~ ' i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Kingston and Vicinity the word, devoted to her family, and the best of neighbors. - Leaving For West Shortly. Prof. and Mrs. Buchanan, Stuart street, will be leaving for Vancouver about September 1st,' where Prof. Buchanan will take over his new du- ties in the university of British Col- umbia. Prof. and Mrs. Buchanan will vigit with relatives for a short time in western Ontario, before going west. . Mucitions Plant Purchased. The former lmperial Munitions Board plant situated about a mile from Smith's Falls has been pur- chased by L. J. Hastings, Brantford, who is dismantling the buildings. = ____PAGE FIVE 4 | STEOPATHY "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft are now located at No. 204 King street, | between Earl and Gere. |. Telephone 447 for appointment. CARPENTERING Estimates Given. Brantford Red or Green Slate Shingles make a handsome roof .and pleasing to the eye. They can be laid very quickly and last for a long time. "i They can be seen on some of the best | roofs in this district. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 86. Factory 22 Phone 14.8 At Austin's Yon can get Fresh Chocolates son, Stella Point, celebrated the eighty-fourth anniversary of hisbirth on Monday. He is enjoying very good health and his eyesight is re- markably keen. The occasion brought may "hearty congratulations end good wishes, Brighton Hotel Sold. After having conducted the Clar- endon Hotel, Brighton, in a highly satisfactory manner for more than two years, Herbert Greenfield has disposed of the plant and good will to George Goheen, until" recently manager for Ameseff & Sayer, Mr. Goheen took 'charge. Not Likely This Year. No hope for the completion this year of the Cape Vincent-Clayton, N. Y., state road is held out by the con- PAGE & SHAW'S HUYLER'S 0. Aykroyd a Son tractors . : Carpenters and Builders 21 Main street. Phone 1670 {| | ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow, Maberly 'announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Margaret to Cecil E. Duffy, Maberly, the mar- riage to take place early in Septem- ber. and NEILSON'S AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a speciality, . Ford Truck for sale. 378 BROCK STREET "Take a KODAK with you." Austin's Drug Store Corner King and Market Square On Tour of Inspection. Alfred Hubbs, Picton, left on Thursday last on a trip to the coast] as governmest inspector under the Pure Foods Act. Mr. Hubbs will be It Pays to Ruy Tour gone for about three months. Purchased-4 Residence. Diincan- McNaughton, Cobden, has purchased the residence of A. Grigg, Catherine street, Pembroke. Mr. Mec- Naughton is a lumber agent for Gil- lies Bros. and proposes moving to Pembroke next spring. » Phones: Shop 1039. 18373. Yu A Well Known Veterinary. Dr. R. H, McKenna, one of the best-known veterinary surgeons in the province, died at Toronto on Fri- day. He had been in poor health for nearly a year and for the past two or three months had beem con- fined to bed. Dr. McKenna com- menced practising in Picton, Prince Edward county. He remained in Picton for thirty-five years, going to Toronto in 1907. While in Picton he was an ardent member of the Oddfellows and the Picton Lodge, AF. & AM. In politics he was a Liberal. : WHY NOT FOLLOW THE OWL'S ADVICE AND USE MAXOTIRES BE FORE TIRES BLOW OUT. "The Home of the Maxotires" 284 ONTARIO STREET . . Phone 230 Kingston - United Counties. Sell Bonds. The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry sold $400,- 000 ten-year, 6% per cent. debent- ures to A. E. Ames & Co., Toronto, at 97.79. The proceeds will be used in paying for road construction in these counties, May Be Candidate, Among those mentioned as Con- Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery EEEENEENENNEERNS THE MARRISON STUDIO | There is but ONE TIME | ---- Death of Mrs. Henderson. On Wednesday Miss Edith Cham- berlain, Athens, received a wire from Moose Jaw, Sask., conveying the sad intelligence of the death of her only Kingston's . to picture the children--AS THEY ARE TO-DAY. o sister, Mrs, Richard Henderson, who I'died from acute killney trouble, servative candidates in the riding of Leeds, following the contemplated resignation of Sir Thomas White, is Tragic Death of H. W. Sager. Huram W. Sager, employed as a * Flower Phone Learn It. "We Strive to Serve" A.D. HOLTON RR ER 1. ha 2am. John G. Mitchell, a native of Lans- downe, who is now chief clerk in the Department of the Interior, Ottawa. clerk in John Dalton's hardware store, Deseronto, expired suddenly Tuesday evening. Taken {ll at the store shortly before six Mr. Bager was taken home where he died a short time afterwards from an affec- tion of the heart. The late Mr. Sager was born in Richmond, where he farmed. Selling his farm he moved into town and a few years ago en- tered the employ of John Dalton. He was courteous and trustworthy. He was a Liberal and a member. of Des- eronto Methodist church, Engagement Announced. Mrs. M. E. Derbyshire, Athsns, announces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Birdie Irene, to Ernest M. Dagg, London, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Dagg, Ottawa, the