Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1920, p. 1

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OUR NEW FALL HATS Have Arrived. Collier's Toggery VOL. 87: NO. 287. FLOUR DROPS $2 A BARREL Corn, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Steel And Other Goods Are Cheaper. Chicago, , Sept. 25.--Flour fell into step w the general decline in prices yestérday with a drop of $2 a barrel. This follows the decrease in the price of wheat, which declin- ed 11 cents on December and 12% cents in March . This is a drop of 17% cents and 221% cents in a week, and 27 to 31 cents in the last month, All Chicago mail order houses an- nounce reductions of 10 to 30 per | cent. from their July prices, covering | a wide range of goods. The largest of these houses states it has already refunded five million in the differ- ence between the July cataloque prices and reductions that have been made gince then. Corn, hogs, cattle and sheep are all lower. There are reports in steel trade efrcles that buyers are obtain- ing concessions over prices prevail- ing a few weeks ago that there is less difficulty in getting quick de- livery. A ---------------------------- | CANADA WILL HAVE A BRITISH SERVICE| whem | The Head of Reuter's Tells of Plans for Empire News. Ottawa, Sept. 25.--That Canada is to have an all British service, to be established shortly by Reuter's, for distribution of Empire néws to the Canadian newspapers, was the an- nouncement made here by. Sir Rod- erick Jones, head of Reuter's. Sir Roderick, as head of this famous news gathering and distribution agency, was a delegate to the Empire Press Conference. Plang for the carrying out of this projsct are still in their infancy but ur Roderick Jones stated that he was determined to see a British news ggency established mm Canada. His views on the subject are fixed and it is only a matter of arranging with Canadian newspaper proprietors as to details and methods to be adopted. Definite details will be announced be- fore Bir Roderick leaves Canada. The service is to be distributed by a branch of Reuter"s in Canada, and not by any of the existing news . agencies, This was made quite clear ; 'by Bir Roderick as the only cond!- tion on which his service' would be supplied to Canadian newspapers. He | stated that he had interviewed many i of the leading newspaper men in Can- | ada and had found them in accord with his plan, Sir Roderick was extremely care- ful to point out the fact that he in no way wished to belittle or im- peach the reliability or good jour- nalism of the present services being supplied Canadian newspapers. | '"These services are provided for con. sumption by the people of the United States and 'the American point of view is not a Canadian or British point of view," he stated. J there are fifty or more ways of telling the same story, any of which may be trutaful but colored to suit the requirements of news papers, and that a London corres- pondent .f an American news ser-. vice would be failing in his duty it he did not send his news in such a way that it Buited the people who were to read it, was the chief rea- son for the establishment of an all- British news service in Canada, sald 8ir Roderick. | 200 JEWS KILLED BY THE UKRAINIANS 10,000 New Refugees Are ted to Have Now Reached Kiev. * London, Sept. 25.--More than 200 Jews were killed in the Galician pog- roms instituted by the Ukrainians, according to the latest reports receiv. «il in Kovav, says a dessstch from that elty. A Kiev :orrespondent for the Daily Herald, C recent pogroms in the Ukraine, that 10,000 new ve reached Kiev, and predicts J : g is dona to re- lleva them y wil be worse off than the refugees of last winte., who died at an average of 100 a day. Praless ering Graves London, Sept. 26.--*"The graves registration gystem in Europe for fal- len heroes is excellent," says Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Canadian Minister of Militia and Defence. 'There is every facility for helping Canadian rela- tives to visit the graves." Hon. Mr. Guthrie, who attended a conference of graves registration here, left to- day to attend the Interfational Fin- ancial Congtreds under the auspiogs'of the League of Nations, "The re- port that I am here to get ideas for the reorganization of the Canadian militia and defence system is un- true," he continued. mn, WOEFULLY INEFFICIENT Hundred Years of Accumulated Neg: | at Washington. New .- k, t. 25.