i; THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1020.- re * { a pst' Drug Store Fountain Pens FOR STUDENTS. POPOV IOVI POPTTTeTr At ures, have a WATERMAN'S IDEAL PEN Austin's Drug Store Corner King and Market Square Opening of Queen's Lec- 3 every student should $' alas asssssiddsdd bddidddidtiddididdbl Adan Kingston " Phone 230 L440 FTEPIVIVIVPTIIOVOVTYY PHOTOGRAPHS We can make beautiful enlarge- ments from your best vacation films. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1818w, Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distribvtors for Red Ruse Tea~the - Good Tea : W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543. PATTON'S DYE WORKS Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a S| Phone 214. 8490 alty. ess St. An excellent farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,600. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 1 F res A. Chadwick & Son "New location: Corner Ontario and West Sta. Phone 67. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHMOER and BLACKSMITH. Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty, - Taxi Service in comnection. Phones: Shop 1030. Res. 1537J. 378 BROCK STREDY BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? - Estimates given by 0. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. DR. NASH DENTIST 188 Princess Street. 'Phone 7308 WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth Dormoform Gas aammistered for exe traction. Safe and painless. OFFICE HOURS: 9-6 Watches and Clocks Repaired pee Yn G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to Note change of address: 'Phon: 1866. 267 Princess St. SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES Always fresh and prices right. ee en FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. Phos 540. . Kingston Co-operative Society, Ltd. Fresh Dairy and Creamery Butter, Cooked Meats and Bacon. Fresh Fruits in season. It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and #crap material---we are paying §90d prices. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. Call on us. L Cohen & Co. Phone 536.'37, 267-278 ONTARIO STREEP It Pays to Bay Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1588 and Get Prompt Delivery ~- Buy Your Wampole's Cod Liver Extract ' AT PROUSE'S DRUG STORE. We have received our winter sup- ply (several gross) and can supply you at all times. It has proved its value as a tissue builder and general tonic to thou- sands of people. : Get a bottle to-day at the pre- war price, $1 a bottle, at Prouse's Drug Opposite St. Andrlw's We Invite Youn to consult ug waen you wish to replace your old Mattress with & flew. one, or have it renovated and renewed. We employ only sclentific me- thods oa i! wor which guarantees all con Store sentative will call aad shes a Vv practical ont aon orget to ask us. about our "COMFY DOWN» THE SILK FLOSS MATTRES) 558 PRINCESS STREET -- . Wagstaft"s Ginger Holnainde, Wagstaf's Pineapple Marma de, Wagstaf's Bramble Jellly. We also have .. full line of other reliable of Marma- lades, Jam add Jellieg for oala Cor. King and Marl Streota. Ldosnne Ne. SoHE GLOVES BOOTS, FOR ALL THE ° FAMILY, a Call in and look over our stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Kingston and Vicinity | | Kingston Is Next. { Just recently seven bachelors were married on the same day in Guelph. The Portsmouth philosopher wants to know if Kingston can keep up to this record. ---------- To Conduct Hotel. Messrs. George Bately and Leon- ard F. O'Shay have rented the Murphy House, Wellington, from its former proprietor, Anthony Murphy, and it is understood will take charge on and after October 1st. Give Us a Trial. Our range of made to measure suitings' and overcoatings are of the best material. we guarantee first- class fit and workmanship at a very reasonable price. Prevost, Brock | street, Commence Fire Hall. Contractor Tryhorn, with a force of men commenced work on Monday | on the construction of a modern fire hall at Smith's Falls, this contrac- tor's part of the work calling for an outlay of $11,200. Departure Delayed. The departure of "C" battery for { Winnipeg has been delayed unt# Nov, 15th, the date now definitely! cet in orders. Many of the members who are established in Kingston do not regret the change in the date. This Is Fair Weather. The fair weather has started. R, J. Bushell says this is the kind he hae ordered for next week. Here's hoping that his order will be filled to overflowing. All Mr. Bushell necds to make the fair a success is | good weather. | Died Very Suddenly. | Mrs.-Ola M. Campbell, wife of Dr. E. E. Campbell, fomrerly of Alex- |andria Bay, N.Y. died suddenly at {her home in Winter Haven, Fla. Dr, and Mrs. Campbell resided at the | Bay nearly all their life. They moved to Winter Haven about two weeks ago. Straw Hat Came Back. The straw hat did a "comeback" on Wednesday, thanks to the fine weather provided by the Weather Man. Many citizens had put away their straws for the season, but were glad to get them out again. Straws | certainly show which way the wind | | blows. