Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Sep 1920, p. 11

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG VOTERS' 1920 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURG. Notice 1s hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons| mentioned in Section § of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by | the otion to be so transmitted | » list made pursuant LIST, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Ev erybody's Favorite In a Syncopated Romance of Jarz, 8 ' 3 st posted Jugs an :. at Barriefield, on Wed- ember 15th, 1920, and re- for Inspection. by call upon all voters to proceedings to have rors' or omissions oorrected ac- 1g to law, * WM, MURRAY, Township Clerk, at Barriefield, on Sept. 16th, The Tale of a Jigger Who Put the Ja in Jazz--a Laughing Picture With Heart of Gold, With Bewlitching BEBE DANIELS "THE HOME STRETCH" Snub Pollard 'Comedy. STRAND CONCERT OR ESTRA Direction of Miss M. W. Telgniaan. Big Programme of Jazz Music, Dated 1920 a ON SALE Furniture, 14% Clergy Street West, Friday, Sept. 17th, 1.30 p.m. Parlor suite, tapestry rugs, sideboard, extension table, rockers, clock, eiron beds, springs, etc, bedding, lamps, kit- chen cabinet, Art Garland heater, Champion range, bureaus, crockery, glassware, etc. ALLEN, the Auctioneer. Telephone 252 Pearl A. Neshit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH COMING, NEXT MONDAY! The Wonder Picture of the Year "THE MIRACLE MANY AUCTION SALE Market Square, 12 o'clock Saturday Chevrolet Touring, fine oondition; Reo Touring, good running order; and heavy Lumber Waggon, 4-inch tires; good as new MURRAY, "LABOR DEMONSTRATION tion postponed from Labor Day will be held at the FAIR GROUNDS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1920 All Sports will take place formerly advertised, namely Baseb Football, Baby Show, Bicycle Races, Foot Races, &c. BAND IN ATTENDANCE, ADMISSION .25¢. Vehicles ....25¢. Sports to start at 1.30 p.m. Come and have a jolly time. Auctioneer. Teacher of Singing and Plano. Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167). 'Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. ake me prove it. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or 1428. Magazines Top Notch, Cosmopolitan and Detec- tive Story, News, Success, Argosy, All Story, Literary Digest, Open Road, Police Gazette, Life, etc--all popular publications. JACK F. ELDER 269 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1283F. - Don't Wait for the fall rush to get your Furniture upholstered. Now is the best time to have any repairs promptly attended to First clasg workmanship. Prices right. Call or send postcard to: -- Stoddard & Long 377 KING STREET, KINGSTON WOLFE ISLAND FAIR Tuesday and Wednesday SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 BALL GAMES and TRIALS OF SPEED EACH DAY DANCING ON WEDNESDAY EVEN- ING IN C.M.B.A. HALL September Weddings IN STERLING-- Tea sets, Candle Sticks, Bon Bon Dishes, Vases, etc. IN PLATE-- Casseroles, Bakers, Muffins, Pie Plates, Flower Baskets, ete, Boat Leaves Foot of Brock Street Tuesday and Wednesday -- at 9.00, 11.30. and 3.00 p.m. IN GLASS Water Sets, Jellies, Bowls, Nappies, etc. R. J. Rodger, Jeweler 132 PRINCESS STREET "Where the Clock is on the Walk." Ryuit Returns Tuesday, 5.30; last trip. Returns Wed., 5.15 and 6.30. EVERYBODY COME. At AA ea itn London has a squad of motor- cycle policewomen. ey TWEE FOR SALE No. 354 Brock Street--solid brick home; 12 rooms: 7 bed- rooms; hot air 'heating; electric lights. Everything in first class condition. ¢ No. 141 Pine Street--Veneer home; seven rooms; three bedrooms; electric lights; three piece bath; possession within thirty days of sale. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock Street nn, mm NOTICE Cleveland, Hyslop and Humphrey Bicycles ----At Reduced Prices---- Bicycle Tires and Auto Traction Tread Covers. Special prices. See window display. Carpet Cleaning and Laying. ' H. MILNE 272 BAGOT STREET WALLACE REID Direct from 44th Street Theatre, New York GAY MVRICAL =RUOV/ i "THE DANCIN' FOOL" BEAUTIER on. BROADAY 2 'Under direction of Jos | M. Gaites | Prices: ...