Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1920, p. 3

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1920. FIX-A-TEAR Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly =in rubber and waterproof cloth --Hot Water Bottles. --Bleycle or Motor Car Tires. ~--Garden Hose. y-Rubbers. . =~Footballs. A wonderful repair eutfits ' 35 CENTS For sale at all Drug Stores, or at . Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. Clear White and Beautifully cut Bowls Bore Sots I Sherbet Glasses Water Sets Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Vase Flower Baskets Jelly Dishes, etc. All markéd at.very reasonable . prices. SMITH BROS. Limited Insure Against After Regrets hy Using Glasse: Prescribed, Made and Vitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use | WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- || ENCE CAN GIVE. | | motor, the cylinders v | age and power on less gas It is this soubination of mind | RATE, fo CENTS PER CYLINDER and machinery of experience || KINGSTON WELDING SHOP and equipment that makes 43 PRINCESS STREET. Jewelers 3850 King Street Established 1840. Car Owners us drive that knock from your Tot by burning the carbon from i You will get more mile- Keeley"s service unique in Kingston. Australian wines are popular in | England. 4 nt | DANDRUFF reserving lime NOW IS THE TIME to put in your supply of Granite- ware. We have a well-assorted stock on hand and at a very low price--prices which will make you feel happy with your purchase. able John Seely, C.B,, C.M.G., diane THE IMAJOR-CEN. - JOHNS Distinguished British Soldier and Statesman Views Mili- tary College Sports. Major-Genera) the Right Honor- who of Major-General Sir A. .» K.C.B.,, C.M.G., D:S.0.. s the gh t of .the Royal Military tio f- Coliege; ramus ent Tsast iT Cita MR waiter Wire iH viewed bys" representative .of the Whig at. the col- lege on Wednesday, he was enjoying the performances of the gentlemen cadets in their aquatic sports, and ex- pressed his admiration of all he saw. In addition to being a distinguish- ed soldier, Major-General Seely is one. of the empire's statesmen, hav- ing served as under-secretary for the | colonies, ulider-secretary of war, and MAJ.-GEN. JOHN SEELY from 1912 to the outbreak of the war secretary of war in Mr. Asquith's cabinet. In the South African war he served with distinction in the Im- perial Yeomanry. Upon the appoint- ment of Lord Kitchener as minister of war early in 1915, he was appoint- ed to command the Canadian cavalry brigade, a most popular appointment, and his three and a half years leader- ship was marked by great distinction. As in South {forming warm attachments found {him a great many friends in the Canadian corps. While he and the late General Botha were opponents in battle, and on one occasion were directly opposed, IS DANGEROUS f Dandruff is so common that many people disregard its warning and rely on shampoos to keep their scalp | clean. This is not sufficient. * The | dandruff soon returns and shows the | presence of the dandruff "germ" | which eannot be washed away. The { dandruff germ is dangerous because | it destroys the life and vitality of the | hair root and relaxes the muscu-| EELY Africa, his faculty for | and narrowly es-| DAILY BRITISH lacped personal encounter, they later became close friends. In his tour 'of Canada Major-Gen- eral Seely is renewing the acquain- tance of his .formgr comrades in arms. On Wednesday he met the! officers of the R. C. H. A. . At To- {ronto he will visit the Royal Cana- dian Dragoons; Winnipeg, the Fort Garry Horse, and at Calgary the Lord Strathcona Horse. These were the four main units of the brigade. He has received numerous invita- 10 prolong his stay to the Be ar oD Oy HRs mentary duties may, however, terrupt his itinerary. 7 "If a really serious situat'on arises in England," said Gen. Seely, "it will be necessary to-cut my visi: short, and from the latest news I no longer | feel justified in making any but pro- jvisional arcran'<ments." When asked what. impressed him {most since 'landing in Canada he said it was the extreme kindness of tiie people everywhere. M\ajor-Gen- eral Sedley impresses one as being tvrical of the British politicians and sfatesmen who have knit together the cpmponent parts of the British .Em- pire by the spirit of confilence and geed-will that dominates the rela- | tions of the mother country ard the {overseas deminions. Theatrical | { "Grumpy." | The management of the Grand | Opera House takes very much plea- {| sure in announcing the coming en- | gagement of Mr. Cyril Maud's cele- | brated London and New York success | entitled "Grumpy," with genuine {English players--a strictly London {company, on Saturday, Sept. 18th, | matinee and night. | Those who -feplow theatricals will | recall that Grumpy' was one of the | biggest successes ever presented not {only in London, but in New York, | where it played for over a year at | waliack's Theatre." ' In the com- in- * - pany presenting the play here several of the original cast will be seen. The | title role is that of an old criminal {lawyer nicknamed "Grumpy" by his adoring grand-daughter because of { his octognarian querulousness. He is retired from practise and when under his roof a valuable diamond has been stolen the old man takes a flare at Sherlockholming and does not rest until he has discovered the thief. Edward Lewers for thirteen years director and leading man with Rob- ert' B. Mantéll"s company, will nlay the part of "Grumpy," supported by a cast of nine other prominent Eng- lish stars.