Wheat Certificates THs Bank has special facili- | ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel as authorized by the Wheat Board. THE 1 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Mm Capital, Surples and Undivided Profits $8,360,537.09. KINGSTON BRANCH J. F, ROWLAND - Manager A ic AN ot Nr) A Wet Dry. Patient Parent on earth is the matter now? Young Hopeful (who before, ine They All Are. "She says she has an band." "How long have they ried?" "Three weeks." "S8hucks all husbands are ideal for the first three weeks." Up To Date, Rough Customer--I want me ple- ture took. Photographer -- Certainly, Would you like a carte or a cabinet Rough Customer- ft? Nayther. Oi'll haye bile In it or nawthin.' The Purchasin Value of To-day's Dollar must necessarily in- crease when commod- ity prices decline. It is therefore in your interest to save every ) Ponitle when prices are high. When the Prine of * ities do settle down to lower levels your money will not only have greater pur. \asing power, but you will have the interest which has accumu- ! in Meantime if you t your savings ay in the savings department of - 18,000,000 - 230,000,000 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. N. Lyster, Manager, KINGSTON -Well, child, what has been ' bathing with his bigger brother)-- 3 Willy dropped the towel in the water and he's dried me wetter than 1 was ideal hus- been mar- sir. | ---Cart or cab In| an auttymo- | . ---------- aah 34 Markets, Reports GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Montreal. Montreal, Sept. 24.--Oats, No. 2 CW, $1.05 to $1.06; No. 3 CW, $1.03% to $1.04%. Flour, new standard grade, $14.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs, $4.75 to $4.90. Bran, ton, jcar lots, $31.00. i - i Winnipeg: Winnipeg, Sept. 24.--Wheat, No. 1 North " $2.78; No. 3 Northern, $2.74; No 4 Northern, $2.59; No. 5 Northern, $2.49; track, Manitoba, $2.77; track, Saskatchewan, $2.76; track, Alberta, $2.75 Oats--No. 2 C.W., 803(c; No. 3 C. W., 763¢; extra No. 1 feed, 76% c; No. 1 feed, 75%; No. 2 feed, 7T2%¢; track, 783¢. Barley--No. 3 C. W., $1.18%; No. 4 CW, $1.097%; rejected, $1.03%; feed, $1.037% ; track, $1.157%. Flax--No. 1. N. C, W., $3.47; No. 2C. Ws $3.39; No. 3 C.W. $3.10; condemned, $3.00; track, $3.45. Rye--No. 2 C.W., $2.01. Toronto. Toronto, Sept. 24. wheat--No. 1 Northern, No. Northern, $2.78%; No. 3 Northern, $2.77%; No. 4 wheat, $2.56 %,.in store Fort William. Manitoba oats 3 C.W., 763%c; extra No. 1 feed, 7033¢; No 1 feed, T43%c, in store Fort William Manitoba barley--No. 3 C.W., $1.- a1; No. 4 C.W., $1.14; rejected $1.01; feed, $1,01, in store Fort Wil- liam, American corn--No, 3 yellow, $2; rominal track, Toronto; prompt ship- ment, Ontario oats--No. 3 white, ~-- Manitoba 2.78%; 70 to Ontario wheat---No. 2 Winter, per car lot, $2.30 to $2.40, shipping { points, according to freights. | Peas--No. 2, nominal. Darley--$1.30 to $1.35, {to freights outside, Buckwheat--No. 2, nominal. Rye--No. $1.76, nominal, cording to freights outside. Manitoba flour---$13.25, new crop. Ontario Flour--$10.40 to $10.50, { bulk sea-board. « Milfeed--Car lots--Delivered Mon- treal freights, bag included--Bran, per ton, $52; shorts, per ton, $61; good feed flour, $3.75. according ac- New York. New York, Sept. 24.--Flour mar- Ket unsettled; spring patents, $12.