Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1920, p. 2

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a , Pei ph Wt ut TF Estat rc aa tr THE_DAILY BRITISH freemen -------- 7h meme. STOPPING OF [INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | Racy Local News and items of | . : | General Public Interest. | : Travel on the Cape Vintent-King- { - ston ferry still remains good. { | Ee 8 {| W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders a' Regulations onflict--A Car eters or ye 564w. | i as | Monday night the clocks are turn- | Has the Right to Stop | 1 | The Ponies will play Brockville at | | Kingston on Saturday afternoon the | tion bh arl-| Why not do your sewing by elec- | A sontliet of Jurisgietion has [ tricity? :See Newman Electric Co.'s | eo ' We have beer | | buying Raw Furs direct from the trappers for over years--a sure guarantee to you for Quality and § Value. ! a | sen In thé city over the administra- | PBESTERED | tion of the traffic by-laws, and the | Monsicl. demonsiration at Foie TRADE | | city solicitor, J. L. Whiting, K.C., | Grounds on Labor Day, Mon. Sept. | | and the solicitors for the street rail- 8,980. ' bia J i] | { lic » Jo. not forget to turn your clo | way.company, Messrs. Nickle, Farrell | e rn | and. Day, are now negotiating to se- JBaed 33 hour when yogi go to bed | 'cure some compromise arrangements. | 0nday r . a3 {In the spring of 1919 a section was Ie Miss Gladys V. Pennell, Kingston, | sdded to the traffic by-law submitt- | formerly of Picton, has entered a | ed by Kingston Motor Club to | training school for nufses. : the-Cify Council ordering the street | he. W. Raven, Deseronto, t300vs | railway company to stop its cars on f a ng from an operation at the ote | the near side of the corners instead | 18%, is expected to go home shortly. | of the far side at at present. This| The outfit used by Capt. William | section of the by-law was never en- | Lesslie, in his attempt to ralsa the {forced and it now appears that the [Steamer Keystorm has arrived in | franchise under which the rdilway Kingston. High School Text Books | All the latest editions®f the High School Text Books authoriz- ed by the Department of Education now on hand. Owing to the paper shortage re-orders will net. be delivered until the first of next year. Pupils are advised to secure their requirements as early as possible. : Saturday Book and Music Sale POPULAR MUSIC . . .+.....TWO FOR A QUARTER POPULAR COPYRIGHTS .... ...... NINETY CENTS EACH STORE OPEN ALLLABORDAY. . Toronto and Montreal daily back an hour to standard time. _ At Far Crossing. | Kingston For the convenience of customers, papers on sale on the arrival of the mails. A 4 1 ver . . . . . OQuriravelling buyers co Students in the Collegiate ar e advised to secure their text books the Fur section in The North Land, selecting and collect- ing only the finest prime ples for our exclusive trade. y this established method, our skins are purchased at the lowest 'first cost. You _ may select your skins. Our operates gives the company permis-| NOW 1s the tfme to have your | | ston to stop its cars at the far cross | | ing. | It 1s pointed out, howgver, thaf) | this operation makes very diffi | | the handling of traffic on th& main | | streets. For instance, at the corner {of Wellington and Princess streets | | & standing street car causes traffic | { to stop on the two streets whereas | if it stood at the near crossing it | | would halt only the traffic coming | { down Princess street. plano tuned. We carry two expert | tuners and will assure entire satis. faction, C. . Lindsay, Limited. Mrs. E. A. Huff, who has been visiting her daugher, Mrs. Irvine | oyce, Deseronto, for the past two months, has) left for Kingston. Why) not do your sewing by elec- tricity? Seb Newman Electric Co.'s ad. Arthur Gaudreau, a former mem- {ber of the Whig staff, now with the on Monday to avoid delays of thre é to fourtnonths on re-orders, > The College Book Store Telephone 919 © Agentfor FIP TOP Tailors. Open Evenings expert designers will assist Kingston is one of the few cities | Mail and Empire, Toronto, is holiday- { in the country whero there is such an 108 in the city. rn -- alTangement. and €hiet of Police] Good-bye