WHIG Kingston and Vicin [ > 1. § | OSTEOPATIY | "HEALTH WITHOUT DR § 1 Austin's 2 Yocan get Fresh Chocolates £ We have a shed a half million feet of lumb us to keep in nice, dry ¢ range of sizes in all the | Drs. bert and Edna now Fee at No..204 K | between Earl and Gore. Notes Were Stolen. at local hgadquarters, all training to there. A number of the ladies of : : ~ There w.s stolen from the home (be completed and inspections held by | 3st Edwards parish, Westpors, as PAGE & SHAW'S CARPENT of Patrick T. Murphy, Tamworth, on | March §1lst, 1921. combled in the convent Monday | i ; Aug. 18th, seven notes, totallin ig t Fatimates Given. $1,525. yu. The Late Leslie Ballince.- {her. The members of thé choir HUYLER'S OQ. AYKIroyd & D0 : i On August 16th, at his home in| presented her with & handsome club and Builders' Purchased Property. Strathcona, there passed out of the | pag ang ten dollars in gold. col ~~ [the property on the corner of Wilson |As a contractor and builder, his voca- Destroyed By Fire, PRE | . NEILSON'S . and Mary streets, Perth from William |tion called him farther afield and t0| The warehouse and wharf offi Li ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSO! McLaren. a more extended sphere of usefulness | the Schuster Company 1 Death of John A. Brearly." = |ings erected many monuments to his |a fire Sunday morning. The dock {} a KODAK with you." , John A. Brearly, a former resident |skill and executive ability. /adjoining/ was burned to some ex- Hf o ° Ford Cars a specialty, of Lanark, and employed as warper trp tent. The warehouse h {3 878 BROCK STREET | Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1380) | suddenly in Seaforth, Ont. "Rank. levelled to the ground wo Premier Drury he mitted that [about $5,000 to replace today. |® W. H. Casselman, .0. member| was built about 27 years ago, aft | soa Perth Boy Hurt, for Dundas, has cabinet possibilities, | a fire which swept the docks. The. | -John Hogan, Perth, employed with | says the Toronto Telegram. The ap- | buildng and property: are owned by D , 'the Smith's Falls Record-News, met | pointmentgwould be acceptable to the | the Grand Trunk Railway. They | ® * [with a painful accident on Wednes- | U.F.0., and it is not likely that there | have been leased by the Schuster Co. | {day, when several of his fingers were | would be any contest in a by-election. Tp --------p $ WHY NOT-FOLLOW THE Phone 230 DENTIST jammed in a printing .press. Mr. Casselman has been appointed on . Married At Athens. AND USE MAXOTIRES BE FORE TIR : 4 rearly all the special house commit- At Athens, two quiet events took i : ki LIT tees that are sitting during recess: «| place Rm Adios, when 45 Dopular " Eby fh nie Home of the : James Morrison, of Pakenham, had ------------p---- young es were married. On Tues- ; HENAN of troutiesome teeth [the misfortune to fall through the The Late C. W. Jones. 2 fA ered {ome day, at the home of her father, T. Barmolorm ¢ lnm |scaffold while working at Mr. George Charles Wesley Jones died at his | Pritchard, Miss Mina Pritchard was N STUDIO | OFFICE HOURS: 0-6 McKinley's on Tuesday and break | home in Bancroft, on Aug. 20th,| united in marriage to Harry Web OTR vl 'three ribs. Telephone 447 for appo - evening and an address was read to --and 21 Main streét. Phone 187 Mrs. Thomas Lowry has purchased [activities of this life Leslie Ballance. al FE and he leaves in the various build- Belleville, were totallly destroyed by AUTOMOBILE MREPAIRING ah Row abi in the Caldwell Woollen Mill died Of Cabinet "would Hi 5 'Phone 7: |r re alin |. ier Wik Bromus 3: after a protracted illness. He was | ster, Oak Leaf, and on Wednesday, : born on Nov. 27, 1842, the son of | at the home of Mrs. E. Derbyshire, Visiting His Parents, Rev. George Jones and Lagis Mal Rev. Mr. owen periotfied he don Sutherland, St. Louis, has | lory. His father was an Episcopal | remony of marr age, when Birdie I. ._ to pleture the chiliren--AS | SEASONABLE, FRUITS 'o Sorgen Sai ea d, 5, souls, Js s oat er ands paternal Derbyahire, rouses: dangbisr in bir THE AY. E VE a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | grandfather was a British army of- rbyshire, was we 0 Ernes . [EBBY ARB TO-DAY CHOICE VEGETABLES Samuel Sutherland who have been |ficer who served during the Ameri- Dagg, London, Ont. 4 a 1 war. 92 Princess St. Always fresh and prices right. lnjoying their life at that ideal spot. | can revolutionary G for Renfrew, Boy's Fall Suits. Escaped From Perth Jail, ' Two German trophies allotted to a © There ts but ONE TIME | During September, we sell all varieties : is the proper time to a winter dec for September only, Ferns will be reasonable, They pensive this winter. 