ge! b i fe 5 EY ] rm TE ATR ' . a TPERATION WiS THE MARKET REPORTS | NOT NECESSARY 'Fruit-a-tives" Restored Her To Perfect Health 158 Parnwmav Ave., MomTzzaL, . ®Por three years, 7 suff ed great Poin in the lower part of my body, New York, Aug. 31.--Flour, spring patents, $12.25 to $13.25; 'do clears. $9.75 to $10.75; $11.00 to $11.50; Kansas do, $12.00 | to $13.60. . 80 to $11.25. CRAIN MARKETS { New York. winter straights, Rye Flour--Choice to fancy, $10. White Corn Four--3$4.00 to $4.10 _ | per 100 lbs, . : ¢ with swelling or bloating. I saw a Cornmeal -- Yellow _ granulated, = Specialist who said I must undergo [$3.90 to $4.00; white granulated, | 'an operstion. I reffsed $3.90 to $4.00. v I heard sbowt ** Fyui ives" so Rye--No. 2 western 82.28% A. > . 0. b. New York and $2.263% ec. i. f.- : JMecided lo bry i. : domestic. : The first box gave great relief; and Barley--Feeding $1.14 and malt- , I continued the treament. Now my |ing $1.22 both c. i. f. New York. 3 health is execellent--I am free of Wheat--No 2 red and No. 2 hard in-and I give ives $2.70% c. i. f. track New York; No. pe 3ad 1sive Fruita-tives my 2 mixed durum $2.64 c. i. f. track y : New York to arrive. g ' Mme. F. GAREAU. Corn--No 2 yellow $1.79% c.i.f., A 80c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialsize 25, | 10-day shipment. 3 Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Oats--No, 2 white, 86c; No. 3 : : .~ Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa. § Wits, 83¢, 3 Chicago. | Chicago, Aug 31.--Wheat--No, 2| HOT WEATHER SUPPLIRS ied, $2.59 to 32.60%; No. 2 hard, : 2.58 to $2.60. . YNIGUS MEAT MARKEY ga Sorh--No. 2 mixed; $1.63 to $1,-| E 33%; No. 2 yellow, $1.68. | ~Cosked Meats of all kinds. Oats--No. 2 white, 71c 10 723; No. w=Retreshing Drinks of all kinds. 3 white, 68i¢c to 70 Ye. wre Frait Rye--No. 2, $2.06 to $2.06. an Barley--$1.05 to $1.18. Timothy Seed--~$6.50 to $7.50. Clover Seed-- $25.00 to $30.00. C RL PICKERING Pork~--Market nominal, Lard---$18:50, 490-408 PRINCRSS STREET Fry 13 to $15.75. Winnipeg. : i Winnipeg. Aug 31.--O¢tober wheat opened 11-8c lower at $2.613. October oats opened oc higher at 80%c; December oats opened um- s | Sianged at 756%c and May opened . I ¢ higher at 89%¢. October bar- fs the time to Jot lawn ll| 16y opened 3c higher at $1.22%. . Bower abd you. | October flax opened 1%c lower at| 'A ® red a $3.40. October rye opened unchang- : a : Tepa an ed at $1.96%. : * r Montreal. 1 Montreal, Aug. 31.--Oats--Can- : J. ML. PATRICK E 160 SYDENHAM ST. : Phone 2086J. . (RAND TRUN : AGENCY FOR ALL e STEAMSHIP LINES For information i lo - . RR RAILWAY SYSTEM a7 Ae 6. TV Railt {choice vealers early, | $12.00; adian Western, No. 2, $1.13 to $1.- 19; do.,, No. 3, $1.16 to $1.17. Flour--New standard grade, $14.85 to $15.05. Rolled oats--Bag of 90 *lbs, $5.45 to $5.60. Bran--$58. Shorts--$62. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car lots, $31, Minneapolis. . Minneapllis, Aug. 31.--Flour un- changed; shipments, 59,217 barrels; bran, 4,200. Wheat--No. 1 Northern, $2,43% to $2.60%. Corn--No. 3 yellow, $1.48 to $1.50. Oats--No. 3 white, 613%c to 623%r. Flax--No. 1, $3.09% to $3.11%, Toronto, ; Torontq, Aug 31.--Northern wheat, new crop--No. 1 northern, $2.79%; No. 2 northern, $2.76 %; No. 3 northern, $2.72%; No, 4, $2.68%; all in store, Fort William. American corn--No. 2 yellow, $2.- 00, nominal, track, Toronto, prompt shipment. No. 2 white, $1.97. Manitoba barley, in store, Fort William---No. 3 C. W., $1.19%; No. 4 C.W, $1.24%; rejected, $1.13; feed, $1.13. 31 iey--Ontazio malting, $1.35 to Ontario wheat--No. 2, $2.30 to ing to freights, Ontario oats--No. 3 white, nom- inal, 80¢ to 85c¢, according to freights outside. Ontario four--In jute bags, Gov- ernment standard, prompt shipment, delivered at Montreal, nominal, Tor- onto, nominal. Bulk, seaboard, $10.40 to $10.50. Manitoba flour and Government standard, $14.75. ' Mill feed--Carloads, Montreal; shorts, $61; good feed flour, $2.75. deliverad bran, $52; LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Chicago, hicago, Aug. 81.