_THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - . Sune Fruits and Pure Ice Cream We have all kinds of Fresh Fruits arriving daily CHOICE PEACHES, PEARS, CANTELOPES, ORANGES, BANANAS, ETC. MASOUD'S PURE ICE CREAM in brigks or bulk, ~ FRUITLAND ALLAN MASO ID, PR . 848 Princess Street. LN oP 1 gtx» It Is Not Eroudh to have the bowels mQ¥e. It is more important to P&Z suade liver, kidneys, skin, and Yo wels toact in harmony and 'np : gainst self-poison- ing. BEECHAM 5) Pa LS act favorably upon 3 oa 5 nati ed in food-digestion and p> dai; they remove causes #8 Well 2s 1g Jeve symptoms. ag CHAM'S PILLS _-- Worth a Guinea a box. '- Sold everywhere in Canada. ° Inboxes,25c.,50c. Annually use these tablets of or- ganic iron--Nuxated into build upredblood, strengthand endurance, Det B.Vall formas eich Examine: sv: form only and does not contain any ie i fron, but only the Soest t anal Jj nary ityof pre. artin's Garage 'We are fully equipped with first class mechanics to do all kinds of AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK ON SHORTEST NOTICE. "Call and let us supply you with GASOLINE, OILS, etc. Country calls given best of attention, Btorage for cars. J. W. MARTIN, Prop. 110 Clergy Street. Phone 1192W. Res. Phone 1705F. rr A | Davie & Barrett PLUMBING, HEATING and TINSMITHING All kinds of repair work promptly attended to. PHONE 688 203 WELLINGTON ST. | 'She Said here had been an auto- LBe%oile accident," she repeated. ¥id she say Mr. Gordon hurt?" "No, she said to tell you that she would be right over." Although I had a feeling that Miss Parker was keeping something back, I did not press her further. 1. had a sudden feeling as though 1 wanted cold water on my face and hands and I went into the bathroom saying: "If Mrs. Staunton cdmes pe- fore I have washed my face tell her I'll be with her in a minute." 1 raised my head from the bowl to reach a towel and caught a glimpse of my face in the glass. ' 1} did not know myself. Every bit of color I had ever had in my cheeks | was gone. Even my lips were only | a grayish blue and my eyes were red-rimmed from anxiety and loss of sleep. My hair was in great dis- array and I remember when I did come to a realization of the tragic face I saw in the mirror just now, I laughed. That hysterical laugh brough Miss Parker to me immed- late "W hat is don?* "Nothing, nothing at all, { look so queer, | ror." | "Here, lot me wipe your face," she sald and then I was aware that _the water was running down in streams from my hair. Suiting her actions to the words, she began to dry my face and hands. "I can do that," was the matter, Mrs. Gor- only I so funny in the mir- I said petulantly. "I don't think Alice will care any- way, whether I look well or not. She ought to be here by this time."* "Mrs. Staunton is going to sto for the doctor." "Why does she do that, didn't you tell her that we had him earlier in the evening and the was all right now?" "No, T didn't tell her." "Well, you better try to catch her on 'the phone before she leaves. I think it is foolish to ask the doctor to come over here at this hour in the morning, when the baby is so much better, baby I said. It made me impatient to see her stand looking at me so queerly. Without a word she went into the other room and I again put my face down into the bowl of cool water. "Go on, or you will not catch her," | 3 Defore 1 had finished drying it she came back. "I was not able to get Mrs. Staun- ton," she said. left the house." "I am very sorry. will think we are a set of hysterical women.' "I do not think he will," remarked Miss Parker quietly. "But Alice wag cry, phone, she could hardly talk to me. "She had composed herself be- fore, she answered my questions." "3% am glad of that.' Miss Parker slipped from the room and came back with something in a glass. "Drink this," she said. "Why, I'm all right. Why are you so worried about me?" "I'm not worried, Mrs, Gordon, but you must remember you've had a very hard night and if anything has hapepned Mr. Gordon, as Mrs. Staunton seemed to intimate, 1 think you 'had better be fortified.' 