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs! Andrew Howie, ELECTION COMMENT. Results Have Little Significance Says Toronto Globe, Montreal Gazette--The victory of the government in the first bye-elec- tions since Rt. Hon, Mr. Meighen be- came Premier may not be significant of the general feeling towards his government, but it surely is encour- aging to those who believe in the principles and policy for which that government stands, It has been made a reproach of the Meighen ministry that it did not represent the people and upon this point there has been incessant play of words, The Meighen uinistry has now been judged by the electors of two Maritime constituen- cies, and the Apswer is emphatic. Mr. Meighen has 'the support of New Brunswick and has the support of Nova Scotia, and from the support registered yesterday, the Premier may take hope and courage that the policy accords with the opinion of the people. . . . The result of yesterday's election is a tribute to Hon. Mr. Meighen. He has mounted the first hurdle, has the eourage and cause to mount others, and from this primary success may take.hope to give to Canada years of stable gov- ernment and sensible administra- tion." St. John Standard:--"In the elec- tion of Hon. Mr. Wigmore the Mari- time Provinces have given Mr. Mac- kenzie King his answer in no mis- takeable terms. The people of these provinces are a prudent and farsee- ing race, too prudent and farseeing to be-led away by the tinselled ora- tory to which he is so given. They are not of the class that are willing to lose the substance of benefits which they already possess in order that they may grasp at the shadow of specious promises which can never materialize, They are satisfied that the programme of the National Libe-. ral and Conservative party which the Meighen administration is pledged ta carry out will be to the material and moral benefit of the country as a whole, and that the prosperity which may be expected to ensue from it they will share in." Toronto Globe:--'"These minister ial bye-elections created little iInter- est throughout the country. In two specially selected constituencies new- ly "appointed ministers were asked to hold seats won by a majority of 8,- 000 and by acclamation, respectively. Under all the circumstances Mr, Mel- ghen can scarcely take much consola- tion from thé returns. Mr. Meighen, however, will shortly have a much more satisfactory opportunity of test- ing the position of his government with the electorate of the Dominion, The old Conservative constituency of East Elgin will furnish a better esti- mate of the sentiments of the general public than the two hand picked re- gions which the ministers held by de- creased majorities yesterday." New York, Sept. 23.--The New York customs house was under the heaviest guard in its his- tory, because of the warning reece! that the Wall street ins ied Watertown, N.Y., announce the en- gagement of their youngest daughter, Lorraine Lucy, to Charles Damon Card, son -of Mr. and Mrs. Damon Card, Highland 'Ave., Watertown, N. Y., the marriage to take place some time in October. Sentenced at Belleville. The grand jury at Belleville, brought in a true bill against Samp- son Woodcock, a young man from Bancroft on a charge of indecent assault, and a seatence of not less than six months and not more than two years less one day in the Prov- incial Reformatory was imposed. Robbery at Stirling. At Stirling village, Gees gents furnishings store was broken into and goods stolen. It is alleged that four young men were implicated in the affair and one James Naylor was apprehended, charged with the of- fence. Naylor a few days ago was allowed his liberty on suspended sentence for an infraction of the law. Filled To Capacity. The large new warehouse recently erected by Camners Seeds Limited, at Wellington, is already filled to capa- city with contract peas, showing the abundant crop of the grain grown {the past season. This will mean that a large staff of women will be en- gaged in hand picking the seed this coming winter. Their Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Erastus Jackson, Maitland, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Sept. 15th. Their golden wedding was attended by their children, there be- ing ten in the family, thirty-one grand-children and six great-grand- children. The evening was spent in amusements and a dainty supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson re- ceived many beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are in good health. To Induct Minister. The Presbytery of Brockville met at Pleasant Valley on Wednesday for the induction of Rev. Mr. Jamie- scn into the charg® of South Moun- tain and Pleasant Valley. At the last meeting of the Presbytery, per- mission was given to the trustees at Athens to sell the church property there and a committee was appointed to carry out the sale. It was