Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1920, p. 3

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"New Fall Suits ARE ARRIVING DAILY Come in and examine our new styles and patterns. George VanHorne Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. {Opposite Grand Opera House) 'School Opens h Sept. 1 Have you thought child's eyes? Many children who were backward last terms have had eye defects. Give your child every chance this term--pains in head, get- | ting sleepy soon. after reading, no "ambition to study--are some of the symptoms of eye strain. "Let us examine their eyes." J.J. NIGHT USE. THE BARRACKS For _ Living 'Apartments for City People--Could be Fitted Up. It has been suggested by citizens |interested in the housing conditions | of Kingston that the Barriefield bar- |. racks, not used for military purposes | be taken over by the city and divided {into apartments and rented this fail if ito tamiiies in search of accommoda- {tion. These barracks were erected | in the fall of 1918 to accommodate |} about 1,000 soldiers, and it is claimed | that by putting up partitias over 100 | families could be comfortably housed. | The barracks belong to the militia department whd it would be necessary '§ | if consent were obtained to have ton- |tractors make an inspection of the ! buildings and submit tenders for the | work needed to put them in good condition. It was claimed by the Machine Gun Corps quartered there last winter that in excesgive cold weather it was diffi- if cult to keep warm, and some improve: ments might be made . On the other the same shortage of houses in the | city there was a year ago, as hundreds about your N their fine qualities. and lengths in stock. to $60.00 JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. Necklets Indestructible Pearl Necklets guaranteed not to peel, break, or discolor, and will stand a Priced from $7.50 boiling hot bath and retain all All sizes Kinnear & d'Esterre { of people have left the city. The suggestion is one, consideration of the ity and in this connection the question {arises as to whether the city could g0 outside the city limits . It is just possible that some 2# the city con- tractors may take up the suggestion independently of the Sys. secure a lease of the property and® vert the barraeks into suitable apartments. | STADIUM, TO BE READY. For the Fall Rugby Season at | Queen's University. The work on the George Richard- son memorial 'stadium on Union stréet .is being rushed as rapidly as { possible. "On Monday the engineer in charge of construction when asked {by the Whig if he expected that the {stadium would be ready for the fall season, said that he figured it would be. Few people have any idea of the amount of work which has been done up until the present time, The play- now the men are busw building the large concrete fence to enclose the | playing field. Considerable time is {required in arranging the frame work for the concrete structure. The work on the grand stand is pushed along very rapidly. STANDING CROPS COMPETITION | D. B. Johnston and W. H. Rath Were | Lansdowne Winners, The awards in connection with the | hafid it is claimed that there is not | however for the | housing | | committee and the mayor to take up | ing field has all been completed and | being | y BRITISH M: C. DUNN'S APPOINTMENT. As passenger and Freight Agent of | Combined Railways, | + EA M. ¢. DUNN The many friends of M. C. Dunn, who for some years was local agent for the Canadian Northern Railroad company, will be pleased to hear that he has been appointed local city pas- | senger and freight agent of the Can- adian National Grand Trunk rail- roads, With the taking over of the | {Grand Trunk by the government, it meant that many changes in the staff were necessary. | Since coming fo Kingston from | Yarker, where he was agent for some years, Mr. Dunn built up a splendid | business for thé Canadian Northern railroad. When he first came to | Kingston the express business. was small, but by his faithful work he built up trade until the local office | wds one of the best in this part of the | province, | The taking ovér of the Grand {Trunk has resulted in the express business formerly handled~by the C N.R. being looked after at the office located at the corner of Bagot and ! Princess streets. | SYDENHAM LADY FLIES | -- | Mrs. J. M. Woodruff In An Aeroplane | Over Kingston, | Sydenham, Aug. 30.