--Herbert Hoover, testifying before the Unite States Senate committee on rocon- struction, now in session here, de- clared the t thing, the investiga- tors should do was to reconstruct ents of the Washington gov- ernment. i « "The departments there are woe- " efficient as the result of a years of accumulaled negil- | gence," ha 24id. | l KINGSTON, MORE BOSTON BANKS * HAVE BEEN CLOSED Boston, Sept. 25 25.--~--The Cos- mopolitan Trust Company of this eity, with savings and banking department and agen- cies abroad, was closed by Bank Commissioner Allen this morn. ing. The Cosmwpolitan is the fifth bank here to be closed in the past five weeks. The Pru- dential Trust Company was closed later ag were two smaller private banks. PRICE CUTTING WAVE REPORTED SPREADING Many Believe it is the Be= ginning of a General Reduction. New York, Sept. 25.--Reports from all over the country indicate that the price-cutting movement is assuming large proportions While , merchants, manufacturers and Government officials assert ing that prices have passed the peak and the descent is evident in every industry, the surest sign that w prices are a thing of the past is em- bodied in the announcements being made by large concerns- that prices on their products will be cut It is interesting to note in con- nection with the, price-slashing move ment that wages will not be arfected, manufacturers declaring that they are will make an effort to purchase raw | materials at reduced figures MORE CAPITAL FROM BRITAIN Is Wanted in Canada But the Exchange Rate is the Obstacle. Ottawa, Sept. 25.--That American | capital is coming into Canada at the | rate of two hundred millions a year is an opinion entertained in official circles here in the light of informa- tion secured, The money is not be- ing applied to industry alone, though much of it goes there, but as well to Canadian securities, federal, pro- | vincial, municipal and railway, The fact that ninety dollars of United States money is the equivalent of one hundred of Canadian is a big factor in inducing the influx of in- vestment. According to a statement submit- ted to a recent gathering here, out of some 275 millions invested in the The Daily British Whig ONTARIO, RESTAURANT PRICES 20 P.C. LOWER Kitchener, Sept. 25. -- The Colonial Restaurant, a new eat- ing house, which has just opened up for business, features its bill of fare with meals at twenty per cent, reduction over prevailing prices in the half dozen others in the city, thereby bringing the H.C.L. down a peg. LABOR EXTREMISTS MENACE BRITAIN | Lioyd George Urges liford | Electorate to "Attack Forces of Disorder." London, Sept. 25.--Premier Lloyd | George and Rt. Hon. A. Bonar Law, | Government leader in the House of | Commons, have written supporting | Frederick Wise, the Coalition candi. | date in the bye-election in Ilford, a | suburb of London, which is being | keenly fought. The Premier urges | the electors to concentrate on a great | and overwhelming attack on the | forces of unreason and disorder in the country and thus secure the re- Canadian pulp and paper industry, | now in process of great expansion, 80 per cent. or thereabouts is Ameri- i can. Efforts are being made to in-| duce British capital to become in- | terested in this indusctry, but the | great obstacle is not the unwilling | attitude of the British investor, but | the adverse existing exchange condi- tions. : Capital Awaits Investment. Ottawa, Sept. 25.--There are hun- dreds of thousands of pounds of iritish capital being held awaiting favorable opportunities for invest- | ment in Canada, and these funds will | be sent across the Atlantic as soon | as the exchange prob-em has righted | itself sufficiently to appeal to British | investors, according to J. A. Robb, | !M.P. for Huntingdon, Que., who has It INCH PREMIER ¢ who succeeds Alex- 8 Premier of France, succession to the; George andre Mi upon Mi Presidency, Canadian Sailors Man New Cruisers London, Sept. 25.--The hundred sailors from Canada who have been sent over to man the light cruiser Eurora and the two torpedo boats thé Impérial haval Authorities dré | presenting to the Dominion were an! interesting sight to the people in Liverpool when they arrived on the liner Empress of Britain. The dele- gates to the Imperial Press Confer- ence held in Ottawa, and who made a coast to coast tour of the Dominion, also returned on the Empress. Answers Accident Call and Finds Father Dying New York, Sept. 26.--When Chas. R. Robbins, a young Newark, N.J., policeman, answered an automobile accident call on his beat early to- day he found his father dying and his mother seriously hurt. , Robbins called an ambulance. . The father died in his son's arms en route to a hospital." His parents were struck by an automobile while crossing the | street to their hime. PROHIBITION "MENACE" sista New York Merchant Driven Out of United States. Newport, R.I., Sept. 25.