BEER iors iain inpotariti t ottr r r T _~, 5) & (& 2 El Ej @ GE) @ [2 14 Phone 1988. 209% Discount OFF LIST PRICES ON ALL TUBES and PNEUMATIC TIRES WHILE THEY LAST. Cor. QUEEN and WELLINGTON Open Nights SUDDABY BROS. rm -- TE DA AAAAAAALILE | AAA LAAAAAAALM] AAA LAAs Gus in Ji) i swt fon) ii 2 A-43, %-in., 18 Price $1.00 For use in heavy service motors, trucks, tractors and farmengines The safe way to select efficient Spark Plugs Over three hundred man- ufacturers of motor cars, trucks, tractors, farm and stationary engines, motor boats, motor cycles and aero- planes, in Canada and the United States, have selected Champions asregularfactory equipment. They selected Champions to insure efficienteoperation of their motors--if you want that same dependable, effi- cient operation in your motor demand Dependable Spark Plugs Our famous "3450" insu- lators and compression-proof gaskets give to Champions a dependability that is greatly in excess of ignition service requirements. "Champion" on the in- sulator is your safest guide to efficient spark plugs. Sold where motor supplies are sold Champion Spark Plug Co. of Canada, Limited Windsor, Ontario Spark Plugs exclusively mmm IRIE @ 2 2) 2) @ a 22 Ie al dEEEEEETrEr EERE EEE REE lr EEE EERE EERE REE { | | | | | rately. I -------------------------- r THE DAILY In the Automobile World | ee Saeetittus antes rg rig TT | r | Newest Notes Of Solence Oe rd Australian flax growing experi- ments have succeeded and the gov- ernment will encourage the new in- dustry. A novel incubator hatches eggs that are placed within a glass bell with an electric lamp to supply heat. Of German invention is a (tea pot with a projection under the spout to prevent it dripping on a tablecloth. A "Massachusetts inventor has pa- tented a simple device for truing up automobile wheels quickly and accu- Crutches that are attached to a belt instead of extending to their us- ers' arm pits have been invented in England. A patent has been granted for a pistol that lights gas burners by shooting a stream of sparks from friction metal. Italian agriculturists and business men have formed an organization to | produce cotton in Southern Italy and | matically Sicily. A new automobile aecessory auto- compensates for worn by shortening the brake linings | throw of the hrake rods. Motion pictures have been made | up to a speed of 15,000 a second with | @ camera and lens invented by a | French scientist. | with sufficient A sleeping car has been patented room at the end of each berth for an occupant to stand erect to dress. Concrete sea going vessels built in | Norway and Sweden have been so | successful that Denmark is beginn- ing to build them. The metal cap of a new fruit jar | 1s slightly convex and by depressing the center the edges are sprung away | from the jar. Of European invention is an arti- ficial wood made from autumn leaves | ground, dried and compressed with a | binding material. Steel hampers for soiled clothing have been patented, occupying less space and being more easily cleaned than wicker ones. Tubes made of glue have been'in- | vented in Europe tor handling petro- | leum, gasoline and some gases in | place of rubber tubing. A Seattle woman is the inventor of a telegraph code that is said to pe the greatest saver of cable oils of | any yet devised. The chamber of deputies has ap- propriated almost 300,000,000 francs { for French military and commercial airplane development. To save closet space a new hat box hangs close to the ceiling by a# elastic cord and can be pulled aown when it is to be used. There are about 40,000 square miles of virgin forest and about 20,- 000 square miles of second growth timber in the Philippines. The tails of a duster coat designed for automobilists can be wrapped a- round a wearer's legs and buttoned to form loose trousers. The city of Lyon has opened a pro- fessional training school for the high- er technical and scientific develop- ment of French women. An Ohio inventor's attachment for potato diggers that loads the tubers Into sacks is claimed to do the work of six or eight men. An automobile radiator has been placed within a fly wheel by a Rou- manian inventor, the water being cooled as it is whirled around. After a new monkey wrench is tightened in the usual way it can be opened quickly by pulling out a lever cn one side of its handle. Locomotive cinders fed by auto- matic stokers and burned in a