Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1920, p. 6

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1 i 6 I $ THE DAILY BRITISH' WHIG THURSDAY, SEPT. 2s, "1920. THE BRITISH WHIG 87th YEAR. Published Dally and Semli-Weekly by THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO.,, LIMITED President Editor and J. G. Elliott Leman A. Guild aging Director touch with crop conditions through- | of such # TELEPHONES: Business Office Editorial Rooms Job Office 202 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) y One year, delivered in city One year, if paid in advance ..... One year, by mail to rural offices One year, to United States (Semi-Weekly Edition) ~One year, by mall, cash One year, if not paid in advance § One year, to United States $ 8ix and three months pro rata. ¥ Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual name of the 'writer. 3.00 $1.00 1.50 1.50 ete, i Attached Is one of the best job print- , ing offices In' Canada. The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations. IPN NAA AANA INN One can't get on by staying off the Job. Living is one of the few items worth what it costs. Apparently the dove of peace has Joined the swallow. One's past confronts him when he gets into heaven or runs for office. If Li Shun makes China powerful he will need to lie low 'and shun 'Japs. The American attitude is that tha Slav has a right te Werk out his own damnation. Very likely the man who first call- ed it glorious war was a manufac- turer of crutches. Labor calls the tune, capital keeps the box office, the government fiddles, and the public pays the bill. A lot of people who get double prices for their products are very indignant because railway rates have gone up. ¥ It was a "time" bomb that ex- ploded in Wall Street, but it sent a lot of innocent people into eternity. ~-Toronto Star. John D. Jr, is afraid his children won't be democratic, and this late in- crease in the price of gasoline will doubtless add to his worries. A newspaper that continually poses @8 the friend of the big interests can never be the friend of the people. The public cannot be deceived for long. A visitor from London, says the Montreal Star, had his pockets rifled twelve times in Chicago. Now he 'mnderstands what {is meant by *'American pep." ; eh The public, says the Toronto Globe, | waiting to hear the Railway Com- missioners order the Bell Telephone company to ring off. It will prob- ably wait a long while. - "Henry Ford has reduced the price of his car to a pre-war time basis. det every other manufacturer his example and the high cost of living will disappear. W § Bir George Foster, like Premier : , does mot believe in class gov- ernment. Responsible government, : says, is the last word in the ex- arience of the human race. "The German army of 1914 was a magnificent tool. Never again will C any find another army of the © mame temper," said Marshal Foch in & recent interview. That is good news, at least. {The country fair has been more porous this year than ever before. Aid the small exhibitions have been "generously patronized. They serve useful purpose, and their success is matter for congratulation, st when the miners of the ted States decide to go back to work, comes word that the O.B.U. - close up the coal mines of Al- r The consumer stands little ee of secing the price of coal ced during the coming winter.' GOOD CROPS IN CANADA. The Dominion of Canada has good jthis year to observe Thanks- ig Day in a reverent and thank- : Throughout "all our vast pain, from the wind-swept shores if the Atlantic to the peaceful flapes of the Pacific coast, the har- if 1920 has been bountiful and ing. A crop failure to-day «ere 229) ould have meant disaster, A final estimate of the 1920 crop | {has been prepared by the Northwest | | Grain Dealers' Association, showing | !the yield in the three prairie pro-| 1 vinces as follows: Wheat, 14,026,000 {acres at 15.2 bushels per acre, 213, | 245,000 bushels; oats, 10,973,500 | acres at 32.8 bushels per acre, 359'. 000,000 bushels; barley, 2,108,000 | {acres at 23.5 bushels per acre, 49, | 1528,000; rye, 237,500 acres at six- | teen bushels per acre, 4,400,000 | bushels; flax, 1,181,000 acres at 7.1 | bushels per acre. "Reports indicate, says the Mone- tary Times, that less than 25 per jcent. of the crop will be under three | { degrees, so that if favorable weather | | conditions continue until after | threshing is completed, the crop as a | | | |w whole should be above the average. The above figures should be con- | {sidered reliable, in view of the fact | {that they represent the combined | {Judgment of those most closély in| {out the western provinces. THE FARMERS AND THE TARIFF. | The studied utterances of N. P | $6.00 | Lambert, secretary of the Canadian | the people and the throne. 