--"I am driven out of the United States by prohibition," declared A. L. Audrain, senior member of A. J. Audrain and Company, art dealers, of New York, who yesterday sold his summer resi- dence here which he has occupied for fourteen years. He will leave for Paris to reside, He will return, he says, "when the American people re- gain common sense, which will be in about six years." Former Montreal Banker - Dies in His 96th Year Montreal, Sept. 25, -- Thomas {| Kirby,, a well-known banker here | for many years, though retired for a considerable time, died yesterday at his residence, 4471 Western avenue, Westmount, in his ninety-sixth year. He was for some time manager of the Merchants Bank in Ottawa. He is survived by a son, Walter Kirby, of Winnipeg, and two daughters, Mrs. MacBuff, and Mrs. McCombe, both of Westmount, Survivor of Central ; American Raid Dies New York, Sept. 25.--Jeremiah John Andreas, one of the last sur- vivors of the Walker filbustering ex- peditions in Central America, died (vesterdsy, iat the age of 88. Of re- cent years he had made his home at 429 Third street, Brooklyn. joined Walker's party in Lower Call- fornia, followed his leader to Cen- tral America, and settled there. YUKON VOTE NEXT JULY. Ottawa, Sept, 25.--A proclaniation gazetted here fixes Monday, July 11; 1921, as the day on which polling will take place ir the Yukoa Terri- tory under the Caaadian Temperance Act provisions, on the question of 'm- feration of liquor. us, of awson, has been appoin veturn- ing Officet for taking of this vote, | and the market closed in a semi- 215 to 216. He [which are to perpetuate the well- anadian 1 returned from a trip to Britain. | A BREAK OCCURS IN PRICE OF WHEAT It Drops Twelve Cents a Bushel In 'Chicago on Friday. Chicago, Sept. 25.--Big breaks in he price of wheat took place yester- day, largely as a result of agitation for a general cut in food cost. The | smash of values in wheat amounted to as n.uch as 123 cents a bushel, demoralized condition. December delivery at 225 to 2253 and March Heretofore, wheat has heen ad- { vancing despite setbacks in the | price of other grain. The chief rea- son ascribed for such strength was | huge sales of wheat for export to Jurope. Yesterday, however, the | stimulus of export business appeared | to have lost its influence, and espe- | cially. near the end of the day the wheat market tumbled wildly down- ward. In sympathy with the weakness of wheat, other grain markets also gave way, and both corn and oats fell to the lowest price levels yet for the 1920 crop. ENGLAND FAR ON ROAD To Recovery of Her Former High Economic Position. New York, Sept. 25.--Great Bri- tain has been extremely liberal with her war contractors, said Donald Da- vis, trust officer of the Liberty Na- tional Bank, who has just returned from extensive investigations of con- ditions abroad. "The English did not shut down immediately after the ar- mistice on further war contracts," he said, "but let many of them run their course. Today she is still re- ceiving a large amount of war ma- terials, especially aircraft, which were contracted for during the war period. This, of course, eventually comes out of the taxpayer, but it makes for a more equitable distribu- tion of the losses attending the slow- ing down of high speed quantity pro- duction of war materials, and has made possible a gradual adjustment of labor distribution. "England is far on the road to the recovery of her former high econo- mic position." LOYAL TO EMPIRE Sir Allan Aylesworth Praises the Quebeck: ers. Toronto, Sept. 25.--At a dinner given by the Grand Lodge of Cana- da to the Masons attending the ninth congress of the Chambers of Com- merce, Sir Allan Aylesworth said that it had to be admitted the French habitants were subjects who were in every sense as truly loyal to the Em- Rive as any who could be found in ntario. It was to be regretted, he said, that closer harmony did not pre vall, between the two. provinces, as the whole allegiance of the French- Canadian was for the British Empire. TWO NEW LINERS. Athenia and Letitia, Costing $3,500, : 000 Each. Montreal, Sept. 25.