BP Ss ¥ : - " rr SATUKDAY, SEPT. 18, 1920. a THE DALY BRITISH WHIG | 1n A Reskaet i. 22 22% 4 13 | TR AGENCY FOR ALL "+ STEAMSHIP Se LINES, For Information and rates apply te J. P. Hailey, C. P. & T. A, G. 1, Rails way. ¥{nguton, Ontarte. : A WEA ET = ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON Wheat Certificates THE et REGULAR SERVICES i HONTREAL--GLASGOW OF CANADA Sept. 25i0ct. 30 .............. Saturnia Oct. 16iNoV. 20. ,,..0000vuns. Cassandra Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits FORTLAND-GLASGOW $8,300,537.09, ( ISTMAS 3 Dec. 11 .eivunnrins " Tha stsesys Basurnie KINGSTON BRANCH N. Y., GLASGO via Movi Ot, GINOV. 6 »rvrren Hvis :Cotumbla| J.P, ROWLAND « Manaocen NEW YORK----LIVERPOOL Sept. 25|Oct. 23|Nov. 20 ..,..Carmania Oct. 9|Nov, 8|Dec. 4 ,....K. Aug. Vict. N. Y, PLY. and CHER. Sept. 18/0ct, 21|Nov. 25 ........ Caronla N.Y., CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N Awful Possibility. THIS Bank has special facili- ties for collecting Wheat Participating Certificates, the initial payment being at the rate of 30 cents per bushel as authorized by the Wheat Board. STANDARD BANK a mes RSet An Australian dignitary was being Markets Reports LIVE STOCK MARKETS . Montreal. : Montreal, Sept, 17.--Cattle--But- chers steers, good $10.75 to $12.5¢; medium, $9 to $10.50; comsfion, $6 50 to $10; common, $6.50 to $8.50; butcher cows, choice, $9 to $10.50; medium, $6.50 to $8,560; canners, $3 to §4; cutters, $4 to $5; butcher bulls, common, $5 to $5.75. Calves --good veal, $13 to $15; medium, $10 to $13; grass, $6.50 to $8. Ewes --$6 to $7; lambs, good, $12 to $13; common, $10 to $12. Hogs--Off car, weights, selects, $20.60 to $20.75; sows, $15 to $16.75. . Toronto, Toronto, Sept. 17.--Heavy steers choice, $13. to $13.50;choice but- cher, $12 to $13;medium butcher, $10 to $11;common butcher, $8 to $8.60;light, common; $6 to $8; heif- ers, good to choice, $10.50 to $11.50; butcher cows, choice, $9 to $10; tulls, choice, heavy, $8 to $9, do., good, $8 to $8.50, do. 'light, $6.50 to $7.560;canners and cutters, $4 to to $10;feeders, 900 lbs, $10 to $10.- 50;heavy sheep, $5 to $6, do., year- lings, $8.50 to $9; spring lambs, $13 to $13.50;calves, $19, do., medium, $13 to $15; hogs, fed and water, bid, $20.25, do., off cars, bid, $20.75, do., ket quiet; spring patents, $12.75 to $13.50; do., clears, $10.25 to $11.25; winter straights, $11.25 to $11.50; Kansas do., $12.25 to $12.75. Rye flour--Market quiet; fajr te good, $10.25 td $10.75; cholce to fancy, $10.90 and $11.25. White corn flour--Market dull, $4 to $4.10 per 100 lbs. - Cornmeal--Market dull; yellow granulated and white, $3.90 to $4. Rye--Market firm; No. 2 western, $2.31% f.0.b. New York, and $2.- 19% c.i.f. domestic, Barley--Market firm; feeding $1.- 21 and malting, $1.30 ec.d.f. New York. [O77 Wheat--Spot market firmer; No. 2 red and No. 2 hard, $2.79 spot c.i.f. track New York and No, 2 mix- ed, $2.77% c.i.f. to arrive. Corn--=Spot market firm; No. 2 yellow, $1.66% c.i.f, New York, 10- day shipment. Oats--Spot market quiet; No. 1 white, 79c. Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 17--Wheat--No. 1 read, $2.59 to $2.60%; No. 2 red, $2.69 to" $2.59%. Corn--No. 2 mixed, $1.41 to $1.- 42; No. 38 mixed, $1.40 to $1.41; No. 2 yellow, $1.42 to $1.43%. Oats---No. 2 white, 643, ¢ to 66c; No. 2 white, 63%. Steak, cod, Ib. .. .. Trout, saimenm, Ib, .. Whitefish, fresh 20 to 22 Hides and Wool. Beef Hides, No. 1 .. 