Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1920, p. 2

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7A fresh importation of Skins just arrived di- rect from our London dressers. Your inspection invited. Safls Rev. Mr. N Aceounts of "The newspaper accounts of the Ppenings in Ireland are net at all ggerated," said Rev. W. Taylor Se, pastor of Cooke's Presbyterian ch, who has just returned from t to his former home at Omagh, thers, but the amazing MN struck him was the convic- bat § large par of the popula- mder, a, that Ireland is shown by boycotting, but in the rest of the country the ordinary citizens live together quietly, The soldiers and police, however, are constantly objects for attack. Courts are carried on in the name of the sepublic and hold regular sittings; the mails are repeatedly raided and letters of citi- Zona opened and forwarded to them We are fully equipped with first class mechanics to do all kinds part of the writing deleted "by the republican censor." Those who formekly clamored for home rule are now out and out republicans, and the country. has no great leader of the type of the late John Redmond whose death was a great blow. asked whether there was of AUTOMOBILE REPAIR WORK ON SHORTEST NOTICE. . the ronnie cause at the bottom of Call and let us supply you with GASOLINE, OILS, etc. Country calls given best of attention. Storage for cars. J. W. MARTIN, Phone 1193W. Res. Phone 17059. [li] fo the people and retrained from trouble, Mr. Dale said such was not the case as the country was pros- perous. It was political pure and simple. There was no poverty or ad- verse condition of trade to constitute a grievance against the British gov- ernment, which desired the very best instituting repressive measures. In sections where rioting and reprisals have occurred, troops have been MCALLISTER & DRAKE uromobile repairs done right. ye us re-bore your cylinders. Satisfaction guaranteed. placed on duty to keep down dis- orders and protect life and property. The government is determined that there shall be no republic. When asked what was to be the outcome of the condition. now exist- ing, Mr. Dale said the solution was only to be reached by the moderates of both parties getting together with. calls promptly attended to. the determination to arrive at an We sell White Gasoline and Rolls Royce Motor Oils. 593 Princess St. agreement. It was thought that some plan of dominion home rule would best settle the whole matter, Alter spending two weeks at his old home in Ireland, Mr. Dale paid a visit to Scotland before returning to Canada, eet $3950--Barrie street; brick; rooms; furnace; electricity. $3700--Clergy st; brick; 9 ; furnace; electricity. $6 Frontenac 'Brick; § rooms snd attic; Baa 434, SEtie; 2 Sale. JOB DEPT. will appreciate an opportunity street; | R. F. ELLIOTT HOPES FOR CHEAPER POWER Hopes to See Kingston Benefit industrially From Water r Sources. ------ R. PF. Elliott, chairman of the Utilities' Commission, is achieving an enviable reputation as a booster of cheaper power for eastern Ontario: During his many years' association with power developments in this dis- trict, he has acquired a valuable fund of information respecting the possi- bilities of more power at cheaper rates. At the present time he is vice- president of the Eastern Ontario Electrical Union and-was chosen by that organization last winter to pre- sent the claims of this section for cheaper power before the Hydro-Elec-~ tric Commission. Mr. Elliott predicts advantageous developments of power in the future and he is hop that Kingston will , t industrially from any sources of cheaper power that may be devel- > oped. In addition, he is one of the foremost advgcates of an equalized rate for power which will not diseri- minate in favor of any municipali- ties, but will give equal privileges to all. At the present time the rate for electrical power in Kingston is $28 a horsepower and should the rates be equalized it is believed that it will be substantially reduced. . -- LISTENED TO IDLE GOSSIP. Woman's Tongue Caused a Heap of 3 ¢ Trouble for a Citizen. The penalty of listening to idle gossip, was brought home to a citizen in police court on Monday morning, when he was found guilty of assault. BRITISH WHIG of serving you in the production of FIRST-CLASS Quotations on Application PHONE 292 $10 and costs. : It was shown in evidence that the citizen listened to some gossip from 8 woman. The latter told him that the plaintiff in the case had made threats against him. He met the plaintiff and questioned him about the matter. ' The plaintiff declared he had never made any How- éver, he persisted in the matter, and Hundreds of People are taking advantage of DAILY BRITISH WHIG = . INCDENTS OF TIE DY Local News and Items of eral Public Interest. W. M! Koen, Sydenham, is spend- ing a few 4 in the city. \ Waar ds th tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phosa 584w. J. Eves, Carthage, spending a few days with dias sister, Mrs. M. Nolam, Brock stree If you have not yet used DALY'S GOOD TEA and COFFEE, get some. At MAHOOD'S. 'The R.C.H.A. Band has been se- cured for the four days of the Prince Edward Old Boys' memorial fair. Mrs. A. R. Laidley has returned from Picton after spending a week the guest of Dr, and Mrs. Whiteman. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmaster, Chicago, are visiting the latter's cousin, Mrs. E. Reynolds, 445 Alfred street. Miss Thelma Haffner, Kingston, and Miss Edith Caswell, Renfrew, |i are guests of Miss Rose Webb, Rid- ise Xi d Ceney, O N.Y iss Mildred , Oswego, N.Y., Miss Mary M. Quinn, Rochester, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. James Sowards, 168 Montreal street. Joseph Palvermacher of the Met- ropolitan bank staff, Wall street, New York, spent several days with friends at Bear Point, Wolfe Island. Now is the time to have your piano tuned. We carry two expert tuners and will assure entire satis- faction, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Charles Ryan, Pine street, who underwent a slight operation on his nose in the Hotel Dieu on Thurs- day, is able to be about town again. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Machonchie, of the G.T.R., system, Port Huron, N.Y. is the ji guest of H. Sudds while in the city. |} Mrs. L. A. Boyle, Gananoque. is| Ne School Books, Supplies, Etc. " Ready for the re-opening of t he Schools on September 1st, with as complete a range of Public and High School Text Books as the publishers can supply. Make your selections as early as possible and avoid the eleventh-hour rush. Early selection is advisable because in several cases publishers have been able to fill only part of their or- ders on account of the paper shortage, and balances will not be pro- curable for several wetks. The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings Agent for TIP. TOP Tailors. Mich., were on Wolfe Island last | week visiting Mrs. I. Ashley, aunt of Mr. Machonchie, Mrs. F. L. Brukman and her twin daughters, Kathyrn and Frances, have gome-to L'Original to reside where Mr. Brukman is resident en- gineer for public highways. Fred W. Torrance, .Alfred street, went to Toronto on Monday for a week to make arrangements to enter Osgoode Hall where he will pursue law studies during the winter. J. Clifford Reynolds, who has been spending the summer in the city, left on Sunday for Toronto where he will reside in future. Mr. Reynolds was the guest of a number of friends. At Alexandria Bay, N.Y., the final match in the Thousand Islands Polo tournament for the Hill cup was played when Thousand Islands lost to Miami Valley of Dayton, O., by a score of 7 to 2. Ganadian silver is coming in here thicker than ever, says the Osweso| : Times. Rather than ring in bills and pay exchange Canadians coming here bring big quantities on which there is no exchange demanded. We will rent you a piano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price and arrange easy terms on bal- ance. C. W. Lindsay. Henry Ruttan of the firm of James Richardson and Sons, Ltd. was sud- denly taken ill in the office op King street on Saturday. He was feeling much better today and hopes to be about again in a day or two. Thomas ; Kearney, aged sixty-two years, passed away in the House of Providence on Saturday. The re- mains were sent to Elgin his forme: home, by M. P. Keyes, undertaker. The deceased was a farmer and lived in Elgin most of his life. A big box firmly nailed is being dfsplayed at the door of the Grand Opera House, Blackstone, the great magician, will be placed in the box Sud thrown off Swift's wharf on hursday night. It is claimed that he will be able to release himself. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rufus H. Deacon, Bolingbroke, announce the tngage- ment of their daughter Olive A., to William R. Steele, Westport. The marriage is to take place early in September. ing another citizen, and was fined | [I For Fall Not the highest price, but by far the best quality for the price quoted, to be found anywhere. 38 inch Navy or Black Taffeta cesses S250 up up cernndie. v.84.00 36 and 38 inch Black Pailette srssneses+. SATS 86 inch Messaline Silk in all the leading shades for Fall; beautiful quality $2.75 per yard 86 inch Duchesse--all pure Silk; in all the wanted shades ....., $8.00 per yard 40 inch Charmeuse Satin , Taupe, Loar Srey, Nigger Brown, Ivory. This quality guaran to rfect not cut or pull. Yogi ot taraan; wil Georgette Crepe in every wanted shade . .$2.50 Extra quality Crepe de Chene-- suitable for Dreas, es and Blouses; all colors sessscccas. $250 up Extra Special 190 yards 86-inch Messaline Siff only --Navy and Midnight and will give 3 quality; on sale Tuesday af . .. . + - No phone 'orders. No tax on this, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. The steamer Belleville passed up from Montreal to Toronto on Satur- day. The steamers Maplebranch, Maple- heath, Maplerange, and Maplegorge passed dovn from Port Col Montreal on-'Sunday. Maplegreen passed up from Montreal to Port Colborne on' Sunday. o arrived from Toronto and Rochester on Sunday. The steamer Toronto came down, on EEE i fe : 0 Li i £ i ih to To Be Sold At Once | 'a 3 ' ON WOLFE ISLAND ood farm of 250 acres; 3 barns; stable; 2 i 3 ete. on the farm is a good dou ble stone dwelling. Prec Complete list of dwellings at office. FIRE INSURANCE MONEY TO LOAN, E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL BSTATN Cer. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 580w ant Ba9). » School Shoes FOR THAT BOY OR GIRL Real - , ¥ - Sa - i apa Ioafer footwear [ths specialize in Children's Footwear and can footwear at lowest possible "Try us for your Children's Shoes"

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