--It was an nounced today by R. W. Redford, sident of the Robert Redford ig Line, --- oy gy 'WO huge now being built on the Clyde, and known names in C marine listofy of Athenia and Letitia, lost during the war, will be available for the Montreal run next season. It was learned this morning that the old Letitia cost £120,000 to build, while the new Letitia and the Ath- enia will cost £360,000. A -------------------------------- ¥ The original demands of the Backus interests and the town of Kenora in regard to the river timber limits will turn of the Government candidate. The Premier also states that if the extreniists fn the ranks of the labor | party were to get their way the solid | attainments of a generation would be! lost in a night. He says that the | British democracy has everything to | lose and nothing to gain by the | abandonment of constitutional meth. | ods. | The Government, free Liberals and labor are all represented in the fight. Major J. W. H. Thompson is the Liberal candidate and Joseph King the nominee of labor. The seat be- came vacant on the death of Sir Peter Griggs, M.P. Both Major Thompson and Mr. King have represented Some erset seats in the House as Liberals. Mr. King, who became noted for his | eccentricities in the House of Com- | mons, left that party to join the | labor faction. One Cent a Pound Montreal, Sept. 25.--It was learned here yesterday in wholesale sugar! circles that all Canadian sugar refineries will announce on Monday substan- tial reductions in all grades of refined sugar. The drop in price that is being planned will, it is understood, consist of the reduction of one cent per pound on . granulated wnd all other grades of refined sugar. 1It is learned that this reduction is not the result of concerted action on the part of sugar re- finers as was the case when the last drop was made, but is due to independent action instituted by one refiner. FOCH'S MIDNIGHT DRIVE To Longwy to Kneel at Grave of His So n. Metz, Sept. 12. (By Mail).--Short- ly after midnight the banquet of wel- come given here to the Knights of Columbus, at which Marshal Foch was the principal speaker, came to an end and the tired knights and ot- her guests hurried to bed. Not so Marshal Foch, Accompanied by a single aide-de- camp, he was seen to leave the hotel about one o'clock and enter a huge, grey military automobile. ? "Situation must be getting worse in Poland," everyone said who noted the departure of the marshal, "or else he should not travel to Paris by night." Few knew that Marshal Foch was making a sad pilgrimage to Longwy, ther® to kneél upon the grave of his son killed in action during an en- gagement in the early days of the war. But Foch had to be back in Paris the next day and could not spare the time to travel by day. SAY CORN BORER "IN ONTARIO CROP U. 8. Department of Agricul= | tyre to Bar Its Entry ; to States. Washington, Sept. 25.--Discovery of the European coin borer in the vicinity of St. Thomas, has caused the department of agriculture to send a pat of entomologists to Michigan to nfer with local agricultural inter- ests to forestall possible infection of the corn crop in that State. Exports of the bureau of Entomo- logy, the department announced, are concerned over the appearance of the corn pest in Canada, as certain sec- tions of New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania al- ready have been quarantined to keep the insect from making its way to the corn belt. The corn borer in Canada is far- ther west than heretofore reported on this continent, the department's an- nouncement said, and the corn affect- ed is of the Flint variety, which in New England and New York his age peared to be especially susceptible of jury by the over Canadian Held in Uruguay oe Secures His Release Montevideo, Uruguay, Sept. 25.-- Morris Fox, a Canadian citizen, who had been held in jail here for some time at the request of the United States police, on suspicion that he was Eugene Leroy, wanted in the 'United States in connection with the death of Mrs. Leroy, whose body was found in a trunk in New York, was re leased Wednesday. Fox intends to return. on board the British freight from which he was not be grant- [ed by the Ontarit Government. {sion in prices | chiefly from the cities taken 4 prisoner last week by the : re thoriti SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1920. PRICE DROPS TO BE GRADUAL May Be Several Years Before Period of Stable Costs Is Reached. Washington, Sept. 25.