10c, per 1b, Lambs ,. .....0 'eso ne 30 each Veodls ,:..... Carn nts ine mea ES Kipe .......;:. vaivels Ao + 10 Deacons. 1. LU0 LL 0c up to $1.00 Sheep skins . «ss up to $1.00 Horse Hides = Tallow, No. L ........ 10¢ per 1b Unwashed Wool, coarse, price per Lia. cases. 12¢ to 13¢ Unwashed Wool, fine, 1b. 14 to 17¢ Washed Wool, coarse, 1b., 18 to 20¢ Washed Wool, tine, I. ...21 to 28 Shearlingg snes sssancenansves 28 Grats, Barley .......... . $1.25 Brag, ton .......... .w 58.00 Buckwheat, bush. .. 1.25 Hay, baled, ton ..... 34.00 Hay, loose, ton ....24.00 to 26.00 Cera, yellow feed, bush :........... 2.15 Pour, adard (Gov't) owt, \........ «+e» 17.25 to 7.50 Oats, Man., bush. .... 1.36 Oats,.Jocal ...... 0... 6 Shorts, fon .......... 60.00 Straw, baled, ton . 12.00 to 15.00 Straw, loose, ton .... 10.06 Wheat, bush. ....... 'oe 2.25 ~ Cedar Sheeting We have a fire stock®of 12° B. stoc 1Z C. Cedar. Give it a trial' Ce Allan Lumber Co. S Phonel042. : : ; : Victoria Street SA TTT TTT) Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McHenery, Hil- lier, announce the engagement of | at their eldest daughter, Myrna Gladys, to Russell T. Onley, Brooklyn, N.Y. the marrigge to take place in Octo- ber, Henry Ostrander, Cherry Valley, passed quietly away Tuesday after a :ouple of weeks' illness of heart trou- le. A friend indeed to those in nee~ ie will be much missed in the co The death took place on Thu the residence of his son-in-law, George Bonsteel, Halleck's, of a for mer resident of Smith's Falls in the peeon 2 William Smith. 3 by-law to grant a fixed assesg- ment to the Quinte General Manufae- turing Company, Limited, Deseroato, will be voted upon on Oct. 4th. Mrs. Roy Willlams, Cherry Valley, recovering nicely from an opera. aunity. on for appendicitis, V + T .0.b., bi 9.2 oy , bid, i sont. Sc 33INov. 2 araduitania | entertained by New York society. For 102 » bid, $19.25, do., to farmer Rye--No. 2, $1.98% to $2. 5 Oct. 7|Nov, 11{Dec. 9 ........Imperator| What seemed to be endless nights he Barley--$1 to $1.06. i N. X, PLY, CHER., HAMBURG was dragged through the intricacies Chicago Timothy seed--$4 to $7.50. ; Oct. 30|Dec. § vuvvnes saafee co Baxonia| of the pigeon-walk, the fox-trot, the| Sept. 17---Catile--Good| Clover seed, $20 to $27. 3 N. Y., Patras, Dubrovailk and Trieste | camel-limp and the rest. At last came BgO, sepi. li. : Bept. 33 ..oetsrnrasranis Eons Italia his day of departure. steers and yearlings steady to Minneapolis. | 3 Oct, 80 suvvincesasnrcncnsss. Pannonia strong; others lower; early top, $18; bulk good and choice, $16.50 to $17.50; bulk grassy kinds, $9 to $16.25; best cows opened steady, Minneapolis, Sept. 17.--~Flour un- changed to 10c higher. In carload lots, family patents quoted at $13.20 "Please, madam," he implored of his late hostess as they parted at the gang plank, "don't ever come to Aus- ten of passage, freight and fur. F Ad Toa apply to jan agents or -- tralia." THE ROBERT REFORD CO, LTD. General Agents that surprised and offended lady. of a mill less than last year. tonight. "But, why-wh-why not?" gasped "Because," answered the Austra- lian, wiping his brow, "I don't want you ever to see a kangaroo at play." Picton town 'tax rate is nine-tenths Perth goes back to standard time Special Meeting FRIDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1020 BUSINESS: Nominations for election. of of- ficers for the next term. 88 Years of Service The: history of this Bank since its inception in 1832 has been char- acterized by a steady growth in facilities for is the time to get your lawn mower ready. Don't wait un- til the grass is ahead of YOU. . . All makes repaired and serving the public. : sharpened promptly. "Today wwe have the accumulated knowl edge and experience of 88 years to "apply to We invite your account, J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. 6B Puldup Capital $ 9,700,000 Reserve =« « 18,000,000 Resources » 230,000,000 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA A. N. L Manager, KINGSTON ORDER YOUR F SUIT NOW Call and pick out the cloth fii now for your new Sault, both Ladies' and Prices reasonable. You can also bring In the cloth anc we will make it up for you. M. YAMPOLSKY 349 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2119. Robinson &Wiltshire Automobile Repair Shop We have a Ford Car and a Motorcycle for sale. Call and look them over. Prices right. 405 Princess St. Shave With Cuticura Soap The New Way Without Mug || EXPORT TRADE : Manufacturers contemplating the exten. « glon of trade in foreign countries are offered the assistance which this Bank's world-wide business connection makes possible. The experience and facilities of a depart ment of the Bank devoted wholly to foreign business are at your command, sa THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL . $15,000,000. RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Bryhner, Manager. FE ---- =) ( : FARMERS | s You will have Savings to Invest this Fall. 8% Just because you are handed, neat. little Why let the other fellow make the money with your hard earned cash? Come to our office and We guarantee the smile, and also that your savings will be invested direct In the very securities in which the thati- : tutions that pay you 3%, turn round and re-invest yours. You will fina Ee your intelligent Investing friends in our office looking over ¢ and % securities as a resting place for thelr money until it is needed. Not in » the Savings department of a 3% Institution as in the old days. We shall be glad to show you in dollars and cents just what you are los- 5 ing by depositing your funds at 3% and remember your savings should be made to earn you money just as surely as you make it by the Sweat of your brow. Why throw away 4% year after year? Call at our oftice or write for our full list of Canadian government and municipal investments ag these are always rea ail saleable an 2 them as thas most Intelligent invest Tient that can oe Mads Jopagead BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. mn and Ce Bonds KINGZ ION, ONT, Are you going to accept 237 BAGOT STREET. "% passbook and. a smile? | $6.75 to $12.76; others weaker, $6.50 to $8.50; canners steady, $4.26 to $4.75; bologna bulls, $6 to $7; butcher bulls, $7.50 to $11.50; steady; calves, slow to 50 cents low- er; bulk choice, $16.76 to $17.50; bulk feeder steers steady; others and stockers unevenly lower; range cattle receipts 7,600; quality plain. Hogs--Top, $17; bulk light and butchers, $16.15 to $17; bulk pack- ing sows, $16 to $15.30; pigs strong to 26¢ higher. Sheep -- Early $13.85; natives mostly $12.50 to $13; choice feeding lambs bid at $13.50; fat ewes mostly $6.50 to $6.75. top westerns, Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 17.