35-29 | Council of Agriculture, in his pre- [Mikado really wants to learn how | sentation of the claims of the farmers | before the Tariff Commission is in striking contrast to the erratic states { ments sometimes made a! farmers' | meetings. The tariff is a very fine {thing for organization purposes. You can tell the farmers how they are being robbed by the manufacturers ion every hand with the assistance and connivance of the government in rower; that there are no honest mnem- bers of parliament fit to legislate where the interests of tha farmers are involved. But when a man 1s {called upon in his official capacity as a farmers' representative, as Mr. Lambert is, it is well to study care- fully what he has to say. After presenting the views of the Canadian Council of Agriculture. a body that assumes the responsibility of voicing the grievances and claims of the farmers of the country, he says, in dealing with suggestions for raising revenue: "It is not the desire of those representing ithe farmers' |piatform to bring about any imme- {diate drastic changes in the customs | tariff or the fiscal policy of this coun- {try which would endanger the busi- ness interests of the country as a whole." In urging greater efforts to increase the returns from the income tax, he oxpresses the brue: that $£200,0006.000 could be raised where only $80,000,000 was so raised last vear, and that the policy of direct taxation carried out in this way, with the addition of a tax on land, woull bs preferable to the presant sygtemn by which everybody pays a share of the revenue raised from the customs taxes. Tne foregoing serves to show that when a man is placed in a position that calls for very serious considera- tion {t is necessary to 2p within the brucds of reason, Mr. Lambert ap- pears to pin his whole cuss upon the views entertained respecting two lines of industry, the textile manufac- turers and implement makers. His complaint is that the raw materials used were imported free, but the fin- ished article was protected, and de- clares that 'a system that permits a comparatively few men to capital- ize the need of a whole nation in the establishment of an industry which is anything but indigenous to Canada is wrong, and we maintain that such injustice should be speedily correct- ed." In other words we ought not to have cotton factories because the cot- ton is grown in another country. What -would become of the millions of workers in Britain if cotton and wool could not be imported to afford them employment? We can, accoré- ing to Mr. Lambert, import manufae- tured cotton goods, but not manufac. tured farm products. Britain, owing to the limitation of her natural re- sources to coal, iron and tin, should, it Mr. Lambert's ideas were carried out, confine her activities to mining, her chief "indigenous industry," but the enterprise and resource of her capitalists built up the greatest com- mercial and industrial centre in the world by importing the necessary raw materials, and employed millions of her people who would otherwise have had to emigrate in vastly in- creasing numbers to other countries. Canada possesses an abundance of coal and water powers, and it is ab- surd to argue that we should not im- port the necessary raw materials free and manufacture articles for both home requirements and export. This is not "capitalizing the need of a whole nation." Dritain was able to capture the world's trade and become the world's financial centre because of her in- dustrial efficiency without which she could not have sustained her popu- lation. She was forced to adopt free trade by reason of her need of raw materials and foodstuffs, without which she could never have produced cheaply enough to compete foreign industries, but she po coal and iron in abundance and constituted the basis upon which of her industries were built. In Canada we possess the advan- tages of coal and iron, and in addi- tion, we have water power, and we should not be content to export our raw materials, but should endeavor to create of them a constantly grow- ing source of national wealth, con- currently with agricultural develop- ment, and by the maximum produc- culture alone. The Tariff Commis- sion is now doing the very thing that the Council of Agriculture would be compelled to do, upon Mr. Lambert's own statements, to carry out the policy it advocates. When the evi- dence is all in, the gcvernment will be in a position to arrive at a decision regarding the best coursa to pursue; when the next budget is being pre- pared. In the meantime, it is