--A period of stable costs is not expected for several years. Secretary of the Treasury Houston declared yester- day afternoon. The secretary also said that he would not venture to pre- dict that the pre-war level of prices would be repeated. Such cuts in prices ag have been made in two or three quarters are significant of the tendency of the present time," he said, during a con- versation which alluded to the recent price-slash by Henry Ford. "I be- lieve there will be a gradual reces- but that a stable con- dition will not be reached for several years. ! "There are apt to be considerable fluctuations up and down, but 1 would not venture to say that the pre-war level will ever be reached." Altheugh there should be decided reductions in several governmental departments, the secretary believes that high taxation will continue for a considerable period. He said that estimates for the government appro- priations were now being prepared, bue he could not forecast whether he would be able to recommend any drastic reduction in taxation. "I cannot say he asserted, whether there will be any reduction in taxa- tion next year. The expenses of the government are increasing, but there | should be considerable saving in ap- propriations for the war department and the railroad adminfstration." The suggestion was made to the | secretary that an increase in cus- | But Crown Attorney Assures ! toms duties might aid very much in pp. : | producing more revenue, and also in | ugar gam 0 op | Protecting American industry. "If Europe is to pay her debts, she must be able to ship her pro-| ducts to the United States, he re- plied. "It will not do to put the tariff up too high. We must continue | to receive imports from the Euro- | pean nations if our exports are to be paid for." FRANCE AND SPAIN May Be Brought Into tionship, Madrid, Sept. 25.--Extensive ef- forts are being made both privately and officially in Spain to Lring closer together the relations between France and this country. Large num- bers of Spanish-French committees have been formed principally in the big cities with this object in view. A further step in this direction has just been taken by the organization of a congress in San Sebastian, where all the societies and committees in Spain and France working towards a better understanding meet this month to ex- change ideas. Three hundred and fifty delegates will attend, coming of Madrid, Paris, Bordeaux, Toulouse and San Sebastian. The most practical method oi bringing about the exchange of 'ideas between the two countries will be discussed. Closer Rela- SOUTH AFRICAN TRADE -- The Returns Show Enormous Incre- ase Over Last Year. Cape Town, Sept. 25.--The official trade returns of the Union of South Africa for the first quarter of 1920 show an enormous increase over the foreign trade of the corresponding quarter of 1919. Imports increased by well over 4,000,000 pounds sterl- ing and exports by nearly 9,000,000 pounds sterling, exclusive of raw gold. The total value of imports was 20,104,506 pounds sterling, and of experts, 29,038,334 pounds sterling, inciuding raw gold, which amounted to 8,191,455 pounds sterling, Exports of wool which amounted to 8,191,- 445 pounds sterling, Exports of wool were 10,839,107 pounds sterling, and for the first time on record, surpass- ed in value the raw gold exported. { France is Importing Much Raw Material Paris, Sept. 25.--The adverse for- eign trade balance of France during the last eight months shows a de- crease of more than 5,845,000,000 francs, compared with the same per- iod in 1919. Imports during the last year were about 16,000,000,000 francs over ex- ports. For the same eight months this year imports were 10.000,000,- 000 francs In excess of exports, and exports have shown more than 9,000, 000,000 francs increase. Most of the imports were raw uma- terials for construction and the ex-|' ports were large manufactured arti- cles. Holed Out fn One. Francis Ouimet, who as boy and man, has accomplished nearly every- thing possible in golf, was happy at Boston last week, ii realization of the ambition of all golfers. He holed out in one. Playing on the 8 of the Commonwealth Country Club, he drove off with a midiron from the third tee, with the hole 243 yards away. The lay is slightly down hill. The ball sped true, rolled to the flag stick and dropped into the cup. It was the first time he had holed out in a single stroke. De Printers n laly 'Genoa, Sept. 24.--The most orig- inal of the numerous seizures of plants by workmen occurred' Wed- nesday when the printers of the im- portant Conservative newspaper, Na- zione, occupied the premises and de- clared that they would manage the newspaper themselves. . OF WALES AS IRISH KING Dublin, Sept. 25.--At a meet- ing of the Wexford magistrates a resolution was introduced by Col. A. L. Bryan tc repeal the union with Britain and give the Prince of Wales the crown for Ireland as the best mgsans of uniting Ireland and realizing the Irish national aspiration. The resolution was defeated. STOP RUM-RUNNING AT BOUNDARY LINE United States and Dominion Officials to Co-operate In the West. Fargo, N.D., Sept. 25.