# ah a EI Tr Wa __ PAGE F OUR TORTURE BY TERRIBLE ECZEMA Seffred Thees Yours Unt Sha Tied UIT-A-TIVES" % a DAME PETER LAMARRE, ' Pointe St. Pierrg, P. Q. "® think it my duty to tell yu how much your medicine has doue for me. 1 suffered for three years with terrible Eczema. 1 consulted several doctors sad they did not do me any good. Then, °I used one box of "Sootha- Salva' and. two boxes of 'Fruita-tives' and my hands are now clear. The pain is gone and there has been no return. I think it is a marvellous eure because no other medicine did me any good und I tried all the semedies I ever heard of, without benefit until I used 'Sootha-Salva' and 'Fruita-tices." 'Fruit-a-tives' cooled the blood and removed the cause of the disease, and 'Sootha-Salva' completed the eure." Dame PETER LAMARRE (fils), B0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tivee Limited, Ottawa, Ont. All Good Drug Stores Sell | "VITAL" Tablets THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 00K S Notes of ro . to Booklovers. 3 The National Association of Book Publighers, which was organized on July 21, has for one of its important aims the purpose of spreading more dely the Knowledge and love of Fools and so creating a larger book- buying and book-reading public. For the remainder of the current year the following officers were elected: President, J. W. Hilton of D. Apple- ton & Co.; First Vice President, John Macrae of E. P. Dutton & Co.: Second Vice President, C. C. Shoe- maker of the Penn Publishing Comp- any; Third Vice President, J. E. Bray of A. C. McClurg & Co.; Fourth Vicd President, Alfred R. Mcintyre pf Little, Brown & Co.; Secretary Frank C. D6dd of Doda, Mead & Co.; Treasurer, George Palmer Put- nam of G. P. Putnam's Sons. There was also chosen a Board of eight Di- rectors, representing as many pub- lishing houses. A week later there was organizéd a National Board, which has arranged for headquarters offices for the association at 334! Fifth Avenue. The executive Sec- | retary of the board is Mr. Frederic | G. Melcher, editor of the Publishers Weekly. The National Board ex- pects to devise and initiate very soon a series of efforts aiming to produce a wider diffusion of interest in books. The Putnams announce for Fall | publication an important new work | by and about Walt Whitman to be called "Gathering the Forces." It will be in two-volume limited edi- tion and is said to contain newly dis- covered and collected writings, con- sisting of essays, literary and dra- matic criticism, stories and, other | work, with a new chapter in Whit- man's biography covering his two | years as editor of The Brooklyn | Eagle, 1846-7. The collecting of the material has been done by Cleveland Rogers and John Black. Walt Whit- man's home on Third Jires) Cam- den, N.J., has just been bolght by the City of Camden from the poet's feirs and is to be converted into a The Great French Tonic™{ Wiitman Museum. A Medicine That Prolongs Life, VITAL will do all we claim for it. | Jt not, we refund you your money. VITAL not only prolongs life, but makes the old feel and look young. It | VITAL | takes hold of the inside nerves at | restores vim and energy. once and braces you up. Some of your nerves have been dormant for years, sud if they are not looked af- ter 'wilt dry up-~and die. - VITAL reaches the nerve centre, imparting tite, youth and vigor: That tired, bilious feeling is removed; all your pains and aches are driven away. The most wonderful tonic ever sold is 'VITAL: Don't be a burden to your- ._seit-and- others; fie. a box of VITAL ad ug stores are the only places in Canada where you can buy VITAL. Price, "%0¢c. a box. Mahood's Drug Store. Why not decide NOW to give | EToT Tabi the remedy so generak used for headache, a fair and squar¢ there is doubt in your mind to ani of a ene Jo id try them and KNOW the, macrifice your comfort on ae ; pe your Soma Try the and know. at dealers oc Ad binsoa Fl ir on Disease Bright's disease, heart troubles, hardening of the liver, diabetes, pare- sis, anaemia, nervous debility and scores of other dreaded maladies have yielded to our Phosphonol Treatment. Broken down men and women who are prematurely aged have regained lost vigor and vitality. And just as efficacious in acute. PHOSPHONOL TREATMENT Pneumonia, typhoid fever, rheu- sm, virulent blood diseases, peri- onitis, etc., are treated with a re- markably high average of success. | The nerves are made strong and you § regain that lost pe Phosphonol is { gold at all good drug es. If you © are out of reach of a drug store, we ¢ will mail Phosphonol to you on re- _.ceipt of price, $3.00 a box or 2 for mR The Scobell Drug «€o., Mont- ATHLETES ("ABSORBINE IR TE ttn an wn, + lished by the Appletons, pro An interesting story is told about how "The Mysterious Affair at Sty- ies" by Agatha Christie, a detective { novel announced for fall publica- tion bythe John Lane Company, came to be written. The author had never before attempted to write 'a book, but made a wager th she could write a detective s#.y in | which the reader would not be able to pick out the murderer, although having knowledge of the same clues as the detective. She was at least successful enough to have hep work chosen by The London Times as a serial for its weekly edition. The American Woman's Club of | Shanghai, which has a history of iwenty years,.has published a unique volume called "The American Wom- an's Club Annual", which contains a complete account of its work dur- ing the last year, consisting of re- ports of papers on various phases of Chinese art, a report of the work of the Musical Department, which had provided a study course of' British composers, trained women's choruses and given to the Shanghai public many musical programs, and a report of the work of the Social Service De- partment, which had done much for American soldiers and sallors, Rus- sian refugees, and other transients. The club and its first annual aim to link up the interests of all American women in China and of all Ameri- cans in the Orient and to let the people at home know something about what they are doing. Doubleday, Page. & Co., are Initiat- ing this month a series of books un- der the general title, Printed Bible". The text will follow that of the King James, or authoriz- ed, version, instead of the revised version, because of the more uniform excellence of its English prose. It will be printed in large, comfortably spaced type and paragraphed and punctuated according to modern uy age. French Strother, managing edi- tor of World's Work, is editing and arranging the version, having taken up the task because he believes that the reading of 'the. Bible has been very generally lessened by its unfam- fliar. and difficult tpyography and its archaic arrangement. The first volume, '""The Gospel According to 8t.' Matthew," is ready for immediate publication. "The Golden Book of sf Aneneia a new work by Vachel Lindsay, which the Macmillans, will = have ready. the latter part of next manth; will present in the author's usual style of mingled rhythm, color, my- sticism, whimsy and poetic imagery a picture of society in the year 201 in the symbol of the City of Spring- field, Ill. "The United States: An Exgeri- ment in Democracy." hy Carl Becker, Professor of History in Cornell Uni- versity, is ready for immediate pub- lication by the Harpers. The work gives a resume of the political his- tory of the country, and also studies and interprets the birth and develop- ment of the idea of democracy, and makes an exposition of what that experiment means today. A novel dealing with the life and character of Russian Jews in New York, written by Sholon Asch and translated by Isaac Goldberg, will be brought out early next month.by E. P. Dutton & Co. It is sald to depict its central character, from whom the story takes its title, "Uncle Moses," and the subsidiary people and their alien life with realism and candor. The ninety-third edition of Her bert Spencer's "Education," just pub the unfading value and Interest of that masterly work. A new novel by Frederick Niven, '"A Tale That Is Told," is announced for Fall publication by te George H. oran DCompany. r. Niven, who has a dozen books to his credit, recently crossed the ocean to revisit « the scenes in the Kootenay region "The Modern-|' llen HF rceitso Bocteprases en ie wn A Selection Board that Really Selects Picture the chemist, if you will, or the expert who grades wheat or woollens, teas or' fine silks. They are looking for the element of high quality, rejecting or classifying the i impure,] 'the shoddy and the mediocre. In the building of Allen picture programs for three score theatres, the Allen Selection Board performs a similar service, providing the daily "movie" people. menu for 100,000 Canadian ¢ Feature pictures, comedies, educational pictures, news films, propaganda plays, plays for children and special subjects--these are submitted in numbers for the approval or rejection of the Selection Beard. The Board sits every Thursday at the downtown theatre of the Toronto Allen group." The personnel includes the chiefs of the organizatidn, all of whom view the picture from a different angle. y The executive head responsible for the outside theatres is mentally booking each picture ' for certain theatres. It may suit Moose Jaw and find a cool reception in Quebec. "The chief director of Jorchestras is watching the picture closely, arranging a suitatife | musical score and "cueing" the various scenes. As the picture proceeds a button at the "reviewing stand" is pressed 'and a bell rings in the operator's room. certain features. decision the pictures must pass to the have approved, it may