also agreed that there be simultaneous canvass of the congregations in Nov- ember for the budget, the Presbytery accepting the allocation of $20,000 for 1921. tion to several bruises about the body. He was brought to the hospital here for treatment. mm m------ ns only uine J presribod by ph, teen years and Always buy an unbroken of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin® whi Aspirin is the trade mark ( for over nine- , Lum now made in Canada. | tis, Joint Pains, Freight Wreck om U. ¥. ot. | When part of a freight train | broke loose on the C.P.R one mile | west of Haley's station Tuesday | morning, a flat car buckled and broke in two, three other freight cars being | derailed. The Chalk River wreck- | ing crew, which was called, succeed- | ed.in re-opening the line for traffic. | No pérson was injured. | "Bobbie Wilson" Dead. Word has been received of the! death from tuberculosis at Saranac Lake of Robert Sequino, ° better | known as "Bobby Wilson," fogtier Isit-weight boxing champion of Can- ada and a pugilist of repute in New | York State, who some pears ago | spent a winter in Brockville giving lessons and boxing under auspices of | the Strollers' [Clubs Sequio [was | 35 years old and leaves a wife and | child in Glen's Falls, N.Y. as well | as his parents and other relatives in Brooklyn. Died in California. The remaing of Mrs. Charlotte Ann Fraleigh Thomson, who departed this life August 26th, 1820, at Ios An-| geles, Oailifornia, were inturred at the Front of Sidney burying ground. | Mrs. Thomas was the wife of Rev. {Samuel A. Thomson,*D.D, Los An- geles, who was formerly a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, Canada. She was born near Picton, the daughter of George W. and Ra- | chel Fraleigh, and after the death | of her father removed to the Front | of Sidney with her mother who re-| |sided there for many years. She is | survived by a husband, one son and | one daughter. | Portland Assault Case. | Before Justice of the Peace Polk | at Portland on Tuesday, Almond! Cheetham, a cheese-maker, of South | Burgess township, was charged by Leo O'Mara with assault, the case being adjourned for a week. It ap-! ears that Ambrose O'Mara, whose wife died a short time ago, rented | his farm in Burgess to Cheétham, a | part of the rental being the care of O'Mara"s three motherldss boys. ! Afterwards O'Mara went to the west. | When one of the children went to the | home of an uncle and complained of ill-treatment, the latter is said to | have investigated and to have found | that the five-year-old child was | in a shocking ccndition, made to sleep in a shed, "was not properly fed and it is charged had been sev- | erely beaten. The uncle thereupon | laid a complaint. There is much in- | dignation in Portland and Vicinity, | Don't judge a man by the clothes | he wears. Form your opinion by the apparel of his wife. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu- i bago, Rheumatism, Neuri- and Pain generally. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Larger "Baver" paskages. There is only one Aspirin-"Bayer"-You must say "Bayer" registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- @ceticacidester of Salicylicpcid. While it is well known that eg Re Smanufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross" Bayer ~~ TT 4 TTI w rien oa ' rl -- he --r TT wv wr CASTORIA Mothers Know That Fot Infants and Children. Genuine Castoria Scranton Coal We have been fortunate in getting a fair supply of Egg, Stove and Chestnut Coal. . This is well housed in dry sheds, on clean floors. Your order will have careful attention, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking FuCtory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Wereets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14.5. ~ We Wouldn't Advertise it we thought you were not telling your friends about our service. 1f we were not trying to bette r that service, 80 to warran your pralse. vant "See for yourself." We strive to serve, ow rsdn HOLTON MAXOTIRES See our big exhibit at Kingston Industrial Exhibition, . Haste ern Canada. MAXOTIRE RUBBER COMPANY, 284 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 2080 Pm in, SOMETHING NEW TWEEDIE BOOT TOPS ' Many women object to wearing Spats and Leggins on account of poor fitting. Tweedie Boot Tops are specfal material and fit per- fectly to Oxfords of any make. Shown in four colors---Taupe, Fawn, Castor and Brown. : v J. H. Sutherland & Bro. JHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES FALL CLOTHES (of the finer quality) For Men And Young Men | SMART NEW MODELS IN FALL SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 (All Prices Between) BEST WEARING CLOTHES VALUES --abem TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel. Children's School Boots You will need the best that is made in shoe leather, to stand the bad weather that we are sure to have this Fall. You had better get a pair of our Children's Boots and be pre- " H. JENNINGS KING STREET