3 t le, : "We Strive to Serve" ' For fit, style and wear there are no Fred Daughen escaped from the | Renfrew have arrived and placed in x : etter suits than the range we are | Perth jail on Tuesday. He had been | Low square. They are both formi- A. D. HOLTON FRIENDSHIPS howing; colors, greys, DE and | recently sentenced by Judge Scott to | dable engines of destruction and | . , " - - - 4 - ~--at-- 52 avy serges. All sizes, price from | Burwash prison farm for two years | have evidently been through some x 10.00 to $15.00. Prevost Clothing [less one day for the robbery of a hard service. One is an 18-pound quantity of goods from the store of | field gun, the other a 4.5 seige | -- a Messrs Rubenstein & Co., on the | howitzer. The guns were captured | Visiting in Oregon. night of August 3rd, and was Meld in | in the war by the 3rd Battalion of | N. B. Hamm and son, Stanley, [the local jail pending his removal to | Toronto. There were a number of = rnesttown Station, left last week | Burwash, Renfrew men in that unit, including r Oregon to visit his son, Dr. B. De J. M. Airth, a cousin of the chief of It Pays to Buy Your umm, at Portland. They will also Big Yield of Potatoes. police. y & visit to hig.youngest son, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips, who -------------- : thur Hamm, at Denver, Colorado. | live out in the Lochwinnoch district, Baby Had Narrow Escape. I 0ceries eat claim the championship for the pro- What might be called a miracle | at 210 Division St. Phone 545, § Ouse, Brock street. | Campbell's Vegetable Soup § 3 Coming Back Home. | duction of banner crops of potatoes. occurred at the h e of Mr. and Clark's Tomato Soup Irand Mrs. Thomas Hanson 182 | They dug from one hill in their gar-| Mrs. Ed. Rivers, Otter Creek, neart' Clark's Vegetable Soup Bot street, who have been visiting | den twenty potatoes, every one of | Tweed, on Sunday. The four-year- | : fmds for over a' year in Ireland, | was large enough to use. This beats | cld son weat to his father, complain- ror wg 2 2 20s | RJ. Shales & So Good Tea ° es n some of these were small ones. smoke. On investigating | Li No. 6-543 Errprise, Ont., announce the en- O'Reilly, ex-pupils of Notre Dame | unhurt which is remarkable under | cense No. 6-543. Maiage will take place quietly on |amipations, Margaret grade VIII, and | would have been a disastrous fire. very smart; worth $7.00. Now Ww return to their home in Kingston | the town record made by Thomas|ing of a sore wrist, which proved to | i Liverpool by the S.S. Minnedosa, | Breen, Renfrew, whose report was be Burnt, When asked how he did | . led August 27th. thirty-four potatoes in a hill, but| it he le fi upstairs which was | ' C | 71 PINE ST. ¥ sat 8 : filled w { Phone 1583 and Get Prom they found the mattress was burn- | Women's Black Satin Oxfords--Louis heel . R McRae & 0. » Engagement Announced: Successful Scholars. ing on the bed where their 8 months | : GOLDEN LION Delivery r. and Mrs. B. W. Lochhead, | Misses Kathleen and Margaret | old baby was sleeping, and was foun | gament of their daughter, Anna, | Convent, who have been attending | the circumstances. The lucky dis- | Women's G oy A. McGill, son of Mr. and | St. Mary's Academy, Winnipeg, were | covery of the fire and the presence rod Joi Oxfords--Turn sole, Louls DID YOU EVER TRY MrRobert McGill, Centreville. The | successful in passing the recent ex-| of a fire extinguisher reverted what covered heel; one of the best makes; worth $10.00. All sizes, 4 i Sermber 8th. Kathleen entrance to Manitoba first Yagutaiia a re, class normal. She was also suc- Project is Abandoned. | Wagstafl's Bramble Jellly, Trampled by Horse. cessfulin passing her intermediate The International Paper company We also have .. full line of Jn Ranger, employed as a yard- | pianoforte in connection with the |Will not carry out its plans to per- HU other reliable makes of Marma- main a livery stable, Brockville, | Toronto Conservatory of Music [fect a pulpwood terminal at Cape ° ® PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Laté Montgomery's) lades, Jam and Jellies for sae at: afd ce and bruises to his leg when suffsd severe cuts about the head | with first-class honors. Vincent, N.Y., this season. Owing | to the shortage of material and he © run over and trampled upon Mado A P: ntalion. building difficulties little has been ' 3 5 . accomplished in the work begun Kingston's Only Dyer. Bon Marche Grocery oe rey was moved to St. " Rev. Mother Superior, Congrega- there. Last spring the company ER Cor. King and Karl Streets g dau hospiial. tion de Notre Dame, is dbout leaving chased the old terminal property Dry Oleaning a Specialty. License No. ¥-2TAtH Westport a her time of office has | wneq by B. L. Taylor and others | now expired. and she is going to sed {ha and- Phone 214. 