--A group of } Odessa, Wilton, and | camp at Amey's'| boys . from Glenvale were in | landing last week in charge of | Rev. Mr.» Parsons. A large- num- | | ber of people 'from here attended the harvest dinner at Perth Road on Fri- | day. Word was received here of the iim WIHIG I . pers; sizes ing ¢ yg "" | MATTRESSES Don't throw away your o.8 Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new. Get our prices. and Frontenac Mattress Co; 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w ba WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street Phone 133 ME Abernethy's Sn ------ 6; ou welcome your " about ficking the house. re He / Never was our display of Furnit ure larger than it is right now. All the very newest designs and finishes in a complete variety of Fall styles are ready for your inspection. x [emo | JAMES REID We Do Crating and Packing. ot PHONE 147 AS OUR STAFF IS AT YOUR SERVICE. standing field+wheat crop competition | of Lansdowne fair have been made | death of the mother of Mrs. F. Sine and have proved very satisfactory. | at Dundas, whither Mrs. Sine was | The average is very high and would | summoned last Tuesday. The death have been more so had it not been | occurred before she could arrive. some of the fields were mixed grain. | P. W. Brown, principal of the Following are the prize winners: { North Bay Collegiate Institute, and Wheat: 1st, D. B, Johnston 88% | a former resident Here, was a visitor Kingston Co-operative Society, Ltd. Fresh Dairy and Creamery Butter. OCE/N STEAMSHIP SERVICES Revised rates and sailings. Apply: S. KIRKPATRICK 36 Clarence Street The House of Better Glasses pposite the Post Office Phone 689, KINGSTON. C. THOMAS COPLEY SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1015 McLaughlin Tour. ., Ing car for sale cheap for a quiek buyer. BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w, Telephone 987. tery line. Estimates given on all wood floors of all kinds. will receive prompt attention. 28 Qugen Street. Tire 'Rebuilding and Repairing ISTHE BUSINESS OF EXPERT TIRE MECHANICS . WE SPECIALIZE IN DOMINION TIRES AND TIRE REPAIRS _ 'MOORE'S THE TIRE SHOP. Wanting anything done in the carpen- kinds i and new work; also hard- aT Ao ! All orders Shop: ( oes, ST an § 21% & at ~ Men's Brown Calf and Gunmetal Sh with leather or rubber soles. J) HEE STOO p.c.; 2nd, O. W. Landon, 85% p.c.; 3rd, Geo. A. Loney, 84 % p.c.; 4th, H. A. McNeeley, 84 p.c.; 5th, Jos. Shields, 756% p.c.; Tth, Wellington Landon, 75% p.c. Honorable mention--George W. Ruttle, 74 p.c.; John Elliott, 731% p. c.; Thomas Steacy, 723% p.c.; G. S. McCullough, 67% p.c.; Taylor Buras 64% p.c.; W. B. Steacy, 62 p.c. Oats: 1st, William H. Rath, 95 p. c.; 2nd, O. W.-Landon, 93% p.c.; 3rd, Roy Breakenridge, 921% p.C.; 4th, J. H. Donevan, 89% p:c.; 5th, Joseph Shields, 88 p.c.; 6th, Robert Shields, 86% p.c.; 7th, W. B. Steacy, 851% p.c. Honorable mention--J. B. Wilson, 85 p.c.; Wellington Landon, 84 p.c. | Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. MacLean, Ot- | tawa, announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Grace Hamblin, to Dr. H. Hislop Lees, Windsor, Ont., son of School Inspector Richard Lees and Mrs. Lees, Peterborough, the marriage to take place quietly at Mr. MacLean's residence, Driveway | West, Ottawa, in September. ~ MOTHER! | "California Syrup of Bigs" | ~. Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup ot Figs only--Ilook for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. . Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottles. You must say "Cali- in town last week. Mrs. Percy Trous- | dale was taken to the Kingston Gen- | eral hospital for treatment on Thurs- | day. She underwent an operation there on Friday, and is said to be in | a fairly comfortable condition. | Mrs. J. M. Woodruff was a visitor in Kingston recently, and while there | enjoyed a flight in an aeroplane. The Bell Telephone Company has men at work on the streets adjusting the poles and wires. | From present indications it would | appear that many from this vicinity | will attend the Kingston Industrial | Exhibition to be held in that city the | end of next month. Under excellent | management, the fair should be "big- ger and better than ever" this year, and the hopes of those in control be more fully realized than ever before. Mrs. Scott, sr., who has been in poor health for some time, was taken to the Kingston hospital on Thurs- | day evening last to undergo treat: | ment. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sills spent | Saturday at Hinchinbrook with the | latter's brother, Jack Freeman. Miss Schofield is spending some time at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Tovell. { On Sunday afternoon, a missionary | programme was presented at the Me- thodist Sunday school. Music in _the form of a vocal solo and a duet was} pleasingly rendered. Miss Alene To- vell gave an interesting talk on "China and Its Needs." On Wednes thy public school will. open, Lt-ifas thé same staff as | was aifached to the school last year, Other teachers in, the village are ex- pecting to-leave to take up the duties of a new school year. Most oi the farmers in this vieinity have finished the harvesting of the grain, and the thresher is now going the rounds. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McNamara are enjoying a week's holiday with friends out of town. A number of people are leaving to be present at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto during the next two weeks. Mrs, Alkenbrack, principal of the public school, has been on a trip to Northern Ontario as a representative of The Teachers' Association of Fron- tenac south. ---------------- Capital Increased. Supplementary letters patent have been issued at Ottawa increasing the capital stock of Ontario Steel Pro- ducts Co., Limited, of Gananoque, from $1,000,000 to $2,750,000. Do you do your own sewing in your home? Read the Newman Electric {ornia. Co.'s ad. mm a TWICE TOLD TALES TEN YEARS AGO. The Kingston Rifle Association is arranging for a big shoot on Thanks- giving Day. : Arrangements have been made to have Melba, the great opera singer, at the Grand Opera House next week. There is talk of discontinuing the boxing contests at the Royal Milit- ary College. . Mayor Couper has called attention to the fact that several mayors have neglected to add their link to the ma- Tors Solden chain. : " -Queen's University is expected to have a registration of 1,700 students this fall. The new chemistry builds ing will not be ready for the opening. News of Kingston . TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Dr. W. T. Connell, M.R.C.8., who has just returned from an extensive || post graduate course in England, has been appointed to the.chair of Path- ology and bacteriology at Queen's University. 'Old yachtsmen of Kingston have been recalling the early yachting his- tory of the old town. They nearly all agreed that the best yachting period in this city was between the dates 1840 and 1852. = | An Rankin, son of 8. J. Ran- kin, Collins Bay, has gone to to to compete in the bicye races. He has already won in many contests. Cooked Meats and Bacon. Fresh Fruits in season. Lanka Tea Coupons exchanged Closed Wednesdays at 1 p.m. 8 We Make Our Own Ice Cream In order to serve our custom- ers with the best Ice Cream we now manufacture our own. Cal in to our cozy parlor and you will egjoy a dish. Choice Fruits, Fancy Choco- lates and Home-made Candy al- ways in stock, G. L. WHEELOCH 354 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 1680. Car Owners Let us drive that knock from your motor, by burning the carbon from the cylinders. You will get more mile- age and power on less Say. RATE, 50 CENTS PER CYLINDER KINGSTON WELDING SHOP 43 PRINCESS STREET. ---- TRE OO em, THE BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. will appreciate an opportunity of serving you in the production of FIRST-CLASS DR. A. W.WINNETTCresort_Wire | mmm, | ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a specialty of serving the. best and purest Ice Cream. Call in and we fe€l sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE Fencing, Guards; Bask borders, Wire Work of all factured Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets : Phone 8638 Kian ENTAL SURGEON. bY ie BRAND FREE RUNNING 5 TABLE SALT > SALT THAT SATISFIES--------MADE IN CANADA En Ordering Suits rdering Suits ----to-day requires the moet careful con-. sideration. You may also require expert advice as to the wearing qualities of ¢ Hi Cloths. After 35 years in the sss We claim to be able to advise in this directio It costs nothing to call and have a talk Woollens with us. | ACEO

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