GROCER STEAMER MISSISQUOI Daily, Except Sundays, Standard Time Lv. Kingston ...630am. and 1.00 pm r. Cape Vincent §.30 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. fv. Cape Vincent 9.40 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Ar. Kingston ...11.40 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Special accommodation for Automobiles Rates for cars:--Fords, 3 00; touring or other cars 4.00, Close connections at With N.Y.C. Lines for all Phone 3195. Subject to change without notice. MATTRESSES Don't throw away your o.6 Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. AUCTION SALE FURNITURE Wednesday, Sept. 20, 208 Collingwood Street, 10 a.m, . Parlor suite, tapestry carpets, oak sideboard, writin, esk hall rack, ex. table, centre tae, organ, drop-head sewing machine, pictures, lace cur- tains, I ry ruites, whatnot, pictures, refrigerator, hose, lawn mower crock- ery, glassware, etc. ALLEN, the Auctioneer. Phone 252, AUCTION SALE Cape Vincent N.Y. Points. ®, and 10 James St. Six-plece parlor suite, tapestry car- pet, os tables, dining table, side- poard, writing case, rocking chair, baby rocker, pictures, mats, rugs, oil- cloth, linoleum, screen doors, window screens, three-burner oil stove and oven, Tortoise combination ococok gnd heater, beds and mattresses, all rack, stove pipes, kitchen utensils and numerous other articles. BEDFORD, the Auctioneer. Phone 1721. CITY OF KINGSTON 6% DEBENTURES AT PAR Bonds will be issued in amounts to suit purchaser. Apply at once to the undersigned for the amount required. Payments on account will be accepted up to the end of year. 0. V. BARTELS, City Treasurer. For October Weddings It you are in doubt as to, what to give the bride, why not visit the House of (Quality Our salespeople can help you to make wise selections in Silver and Cut Glass. R. J. Rodger, : Jeweler 182 PRINCESS STREET "Where the Clock is on the Walk." Frontenac Mattress Co 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2100w Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. ~ BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phoue 1721 or 1428, GC W.VA (Incorporated) Special Meeting FRIDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1920 BUSINESS: Nominations for election of of- ficers for the next term. TAG DAY In Aid Of The General Hospital Saturday, Oct. 2nd _ As the cause is worthy "and the need great, the | people are' asked to be liberal. w oo FOR SALE Large Brick Ho use, fourteen rooms, seven bed- gas The brave man in battle may be * a cowardly husband. Mack Street. rooms, two fireplaces, hot air heating, electric lights, for cooking. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street - WE OFFER Province of Saskatchewan 20 Year 6% Gold Bonds, due 1 st Oct, 1940. Price 96.62 and interest, ylelding 6.30%. This is the first long-term Provincial Issue since 1914 and is a most attractive investme nt. A Gity of Sarnia 6% HYDRO-ELECT RIC DEBENTURES 1921-1930 Maturities ..a ......... Price to yield 6% % 1931-1940 Maturities ... w.u «ux +... Price to yield 6% % George Bawden & Co. Invest, te 3 ! 121% BROCK STREET GRAND MONDAY ONLY BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--15 Elaine Hammerstein in Tuesday, Sept. 28th, at 1.30 p.m., No. the "WHISPERS" Eugene O'Brien in | "HIS WIFE'S MONEY" Comedies and Other Reels GRAND ORCHESTRA Mat at 2.30) Evg at 7.30 20c. ANY SEAT Ground floor Balcony .....30e. GRAND 3 NIGHTS COMMENCING Wednesday, Sept. '29th ARLIE MARKS And Her Associate Players In 3 Late Dramatic Successes, With 5--Big Vaudeville Acts--35 WED.,, WHERE THE SHANNON FLOWS Programme Changed Nightly. Extra Added Attraction, RIVER SALONA, the Girl With 1,000 Eyes, She Sees, Hears, Knows and Tells " All. It in Doubt, Ask Salona. «vsae, 1Be, 25c, 35¢, 5Oc. PRICES RS NE EE @ ICTURES et) ESL ee CY Xe MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TOM