--Establish- ment of a line of prohibition enforce- ment agents along the Canadian boundary and a system of close com- PRINCE | | munication between officers of the Dominion and United States is ex- | pected to follow a meeting of prohibi- | tion agents, sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys from several North Dakota | and Minnesota counties held today | at Grand Forks. A list of 40 automo- biles known to be in the hands of | profeSsional whiskey runners now in Canada or near the border, for the purpose of bringing liquor back into the United States, was before the conference, Fargo, officials declared. Perry C. Darby, a Fargo officer, stated that Royal Canadian Police officials and prohibition officers of the Dominion were present at the conference and declared more rigid action would be taken from now on to enforce the liquor laws under the provisions of the Canadian Temper- ance regulations. The officers are said to have declared that agents Lave the right to shoot on .cars re- fusing to obey the command to stop. |McNEAL IS PREPARED | TO REMARRY WIFE Her She Was Well and Truly Married. | Niagara Falls, David McNeal, and Ont., Sept. 25.-- | who is now in Well- | Jail awaiting trial on a charge | | of murdering four-year-old Margaret | Boucock in July, prepared to re- | marry his own wife yesterday. Mrs. McNeal, accompanied by a clergyman went to the jail and asked to be al- lowed to accept her husband again for better or worse. When originally married to McNeal in 1916, so she declared, he had not used his full name, which is said to be David Mec- Neal Walls. For that reason she fear- ed that the marriage was invalid. Crown Attorney Cowper assured her that she was well and truly married and there was no necessity for a re- petition 'of the ceremony. The clergy- man left without his fee. AUSTRALIAN FAILURE Winnipeg Laborite Condemns Regu- lation of Hours. Atlantic City, Sept. 25.--"'Govern- mental regulations of the hours for labor in Australia has proved to be a rank failure," according to Edward Parnell, Winnipeg, talking on the la- bor situation in Australia, before the convention of the American Associa- tion of the Baking Industry here, He declared that the unions there took advantage of the situation, the "time server' winning equally with the 'en- ergetic worker' as to wages which took away the encouragement of the man "who wanted to get along and improve himself", It would be dan- rgerous for: similar regulations to ob- tain on this continent," he declared and added that there was a general slow-up in production in Australia, because of this' condition. CANADIAN MINERS QUIET 'Will Not Strike 'in Sympathy With British Workers. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 26.--There is no danger that Canadian coal min- ers will strike In sympathy with a miners' strike in Great Britain, said Senator Robertson, Minister of La- bor, this afternoon. "The international union would never permit Canadian miners to go out in sympathy with the British ai ners, though they might agree to al- low the miners to refuse to mine coal for export to Great Britain--coal which would be used to ease the sit- uation there," he said. "However, as Canada is exporting no coal practically to England, thks would have little effect upon Can- adian industry." TEACHING OF ENGLISH Programme Adopted by Catholic Committee, Quebec, Sept. 25.--The Catholic Committee of the Council of Public Instruction at the last sitting adopt- ed the programme for the teaching of English in Catholic schools. A memorial presented on behalf of "L'Action Francaise," of Montreal, was left on the table to be consider- ed at the next meeting. It concerns the teaching of English and general teaching in primary schools. A protest received from former pupils of Christian Brothers' schools, against the letters published in Le Devoir, by Mgr. Ross, of Rimouski, was also left on the table for the next meeting. '@iving Apgics to An i Will Pick Them | Parkhill, Sept. 25.--Farmers are disappointed that the apple evapora- | tor will not be opened this fall on account of the building being, con-' demned. There is' an unusually | large crop of apples with few buyers. Prices offered are too low to tetipt many. Forty cents per ewt. for ap- ples on the tree and $1 per cwt. for hand-picked Winter apples are the highestsoprices offered. Farmers with | large orchards and a heavy crop ara' giving their apples away to anyone who will pick them, or are leaving | them on the trees, - | that is published of military jurb of St. Jobu. INVISIBLE BELTS LAST EDITION RIGID ENQUIRY IS BEING MADE | Into Irish Clandestine Warfare --Probe Morale of Troops And Police. London, Sept. 25.