3849 Princess St. fhuns 2044 Cornwall to take up the duties of and announced that a wood hand ? Mother Superior of the convent ling terminal would be built. Large A A A ne Sale of Liquor Carriers Thoolice department realized the sum $22 from the sale of ten suit | ArmA AAA | CASES the market on Saturday. The suif es were on hand as a result of ' - ' iin on poigeon of liquor made by.the . DANDEKIINC ; k re po om time to time. The cases f « J R SALE Kingston Lement wer Id by Willlam Murray, auc- § z nee | H ; ti An excellent farm of 150 Preducts Factory o || acres, good building, splendid Makers of Hollow Dawp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks Another farm of 100 acres, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, G. James, who has been prinel- Doubles Its Beauty. The four-year-old daughter of Mrs. seven miles from the city -- also Grave Vaults. pal ©f ;seronto High School for the David Prunie, Carleton Place, wan- $4,600. And all kinds of Ornamental past ti years has returned to Belle- 5 dered away. At night the town was OF THE FINER QUALITY c k. ile, r, s DM, d and search ont i . F : M And Y |W. H GODWIN |] SERih ok o chutes ane || he etm Reet ; aroused and searahers went in ail ui or lvien oung Patrick streets. departing at the Belleville High got trace through tiny footprints in Men yo the sand. On the 7th line of Ram- PHONE 730W. Schopl.r, James le e Belleville wo Ba Phone 424 Mgr, H. F. NORMAN | | schol tgo i ur: : h ! say, Mr. McGregor went to see a sick SMART NEW MODELS IN SUMMER 5 SUITS AND TOP COATS : $25.00 to $50.0.1%% kects Plucky Rescue. and his hair almost stood on end! (All prices between Miss u Couslell, Brockville, ef- when his light revealed a little child , isoN, BEST WEARING CLOTHES VA} sce --. | fected alucky rescue of five little lying on the grass alongside the ani- Ql girls Wl went for a spin on the ' et, mal . This was late in the evening fF It pays to save river dn leaky punt. When the and the spot four miles from Carle- One Door Below Randolph - conveyors for unloading boats and | III} for placing the wood on freight cars | 'were: to be built. Sufficient storage | would be provided to permit accumu- | lation of wood in summer, during | the season of navigation, to last | through the winter period. ! |Stops Halr Coming Out; Back to Belleville. Found Four Miles Away. [Sa Ato to sink the children ton Place. The til] ia her bare N a : an {Jump 0 the water and thelr pre- feet had travelled that long istance, Tour Newspapers, Magisnes 4nd |dicaméntas noticed by Miss Coul- going - ahead without any purpose, good prices. {son, whorought them ashore un- going ahead without any purpose aided. and without erying--just on, and on and on till she wandered into the pasture where the cow offered her the closest approach to a symbol of hu- Brig.-Gény. B. M. King, general man kindness. officer ao! locat fon: ®Whanding, the 4th Hussars, A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- imeem Bsenmieenimsamene y id m; 1. Cohen & Co. the 9th Bude, C.F.A., the C.0.T.C. | ier an application of "Danderine" you| A bigot is 'usually one of a small, Corner Ontario and West Sts. contingditt Queen's university and { can not find a fallen hair or any dan- selfish, mind and pleased with flat- F ires from our Coal are satisfactory. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. Call on us. ilitia' Training. Accord: to orders issued hy {A Chadwick & Son Ph $36.837. I Ph 87. 207-275 ONTARIO STREET {the first Balion, the Kingston regi- [\iruff, besides every hair shows new tery. - ment ar® thorized to carry out |Hte, vigor, brightness, more color and It requires something besides mo- ' training #6, period of twelve days | thickness. ney to correctly bestow charity. nese nnn n ' Watches and Clocks Repaired --by-- G. W. LYONS HOW ABOUT THESE °t are guaranteed for one year, 3 3 £ : 10e, 3 for 25. Call or 'phone and your or. Be . . Be Ls 3 i 5 ry Saati Sli der will be promptly attended Rg y ' TT : ve Civ. vous 106, 3 for 30. | | to, promptly n C B © Teflet 86ap .............10¢., 3 for Be. ps huge. ot address: . Bath SoRP ............0.200, 3 for 35¢ on: 1866, a Princess St, 5 foap~GET THE BEST. We have it, nd prices that are reasonable for all WoolBBIY'S ......iviimneeioiiinn, 25e. Vinolia Castile ........40c. (large bar) 1 N 7 -- Ge Prouse's, Drug Store Netison's Loo Grom Bik abways on i 7 sari III Women's White Canvas Laced showing the great "Blackstone" immediately after escaping frem the box, en lowered into a river. He will duplicate this act from Swifl's wharf at 6.45 o'clock offiiday, Sept. 3rd. : : Boots--light or heavy soles; Louis. BECAUSE of its flavor our bread has found favor with the folks who like the purest of foods. Ex- plain in a kindly but em- phatic manner that your grocery man should send you our bread--it's a better kind of bread---you can tell the difference in the dark. LLACKIES BAKER YE IES i LARGE STEAMER FOR LAKE SERVICE. HOME MADE : : LA : h : J { The #e steamer, soon to be completed, will be une of the I st of the Canada READ ba LR Steamship Bl' boats on lake service. rae have four decks, and will 1 run between; To- : ton. ian id . . ronto and I