- 75 to $13.50: do clears, $10.25 to $11.25; winter straights, $11.25 to $11.50; Kansas do, $12.25 to $13.25. Rye Flour--Market easy; fair to good, $10 to $10.50; choice to fancy, $10.55 to $11. White Corn Flour--Market dull; $4 to $4.10 per 100 Ibs. Cornmeal -- Market dull; yellow granulated and white, $3.90 to $4. Rye--Market steadier; No. 2 west- ern $2.21% f.o.b. New York and $2.05 c.i.f. domestic. Barley -- Market easy; feeding $1.10 to $1.15 and malting $1.22 to $1.23 c.i.f. New York. Wheat---Spot market firm; No. 2 red and No. 2 hard $2.69% spot c. Lf. track New York and No. 2 mixed durum $2.70 e.i.f. to arrive. Corn--Spot market easy; No. 2 yellow $1.52 of. New York, 10-day shipment. Oats--Spot market barely steady; No. 1 white, 76c. ---------- Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 24. -- Wheat--No. 1 red, $2.51%; No. 2 red, $2.51%. Corn--No. 2 mixed, $1.28 to $1.- 23%; No. 2 yellow, $1.29% to $1.- Oats--No. 2 white, 62 to 62%; No. 3 white, 603¢ to 61%ec. Rye--No. 2, $1.91* to $1.921%. Barley--93c¢ to $1.07. Timothy Seed--$5.00 to $7.50. Clover Seed---$20 to $25, Pork---Market nominal, Lard--$20.85, Ribs--$17.75 to $18.50. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Sept. 24.--Flour un- The Relation of a Bank to its Customer J "The Bank of Toronto is a busi- ness bank We have been commercial 'operations, financing developing and advising as to business policies, and facilitating the legitimate of Canadian business growth fot 65 years." "Our services to business men are intimate and personal. grown away We have not from a knowledge of the individual needs of every customer." Bank of Toronto information and ex- perience may be helpful. Consult us, "BANK-TORONTO Resarvee 36,700,008 Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent $2.81; No. 2 Northern, | No. 2 C.W,, 793¢; | changed; shipments 54,556 bls. Bran, $40.00 to $42.00. Wheat--Cash No 1 Northern, $2.54 to $2.62; Decem- ber, $2.42. Cors--No. 9 yellow, $1.20 to $1.22. Oats--No. 3 white, 57% to 58%c¢. Flax--No. 1, $3.22 183.25. LIVE STOCK PRICES, i Toronto, | 'Toronto, Sept. 24.--Choice heavy steers, $14.00 to $14.50; good heavy steers, $13.25 to $13.50; butchers' cattle, choice," $12.50 to $13.00; do, | {good, $11.75 to $12.00; do., $10.00 to $10.50; do.., 00 to $8.50; bulls, choice, $10.00 to $19.75;-~do., good, $9.00 to $9.25; {do., rough, 6.00 to $8.00; butchers' | cows, choice, $10.25 to $11.00; do., good, $9.00 to $9.75; do., common, $6.25 to $7.25; stockers, $7.50 to $5.- | 50; feeders, $10.25 to $11.00; can- (ners and cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; | milkers, good to choice, $100.00 to | $185; do., common and medium, [$65.00 to $75.00: lambs, yearling, 1$8.75 to $10.00; do., spring, $13.75 ito $14.25; calves, good to choice, $17.00 to $19.00; sheep, $3.00 to 1 $8.25; hogs, fed and watered, $20.- 50 to $21.00; do., f.o.b., $19.50 to $20.00; do., do., country points, 1 $19.25 to $19.75. | -- -- New York. New York, Sept. 24 Cattle-- Steers, $9.00 to $15.75; common to good bulls, $6.60 to $8.50; common |to good cows $3.00 to $9.00. Calves--Steady; veals, $15 to $21; jeulls. $12 to $14; grassers, $7 to | $9.25; fair to good westerns, $11.35 {to $13.25. Sheep (ewes), $3.50 to { $7.50; culls, $2 to $3; yearlings, $8 to $10; lambs, $11.00 to |culls, $8 to $10. Hogs--Medium | weights, $18.25; pigs and heavy |hogs, $17.50 to $18.25; roughs, | $13.50 to $14.00. Buffalo. | Buffalo, Sept. 24. -- Cattle ~-- | Market steady: Calves--NMarket, {$1.00 higher at $6 to $21. Hogs-- | Heavy, $18.25 to $18.60; mixed, 1 $18.60 to $18.75; yorkers, $18.75 |to $18.90; light do. $18 to $18.75; { pigs, $18; roughs, $14.50 to $15: stags, $9.00 to $11.00 Lambs, $6 | wethers, $7.50 io $8.00; ewes, $3 | to $7; mixed sheep, $7 to $7.50. Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 24.--Cattle--Top | Steers, $18.25; bulk steer offerings, | plain and medium grassers selling | largely $10.50 to $14; in-between | grades, steers and she stock slow, | weak; canners and cutters steady; | desirable beef and bologna bulls | steady; others lower; calves steady; bulk good vealers, stockers and feeders 25¢ butchers, $17.00 packing sows, $16 to $16.25; pigs strong to 25c¢ higher: bulk desir- able kinds, $16.50 to $17.00. Sheep and lambs--Top natives. 314.00; bulk, $12.50 to $13.50; no good westerns; fat ewes mostly 25¢ low- er; heavy natives," $6.00; handy weights, $6.25 to $6.50; feeders, steady. to $17.50; bulk GENERAL PRODUCE. Potatoes, Belleville, $1.25 to $1.50, Kitchen- er, $1.10 to $1.25; Brantford, $2.25; Hamilton and St. Thomas, $2; King- ston, $1.50; Owen Sound and Strat- ford, $1 to $1.25, and Woodstock, $2 per bag. Adi Butter, Belleville, 70¢ to 72c¢; Kitchener, 85¢c to 68c; Brantford and Stratford, 65c to 68c;, Brantford and Stratford, 62¢ to 65¢; Chatham, 70c; Hamilton, 68¢c to 70c; Kingston, 55¢ to 67c; Owen Sound, 58¢c to 60c; Port Hope, 68c; Sarnia, 65¢ to 70c; St. Thomas, 68c to 70c; and Woodstock, 62c to 70c per pound. Eggs. Belleville, 58c to 62¢; Kitchener, 65c; Brantford, St. Thomas and Woodstock, 63¢ to 65c; Hamilton, 68c to 70c; Owen Sound, 54c to 56¢; Port Hope, 55¢; Chatham and King- ston, 60c; and Stratford, 60c to 62¢ per dozen. Chickens. Belleville and Woodstock, 30c to 35c; Kitchener, 42¢; Brantford, 40c to 42¢; Hamilton, 40c to 45¢; King- ston and Owen-Sound, 26c to 85¢; Port Hope, 36c to 37c; Sarnia, 40c; St. Thomas, 35¢ to 38c; and Strat- ford, 36¢c to 40c per pound. Barley. Belleville, Brantford, Port Hope, Stratford, $1.25; Kitchener, $1.30; Chatham, $1.20; Hamilton, $1.20 to $1.25; Owen Sound, $1.20 to $1.25; and St. Thomas, $1.35 to $1.40 per bushel. Oats. Belleville and Owen Sound, 70c¢ to 75¢; Kitchener, 78c; Brantford, Kingston, Port Hope, St. Thomas and Woodstock, 75¢; Chatham, 66c; Hamilton, 76¢ to 80c; Stratford, 80c per bushel. ! THE KINGSTON MARKET Kingston, Sept. 24. Dalry Pr Creamery butter, 1b, Dairy butter Whey butter ... Butter, rolls 65 to 36 to 35 to CR Oleomargarine Cheese ses ecentraneas i -- Chickens, dressed, 1b... Hens, dressed, 1b .... Meats, Beef : - Porterhouse steak, 1b. .. 40 to Round steak, Ib. ........ 30 to Rib roast, 1. ,........ 25 to Boiling cuts, 1b. ...... 15 to Western Sarvsse. ewt ....%20 to estern hinds, cwt ..., Pork : nie Loin roasts, 1b. .. 30 to Rib roasts, 1b. sesece.e 20 to Pork chops, 1b... 0 to «rae $27 to 28 Hogs, live weight Hogs, a Lamb: Pe Nr 25 to 25 to ressed, cwt, ' medium, | common, $7,- | $15.75; | $17.50 to $18; | lower. | Hogs--Top, $17.80; bulk light and | _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Fronts, 1b, Hinds, Ib. 254 30 30 5 to 40 5 to 40 9x 20 Chops, he Mutton, 1b, Vegetables. Baets, bunch Cabbage, head Celery, bunch Lettuce, bunch New Potatoes, pelk 'ers to Carrots, bunch Bananas, doz Grape fruit Lemons, doz. Oranges, doz. 