--The Goverie ment is anxiously concerned about the effect that the condition of ti clandestine civil war now preval in a large part of Ireland is having on the morale of the troops and cole stabulary. : A rigid inquiry is being made inte such deplorable incidents as the outs break of the 'Black and Tan" p : at Balbriggan and General Sir Nev! Macready, commander-in-chief in:Ires land, is determined to restore discis pline and punish the offenders, At the same time the authorities are not prepared to accept as true, without adequate proof, every story indis- cipline. Thus, it was pointed out to- day by a high authority, that one type of alleged outrage is frequently reported from different sections, ramely, that soldiers or police have driven at high speed through the town firing wildly on all sides in & wild west fashion. Investigation, it is believed, will prove that such incidents may some. times be explained by motor engines back-firing, with the result that noise of the exhaust has been mista~ ken by excited spectators for rifle shots, while in other cases where ac~ tual firing has taken place it can be shown that Sinn Feiners and not the police were responsible. 3 The government does not attempt to deny that there have been several most serious instances of soldiers or police wreaking reprisals on defenses less civilians, and it intends to take stern measures to make a repetition of such incidents impossible, for, as it was pointed out, setting aside for the moment, consideration of the suf- fering such outbreaks cause to inno- cent women and children, and most unfortunate effect they have on any hope of reaching a settlement of the Irish question, the government cannot be indifferent to the way in which lawlessness is affecting forces of the Crown. It cannot stant idly by while the discipline of the sol diers and police is undermined 3 sporadic bursts of violence and suppose that it could be a party them would be to assume that it embarked on a course of administras tive suicide. CUBAN PLANTER WINS NEARLY $9.000,000 Game of Baccarat Earns for Him Name of World's Greatest Gambler. - London, Sept. 26.--The heaviest baccarat winnings of the century, totaling nearly $9,000,000, have been gained by Hannibal De Masa, a Cuban sugar planter. His gains have earns ed for him in Europe the reputation of being the world's greatest gamb- ler. . His extraordinary run of luck started at Deauville, early in ust, His gains there were $700, At Aix.les Bains, where he with increased stakes and daring | of his Deauville winnings, he increa: ed his winnings by $2,000,000. Biarritz he added $6,000,000 by phenomenal string of luck, } At each table Masa adopts the paralleled procedure of dee "open bank," which usually is clared for one or two special eg He says that his bram is most and that he thinks fastest when game ing for big stakes. Competition for Jobs; Output Is Inc Chicago, Sept. 25.--Labor is competing for work, reversing conditions of a year ago, when i tries were bidding against each of for workers. Output "per man is increasing, which is always when there are more men lookft jobs than jobs looking for men) High wage scales for org labor have been untouched, ba creased production by the indi has reduced the labor cost in commodities. Also, there is closer adh to the eight-hour day. This less overtime at pay and a half double A effect | toa All of which is having an cutting the cost of living. CLAD ONLY IN SHIRT Faithful Brak oman Put Duty Be Decorum, Winsted, Conn., Sept. 25. Thomzz J. Doyle; of Waterbu New Haven Railroad bra stood at a grade crossing with a tern in his hand and nothing a shirt, a constable promptly ed him. Later he explaine court that he was in the changing his rain-soaked ° and before he could attire in his dry suit it became for him-to run to the crossin signal the dpproach of a loco $75,000 PURSE OFF2T Kentucky Bids for Race of | Turf Stars. J. Matt Winn, manager of . tucky Jockey Club, anmoune the Kentucky Jockey Club will off a purse of $75,000 for a race to run in Kentucky this fall { Man o° War, Sir Barton and minstor. The distance and the tiong of the race would Be form ed by the owners of the horses, "William Estey, aged $1, took life by hanging to a scantliag § yard of his home in ¥7 rville, &

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