to daylight saving till Robinson is now endeavoring to |Pext summer. Citizens who want to h -- ---- . . Ap ------------------ ---- | work out a compromise whereby traf- |enjoy more daylight now will have Hi : fic will be permitted to' proceed with-|t0 run the time on their own hook. : out interruption on the main streets. | Francis ing has been elected to | i ® ® { It is claimedson the part of the | the council for Ontario of the Cana- | | company, however, that local cars |dian Bar Asgociation. G. F. Hender- | | are not equipped with motors strong | son, K.C., Ottawa, a former King- < | enough to make the start on the |Stonian, was sjected treasurer, ¥ ; | grades on Princess street and that it| Miss Irene Moore ahd Miss Muriel | would cause much inconvenience to | Reynolds, of the Kingston Bell Tele- | passengers alighting in mud or snow | phone exchange, enjoyed an air flight | you in choosing styles, or Sh . will design a special model for you. The furs are finish- ed in our own work rooms by Fur Craftsmen of wide ex- perience, insuring your satis- faction in every way. Qual- ity for quality, our prices can | Friday evening over the city with not be met elsewhere. "If you live out of town, write for our illus- trated Fur Style Book, giving advance in- formation on Furs and Fur Fashions. It | were the cars to stop at the near | crossings, \ {| However, it is possible that some | arrangement will be effected to have isthe cars stop at the near crossing on | paved streets and have passengers | alight at the front door of closed | cars on other streets. | plan is not fesible, the suggestion *| may be made to have them stop as JOHN | 149-(51- LIMITED ll 10157- BRO C K.ST L KINGSTON . ONTARIO $6,400 s near Union street; brick. oms and attic; - hot /water ; electricity; deep lot. ; 8 rooms; furnace; elec- tricity; werandah. Near 3 $4,300 Albers street-- the Park; brick; 8 rooms and Sttic; hot water heating; hard- wood floor; verandah, $3,700--Clergy street; brick; 9\rooms; furnace; electricity. 4 |Angrove's Repairs "Seales, Talking Machines, 187 WELLINGTON STREET Bicycles, Raby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We do repair work right and guarantee aatisfaction. at present, and have signs painted on the paved streets indicating where the cars stop at near crossings. | CRITICIZE WAY HEALTH OFFICERS APPOINTED | Portland Township | ntrol Over Its Medical i Health Officer. Strong criticism of the Provincial Board of Health's appointment of the medical officers of health was made at the Ontario Municipal As- soclation's annual convention in Tor- county. He found fault because the municipality, though it had to pay the officer's--salary, had no control over him. Mr.) Auly protested that during a recent smallpox epedimic in Portland township,a the medical health department had proved vefy unsatisfactory. Dr. J. S. McCullough, provincial officer of health, said the depart- ment could not dismiss a health officer unless evidence to. warrant such dismissal were forthcoming. he said if Pertland township tould get enough evidence against the medical officer of health there, he / Na A ® - The Opening of a REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT \ May we help you sell? May we help you buy? RM. Hefernan & Co. 44 Clarence Street would be dismissed. Kr BIG FIGHT PICTURES Are To Be Seen at the Strand Theatre. A special matinee on Monday at 11 a.m. will be given, and a special performance on Monday and Tuas- day evenings at 10.40 p.m., after the usual evening performance is over. Everybody who is interested in this great international event should on no account miss seeing Jimmie Wilde the fighting Englishman, the great- est of all British champions, and Patsy Wallace, the American cham- pion flyweaight, These pictures when shown in Toronto broke all records ! and thousands of people were un- able to gain admission when shown there. Every detail of the big fight is clearly presented. Reports from Kingstonians who have seen the pic- ture declare it the best they have = TT "Ours have a touch of to-morrow in the "new styles of to-day. : ~Extrarspecial values 4 NEW CAPS HEADWEAR FOR CHILDREN . wv a. = & EERE RCE REE ER ture Is fi. five reels and is the gen- ning fight and. no fake. Wilson had a screening of the ple- ture when he was in Toronto, and de- clares it a knockout. On any account don't miss it.