1 swalHowed the spirits of amonia without making a further fuss. "I think they are here," said Miss Parker, as we heard the elevator stop in the hallway. Unconsciously 1 braced myself for what was com- ing. I knew that my waiting was over Intuitively, I walked to the place from. which I could face the door. Miss Parker opened it before Alice had time to rap. She looketd at me expectantly. "I cannot understand," I said, "just why you have come and brought the doctor. The baby is very much better and I am all right." "Oh, dearest, don't you under- stand?" said Alice, throwing her arms about me. 'Doctor, you must do something for her." "I think you had beiter do some- thing for Alice, doctor." "But don't you understand, don't you understand, there has been an automobile accident?" "Are yoy trying to tell me that John is hurt?" Alice bowed her head ,and said softly: "Tell her, doctor.' The doctor led me to the sofa and gently 'seated me. "My dear Mrs. Gordon, be very brave; as. your sister .says, there has been an automobile ac- cident. Your husband and Miss Moreland are both dead." ng so over the you must Tomorrow--The Aftermath, (Copyright by National Newspaper Service) Told in the Twilight (Continued From Page Three.) On Mondy evening Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens thew open the spacious rooms of 'Maitland House" for a most ¢harming dance in honor of Miss Elizabeth Cunningham and Mrs. yivens' son, Henry Hill, Silver moon- light flooded the lake and smooth, shaven lawn, pretty Ws smart LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES ' Ginls! Make beaut beauty lotion for | a few cents--Try It! Pee } Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a guarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complex- SINGS ITS OWN PRAISE Listening to the Greene Piano satisfies because of its sweetness and clearness' of fon beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweet- ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disap- pear and how clear, soft and rosy- white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irritates. ya (02 ) 4 of dC LSON'S FLY BT or frocks of every hue danced on the polished flors, sat on the wide veran- dah or strolled under the fine old trees of the beautiful grounds, slop- ing down to the lake. During the evening, Miss Margaret Tomlinson, (Winipeg), Mrs. Givens' niece, de- lighted the guests with a clever exhi- bition of interpretative dancing. Sup- per was served about midnight and then the dancing to the strains of music provided by the excellent orchestra began again and continued for several hours when a reluctant good night was said and one of the most successful dances of the sea- son came to an end. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Tomlinson, (Winnipeg), Col. andi Mrs. H. E: Boak, (Tofonto), Mrs. R. | S. Waldron, Capt. and Mrs. Hamilton Roberts, Mrs. H. W. Ashby, Mrs. Neil Polson, (Montreal), Mrs. L. Dunbar Stevenson, Mrs. Ira Kip (Orange; N.J,), Dr. and Mrs. F. Cays, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steacy, and Mrs. W., Kent Macnee, Mr, and Mrs, Stewart M. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Livingston, Mrs., James Gunn (Cairo, Egypt), Mr. and Mrs. Mfgh Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Miss Elizabeth and Miss Flo Cunningham, Miss Althea Hazen (St. Johns, N.B.), Miss Kathleen and Miss Edith Carruthers, Miss Dorothy Chown, Miss Margaret Tomlinson, (Winnipeg), Miss Helen and Miss Doris McKay, Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Nora and Miss Isabel Minnes, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss Evelyn ickle, Miss Dorothy Mickle (Otta- wa), Miss Alison Macdonnell, Miss Mary and Miss Margaret Taylor, Miss Kathleen Gunn, Miss Veta Minnes, Miss Eleanor Phelan, Misses Frank Thomas (Wilmington, Del.), Brook Tomlinson (Winnipeg), Gordon Cun- ningham, Paul Cunningham, E, Ryan, H. Ramsey, R. E. Richardson, Ted Rogers, Hew Duff, Ted Steacy, Douglas and Wilbur Chown, Jack Emery, Stanley Driver, Douglas Nickle, Donald Nickle, George Car- son, Donald Robertson, L, McCarter, Douglas Carruthers, J. Hudson. George Stanley (Clinton, N.Y.), Reginald Third, Alan Mitchell, B. Carr-Harris, Prestly M 1, Frank Smythe, Jack Smythe, Ben. Cunning- "She had already [ca The doctor > pr -------- ACCIDENTS AT PHILIPSVILLE Young Man Loses Three Fingers in Box Factory. Philipsville, Aug. 31.