--Cattle--Top, $17.30; bulk corn fed, $15.25 to $17.25; best grassy kinds at $13.50 to $14.75, steady; plain grades slow, to 25¢ lower; mostly at $9 to $13; god cows at $9.75 to $12.75; canners at $4.00 to $4.75, steady; in-between grades draggy and closing 6c low- er; bologna bulls at $5.25 to $6.25, mostly 25¢ lower; butcher bulls steady; calves strong; good and $16.00 to $17.25; top late, $17.75; stockers and feeders closing steady. Hogs, 15 to 25¢ higher; top, $15.75; bulk light and butcher hogs, $15.00 to $15.60; bulk packing sows, $13.75 to $14.00; pigs, 26 to 50c higher; bulk, desirable kinds, . $14.25 to $14.75. Shep and lambs--Fat lambs fully 26 to 35¢ higher; top western; $14.75; bulk, $14.25 to $14.65; top native, $14.00; bulk, $14.26 to native, $14.00; bulk, $12.70 to $13.75; western wethers 10¢ higher at $8.35; ewes about steady; top, $7.50; best feeded lambs, $13.25. - New York. New York, Aug. 31.--Cat steers, $8.00 to $17.00; bulls, $5.75 to $9.00; cows, $2.50 to $8.75. Calves--Veals, $16.00 to $22,00; clls, $12.00 to $15.00; skim milk calves, $10.00 to $11.00; grassers, $8.00 to $10.00; westerns, $18.00 to $14.50. Sheep----3$4.00 to $8.50; culls, $2.50 to $3.50; yearlings, $10.00 to lambs, $13.00 to $17.25; culls, $8.50 to $11.00. Hogs--Medium weights, $17.00; heavy, $16.00; pigs, $15.50 to $16.- 50; roughs, $13.00. ¥ 9 Buffalo. Buffalo, Aug. 31.--Calves--High- er at $6.00 to $22.50. s Hogs.--Heavy, $15.75 to? $16.25; Yorkers, $16.75; light, do and $16.75; few at $17.00; roughs, $12.- 75 to $13.00; stags, $3.00 to $10.00. Lambs--$6.00 to $16.25; yearlings $6.00 to $10.50; wethers, $8.50 to $9.00; ewes, $3.00 to $8.00; mixed sheep, $8.00 to $8.50, X Toronto, Sire Toronto, Aug. 31.--Heavy steers, choice, $13 to $14.50; choice butcher, $12.50 to $13.50; medium Mvtcher, $11.75 to $12; common bu' Julr, $9 to $9.50; light, common, $6 1 $7.50; heifers, good to choice, $11.50' to $13; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $11; bulls, choice, heavy, $10 to $11; $2.40, f.0.b. shipping points, accord- pike __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -tn. t AZ I. Pg | a 7 1 ' i | es _- = ) \IR7 ' It i I a, we +H "The Picture Patron's Court of Appeal If you could "attend one of the regular luncheon-meétings of Allen Theatres > tanagers, you would find that the subjects discussed are similar to those debated by the people who patronize the theatres. Tn no other way could the Allen Theatre Enterprises secure the viewpoint of the theatre patron more effectively than through the medium of these meetings. A score or more of these "branch managers' get together at frequent intervals, and discuss every picture, past, present and future, with which they are concerned. Pictures are brought up for criticism. One manager will report that his patronage was large and satisfied, while another will explain why a diferent section of the community did not respond to the same photoplay. Sometimes there is uniform disappointment regarding the worth of a certain film, and again there will be a chorus of approval. be derived a fairly accurate estimate of the public attitude toward a particular picture. In one sense these meetings are the court of appeal for the public. Anyone may influence the course of the modern picture by giving intelligent expression to his opinion of any film shown at an Allen Theatre. But out of these- meetings may a » Criticism is welcomed, but the patron should consider to make his criticism constructive. And the influence of the Allen patronage is a vital force with the makers of pictures. Every maker of motion pictures seeks to show his pictures in the Allen chain of theatres--and it is then he is confronted with the Allen standard which in a broad sense is the expression of taste and desires of the Canadian motion picture public. + do, good, $9 to $9.75; do light, $7 stockers, 700 to 750 lbs. $7.50 to $8.50 feeders, $10 to $10.50; heavy 'sheep, $56 to $7; do yearlings, $9 to $10; spring lambs, $15 to $16.50; calves, $19 to $19.50; do, medium, $13 to $15; hogs, fed and watered, bid, $20.25 to $20.50; do, off cars, $20.50 to $20.75; do. f.0.b, $19.25 to $19.50; do, sows, $5 lower. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 31. -- Cattle-- Butcher steers, good, $10.60 to $12.50; medium, $9 to $10.50; com- mon, $7 to $9; butcher heifers, me- dium, $8.50 to $9; common, $5 to $8; butcher cows, medium? $5.50 to $8.50; canners, $3 to $4; cutters, $4 to $5; butcher bulls, common $5 to $6. Grass calves were selling in most cases for $7. A few veal calves were sold up to $14. Good veal, $13 to $14; medium, $8 to $13; grass, $6.50 to $8. Ewes, $6 to $7; lambs, good, $13 to $13.50; common, $7. Hogs were quoted at $20.50 off cars. Sales were made 25¢ higher. GENERAL TRADE. ' Montreal, Aug. 31---Butter: No. 1 solids 60e a 1b.; prints 62¢ 1b.; No. 2 solids, 57¢; prints, 58¢; dairy, 50c. Eggs: No. 1, 60c per doz.; selects, 68c doz.; Specials, 78c. ak Lard: In prints, 27¢ per I ' Shortening: 26¢ per Ib. Hams: Large size, 49¢; 66¢c Ib. cooked, pies | Get More Vim! Renew Your Strength! .- If you .are tired, nervous, sleep: less, have headaches and languor, brace you up at once. Taken at night--you're well by morning. Sickness and tired ? Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills box, at all dealers, to $8; canners and cutters, $4 to $6; |} you seed Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they| 4tons the stomach, assist digestion, Hoe; Old, 33¢ per 1b.; new, 29¢ Bacon: Windsor, boneless, 57¢ per 1b.; breakfast, 40c to 60¢ per 1b. Dressed poultry! Milkfed chickens, 42¢ to 46¢ per 1b.; fowl, 36¢ to 38¢c; geese, 30c; turkeys, 67c; ducks, 40c. Honey: White clover, strained, 26¢c per 1b. Beans: Canadian hand-picked, $5 per bushel; peas, $4.76. Dressed Hogs: Fresh killed abattoir stock, to $29.50. Cane sugar: Granulated, $22 per 100 Ibs. ; Flour: Government standard spring wheat, $14.85 per bbl; car lots, winter wheat flour, $13 per bbl., car lots, Millfeed: Bran, $54.25 per ton, ex- track; shorts, $61.25. Hay: Baled, per ton, in car lots, No .2 Timothy, $28 to $29; No. 8 Timothy, $26 to $27; clover mixed, $25 to $26, extrack. « Potatoes: In bags of 80 1bs., $1.85. mason : Toronto, Butter, choice dairy..$0 55 to $0 Do., er 065 0 60 eamery 70 Margarine, 1b ....... 0 37 sense to-day, 2b¢ 0 40 Eggs, new laid, dos... 0 60 0 70 Cheese If .......... 040 0 45 Dressed it Chickens, Spring, ib .. 0 50 055 Fowl, Ibioeoussse.. 0-38 O4B Chickens, A we. 0 60 0 60 Ducks, Spring, Ib .... 0 40 0 45 Turkeys, 1b ......... 05656 0 60 Apples, basket ...... 040 0 75 taloupes, each.... 0 10 0 30 Blueberries, seem 260 300 'Oranges, doz ........ 030 0 75 Hove RET IB ER 6 ches, Can., 11-gts. . -Do., widsen 0-50 1-00 Lawtonberries ...... 0235 0.35 Lemons, 40% ........ 0320 0 'Grapetruit, ceveve 0120 0 30 Raspberries, Ahad a atermelons, each .. 1 bskt ......... 050 0 75 new, S$ for .... 015 ".... new, for.. ¢ 135 ean Corn, 1 dos ........ 020 0 25 each ««« 005 010 Caulifiower, «+ 9015 030 Celery, 3 debs cece 0 25 asian The opinions of "the patronage" do count with the managers and with the Allen Selection Board ; these meetings are the - link between the public and the producers of pictures. Your influence counts there. : opinions of the public influence the producers of pictures. Suggestion boxes for the use of patrons are found in eyery Allen Theatre. It is a phase of Allen policy, that the Cucumbers, each .... 0 05 0 15 Lettuce, leaf, doz, .... 0 256 0 30 Lettuce, head, each .. 0 10 0 15 010 225 100 un sane Suinach, peck ....... 0 25 oon Tomatoes, 11-gst, bskt 0 650 .,., Do.y 8-418. c0riones 035 ooaur Squash, each........ 0 26 0 35 Vegetable marrow .. 0 10 0 15 Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited a> - Lens Lens Lens | Violet-Ray Lens Gives That Daylight Effect --Makes Night Driving ~~ Boyd's o The Home of the Reo, Gray Dort and Cadillac + Brock and Bagot Streets. RAN LBEL, 5 3 os x a Pleasure. rage