jet of fuel oil are successfully used as fuel in car shops in Budapest. A Wisconsin man is the designer of building blocks with herring-bone grooves on their upper and lower sur faces to make them interlock. Screening the plants from certain effects of sunlight, an English botan- 18t has produced purple nasturtiums, % color heretofore unknown. A compound lever, quick acting * Sade Motor fire engines were used in Boston 20 years ago. New York State uses 119,918 com- mercial motor vehicles. There are 231,501 motorcycles re- gistered in the United States. Asphalt was fist used in Paris as a road material fifty years ago. : France expended 15,000,000 francs abroad last year for motor spirits. In Panama there are 1,001 motor vehicles registered in the Canal Zone: Pennsylvania has thus far issued license tag numbers for 41,675 motor trucks for 1920. Eighty-five different trade names are shown on American-made pas- senger automobiles. In England a school of motoring has been established for the educa- tion of automotive engineers. Japanese chauffeurs must go to school and learn all about motor me- chanics before a license can be ob- tained. A baby motor taxi is operated in Yokohama, Japan, carrying but two passengers, at a charge of 25 yen per mile. Because the rule of the road is to keep to the left, England is about to restrict motor cars with left hand drives. Nineteen-twenty will go down In histofy as the greatest producing year, of the automotive industry in the United States. The United States Government pays for all automobiles used by the resident. Gasoline, oils and repairs are included. With a membership close to 10,~ 000, the Detroit Automobile Club is recognized as the largest city club in the United States. Owing to the heavy motor trucks which are coming into use in Tokyo, Japan, it has become necessary to rebuild 200 bridges. There are 12 different kinds of miles in the world uséd for measur- ing distances, and each one varies In length in different countries, The general staff of the armies of France owns and operates no less than 200 high-powered! American- \ 1 4 tire pump has been invented with a folding handle that permits it to be carried in an automobile tool box, The possibility of furnishing Rome with an effective waterway to the sea through the Tiber river again is at- tracting attention in Italy. A worm gear has been designed for use with small electric motors to reduce the speed of machinery ope- rated by them in a ratio of 28 to 1. Nearly every Chinese silk proeduc- ing center maintains a school of seri- culture or an agricultural school with that science as a department. For the use of bow legged men a light, flexible frome, has been invent- ed, to be strapped to a leg by a garter to make trousers hang straight. Through rail service between Ban- kok and Singapore has been made possible by linking the railways of Siam and the Federated Malay States A ball that rolls around inside a new spark plug for automobiles is in- tended by the inventor of the device to pjrevent accumulation of carbon. Weather conditions are reported and forecasts issued by radio tele- graphy from a number of places In France as frequently as seven times a day. The stand supplied with a new el- ectric flatiron contains on opening into which a curling iron can be plac- ed to be heated by the larger imple- ment. The government of the Dominican republic will establish an agricultu- ral experiment station and 'try to improve the quality of the native live stock. According to an Illinois man who has patented a violin almost cylindri- cal in shape it has all the tone quali- ties of the regular formed instru- ment. A Frenchman has invented a bicy- cle with additional propelling mecha- nism for the front wheel that it ope- rates a pumping motion of the han- dle bars. Both sides of a new handbag de- signed for women fold down from a bar to which the handle is attached, giving access to everything it con- tains at once. A German engineers are figuring on obtaining emormous power by divert- Ing water from the high level rivers of Southern Germany to the low le- vel system of the Main. A container for soap suitable for removing grease spots has been pat- ented that can be attached to tne handle of a whisk broom, where it 1s within reach when wantea. A motion picture projector built by a French scienyggt can be run in either direction so that any portion of the film