--A son of William Halladay, while working in R. C. Haskin's box factory, had his left hand caught under a knife and lost three fingers. An older boy fell off a horse and had his shoulder put out of joint. Dr. O. and Mrs, Lillie left here last wek for their home in Banff. They will drive all the way in an auto. James Shire, Essex county, home and took his mother and rother out to Saskatchewan. He has two brothers and one sister out there. Miss Whitmore, Delta, was the guest last wek of Mrs, H. Warren. Mrs. Alice Wilson is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Whitmore. Guests at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster's were : 'Mrs Robert Poke, Smith's Falls; Miss Mable Pope, Harlem, Misg Muriel Berry, Lynd- hurst, J. Mures and wife, Gananoque, James Leishman, .Crosby, James Leishman, Crosby. About 900 people attended the Women's Institute social. Do not for- get the Kingston fair, which will be better and bigger than ever this fall, In the beginning the devil is al- ways satisfied with week day ser- vices. The optomist always carries a big load of cheer and good feeling. SHIHn--n------"; Lends Fragrance to the simplest meal . A aie is pure; wholesome 2 delicious. Send us a post card for a Iree sample, stating the aad if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Addresa = Ya tuce price now pay Baiada Torostos The advantage you J by dis- honesty will in the ew disadvantage. The eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth créed to me seems a SOrt of hellish justice. The almighty dollar puts into cir- culation an enormous amount of dis- honest advice. ---------------- ES READY FOR THE SCHOOL BELL chool Shoes' Boys and Girls | "The best costs the least"--and we have the best--the very best that money can buy. Sizes complete from the smallest to the largest. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE 184 Princess St. EE be to your ' I improved my cooking the very day--- 1 baked the Borden way. You too caf meke richer cal cookies, etc. and actually improve your favorite recipes by using , BORDEN'S "ST.CHARLES" Evaporated Milk, You'll notice the difference u the added goodness, and consider using any other once converted to coo the Borden way. iate Bosal eal and baking Recipe Book fse an request. THE BORDEN COMPANY LIMITED. Milk ST.CHARLES BRAND Evaporated Millions have said that about Blue-jay. Otherstried it ante told others the same treatments. '1 ended coms forever in this scientific way" pare or pad them, or to us. the old harsh ham, Dr. C.F. Abbott,( New York), and Howard Fair. - * . \ > * Mr. and Mrs. M. Porter, Westport, . were Kingston visitors this week. Mrs. G. E. Wing, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Efile Ripley, Westport. Dr. C. F. Abbott, New York, is the Minnes, sory, 59 the tse lias buatil com y disappeared J you halve a com you can. sete t to- way Abd find the wayto end everycomn. Apply liquid Blue-jay or a Blue-jay plaster. The pain will stop. Soon the whole gorn will loosen and come out. Think what folly it is to keep corns, to Here isthe new-day way, gen surg a and scientific. It\was chemist in this world-famed laboratory. I di illio of coms by a touch. The elie 0 auicks and it ends them com it tonight. Come 56 uiterly.nends ood 3 Nonigh, Com are Wher yu Buy Blue-jay from your druggist. ByfBlu e=jay / Plaster or Liquid The Scientific Corn Ender 'BAUER & BLACK, Limited * Chicago Toronto New York "Makiors of Sterile Susgical Dressings and Allied Products sound in ja design, material ie Greene Piano has achieved its reputation roa sheer merit. i BT and sold ony_easy Lieut. Roger' Bidwell, R.N., has sailed for Canada on the Empress of France, to spend his leave with E. J. Bidwell, | delicate skins ° ky ahem an: on, burn by Campana's| "a bottle . at all LL Nl TE eam rt. 5 ------ a