--Advt. Local Hunters Suffer Seizure of Their Guns : The duck season opened most un- ers who gverlooked the fact that shooting after sundown is prohibited by the provincial regulations. In- spectors Young and Dine were on the bridge at Cataraqul creek, yond Lake Ontario park on Wednes- game laws. Half a dofen hunters fell into their hands, and seizure was madd of their guns, some of them being very valuable weapons, It is understood that there may be a pro- test entered over the seizure as it is alleged that all of the hunters had not used their firearms during pro- hibited hours. Bowling on Friday. At the bowling green on Friday evening in the 'doubles, C. C. Hod- gins won from T. Sleeth by 12 to 10, C. C. Hodgins from W. Frizzell by 12 tp 8, and J. Singleton from TI Frizzell. In the Price cup doubles, Dr. Sparks and J. Angrove won from W. Linton and P. Richardson, R. H. Stevenson and E. Johnson from C. Hodgins and W. Burns by default, and W. H. Wormwith and J. J. Chatterton from A. E. Treadgold and' G. A. Bateman by 17 to 15. ' Why Worry About the Price of sugar when you can get a big basket of blue plums for 50e, to- night at Carnovsky's. -------- The H. W. Newman Read i, If the latter | Seeks | onto by F. L. Auly, of Frontenac | ever had the pleasure to witness. The | Manager | fortunately for some Kingston hunt- || day night seeking violators of the ||| Capt. Janney. Line of march on Labor Day will | | be from Market Square at 12.30 | | noon, along King street to Princess, | | Princess to Alfred and thence to Fair | Groufiis. sar Major P. Earnshaw has been ap | pointed to the staff of the Signal! Corps of the 3rd military district. | He was a tutor at the Royal M#itary | College last season. | Mails for England and the conti- | | nent close at the Kingston Post Office | |at 11 a.m., Tuesday, and 11 a.m. | Friday. Newspapers and parcel post | close Monday at 5 p.m. and Friday | {at 5 p.m. | Watch the H. W. Newman Electric Co.'s ad." It will both interest and | pay you. The dedication of the memorial | bell in Knox church, McDonald's Cor- ners, is to take place Sunday at 11 | a.m., the service to be conducted by Col. A. M. Gordon, D.D.,, M.C., D.8.0., | of Kingston. ; : { Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Wilson with |Kéith Wilson and Miss Muriel, 72 {Clergy street, west, have returned {home from Norway Bay, Que., where they have been holidaying for the {past two months. |. -Police Magistrate Farrell had a i short session on Saturday. A thirsty |.one," who got some strong beer on | Friday, a¢as fined $10 and qosts, and {a citizen who violated ti Hotor | Vehicle Act was taxed $5 an¥ costs. In spite of the fact that it had {been announced that the baseball game had boon called off on Friday night, Quipena number of fans journ- eyed to the cricket field and were |disappointed to find that tha game had been called off. | We will rent you'a plano, and at lend of six months if you feel like | purchasing instrument we will allow | the six months' rental on purchase | price and arrange easy terms on bal- |ance.~ C. XV. Lindsay. Noble Wilkes, Jr. owned by Alon- zo Diefendorf, Chaumont, has 'been | turned over to Alec Hays,«Kingston, | for handling in Watertown, N.Y. | races. He is also handling Lord Aron, { owned by William Place, of this city. { Lieut. Roger Bidwell, R.N., has | {arrived in town from England and | |is at *'Bishop's Court," King street. | Lieut. Bidwell was.one of the Cana- dians who were fortunate énough to witness the surrender 'of the Ger- man fleet, he at the time being a mid- shipman on H. M. S. Canada, ~ | | | "The Hat Store" Holiday Hats Celebrate in One of the New Fall Styles || For Labor's big day om Mon-, | day you should have a proper ll Hat. The weather calls for the ll, discarding of the old Straw: or ° Panama and the wearing of # new Fall style. We are agents for all the best makes. New Soft Felts ....58 to $0 New Stiff Hats .....84 to $0 New Tweed Caps . .