=Cattle prime grass, $14.50 to $15.50; ship- ring steers, $16 to $17; butchers, $9 to $14.50; yearlings, $15.50 to $16.- 50; heifers, $6 to $12.50; cows, $3 to $10; bulls, $6 to $9.50; cows, and springérs, $55 to $140. Hogs, heavy, $17.50 to $17.75; mixed yorkers, $18 $17; roughs, $13 to $13.50; stags, $8 to $18.50. Lambs, $6 to $14..%; yearlings, $6 to $9.50; wethers, $7.- 50 to $8; ewes, $3 to $7; sheep, $7 to $7.50. ' - New York, New York, Sept. 17. -- Cattle steers, $9 to $17; bulls, $6 to $10; cows, $3 to $10.50; choice heifers, $12.76. Veals, $156 to $21; culls, $12 to $14; grassers, $1 to $9.25. Sheep (ewes), $3 to $7.50; mixed, $8; culls, $2 to $2.75; lambs, $10 to $15.26; culls, $8 to $9. Hogs, medium weights, §18; pigs and heavy hogs, $17; roughs, $13.50. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. N Toronto, Sept. 17. -- ManNoba wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.85; No. 2 Northern, $2.825%; No. 8 Northern, $2.78% ; No..4 wheat, $2.66% ; No. 6 wheat, $2.54 5, in store Fort Wil- liam. Manitoba oats--No. 2 C.W., 88%c¢; No. 3 C.W., 87%c¢; extra No. 1 feed, 87%c; No, 1 feed, 863%; No. 2 feed, 863%c, in store Fort William. Manitoba barley--No, CW, $1.- 31%; No. 4 C.W,, $1. ; rejected $1.16; feed, $1.16%, in store Fort William. American corn--No. 3 yellow, $2; nominal track, Toronto; prompt ship- ment. ' Ontario oats--No. 3 white, 70 to Se. Ontario wheat--No, 2 winter, per car lot, $2.30 to $2.40, shipping points, according to freights. : Peas--No. 2, nominal. Barley--$1.30 to $1.35, according to freights qutside. Buckwheat--No. 2, nominal, Rye--No. 3, $1.75, nominal, ac- cording to freights outside. Manitoba flour--$13.25, new crop. Ontario flour--$10.40 to $10.50, bulk sea-board. Milteed--Car lots--Delivered mon- treal freights, bag included--Bran, per ton, $52; shorts, per ton, $61: good feed flour, $3.75. 'Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Sept. 17.--Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2.85%; No. 2 North- ern, $2.83%; No. 3 Northern, $2.- 70%; No. 4 Northern, $2.658;; No. 5 Northern, $2.54%; track, Mani- toba, $2,84% ; track, Saskatchewan, $2.8354; track, Alberta, $2.82%. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 88%e¢c; No. 3 C.W., 87%c¢; extra No. 1 feed, 87%¢; No. 1 feed, 86%c; No. 2 feed, 863%e¢c; track, 85%o0. Barley--No. 8 C.W. $1.31%; No. 4 CW, $1.25%; rejected, $1.16%; feed, $1.16% ; track, $1.28. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $2.68; No. 2 '|C.W., $3.56; No. 3 C.W., $3.27; con- demned, $3.17; track, $3.63. Ry 0. 2 C.W,, $2.01%. ---------- . New York. | ' New York, Sept. 17.<Flour--Mar- to $18.10; light do, $17 to $18; pigs, | to $13.50 a barrel, in 98-pound cot- ton sacks. Shipments, 657,303 bar- rels Bran, $41 to $42; cash wheat, No. 1 Northern, $2.68% to $2.68; corn, No. 3 yellow, $1.37 to $1.38; oats, No. 8 white 683 to 603%; flax, No. 1, $2.27 to $3.30. GENERAL TRADE, Butter. Belleville and Chatham, 70c; Kit- chener and St. Thomas, 65 to 68c; Brantford, 62 to 65; Cobourg, 60 to 63¢; Guelph, 63 to §5¢c; Hamilton, 68 to 70c; London, Stratford and Woodstock, 60 to 65¢; and Port Hope, 556c per pound. Eggs. Belleville, Guelph, St. Thomas and Stratford, 60 to 62¢c per doz.; Kitch- ener and