$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. | --Seats now on sale, GRAND FRIDAY V/ ONLY BIG DOUBLE PROGRAMME 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--13 Marguerite Marsh "The Phantom Honey- moon "THE WHITE DOVE" Comedies and Other Reels GRAND'S SPECIAL ORCHESTRA Mat at 2.30 Evg at 7.30 ANY SENT 20c, | Goons seer 200 Balcony Sat. Sept. 18th Matinee and Night LEWERS & CCMPTON LIT cDWARD LEWERS SUPPORTED BY AN ALL-ENGLISH CAST AIR TE GREATEST COMEDY SUCCESS i' [44 PRICES: Matinee 25¢. to $1.00 Evening . . cternatiana i250, to 31.50 Seat sale Thursday. Mail orders now. GRAND Mon., Sept. 20 | INSIDE WIRE THE PEOP E'S FORUM Svew YVveweYwwY 4 word. Each con- ive Insertion theregtfier,. half t a word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 25c; three insertions, 50 cents. £ The anove rate are for cash only; | when charged { ley are double, EE mmm | HELP WANTED, WANTED, A COOK. APPLY TO MRS. R. Kent, 5 King street. ° { eee eee een -- Das FOR LAUNDRY WORK, AP- ply K Kston General Hospital, ---- MAN; STEADY EM- bloymeént. Apply P. 8. Graham, 447 Alfred gireet. dete teteteeesresm------------ ee A MAN ACCUSTOMED *ro MOTORS for general driving. Apply Jas. teld, 254 Princess street. » RR STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER with Sone experience in general of- fice w Apply Box L-13, Whig. WANTED, BOYS AND GIRLS, APPLY Dominion 'Pextile Co, Limited, | Cataraqui Street, City. | CAPABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL | ousework; no laundry. Apply M | A. R. B. Williamson, 240 sng ot" | riser 0 King St. { NERAL HOUSEWORK, | College, or phone 2345. CAPABLE ¥OR | Ply Mrs. Avenue. GIRL OR WOMAN general housework, Ap Borland, 148 University Poone 406. | YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE HARD. | ware business, or one with some | knowledge of automobile supplies. Edwin Chown & Son, Freer ee a----_----. | DOCTOR GRADUAPE, AS ASSISTANT; | genera] practice and some camp work. State qualifications and sal- | a; ¥ Dr. J. W. Fraser, Cochrane, | nt. | ------ | | EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN | Work on farm; must be good mi John Carruthers, Oak | r Front Road. "Phone TO SALESMAN WITH GROCERY CON-| hection in Kingston and surround- ing territory to call on wholesale and retail trade with weil known line. Apply Box G-18, Whig office. tree t---------- LIVE MAN WANTHO SPARE T™Hn | or steadily --seiling our guaranteed | trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib. eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurwerymen, limited, Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontarle. TWO ASSISTANTS, sXperiar ; both graphers and one must have knowledge of boukkes Pp } * Registrar's Office, Queen's ersity. WITH | should be MARRIED OR SINGLE MAN TO WORK | on farm, near the city. ee house, en, and fuel to married man. information apply, write or| Phone to 127 Princess street, King- ston $20 AND UP MADE WEEKLY BY OUR agents, men and women in spa time, day or evenings, selling th best and largest selection of Pe sonal Greeting Christmas Cards, at Popular prices. Magnificent sample 00k free. No experience neces-| sary. Does not interfere with reg- ular work. A few agency appoint- | ments still open. Service guaran«| teed. Modern Art Company, Manu- | facturers, 122 Richmond West, To- ronto. --_------------ see "EP.B.1 oR Mademoiselle of ¢ Bully Grenay | em Soldier Life France By the Sigur ontar Er ---------- Prices . . . .25¢. to $1.50 Seat Sale Friday. Mail orders now. GRIVETN] PICTURES LL le A IR aa] TO-DAY MABEL NORMAND | The Queen of Fun Makers In Upstairs BRIGHT AND SPARKLING EPISODE, 4 Of That Novel Serial BOUND AND GAGGED sm FIRE INSURANCE-BAVE YOU CONSIVERED 914--Value of house .....eeeve coveen X Value of contents ...coeve ou. Total value ...... Insurance carried swine AMPLE PROTECTIO N IN CASE OF LOSS 1920--Value of same house ......,.. Value of same contents .. .. « $5.00 2 ---- 7.000 5,000 seraa $8,000 esse $3,000 TOL NAINE 10 canvecrsisy Srivesinssanes 11.0 Insurance carried . i 5.000 INADEQUATE PROTEC TION IN CASE OF LOSS "Fire Insurance rates have no t advanced. In view of the high replacement cost, can you to carry your own insurance Let us secure you the neces sary protection. Inman George Bawden & Co. Investment Brokers Generai Insurance UHONE 400 3 : 111% BROCK STREET : "TEN NIGHTS WITHOUT A BAR-ROOM» A Sunshine Comedy. mmm YUBAN The : Private Coffee of the Greatest Coffee Merchants Arbuckle Bros., New York Produces the choicest, most de- Jictoua cup