MIX 3 GOLD COINS A Tale of Love, Stunts and Romance. A -------------------------- Sth Episode of Giant Serial The Whirlwind With Charles Hutchison. ! EXTRA SPECIAL, TOM WISE and GAIL KANE The Greatest Stars of the American Stage, In ROMEO'S DAD. COMING--THURS., FRL, SAT. HENRY B. WALTHALL in CONFESSION, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY NAZIMOVA LY BRITISH WH 1G FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: First insertion, lc. a Word. Each con- | Secutlve insertion thereafter, half! cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, | 60 cents. | The above rates are for cash only; When charged they are double. HELP WANTED, DINING-ROOM GIRLS, tel Randolph. | AT ONCE--A WOMAN FOR KITCHEN | work. Apply Whitney Hotel. | GIRLS FOR THE MARKING ROOM. Apply ILmperial Laundry. GIRL TO WORK IN STORE. Grimm's Ice Cream Parlor. DISHWASHERS AND WAITRESSES | Wanted. Apply Queen's Cafeteria, | FIRST-CLASS BUTCHER; PERMAN- | - ent. Wm. D&vies Co. Princess St.| AT ONCE, WAITRESS FOR MOWAT Sanatorium. Apply to dietition. TROUSER MAKERS. APPLY ©. LIV. | | APPLY MO-| APPLY | 1 A HOOD BELONGING TO A | Furd car, Wednesday even- ing, at Collins Bay. Owner may have same by calilng on | | Mrs. George McDonald, Col- | lins Bay. ON JOHNSON STREET, A GREY fabric glove. Owner may have same at 180 Johnson St, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, i Anyone finding anything and | wishing to reach the owner may | { do so by reporting the facts to "he British Whig. The adver- Usement will be printed in thiy column free of charge. "Found articles" does not ir- clude lost dogs, cattle, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the 'Lost' column. = =n _-- LOST. | | A SMALL GOLD WATCH ON A B. CK | wrist band, Monday. Reward If re- | turned to Whig. | ingston & Bro., 76, 77, 79 Brock St. WOMAN 8 T IN KITCHEN | Apply 42 Fre ac Street, between | | ON FRIDAY, A PEARL SUNBURST. | Finder please return to 26 Pine | Street | and receive reward. | Ear] and Union. ¥ ---- YOUNG MAN, 16 TO 18 YEARS OLD, to do janitor work. References! required. Lockett's. | MAIDS FOR WARD WORK AND! laundry work Apply to Kings- ton General Hospital, | "ROM CAR, AT OR ON WAY FROM Outer Station, net hand bag, con-| taining clothes and important let-| ters. Finder please return to] Bishop Bidwell, 49 King Street. | Reward. STOLEN. CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL | housework; no laundry. Apply Mrs. | A. R. B. Williamson, 240 King st. | | EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS T0 OP- | WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK TRI- cy | i le from 111 Stephen Street re- turn same at once will follow. AT i or prosecution €rate electric machine. Apply | Kingston Mattresg Co., 556 Princess Street, WANTED GENERAL, GIRLS WANTED FOR LABELING. | Apply Miss McCallum, Taylor Spe- CARPET OR RUG IN BRUSSELS OR 'Tapestry, in size, 3%4x4 or larger. Apply 63 William Street. clalty Company, care of Best's Drug stored , YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work; two in family; no children. Apply Mrs. J. McDermott, 420 John- HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four bright, airy rooms, in good locality. Apply Box L-3, Whig Of- fice. son street. Ss ee ese ett ---------------- A GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, | *+ to do general housework. Apply| between 7 and 8 pm. at 152 Syd-| enham Street 3 ¥ FIREMEN -- BR AKEMEN _-- $175-200 | montaly. . Experience fhfiécessary. | (Name position wanted). Write Railway, care Whig Office. PRESSMAN enced presses. des. WANTED . EXPERI- on Duplex and cylinder State wages and capabil- The Intelligencer, Belleville. | GIRLS, BETWEEN THE AGES oF fourteen and eighteen; light work; | steady employment, Apply 8S. WAN ee ---- ROOM AND BOARD BY TWO MALE BECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO lor cash or in part payment of new pianos and gratonolas. C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. eee eo. 2 ----MEN AND BOYS TO PAT- ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave, 106, Razors honed 26c. 236 Ontario St. near Brock street, students; convenient to Unive : one large or two small rooms, with study. State - conveniences and rent. Box F-16," Whig office. PERSONAL. Oberndorffer, Cigar Factory, On- tario Street PLOW ON FARM. GOOD | 8. Ask wWibow, 25 SOME MONEY, WILL | H-Box 325, Cor. Club, Fort Ind. marry Wayne, MAN TO Wage for Chambers at Gov- aw ant 'mplovment jureau 22 Market Street, between 10 and 1: De d { dd wet LADY, 23, WITH MEANS, marrage. F-Box 432 lumbus, Ohio. WISHES League, Cu- CARPENTERS, MAS and steamfitters, Job to right men. ONS, PLUMBERS laborers. Loug | No union trou- | ATTRACTIVE YOUNG WIDOW WITIL means wishes an early marriage. Box 55, Oxford Pla. | THREE veovew T0 LET. FURNISHED ROOMS AT 337 JOHNSON Street. SEND A DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY order. They are payable everys where. HEN HOUSE EASILY MOVED; ALSO motor boat house 1or sale ur td rent. Phone 1243). AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND CUSHIONS Celluloid for curcains, Juason's Auto Tops, Brockville. FRAME ' DWELLING AND FIVM acres of land; near city limits. Ap+ ply E. Wathen, 143 Nelson. GRAIN ELEVATOR EQUIPMENTS, shafting hangers, pulieys, plpes Apply at A. Speizman, 31 Rideau St ONE LOT, 6exi33 FOOT FRONTAGK, on South Macdonald street; ch for quick buyer, Lateman sg lea Estate. 4 GARAGE. APPLY TO McCANN, B56 Brock Street. Phone $26 or 631. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, NO children. Apply, after 5 p.m., to 92 Gore Street. NICE FURNISHED ROOM, APPLY 313 University avenue, or phone 352w., after 4 p.m. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 242 Brock street. COMFORTABLE UNFURNISHED house, newly cleaned and papercd throughout. Apply at 161 Queen Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND merchandise; clean and dry. Mc- Cann, 36 Brock street. Phone 316 or 621. BRIGHT, AIRY ROOMS, CENTRALLY located suitable for business or Apply Box L-22, A T-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; BATH, closet and gas, lus Slunry direet. PPLY J. R. Laidlaw, 245 Division Street KITCHEN Water RANGE, Bllacuuval, 3 0 {Professional men. WITH HOT. Vhig Office. SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE WITH all modern improvements. Posses- sion Oct. lst. Apply 104 'Upper Charles Street. TWO ROOMS ON BATHROOM FLAT, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply after 4 p.m. to 6 Jenkin St, or 'phone 1318J. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ChEAN) dry, airy rooms; your own lock an i City Storage, 292 Phone 526; res. 98%w. ROOMS ON BATHROOM fat furnished for light house- keeping, suitable for two ladies or married couple. Apply 236 Barrie Street. FURNISHED RUOMSs IN GOOD LO- cality on bgth room floor; gas for cooking; el®ctric light; furnace; suitable for light house-keeping. Apply Box O-4, Whig Office. also s € pikau. Appiy 240 Uli tanio Bros, or phone 1565W. GENUINE GRAFHOMILA AND TiN Beleciivas; your ow clivice, $44.0u Terms, $5 cash, 3 per wee CW. Lindsay, Limite Atl Frincess St THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY -SIX acres of pulpwood land. in the clay belt of North Ontarv. knguire wd Dr. Lake, 357 Jonnson street, cliy, 2,000 FEET OF 1 1-4 AN 1% INCH Pipe; in gooy cuandition. Also =» quantity of ail kinds of valves. Ap- Ply E. E. Wathen, 143 N sun st. A GRAY-DORT SPECIAL FIVE-PAS. Senger touring car, 19s9 model; rea- Son for selling, owner leaving cy: Apply to 409 Johnson Street, after p.m, FERRER Tr PETES POE «| Frost's Queen street. {IT IS ALWAYS SAFE TO SEND A DO. | STRANGE & STRANGE INSU CAr, dn