Brantford, 65¢; Cobourg, 57¢; Chatham, 60c; Hamilton, 68 to 70c; London, 58 to 65¢; Port Hope, 55¢c per dozen. o Chickens, , Belleville, 35c; Kitchener 50 to 42c; Brantford, 42¢; Cobourg, 40 to 45¢; Guelph, 40 to 42¢; Hamilton, 40 to 43c; London, 82 to 40c; Port Hope and Stratford, 35 to 40c; St. St. Thomas, 36 to 38c; and Wood- stock, 30 to 40c per pound. Potatoes. Belleville, Cobourg and Port Hope, $1.50; Kitchener, $1.90 to $2.25; Brantford, $2 to $2.76; Chatham, $2.50; Guelph, $1.75; Hamilton, $2 to $2.25; St. Thomas, $2.25 to $2.- 650; Stratford, $1 to $1.25; Wood- stock $2 to $2.10 per bag. . Barley. Belleville, Brantford, and Port Hope, $1.25; Kitchener, $1.30; Co- bourg, $1.60; Hamilton, $1.20 to $1,- 35; St. Thomas, $1.35 to $1.40; Stratford, $1.52 per bushel. . Oats, Belleville, Brantford, Chatham Hamilton, Woodstock, 75¢; Kitchener 78¢; Cobourg, 80c; Port Hope, 95¢; London, 756 to 98%c; St. Thomas, 85 to 90c¢; and Stratford, $1.12 per bushel. {THE KGNGSTON MARKET | . Kingston, Sept. 17. Dairy Products. Creamery butter, 1b, .. 65 to 67 Dairy -butter ,........ 65 to 60 Whey butter ....... 64 Butter, rolls ........ . 56 Eggs, fresh, doz. . 60 Oleomargarine ...,.... 36 to 45 Cheese .s.aceesecs... 35 to 40 Poultry. Chickens, dressed, 1b... 256 to 35 Hens, dressed; 1b .... 25 to 30 ¢ Meats, Beef : Porterhouse steak, 1b. .. 40 to 45 Round steak, 1b. ........ 30 to 35 Rib roast, 1b. ......... 25 to 28 Boiling cuts, 1b. «sss 15 to 20 Western carcase, cwt ....$20 to 22 Western hinds, cwt .... $23 to 27 Pork : ] Tod Loin roasts, 1b, ....... 30 to 35 Rib roasts,~1b. ........ 20 to 25" Pork chops, 1b......... 40 to 45 Hogs, live weight ......$19 to $20 Hogs, dressed, cwt. .... $27 to 28 Lamb: Fronts, ID eee nee..... 25 Hinds, 1b. 28 Leg, 1b. .. . 40 Loins, Ib. .............. 35 to 40 Chops, ID. ............ 35 to 40 Mutton, 1b, ........ 25 Vegetables. : Beets, bunch .......... 5 Cebbage, head ........ 6 to 10 Celery, bunch ... 6 to 12% Lettuce, bunch ........ 5 New potatoes, peck ....,. 25 Carrots, bunch .....,.. 5 Grape fruit ........ 10 to 123% Lemons, doz. .......... 30 to 40 Oranges, doz. ...,..... 65 to 75 Peaches, basket .. . 65 to 1.25 Bluéberries, qt. ........ 25 to 30 Fisk, Clogos oe vs co oo oe 23 Cod. db. .............. 10 1018 Eels, Ib. .....c00c.00 10 Flounders, Ib. ........ 12% Filets,' 1b, ..... veers 25 Fianan haddie, 1b. .. 20 Haddock, fresh, Ib .... Mackags). 1b, Foro, 1b, ue pu wn ™= BANK o TORONT 'Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent } nanan ha fs " } Iii corres i [a= 65 Years of . Banking Service, N July 1855, the Bank of Toronto, with a paid-up capital of £27,435, opened its doors ,. to the public for the first time, ~.4To-day the Capital and Reserve Funds, stand at $11,793,883 and assets at $109,285, 118, We have grown because ottr.cust6mers have 'grown, both in number and importance, Th Our service has been a factor in their Success, . Sound banking practios and efficiency have characterized the Bank of' Toronto ds the first. Accounts of small and moderate volume are assured to-day, as always, of sympathetic co- operation and service equally with the largest. 4 Established 1855 Ls a ur " i . zg o£ oF RR TT --rggngds > ur ace a : ec 0° SI inte lami me-- yoy ay Sty Your House " Need Never Grow Old. 5 LT ae it can be kept as good se the life. - em of palsiting it "ON 30fa - i. 2%