'Peaches, basket (Tomatoes, basket 65 to 1.50 | + 75 to 1.00 Ciscoes ,. os .. .. .. Cod, 1b. ... Eels, 1b. Flounders, lb. Filets, Ib. an Finnan haddie, 1b, .. Haddock, fresh, Ib .... | Halibut, 1b | Herring, fresh, Ib. {Kippers, pr. ....... | Mackerel, 1b. . | Perch, 1b, .. | Pike, 1b. | Rockfish, 1b. {Salmon, 1b ... Steak, vod, 1b. U'rout, salmon. Whitefish, fresh Hides and Wool. | Beef Hides, No. 1 10¢ per 1b, Lambs 50c up to 90 up to $1.00 Deacons | Sheep skins Horse Hides up to $65.00 | Tallow, No. 1. Sc per lb. Unwashed Wool, coarse, price per 1b 16 to 23 Washed wool, coarse, 1b. 20 to 30 Shearlings 35 $1.25 Bran, ton Cer 58. | Buckwheat, bush. .. 1. | Hay, baled, ton 34. | Hay, loose, ton ... 26. | Corn, yellow feed, bush | Flour, standard (Gov't) cwt. . 7 { Oats, Man., bush. 1.8 | Oats, local | Shorts, ton | Straw, baled, ton , | Straw, loose, ton | Wheat, bush. 9 12.00 to 15. THE MAN ON WATCH After Dr. Edwards' long speeches {in the maritime provinces, the Un- | icnist government candidates simply | kad to win out by long majorities. The people are getting used to the early closing of the 'drug stores jus: as they are to paying higher taxes. | The druggists are finding out, too, what they have missed by not clos- ing early years ago. Jush think of it! A United States gunboat hanging around Ogdensburg te prevent good Canadian whiskey getting into New York state, Quebec, the most backward of all the Canadian provinces, is now going ahead. Its progress dates from the time the other provinces voted liquor out. The druggists in convention at To- ronto complained that the boards of | health are dominated by medical doc- tors. And who should dominate a | board of health? A taxi driver or a | printer. More boys who attend bible and catechism classes on Sunday after- noons steal from gardens than boys who do not go to these places of spi- ritual and moral instruction. Did you ever watch and see the lads made a | dash for the fruit trees when freed from Sunday classes? Dr. Spankie apparently has the ear of the Weather Man, for the Wolfe Island exhibition has the fairest of days. The doctor might put in a word for "Bob" Bushell. The Kingston bride who was bump- ed by an automobile, when setting out on her honeymoon the other day, did not get a very good start in wed- ded life. The wedding procession, like the ambulance and fire apparatus, should have the right of way on a street, but might announce itself by ringing the wedding bells, -- x That's a pretty interesting pro- gram annQunced for '"Tom" Assel- stine's high court sitting at the court house next week. There should be a good attendance, With a college fiourishing in that locality, the far north end of the city should take on a more cultured air. The fork will surely take the place heretofore alleged to have been monopolized by the knife. Down at Iroquois they have a spi- ritualistic ofganization composed of | some good church people. Lately they | tried to get in communication with | one of the brethren who had recently | passed away but-found that he had not yet reached the place of spirits. | They are wondering how long it | takes to get there. | Whenever the origin of a fire 13 rot clearly in evidence, the poor old electric wires get the blame, when the cause of the conflagration might bave been a cigarette or a mouse. All automobile troubles on the roads are-not caused by liquor but seme reeent occurrences certNnly were. "Wine and women' are stili the cause of many troubles, particul- arly after dark when motor cars "burn up" the roads. i --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. Revenge Is Sweet. "There are compensatons for most things!" said Mrs. Wilkins. 