can be used to emphasize a point in a lecture. To enable erasures to be made in type written manuscript without smearing carbon copies is the pur- pose of a bar td be placed on top of a typewriter to separate the sheets. A company has been formed in Au- stralia to manufacture the motor fuel known as natalite in Papua, where plants and trees have been found to yield 73 gallons of alcohol per ton. Finding the Canary Is Frequently Difficult dpe, If the grease cups of the car have not been neglected, one of the main sources of noise trouble has been av- oided. However, many an elusive rat- tle or squeak may come from some other cause. . For instance, there are loose bolts The fender may rattle, or the lamps, or the radiator, and often even the engine may work loose and give out a roaring, out-of-balance sound. The cure of these is to keep all bolts ana nuts tight. Also, watch the brake link rods. Squeaks here are hard to find, but can be detected by coasting down hill with some one on the running boara. The ood clip may squeak or the | windsi. old rattle, but most elusive is the top. A squeak from there is like the croak of a frog in a swamp. It's there, and then it isn't. Oil the places where metals touch. The best preventative is oiling wherever metal parts touch. . | DIGEST OF MOTOR NEWS. i made passenger automobiles. Scheduled production of one auto-. mobile factory in Detroit for the coming year provides for 260,000 tractors and © 1,250,000 passenger Cars, A total of 8,692 motor vehicles was in service with the American Ex- peditionary Force. Of this number there were 8,000 passenger cars and 26,000 trucks. ctor plows operating near Me- dan, Sumatra, are turning up 20 acres of ground in five hours, which, it is claimed, would have taken 100 coolies one working day to perform. Queen Marie of Rumania is a popu- lar motorist among the royal families of Europe, and she is seen taking many long trips throughout her coun- try it a high-powered motor ear. It has been estimated that the sa- turation point of automobiles will not be reached until the world has 30,000,000 cars. Today it has ap- proximately 10,000,000, of which the United States has 7,800,000. Miss de Milhau, wearer of the Croix de Guerre, is a motorcycle speed cob in Southampton, L.I. In 1916 Miss de Mithau went to France with a motor ambulance equipment for work in the war zone. " "Travelling" grocery stores are Spersiing in the Middle West, con- structed on a large motor chassis for thé convenience of rural communi- ties. Therb is no rent, heat nor light to pay, ani the provisions are offered for sale at wholesale prices. A recent discovery was made by the Manchester (England) College of Technology of a new vulcanizing | process. The importance of the dis- | covery is said to He in the fact that | it makes cold 'vulcanizing possible, | and is expected to have far-reaching effects on thie rubber tire industry. | Motor cars at present are licensed i only for business purposes in Ger- | many, and police traps are comstant- | ly set in the vicinity of race tracks, | suburban resorts, etc., especially on | Sundays, to see that automobiles are | being used only on business errands and only by persons to whom the li- cense hag been granted. Vee BRITISH WHIG Donse BROTHERS 4 NOOR SEDAN In these days of mounting costs, the steady economy of the Sedan stands out in pleasant relief. TLD ONO Here is comfort of the highest order at a most moderate monthly outlay for operation. SS NERNNESN The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high, IAA INI LETT. M. OBERNDORFFER 124 CLARENCE ST. PHONE 1904. IEEE EH RRB EE -------- Samson Tractors, Trucks | and Plows, Etc. Here is the very best proposi tion that any farmer ever heard of in real "made for the farmer" trucks and tractors. Similar to the many products of General Motors Corporation, the Samon Trucks and Tractors give you the very best value for your Toney snd are not by any means, : an inferior product. e have a model "M"" Samson Tractor on hand and we invite your inspection. One glance and you will know that we have a real proposition. Get in line for a demonstration. Blue | Garages, Limited Phone 567. : Get a Fordson Tractor for your fall work on the farm. It will do your work much cheaper and quicker. Make it a point to see the Ford Cars and Fordson Tractor exhibit at the Kingston Exhibition. VANLUVEN BROS. Ford Dealers and Service. ils