be said with pardonable pide . A- discussion follows as to one scene, and it is decided to eliminate The film is marked and the "screening" proceeds. A picture by a Canadian author may attract others to the trial run, The authof himself may see the producer's conception of his story for the first time. Certain standards are observed by the Board and while no *' uplift" theories are professed, enforcement of such standards brings about a wholesome program, from which the vicious, * the tawdry and low sensationalism are eliminated. Anything that might appeal to depraved tastes is strictly censored. Human, wholesome pictures are the eternal objective. * The Allen Selection Board is the critic of a thousand pictures in a year--ffom its "higher criticism," that of the whole peopie. They of Canada where the action of his last story, "The Lady of the Cross ing," is laid. He will spend six months or more on this side of the ocean. His forthcoming .novel will deal with life and people in Scotland. A new work of interest to devotees of the reel and rod by George Parker Holden is announced for early pub- lication by the Stewart & Kidd Com- pany of Cincinnati. It will be called "The Idyl of the Split Bamboo," and will contain among its several chapters on angling and camping and the equipment therefor a detail- + "BAYER" only uine Aspirin, --the presribed by physicians for in ay buy an unbroken + Ampiri®is . aceticacideste hy Sauls the manufacture, pu wil be stamped with thelr general trade mark, the "Bayer Crosp™ ed treatment of the subject of split bamboo rod construction. The book will 'have an introduction by Dr. Henry van Dyke. Mr. Holden's re- cently published "Streamcraft" is In its second edition. * r One of the timeliest of the Fall books will be "Freedom of Speech," by achariah Chafee, Jr., Professor of Law in Harvard University, which will .be brought out'in the autumn by Harcourt, Brace & Howe. The author studies by the historical meth od the nature and scope of the pol- icy expressed, in the First Amend- ONLY TABLETS MARKED ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" 5 The same "Buyer iluhtifie' ie {emtaite proper dnictions for Colds Earache, Neu- Rheumatism, Neuri- ralgia, bag, and now made in Canada. Sag Joint -Paius, and Pein generally, 12 tablets cost package Tin of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which | a few cents. pe a There is only one Aspirin-"Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" . trades merk (registered In iicylicacid. "While it is blic aginst ) of Bayer Manufactute of Mono- known that means Bayer the Tablets af or Company = ment to the Federal Constitution, which [forbids Congress to enact any law "abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or of the peo- ple peaceably to assemble," and dis- cusses freedom of speech in relation every phase of medern American ife. For immediate publication Hough- ton Mifflin Company announce a new novel by ' Mrs. Katherine Newlin Burt, whose first novel, "The Brand- ing Irom," last year enojyed unusual success, It will be called "Hidden Creek" and will recount the human drama that followed the taking by a rough Westerner to his little hotel in Western wilds of the daughter of a poverty-stricken New York artist, whose death left her alone in the world. Elizabeth Dejeans, whose "The Moreton Mystern" has lately been published by the Bobbs-Merrill Com- pany, was inspired to write the novel by some experience that she had while engaged in secret service work for the Government during the war. A new collection. of poems by Rob- ert Bridges, the Poet Laureate of England, to be called "October," is promised for early publication by Alfred A. Knopf. "Goshen Street," announced for fall publicatjon by the Stokes Com- pany, Is a novel of business, social and political life in New York and London by Wayland Wells Williaths, wliich deals with the efforts of a man from a New England town to uphold in the metropolis the stand- ards of right and wrong in which he had been brought t up to believe. D. Appleton & Co., report so great a demand for the * 'Memoirs of the Empress: Eugenie" that orders by telegraph exhausted the first edition within a week aftér the first an- uouncement of forthcoming publica- tion, while the second and third editions also were sold out before the date of actual publication. USED MOTOR CARS ~--SCRIPPS-BOOTH 1920. --FORD SEDAN, --FORD TOUR! RING. FORD ROADSTER. ~-MeLAUGHL IN TRUCK. Tour ear taken as part payment. PALMER COR, BAGOT AND QUEEN. CURES Coughs. Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Ete. MATHIEL'S SYRUP is sovere} 10 tonic combining tive properti vires of COD LIVER OIL. a onder sbi Ame Eve thes not risk using inferior preparations. remedy "hese vex MATHIFU'S SYRUP fs the only putation has Saugtd io top ap mai) of doubtful value.