of Coffee that can sec ASK YOUR GROCER. A sea lion will on occasion an tack a person. : } Nitrate of soda is found in Chile AGENTS WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, but to travel and appoint local representatives, $1092 and ex- penses guaranteed first Year, with good chance to make $2 penses. State age and tions. Experience unnec Winston Co., Dept. G, Toron | AGENTS, tinERaL COMMISSION, To, Sell Red Tag stock. Complete stock, including exclusive lines, specially hardy, grown only by us. Sold only by our agents. No delays, de- ductions or substitutions in han- dling your orders. Elegant free samples. Write now t. Do Nurseries, M L > iion FOR SALE OR TO RENT. BEST DAIRY STOCK FARM IN STOR- rington, Brewer's Mills, containing 208 acres; near factory, church and school; good buildings; water plen- tiful; pretty lake on Premises; rea- sonable. Apply 116 Colborne Street, Kingston -- eee | BUSINESS OHANCES -- INTELLIGENT PERSON REQUIRED Whdwcan devote spare time to sub- mittiNg our samples to the people he kjows or the public, Income §10-3%5.00. Weekly rayment. Carl. ton Pablshing Co., Greeting Card Publishers, 328 Spadina Ave. To- ronto. THE CYCLONE will strike SATURDAY Watch for Robin. son's Ad. Friday ZACKS Just arrived Big Range of Fall aud Winter OVERCOATS suUITS : SWEATER COATS UNDERWEAR SOCKS MITTS GLOVES BOOTS (for all the family) Call tn and look over our stock. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET . Schmidlin, Royal yi A - v FOUNTAIN PEN, ON ONTARIO street. Apply at Froatehae hotei. A PEARL PIN IN NEWMAN & shaw s. Owner may have same at Newnan & Snaw's. - FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE, Anyone finding aaything and Wishing to reacn the oWner may WU 80 OLY reporting the tactg to The British Whig The adver- Usement will be printed in tais column free of charge. "kound articies' aces not in- clude lost dogs, cattle, horses etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the 'Losi' column. | | GARAGE, APPLY TO | FIRST CLASS RO | BRIGHT UPPE FOR BALE. McCANN, Brock Street. Phone 326 or bil NICE FURNISHED ROOM, APPLY 31 L Versi nue, or phone dIiw, arter OMS AND BOARD; ts; centrally all : €d Brock street. improveme Apply FOR FURNITURE ndise;' ciean id ary. 86 Bruck street. "i MC- ---------------- FULRNISHE TX three rooms and bathroom; el light; hot water heating. 181 University avenue. --mmE--o LOST, A SMALL GOLD WATCH ON A BLACK wrist band, Monday. Reward if re- turned to Whig. BETWEEN KINGSTON AND Lire and Mam to this office. SUN- { A ad Finder please return LETTER ADDRE White; postmar at Bellingham, Wa and containang a git of . kinder wiil Kindly return 1g Oilice, and receive reward rb ia lib iD TO J.T. WANTED GENERAL. FLAT TOP DESK. STATE SIZE AND price. Box 4-14, Wag. | APARTMENT OR | ROOM HEATED APARTMENY, OR THREE or four wright, airy rooms, ln svod locality. Apply Bux L*8, Waig Of- tic 10 TO 25 ACRES WITH DWE aud varn, near ine uity. Ap McCann's Real Brock steeel A YOUNG COUPLE nouse with DESIRE TO RENT Lurnace and all Write Box K-15, Whig Omice, VECOND-HAND urmianr FIANO or casi Or In part payment of new plancs and graronoiss, CO. W. Lina- Say lamileq, lil Frincess sireel WANTED=-MEN AND BOYS TO PAT- fouize J. Ww. Curzon, barber. Mea's and DOys' RAT eu, Jvc. Brave lve. haxors nonea Cc. near Luck Sirees HOUSE OF or 6 rouvins, modern; all ences; for married couple children. Apply* Box M-2, Office. FIVE without Whig AND BOARD BY TWO MALE s 1 convenient to University; one large or two small rooms, with study. State conveniences and rent. Bex I-16, Whig office. 1 BY A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE, A' modern aparunent or flat, than four rooms and bath, with private entrance, balcony, fire- place and garage. Prepared to take long term lease. Apply Box b-14, Wuig Oilice. not less THREE YOUNG LADIES, ONE single room, one double réom and sting room or similar accom- odations, for Oct. 1st; electri- C.iy auu telepnone preterred. Ap- ply Box C-13, Whig Office. a m PERSONAL. ean HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks, skin cancers, scars, moved permanently. Sati glasses titted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. 36 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, e, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin. BIRTH. DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.DS, office 268 Princess Street. Pho, e563. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. sig, 169 Wellington street, over novsky's. Phone 346. icddudog. AB re UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW, Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. J. Fu. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. HARNESS FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES New Single and Double Harness : Must Be Closed Out. J. C. CONLEY Yarker, Ont. OUGHT TO BUTTON HER FACE "She's as easy as an oid shoe" "Yes; and has as loose a tongue." THE MOTH AND THE FLAME Moth: Come on, fellows, you can flirt with this flame and it won't P-"vilh, e con- | Mellences, near Queen's preferred. | 286 Ontario #., convenis | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | | PAINTING AND 1 TWO BRICK HOUSES, WELL LOCAT-| | GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND ed, hing Clar Apply To il near the City Park, & Smythe, Barristers, e street, Kingston rovins,; your own lock and City Storage, Phone 52 dry, airy Key. rrosts FURNISH ROOMS IN cality on bata room nl cooking; "elecgiric suitable for Lght nous Apply Box O-4 Whig Once TWO FRONT AFARTMENTS, ESPL. cially furnisned for light house- keeping, gas for cooking and ligne, "at the Fivneer Apariuieats, li and 214 Division streel. Puone 1434w DWELLING-- 101 KING STRE W esl, stone and irae; seven puod glzed rooms; unprovements; Joa yard; shed. Rent $17.00 1or cafe- Tul tenant; includes water Apply on preniises, from three to foyr o'- clock 'arternoons. 5G lucat- | AND Faoune s:¢ trie | Apply | | eeping CEANARY BIRDS--SIX DANDY YOUNG slugers. Apply 679 Princess Street. FRAME DWELLING 'AND Five "acres of land; near city limits. ~Ap= ply KE. Wathen, 143 Nelson. GRAIN ELEVATOR pQUIPMENTS, snafting hangers, pulieys, pipes. Apply at A. Speisman, 31 Rideau St, UNE LOT, G8x133 FOOT FRONTAGE, on south Macdonald trust; chef for quick buyer, bLatgnans Red Estate. T-HUOM FRAME HOUSE; BATH, closet and gas, 155 dDluary direet. Apply J. KR. Laidlaw, 48 Diviswa Slicet. + A NATURAL WICKER BABY CARRIA! and grey wicker swiky, both goud condition. Apply 156 Orde nance street. TEN Seleciicus; your uwn choice, $42.00, | Lerius, $0 cusn, §l1 per week. C. Lindsay, Limited, 131 Frincess St. IHREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEX acres of pulpweed land. iu the clay belt of Norta Ontario. kaquire of br. Lake, 3557 Jounson street, city. : T OF 1 1-4 AND 1% INCH > in geod condition. Also & quantity of all Kinds of valves. Ap~ Ply KE. E. Wathen. 143 Nelson st. - PANTASOTE TRUCK CUSHIONS, spliugs 4% inches high; most easy riding and durable cushion made; price $3.00. aide size of seat. Juds son's Auto Tops, Brogkville. MEN AND WOMENS CLOTHING, Noumse furalture, specialize in mills tary boots; buy all kinds seconds hand goods; hig. Lt prices pald. la Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prine Cess Street. ARCHITECT. POWER, SUN AND DREVER, ARCHIe tects, Mercouanis' sank Chambers, eorner of Brock and Welliugion streets. FINANCIAL. STRANGE & STRANG# INSURANCE agents; established Ia 186v; only the most reliable Companies repre- sented. Oftice $i Clarence streed, oppusite the pos: office. FMONTENAU LUAR ANP INVEST. meat Sock iueuvrpurted i861, President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice- president, A. cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties, munlelpal and count debentures; morigages purchased: investmeny bonds for sale; deposits received and interest allowed. C. Cartwright, ager, 37 ce street. Kingston ER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING Paperhanging done, drop a._card to A. Mounteer. 84 Arch Street Clar- LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, ers and Solicitors, Street, Kingston. A. ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER and Solicitor. Law office, of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to. loan. Phone 1§99, BARRIST- 79 Clarence B. Cunning- CARTING. PIANOS AND FURNITURE PACKED and moved; baggage and express work. Thomas Wilson. Phone 1528m. 499 Princess street. LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER. B.Ap, Se, O.E., 0.L.8. . DLS, MELC.,, Napanee, Ont. Oa- tario Land Surveyor. Kingstun Of. fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. MUSIC. TEACHER Studio re- West. MISS LETTIE WALKER, of Plano and Theory. moved to 32 Union Street Phone 835w. GRACE TAFT, ORGANIST, TEACHER of Piano and Theory. Pupils pre pared for Conservatory examina= tions. Studiv: 41 Union street: Phone 1938w. MISS OLIVE WOODMAN, PUPIL OF Arthur Blight, Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, is prepared to teach Vocal and Theory after the first of September. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examina- ons. . Address °185 Earl street. Phone 857m. MEDICAL DOCTOR E. L. STONE, 233 BROCK ST, Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 6 p.m, 7 to 8.30 pm. Phone 2066w. DR, H. S. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. nounce that he has resumed his ractice at $3 Wellington Street. ey 1 till 3,30 and 7 till 8.30, Phone 2163. . CARPENTERING. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER see James Selby, Contractor. Temp orary change of address 60 Arch street. Phone 635d, FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR OF A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 23 John Street. RR. | OR | corner | BEDS, MATTRESSES AND SPRIN chairs, dining room set, cou NOCKers and abies, coal range, gas range and retrigerator. vv Frons lenuc street. FPaone 15643W. Hours 3 tod and 7 to ». : WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF good second hand furnitu and' Sloves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we will pay highest prices. J. Thompsons 433 Princess street. Phone 1600w, FARM, CONTAINING 100 ACRES} good work land, in the township o Pittsburgh; Concession 6, west half of lot 35. House and barn; & never-failing well, Not far from church and school Price reason- able. {PRL on premis to ¥ Root, R. R."No. 1, Joyceville, Ont. USED MOTOR CARS buys goed Truck buys Ford Sedan, 1918. buys Ford Touring, 1918. buys Maxwell wita starter, buys Ford Touring. PALMER, Corner Hagot and Queen. FARM--2nd OCONGESSION LEEDS, 230 acres; five miles from Gananoque; well watered; house, seven rooms; barn, 86 ft. long; cow barn, 34xdd feet, holding 30 head; stable for nine horses, two barns 34 x 44; buildings newly covered with irom, : John W. Pay, Gananoque, or on premises. $250 $600 $550 $450 $400 ov. Frinceton and Viciory Bicycles, a 80 a number of ladres aud gen used Bicycles and moioreycies, at reduced prices. Special attention given to all bicycle and baby cars. riage repair work. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King street. Phong 1033 w. PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, - ts' BRICK HOUSE, OCONTAINING PAR. lor, living room, dining room and kitchen, four bed rooms, three pi bath; two attic rooms; nard floors throughout; hot water heats ing; electric light and gas; up-to~ date in every way; new. corsted throughout; garuge. Price $610 Capt. Fairfull, 77 Nelson street. Dodge Touring. Reo loadster. Kei McLaughlin. Uverland Touring. Gray Dort. 2 burd Trucks. All in good shape, ready for the road, and can ve bought on easy terms. BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sin. Phone 567, BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, e FOR GALE $4200--DOUBLE BNICK; VENEER; ¢ rooins each. #850--BUILDING LOT; CONVENIENT location. ne : LOT 33x1 WITH CEMENT FOUN- dation 24x30, and jofce ready for NH, &oud chance to build for yoursel -- ® : HOUSE IN PORTS $2,400--FRAME HOUSE gas; electric lights; alr; good stable. J: i $1,700-FRAME HOUSE, JOHN 8%, + : . VE WH00--ROUGH CAST; 11 Woous, toilet and stable. | 3 $3,500--FOR 3 HOUSES, CONCESSION street. $2,500--BRICK; B. lights and gas. $3,100--FOR TWO FRAME HOUSES; rooms; toilet and electric lights. G. A. BATEMAN, 158 Wellington Street. We offer a limited quantity of PEA COAL Our own preparation. Jas. Swift &-Co., - Limited Foot of Johnson Street' Ui il hi ¥ GEO. A. WRIGHT "MACHINIST ~ - 48 PRINCESS All kinds of repair work prompt- : ded to. ' y alten t Rea. 1205. i . -! i HIGHEST PRICES PAID 1 Rags al Pap k. 3 you telephone a we will al piimpyy. "M. ROSEN & C0. 140 RIDEAU STREET I , % NOTICE i prices for house- L. LESSES Phone 1045w. or part, Tess St. Cor. 'Chatham St. All of the principal rivers of Eng. Mad have their source ja Dartmoor: -- A Reo Bus Room for 13 people; will make a good stage or any other pur- pose; fn best of Eg Phone 705 ! LTORK

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