frst class cundstion. Ap- Ply 40 Quebec Street. FETTere™ TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPE- cially furnished for light house- keeping; gas for cooking and light, at the Ploneer Apartments, 312 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. DWELING -- SEVEN GOOD-SIZED rooms and improvements, King St. West. Immediate possession. Rent, 17.00 per month, includeg wa- ter. Apply evenings at 276 Unis Versity Avenue. * i Excelsior Motor-Cycle, with side * TITRTEVPTPPIONNNy MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house iurniture, specialize in miil- tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest prices paid, L. Koutbar: Phone 1.23. 239 rrin- cess Street, CLEVELAND" LIGHT WEIGHT MO- ter-cycle, guid ag new; Vose Square piano, Columbia grama- phone and thirty recurdas, 22 Wine chester repeating rifie.. Apply af= ter & pom, 773 Montreal Sireet. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 800d second hand furniture and sloves. Any person La&ViuE Stoves and furniture to dispos. of, we will Pay highest prices. J. 'Thompson, 433 Princess 'hone 1u¢0w. PERFECT, CoLUMBLA, DAaYYOZ, Frinceton and Victory Bicycles, .. 50 a number of lags aud gen.y used Bicycles ana_moiorcycies, 8t reduced prices. Special attention Biven to all bicycie aud baby cars riage repair work. Mulier's bicycle Ye gia, 371-373 King street. Phone w. ee] ARCHITECT. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. ~ tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington streets. » FINANCIAL. minion KXpress Money Order, Five dollars costs three cents. ANCE agents; established 3 1s only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 90 Clarence street, opposite the pos: office. ble. Apply to J. E. Poirier Gen- eral Hospital, | Pembroke, Ont. BROKERS, SALESMEN, COMMISSIONS | count--get in touch with us imme- diately. We divide profits. Inves- tors protected. Burdette-Johnson Syndicate, 42 Petroleum Bldg. Ft. 'Worth, Texas. BUY YOUR OUT OF TOWN § TATE DEALER, 44, WORTH 5,000, would marry. C-Box 33, league, Toledo, Ohio. PLIES with Dominion Express ney Or- ders. Five dollars three cents. LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND | light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay. Work sent any distance, charges paid. Send IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL- thy, loving wife, write me. I. E., 4214 Calitornia Street, San Fran- cisco, Cal. stamp for particulars, National Mfg. Co., Montreal i | BUTCHERS, Wanted number of good ex- erienced butchers to work in MARRY---FREE PHOTOS, BEAUTIFUL MARRY -- MARRIAGE DIRECTORY ladles; descriptions and directory; Pay when married. New Plan Co. Dept. 204, Kansas City, Mo. with photos and descriptions, free; pay when married. The Exchange, Dept. 504, Kansas City, Mo. USED 260 buys good Truck. 600 buys Ford Sedan, 1918. $560 buys Fora Touring, 1918. $450 buys Maxwell witn steoter, §400 buys Ford Touring. LMER, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society; incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice- president, A. B' Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; investment bonds for sale; d received and Interest allows . C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. Cerner Bagot urd Queen. GOOD DWELLING i NINE. rooms; stable, drive shed, work shop, etc; one-quarter acre, lot 27, north-east range Clarendon Township, at Ardocn; also Lo an and 27, luth Concession, Claren lon, about 180 acres. Apply King eo Smytae, 71 Clarence oireet, Kings- ton. FOR SALE, HOT BLAST HEATER. 24 PIPES AND board. 