'Poor James was run over by a motor car yesterday, but he had a smiie on his face' when 'they took him to the hospital." "Why the smile?" "He was carrying home a rake at the time, and it punctured a tire." SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1920. THE MERCHANT NOw The banking requirements of mérchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility mower ready. All makes sharpened promptly. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. | I'hone 2056J. is the time to get your lawa Don't walt un- -til the grass is ahead of YOU. repaired and is assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brymner, Manager. Estimates given by, 21 Main Street. Ph SUIT NOW Call and pick out now for your new Sul We make both Ladies Men's Suits. SLATEX SHINGLES SLATEX ROOFING WATERTITE ROOFING See our window display. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. M. YAMPOLSKY 349 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2110, Phone 216. | feb ft ie Our Golden Jubilee Sgr The Spirit of the Mutual L277 78 URL iii HE spirit of the Mutual is reflected in the well-known slogan of the company --* we aim to furnish the largest amount of sound life insurance for the least possible outlay." 2 GL " Y The spirit of the Mutual is therefore the spirit of public service, and to achieve its purpose, much unselfish effort and even of sacrifice has gone into the building up of the organization. . The good of the many, not personal profit, is the secret of the wonderful success of the Mutual of Canada. LI, a To see such an altruistic institution as the Mutual Life of Canada planted and grow- ing, and year by year widening the area of its protecting branches is the motive of the lead- ers of the company. SHH In the last five years the business of the company has doubled; the next five will probably see a similar development. Fifty years of Public Service have revealed to the people of Canada the spirit of the Mutual which is the spirit of co-operative service. Z JL a di Be a Mutualist { The Mutual Life of Canada Waterloo, Ontario S. Roughton, District Agent Kingston, Ontario. oA gz 70 EEE Noosa EXHIBITION KINGSTON, ONTARIO SEPTEMBER. 28-29-30th, OCT. 1. 2nd, 1920 $20,000 IN PREMIUMS, ETC. vr aT A visit 30 She: Fair makes children cheerful, mothers merry, fathers feel fine, grandma gay, An exhibition you all have been waiting for. > ' The prise list has been extended, and in allclasses the prize money has been increased. » Departmental Judges for all classes, eliminating all unfair dealings. i Trials of speed daily. Do' not miss this treat--the best Kingston ever had. Band daily. Prof. Ji E. Hardy will x high wire daily, performing feats never before witnessed on pis hgmarriimdy y periors on a 1 America's largest Hippodrome has been sectced. Ask our visitors of last year as to our efforts to plxise. : for motto: "Equal rights to all--special privileges to none--and a little different from the Do not fail to get a Prize List. . Inquiries solicited. Watch the newspapers for other special features. J. 8. SIBBETT, ROBT. J. BUSHELL, Boc.-Treasurer 'and Manages, I v Admission to the big show:--Adults, 85¢.; Children, 10e, ORDER YOUR FALL : he cloth and Prices reasonable. You can also bring In the cloth and we will make it up for you. i BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? O. Aykroyd & Son ond 16 It is certainly more blessed to give up without a struggle than it is te receive it in the neck from a sand