pretty | safe to predict that the wishes of the farmers will be met as far as it Is| possible to do so. » Safely Ieave It To Labor. (London [Free Press.) When the Bolshevizing the world tour begins--Canadian Labor will know how to deal with emmissaries | creatures as Lenine and Trotsky! An Expert. (New York Evening Sun.) There is a movement in Japan to- ward lessening the distance between If the let him write to the Prince of Wales. Aro We Thankful? (Woodstock Sentinel-Review.) Canadians have much for which to | be thankful; but it is one of the cur- fosities of human nature that the more reason a man has to be thank- ful the less likely he ig to give thanks. By Their Fruits, (Buffalo News.) This Soviet system which the Len- ines and Trothlys would force upon America and all other nations not now of the faith would wipe out not only democracy but kindness and tolerance; it would destroy the heri- tage of civilization, while hatred, suspicion and cruelty would become normal in the relations of human beings, MUSINGS OF THE khan} Lost on the Field of Battle! It will take us all the rest of our lives and then some to realize what we lost in the Great War. Near me in the heart of Ontario is a beautiful country and it is full of Germans. I liked them folks. If you want to see beautiful women and lovely chil- dren you ought to make a trip to Kitchener and hang*around there for a week ur two. They have fantastic, and in some cases altogether unpro- nounceable, names, that the Hebrew strain is strong there, for I have seen Queen Esther flash by in her car, and out in the wonderful eeuntry Ruth hath leaned upon her hoe and watched me as I passed along the highway. Ah! those German girls were, and are, adorable--one of them, particu- larly, and she was always in the Wigwam, even when she wasn't there. But--she walked into my den one afternoon in the darkest days of cur agony and she had the cheek, the nerve, the cruelty to defend the action of-the Huns in sinking the Lusitania. "Serve them right if they were drowned," she said coldly, "and your Edith Cavell got her just deserts," I put her out! I feared that if Sar' Ann got wise she would scold her-- tear her to pieces--obliterate her. I knew that at that very moment Orp- phie Sevehpiper was sitting on 'the milkhouse steps knitting socks for soldiers. Aunt Luéy's only boy gave Ids life at St. Julien and she was in her room praying for his soul--for His mercy endureth forever, and who be they, forsooth, who dare tell us os _---- The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd. PHONE 597 Spring Lamb FRONTS .. ho uiivic iio no de Sat LOINS ...itotiiionin STEWING .. oc. Beef STEWING.. .... : ... BOILING CUTS .. . ROUND STEAK .. SIRLOIN STEAK .. GREEN PICNIC HAMS SMOKED ROLL BACON .. .. .. .... 45c TINSSALMON ............... 2for 3Be. FINEST BLACK TEA . PUBLIC OPINION | Br E00 0 0 rr GBR | I am convinced | i |tion turn the balance of trade in our | we shall not pray for our 'glorious! favor. This cannot be done by agri-| dead--and where do these anti- Christs get their scripture for it? There were more things drowned than women and children when the Lusitania lurched down into the aepths. The whole German Empire went down with her, Kaiser and all | Pharoah and his hosts were swallow- | ed up in the Red Sea--the Hohen- zollern and his crowd were engulfed when the Lusitania went down into the dark. : So this German girl took herself off and I never saw her again till to- day at the fair. It happened in the machinery building of all places. I realized that someone was watching | me intently and I looked about me | to discover who it was. And then I | saw her. She is thinner, but lovelier | than ever, and now I know that I can | never forgive the Kaiser and his gang Their iniquity can never be measur- | ed. It is so monstrous that their for- | giveness cannot be contemplated. To | hang the wretches would be no sat- | Isfa tion--anyhow they do die daily. I am getting sick of traitors in- | side the Empire. The folk to the | south of us call their country the { Land of the Free. They are wrong. { This is the land of the free. This is the only country under heaven that I know of where you can open- | ly preach and teach treason and ger | away with "it. You couldn't do it in | Red Russia, you'd be shot for break- |'fast--and you dare not do it in tne { United States--you would be hanged | to the first lamp post. { I know this girl's pedigrees. Her grandfather was starved ont of Ger- | many and came to Canada penniless. | He tramped up the Dundas and Wa- terloo road with a bundle cn his back and begged a drink of milk ana some bread and butter from my grandfather. Now they are a damn sight fetter off than I am! A pretty good country--what! There was a group of one-legged soldiers near us being instructed in| some intricate machinery, ana a blind boy was presiding over a heap of auto literature. She held out a slim white hand to me and laughed a little gurgly laugh "Is the war over yet?" she asked, and she ne'er looked so beautiful. "You don't keep spite?' "Yes, I do," I replied, "I'd have been married now if it hadn't been for you." =n SYTHE KHAN. The Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton, Ont. Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER dntns THE BIG SIGN. | They've put a monstrous wooden | sign, where it obstructs my view; I cannot see the sunlight shine upon the waters blue. The sign appeals to | passing rubes, and asks them for | their trade; it says, "Eat Bulger's | Tires and Tubes--the Kind that Mo- | ther Made." Before I lay aside the | lyres whose strings I madly scratch, | I s"pose I'll buy a thousand tires, | with inner tubes to match. But take | this statement from my hand, and | paste it on your chest: In tires that bear the Bulger brand I never will | invest. For Bulger's sign offends my eye and makes my spirit sore, &huts | out a section of the sky, degi: 2s] the blue sea's shore. I show tuat | signboard to my friends, and they get mad with me and say, "Our trade with Bulger ends, when crimes like this we see." Old Bulger's tires may be as fine as any casings made; but when he raised that beastly sign, he | lost, for keeps, my trade. I'll toil along on weary limbs, or drive two claybank mares, or run my car upon its rims, before I'll buy his wares. --WALT MASON. Postmaster Murphy, Cleveland, re- ceived an anonymous letter that sev- eral banks would be blown up before Wednesday midnight. Police re- serves were rushed to the scene. Use the muckrake in your own vard first. L GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR SPECIAL FEED and get results in the egg Faske: and in thriving chicks. This feed is one of our specialties and those who use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improv in laying hens and growing chicks, W. F. McBroom 42-44 Princess Street. » Phone 1686 . * oe ese a ln. 'es 'es en \ ; : sei asl wn ww deel wel 35¢. OSA i = : " OO = --| E BIBBY'S Kingston Cash and One Price Men's and Boys' Wear Stores. Sale Young Men's Overcoats Sizes 33 to 40. Plain Gray, Meltons, Fancy Cheviots, Plain Black Cheviots, etc. Go on sale to-day for $27.50 See window display of these coats at models. All cevract BIBBY"S 78, 80, 82 Princess Street. McCLARY'S «The Finest Finished Ranges "FLORENCE AUTOMAT IC" OIL STOVES Endorsed by Good House keeping Magazine, Sold ati-- BUNT'S -- --- GAS RANGES Sold im Canada." King St. Phone 388 0 | | | BGO NEWFOUNDLAND Canned Lobsters We have just received a ship- ment of these choice Lobsters. Sold only under license, and passed by the Newfoundland Government, For one pound flat tins, price, per tin ..$1.00 Jas. REDDEN & Co, Phones 20 and 990, Nuff Gourdier's For FURS Said Se ------ a" NOTICE Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles At Reduced Prices---- Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying. H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET SE ~ rast, [FARMS FOR SALE 90 acres about 10 miles from. Kingston on the York Road, 2 miles from Odessa, first class buildings; ajout 80 acres good tillable land; well fenced; well watered; price $6,500. A very valuable farm of 290 acres adjoining the Village of Harrowsmith; frame dwelling, two large barns with stables and other outbuildings; over 200 acres of very fertile soil has been under cultivation; good fences; plenty of water; enoygh wood for fuel and some 'valulble building timber; a choice farm; splendid location; must be sold; a reasonable of- fer will be accepted. T. J. Lockhart Street, ont. Phone 1035w or 1797). For the Baby "JIFFY BABY PANTS" Pure soft rubber; absolutely water- proof. SANITARY DIAPERS Washable--stain proof. Can be sterilized. Made in three sizes of change, Pure Rubber. Some people get so are tired by doing DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE | 88s PRINCESS sTREME CHOICE MEATS --Spring Lamb, --Spare Ribs, ~--Tenderloins, --Pork Sausages. Choice Western Beef | Daniel Hogan Lake Ontario Trout : and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. Dominion Fish Co, Canada Food Board Raa License : A Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and i Western Railroad's i Celebrated Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford | Phone 9. Foot of Queen St. "It's a black business, dul we ~ treat you white" 2

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