27 Nelson Street. A KITCHEN SIDEBOARD, BEDROOM suite, Famous heater, stove pipes and ag oven. Apply at 221 Stuart Street. Dodge Touring. Reo Roadster. Kes mclaughlin, Uverland Touring. Gray Dort. slaughtering Depsstment. Ap- ply i the Superin- Dayies Com- pany, Mill Street, Mor\real. C ebook debe LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steadlly--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers JATHOLIOS WISHING YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: TO MARRY, wanting introductions, booklet free. Write Catholic Correspon-4 dence Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. SEND dime, birthdate for truthful, reli- able, convincing trial reading. Havel Hause, Box 215, Los Angelss, Cal. Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries P. Ontario. $20 AND UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR agents, men and women, in spare time day or evenings, selling the best and largest selection of Pers sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, dt popular prices. Magnificent sample book free. No experience neces- sary. Does not interfere with reg- ular work, A few agency-appoint- ments still open. Service guaran- teed. Modern Art Company, Manu- facturers, 122 Richmond West, To- routo. POSITION WANTED, HAIR, MOLES, MARRY--FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, WARTS, marks, skin cancer; ars, etc., re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses ritted and rurnishéd after others have failed. Goitre removed. 35 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin BIRTH. absolutely the best, largest in the country; ,6 established 15 years; thousands Wealthy members, bo.h sexes, wishing early marriage; con- fidentdal; geucriptions free. The Old Reliablé Club, Mrs, Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. CAPABLE LADY DESHRES POSITION as housekeeper. Apply Box J-20, Whig Office. © SITUATIONS VACANT, BIG $5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS greeting card sample book free; spare or full-time workers; repre- sentatives already making five to ten dollars daily; experience or Sapital unnecessary; immense stocks; free and prompt delivery MARRY IF LONELY; FOR RESULTS, try me; be and most successful "Home Maker," hundreds rich, wish marriage soon; strictly confiden- tial; most reliable; years of experi- ence; descriptions free. "The Suc- cessful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 666, Oakland, Calif. DENTAL. uaranteed. Bradley-Garretson mpany, 1 Ontario. AGENTS WANTED, A. E. KNAPP BA, LDS, gitice 268 Princess Street. D.D.S,, Phone MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, but to travel and appoint local representatives, $1092 and ex- penses guaranteed first year, with good chance to'make $2,600 and ex- penses, State age and gualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary. Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. tists, 159 Wellington street, ove, Carnovsky"s. Phone 346. : UPHOLSTERING. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot st. Genta The Domina of the S in The Heart of a Child A Picture of Surpassing Artistry and Polgnant Humaness. The Life Romance of"a Cockney Girl from London's Tenement District Limehouse. ------------ "SILENT AVENGER" Featuring William Duncan, OTHER BIG ATTRACTIONS, Luke Gash, Baritone, Will Sing, "The Leaves of the Shamrock" "Duna." STRAND CONCERT ORCHESTRA Al} the Latest Music. FURNITURE FINISHING can CARD TO W. DRIS. nan Yond Street. LAND SURVEYOR, " ¥, MLLER, Se, CE. OLS, » LS M. apanee, Ont. On- tario Land Surv eyor. Kingston Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 dn ence street No man is capable of ruling others is unable to rule himself. MAKE $3% NEX2® SATURDAY--BRAND new proposition. Patented. Chem- ical auto Windshield wiper--one lass gives clear wision Og---stays clear 24 One man sold y. rite F. W. HAROLD ¥OR YOUR UP- holstering and general Tepsiring. Leave orderg at or drop a card 104 Clergy street. - LEGAL. ve ter- Accessories Co. 502 Ottawa, Opt. CARPENTERING, ! WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor. Temps