$1 to $3.50 BUY TO-NIGHT. George Mills & Co. "Headquarters for Headwear" : Electric Co.'s od, will interest, you. . if | Nearly anything not || Horticultural = Society's Ground For Cultivation Should Be of Fall Rugs We have our new stock of FALL RUGS now in stock in a beautiful range of rich Oriental designs that will blend in with every room. We have all sizes in stock in the following: -- WILTON RUGS--AII sizes from | 1 yds. x 2 yds. x 4 yards. AXMINISTER RUGS--AII to 3 yards x 4 yards. VELVET PILE RUGS--AIl sizes from 2} yds. up-to 3 yards x 4 yards. : BALMORAL RUGS--ALII sizes up to 3 yards x 4 yards. TAPESTRY RUGS--ALI sizes, pp to 3 yards x 4 yards. CONGOLEUM ART RUGS--in all the best sizes, WOOL AND FIBRE RUGS --all sizes. Also a big stock of Floor Mats in Tapestry, Smyrna, Revers-, ible, Axminster and Wilton--a big stock of each to choose from and all specially priced for Fall trade. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" up to 3 yards sizes from 1} yds. x 2 yds. and up x3 yds. and from 2} yards by 3 yards and from 2} yards x 3 yards and GREATER PRODUCTION: TO HOME SEEKERS Ploughed or Spaded. Vacant land greater producers and back yard gardeners of the- season, and others desirous of becoming such next year, should get into touch with the owners of the same, or of desired lots and secure at least conditional permission for their cultivation. Ground intended for cultivation next year should be ploughed or spaded this fall and, if already cropped, well manured. A stronger effort should be put forward for still greater pro- duction, and no vacant lot or back yard that can be utilized left untilled. No garden produce of this year should be allowed to go to waste. leable can be used for chicken feed. Potatoes should be dug up and stored as soon ll! as the vines wither, otherwise slugs | land worms will injure them. Tubaers showing signs of rot should be re- moved. ve Growers are agaln reminded of the exhibition, which is held under the auspices of the Ontario Department of Agricul- || ture. - Along with the usual list of prizes there are five special ones-- for six ears of Golden Bantam corn, limited to city greater producers; for the best collection of vegetables, ra- || stricted to the recemt, garden prize | competitors; for the Bell potato, and for the best three varieties of pota- toes and of onions. There is also 'a one class prize for the largest to- mato. iN MARINE CIRCLES Arrived: Holcomb and Jeska, Os- wego, coal; Kingston, Toronto. Up: ragua. ~ Down: Mapleheath. tenet Suffered Scalp Wound. D. Edwards, Division street, suf- fered a scalp wound while working at the Domin plant on'Saturday morning. He was taken to the general hospital where several stitches were put in by Dr. Harold Angrove. Toronto may prohibit the holding of "Mg days." Textile company's: We would point out these exceptional bargains, which must be so at omee, Near Victoria Park--8olid brick, detached dwelling; hot wa heating; good cellar; electric lights; s; fire place; 5 rooms; at- tic; 3 plece bath; yard and gateway. is house is modern in every Way 8nd is In excellent state of repalr. Immediate possession. Rea- son for selling, owner leaving SRY. Loon, Centrally Located Bumgalow--80lld brick, on a corner; § rooms; hot alr furnace; electric lights; bath and tojlet; good yard; in excellent state of repair And immediate possession can be given. Near Portsmouth---A detached frame on a corneri§ rooms; - lar; has 1-5 of an acre of ground; suitable for a garden. The house is absolutely in Al order. . Princess Street--Three story brick building and outbullding; On very 'central, at $21 Sgmplete list at office, No information Eiven over telephone. _E. W. MULLIN & SON a TY "School Shoes FOR STURDY BOYS : . BOYS' BLACK BOX KIP BLUCHER, a solid leather, "Union Made" 'Shoe -- a shoe that looks neat, and yet will give a tre- mendous amount of wear. Sizes 1105 ........ cue. $4.00 Sizes lltol3...........:.33.50 , --Best value in town-- Sieve J. Martin. "Shoes of Meyit and Distinction" ' 180 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 3816, - 1 . ~ y . i On Sept. 1st at Delta, the marriage | liam Birch, and T. Bobert Sheridan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William daa, Sopesrlon. La \ was solemnized of Vera Elizabeth, joniy daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wik

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