--Advt. FI "Mademoiselle of Bully Grenay." "The P.B.I. or Mademoiselle of Bully Grenay," is Canada's epic of the Great War. Written and played by the men who took part in the war. This play is not an exaggeration of the (war, but the real life of Johnny | Cannuck in France. He has his good | days and his bad days and through | it all he comes up smiling and tri- {umphant. For those who were so | unfortunate as to miss seeing France | in war-time the chance is now given, | while those who were there may have {the pleasure of living over again the | bright moments. "The P.B.L." will |: {be at the Grand Opera House Mon- | |day,, 20th Sept.--Advt. (Continued on Page Twelve.) OO 8 WHIG gps. PROBS: Friday, fine and a little cooler. 1 ga HU: h= Hil Something New To our knowledge the first sale of its kind ever attempted in Canada--a sale greater by far than 20% reduction sale. Below we enumerate exactly what we mean by a 5 for 4 sale. Read it careful- ly--think it over--then be here Friday and take full advantage of its wonderful opportunities. For one day only Tomorrow--Friday the 17th * . . . - . : To-morrow at Steacy's in introducing this sensational sale at- traction we are once more our ability to save them m proving to the women of this community oney on every purchase made at this store, which has been the constant aim of the writer since taking over the management of this progressive mercantile centre, Means that on every purchase of 5 articles or 5 yards of the same priced goods you get same for the price of 4. To demonstrate clear- ly what we mean we give the following few examples: -- 5 balls Mercer Cotton at 15c¢. a ball for | lar tissues which hold and protect | | the hair sac. Then the hair gets thin, | | brittle and dead looking, falls out| | badly and in time baldness results. | | To' save' your hair, the dan- | | druff germ must be destroyed. Mere | is a simple prescription which you can easily make at home. It is per- | fectly harmless and will not stain the scalp. Get from any druggist 6 oz. Bay The immense attendance at the | Rum, 2 oz. Lavona (de composee) | Napanee fair on Wednesday totally | and one-half drachm Menthol Cry- | eclipsed that of the previous day and | | stals. Mix together and allow to | it is estimated that between eight and stand over night before using. It is| ten thousand people were there to not enough to merely put this on the | enjoy the numerous and most inter- | hair. It should be rubbed right into | esting attractions provided for their | | the scalp with the finger tips or a | delectation. There was something | stiff brush. It doesn't take over ten | WOrth while doing every minute and | minutes a day and I know of nothing | 4elightful 'sunshiny - weather to do THE LENNOX COUNTY FAR Between Eight and Ten Thousand - People in At= tendance on Second Day. ~Granite Tea Pots. ~--(Granite Sauce Pans. --Granite Wash Bowls. Preserving Kettles. --Pudding Pans. Granite Water Kettles. --=Large Granite Spoons. TTT Nii This Sale Opens 'at 9 a.m. Tuesday and it will continue till Thursday at 5.30 p.m. 'providing goods last. Everything marked in plain figures. | \ caine aren 60€ McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Depatment. PHONE 287. BROCK STREET Bed Room Furniture We are showing some very fine designs in Bedroom Furniture. These suites are made of the best Black Walnut and Ma- hogany and are composed of the following pieces. The popular Vanity Dresser, fitted with three large mirrors and six drawers (three on each side). J : The Chiffrobe contains three linen drawers and three standard deep drawers. A Bed, with square or round cornered foot board. : A Bench for Vanity Dresser. A Low. Rocker and a straight backed Chair. Make an early se'ection while the stock is large I. F Harrison Co., Ltd. i any kind, and therefore can be taken 1 J. not satisfied, | so effective and certain in its re- | sults. E:'W. | | What Women in Their "Forties" Need By a Specialist. Many women approach the critical | changing period of their lives that comes between the ages of forty and fifty, unmindful of its . tremendous importance to their future health and happiness. Life, its very self, may be in the balance--but not understanding the functional changes taking place in their bodies, and feeling that they must keep going, they often work be- yond their strength, until they break down and become nervous wrecks, their bodies suffering with fatigue and their weakened nerves trembling at every step. It is quite evident, at a time like this, that a woman needs something to help relieve the pressure on the over-worked nerve centres and to give her the vitality to stand up un- der the grueling strain. Wonderful- ly effective results may often be ob- tained from the prompt and regular se of FERRO-PEPTINE--a harm- less and