orary change of address 60 Arch street. Phone 835J. - BUSINESS CHANCES CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, AMBROSE SH and PAINTING 'AND PAPER 'BANGING Sit. of silicktors reet, Kini ham. Cyril Smith. over Royal Phone 1999. ELLIGENT PERSON REQUIRED "Who can devote spare time to sub- mitting our t e knows & the public. - Ho-gie a eekly payment. Carl- t blishing Co., Greeting Card Putiisters, 828 Spadina Ave. To- ronto. : WHEN FOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- B WANTING PAINTING oR aperhangin ne, drop a oard to A. DR OnDtaarS or Arch py -~ 'Ang, get my prices. of wall paper in stock. ley, 258 Queen Street. F MEDICAL Chofce variety H. B. Row- | 2 Fora 'Arucks. All in good snape, ready for the road, and can ve bougnt on easy tering. BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sta. V'hume Sen, BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, DETACHED SOLID BRICK HOUSE, No. 109 Frontenac Street, 8 rooms, furnace, electric lights, gas for cooking; possession Nov. 1st. Ap- ply 203 Willlam Street, near Barrie. HOUSE AND LOT, 4 COLLEGE : stone house, semi-detached, large drawing-room and Sinimg-room. four bedrooms, hot water eating, electric light, large grounds, barn. Apply on the premises, afternoon or evening. ST. FOR ALR VICTORY BONDS Fun SALE. MONEY to Loan. $4200---DOUSLE BRICK; VENEER; ¢ rooms each. 110-ACRE FARM, HEAD QF LOUGH- $850-BUILDING Lor CONVEN boro Lake, 4 miles south Syden- location. TENS » ham, good land splendid build- 5 ings, good fences, plenty firewood, LOT 3233x132, with CEMENT FOU ; unexcelled water, located on Main dation §4x30, and joice ready for road, church, school, cheese factory i" 800d chance to build for rural mail, reasonable price, yourself. fasy Ey W. H. Switzer, R.R. 4 -- ngston, Ont. " $2,000---FRAME HOugK IN PORTS. mouth. el $2,000 Cash Secures' 150-Acre Farm Near Toronto Great potato farm; last year's in- come $4800, estimated timber and wood when markete: will pay for place; 100 acres m fields, clay sub- soil, 2 tons hay per acre; Sicow spring-watered pasture; big wood lot; 3prles, Pears, cherries; 2-storey, §- room brick ho » furnace, good water; §0-foot basement barn, silo, water af barn; other Food buildings; owner un- able to care for it, makes low price,only &h, balance easy terms. d other good farms On- Scotia, Alberta and many Jtates, paso 92 Strouf's Big New Illus- trated Catalog Farm Bargains 33 States Just Out. y free. Strout Farm Agency, 308-AF, Manning Chambers, Toronto, Ont. $2,400--FRAME HOUSE gas, legtric lights; o. e ROOMS; alr; good sta ho and C; es $1,700-FRAME HOUSE, JOHN §T. $3,500-ROUGH *CAST; 1 toilet and stable. ROOMS; $3,500-FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION street. $ $2500--BRICK; B. and C.; ELECTRIO 8.350, lights and gas. 3,1 0 FRAME HOUSES; ¢ 00---FOR TW rooms; tollet and electric I'ghts, . We offer a limited quantity of PEA COAL _. Our own preparation, Foot of Johnson Rags and Paper Btoc { you telephone us we will =i Los Sep » M. ROSEN & C0, BIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WoO etc, large or small, guaranteed DO E. L. PT 0 2068w. ; STON hours: 10 E, 233 O 12; 7 8.30 pm. one gold leaf; posters, oecards ete, tistically writt nd 'designed by Shaw, at 205° Princess Street, Kiggston. o DR. H. 5. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. nounce that he " his Practies at 93 Wellington Street. ours: 1. till 3.30 and 7 ull 5.30 Phone 2183. 140 RIDEAU STREET NOTICE 8 Room for 12 people; will make ul oN seas g & good stage or smy other pur Phone 1045w. pose; in best of ovder--§1.07%. 0 507 Princess St. Cor. Chatham St. i The woman who never sheds a tear | on account of a man doesn't love Hin! | LTURK Phone 705 Sb garg Bo fags od wr ETE Bid ad orb Ee 3 Jas. Swift & Co., - Limited 3

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