especially prepared combina- tion of Iron and Phosphates--. that we believe are particularly adapted for conditions of this kind. FERRO-PEPTINE 'tablets contain no dangerous habit forming drugs of with perfect safety, even in the worst cases with the assurance of prompt and pleasing results, or they cost you nothing. There are thousands of women who would, no doubt, be glad to tell you how FERRO-PEP- TINE strengthened their jaded nerves, revived their tired brain, and gave them the strength and courage to stand up under the unusual strain of the changing period. But please remember, its what FERRO-PEPTINE will do for you, that counts, and you are to be the judge--FERRO-PEPTINE must be entirely satisfactory -- must bring | pleasing results to you, or if costs! you nothing as leading druggists! everywhere are authorized to sell it on a positive money back guarantee { n. The exhibition hall was as usual the centre of attraction and large crowds were present enjoying the beautiful exhibits and the fine music rendered on piano, player piano, or phonograph. The other exhibits in différent parts of the grounds attracted a steady, stream of sight-seers. The horse races also. attracted a large concourse of people and were particularly ' interesting. Events. eo 0 2.15 class: Hazel H., E. Jones, | Peterboro, 2-1-1-1; Bub, Chas. Moore | Port Hope, 1-2-2-3; Herman Ringer, | 3-3-3-2. 2.19%, 2.14%, 2.14%, 2.16. 2.18 Class. Dolly Patch, 1-2-2-1-1, Billy, 2-1-| 1-1-dr, Swift Line, 3-3-3-3-2; Miss! Charlotte M., 4-4-dr; 2.18%, 2.24%, 2.29, 2.32. A regrettable accident occured in| the spectacular automobile act in! front of grand stand in the afternoon. | The model 4 Cverland was to take a | daring leap over an eighteen foot gap and a five foot hurdle. The jump was made alright but on landing on the other platform the car smashed through it and was badly damaged. The driver jumped clear of the wreck acd was uninjured. The high school and collegiate ca- det drill competition was an interest ing event, and was watched carefully by a large number of people and many admiring glances were cast on the neat, soldier-like, and well set up appearance of the young fellows. The officef in charge was Col. G. H. Gillespie; Kingstoiti;. The competing corps 'were from Kingston, Picton, Belleville and Napanee. The result of the contest was that Napanee won the handsomq cup, and as they have won it two years in succession they become absolute owners. The baseball mateh between Ver- ona players and the Havana Red Sox was enthusiastically observed by a| good crowd. It is conservatively estimated that the human ring sur- rounding the ball ground would con- tain three thousand persons. The Verona men put up a good game but were defeated. The score at the close of the game was 8 to 6 in favor of Red Sox. A most successful day was brought | to a fitting close by a grand concert in exhibition hall in the evening with an assemblage of about twenty-five nA lit, | hundred peoply, The artists were Sm------; derful opportunities. Ladies May Now Have Beauti= ful r--All First-Class Drugaiss Now Sell DEL- MAY FRENCH HAIR TONIC: and Guarantee it to Grow Hair, or Refund Your Money. Your druggist is backed up by the manufacturers of "DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC," the Great Hair Grower. It is guaranteed to grow h-ir. : * DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC destroys dandruff in ten days. The roots of the hair are so nour- ished and fed that a new crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and de- light of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all French pre- parations DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC is daintily perfumed. It is hard to find an actress who does not use DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC continually. Ladies of society and influence use no other. ; DELMAY'S FRENCH HAIR TONIC is a non-sticky preparation, and is the ladies' favorite. Price, $1.00. Sold at Sargent's Drug Store. Mrs. Fred. Bradley, Mr. Neill, Har- old Barrett, Harry Bennett and Prof. Baird, piano soloist and accompanist. Without wasps fig trees would not produce fruit, \ ~ 5 pairs Silk Hose at $1.00 a pair . for . . . 5 yds. Wool Serge at $6.00 a yard for 5 yds. Silk at $3.00 a yard, for . So on all through the store--this special one day feature should make instant appeal to all thrifty shoppers, who appreciate its won- night, at the ripe old age of seventy- seven years. ceene $24.00 ceeeee. $12.00 aes aan . 8's s 8a 0 8 a 0 00 ue Steacy's - Limited +"The Woman's Store of Kingston." WE HAVE IN STOCK FULL LINE OF CHOICE GROCERIES. FOR HAR VESTING: OVERALLS, SMOCKS AND LEATHER MITTS MILL. FEFDS: SAMPSON FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, MONARCH SCRATCH FEED. United Farmers' Co-Operative Co, Lid "CASH AND CARRY" 25 Brock Street nism Phone 14. Mrs. Anna Maria Morton, relict of Mrs. Eliza Ann Clare, relict of tha : the late John Morton, passed away | late Harvey Clare, died on Saturday at her home, Belleville, on Monday in Belleville, in her elghty-fifth year. / An apple's skin is a hundredth of an.inch thick a

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