marriage to take place the latter part of August. HH DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstaf's Ginger Marmalade, Ww s Pi ar ind Wagstaf's Bramble Jellly. We also have « full line of . other reliable kes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for saie at: Phone 1818w. 92 Princess St. : - | aE RNRNEREEReR WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup - Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Somp Clark's Vegetable Soup SEASONABLE FRUITS Distribvtors for Red Rose Tea--the Good Tea | CHOICE VEGETABLES W.R McRae & Co. |}} ---- --f GOLIJEN LION License No. 6-543. ENDSHIP' S 210 Division St. To Picton and Lake-on-the Moun. ain. FLORIST Steamer St. Lawrence will make its last trip of the season to the beautiful Bay of Quinte on.Thurs- 5 - 4 day. Leaves ferry dock at 10 a.m. Visiting at Cape Vincent, N.Y. Fore, adults, $1.00; children, 50c. Gerald Hearst, who is wireless op- erator on the Standard Oil tank steamer, Standard, plying between New York and Mexican ports, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hearst, Cape Vincent, N.Y. a Farewell Dance at Glenburnie, The U.F.O. Club will hold their last dance of the season in R. H. Fair's Grove, Glenburnie,| Friday ev- ening, August 27th. Salsbury's spec- ial five-piece orchestra. First' num- ber at 8.15 p.m. (standard time). 'Farewell number, 12.15 p.m. Remember the date, August 27th Admission, $1 per couple. . Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Bari Streets. Ry RM Mn a] Fine Catch in Consecon Lake, Fhone Lidd Just a little the nicest catch of fish that has come into Oshawa for years was shown by Jack Kellow, and Ben. McCabe, upon their arrival from a week-end trip to Consecon, Prince Edward county. This catch consisted of twenty-one bass, the lar- gest of 'which after being out of wa- ter twenty-four hours, weighed five pounds four ounces; nineteen pike varying in weight from two pounds to eight pounds, and four pickerel of three to four pounds. This is their seventh fishing trip together and they pronounce it the banner tr of all. Consecon, which is situated twelve miles south of Trenton on the C. N. Railway, is one of the handiest fishing grounds to reach. Disposes of Former Carriage Works. W. B. Percival has disposed of his home and place of business on Vic- toria street, Athens, to the .Leeds Farmers' Co-operative Club for $31,- 000. This property was the former residence and carriage works of the late D. Fisher, Specials Women's Black Satin Oxfords--Louis heel; very smart; worth $7.00. Now ¢ Women's Grey Kid Oxfords--Turn sole, Louis $3.95 covered heel; one of the best makes; $4 95 worth $10.00. All sizes. . J. H. Sutherland &' Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES . Safeguarding Their Gold. The police are making an investi- gation into the theft of gold from two of the local dentists, on Sunday, but as the thief or thieves made a 1 clean getaway they have a most dif- ficult task on thejr hands. As a re- sult of the bold thefts, all the local dentists are taking the precaution to have their supplies guarded. Salary Increased. The official board of the Canifton circuit, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. 8S. McMullen, who was on vacation, did a very gracious and praiseworthy act in increasing his salary from $1,350 to $1,650 includ- ing horse keep, thus reaching the disciplinary minimum. Vance-McDonald Marriage, « William George Vance and Cath- arine McDonald, both of Flinton, were married at the Methodist pay- sonage, Tweed, on Aug. 16th, They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Vance, Flinton. After the mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Vance returned to Flinton where they will reside. Phone 545. A Family Re-union. At the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rutterills, Cole Lake, a family re- union was held. Out of nine of a | family, sevé® were present, namely: James, Trenton; George, Fermoy; Joseph, Kingston; Thomas, Cole Lake; Mrs. Manders, Perth: Mrs. August Yahnke, Pembroke, is hir-|Austin, Dummer, Sask, and Robert, ed as town scavenger at $2,200 per rwho lives with his mother. One son year, with a bonus of $300 per year !and daughter, both of the west, were if work is.satisfactory. His duties | unable to be present. Altogether, begin Sept. 1st,'and he to enter into | with their wives, husbands and chil. a contract to carry on the work for |dren, eighteen sat down to dinner, one year. the two granddaughters, Vera Man- A ------------ ders and Ola Butterill, waiting on the Eighty-Four Years Old. table. Mrs. Butterill is nearly eighty Captain Lamb who .is spending [years of age and is real smart. She the summer at the island cottage of walked to her son's home, which is his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Grima-' over a mile. "~~. ! e-- FOR SALE An excelient farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,600. W. H. GODWIN © '&SON Real Katate and Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 y Think It Over. How is it that we can sell made- to-measure clothing from $5.00 to $15.00 less than other clothing houses will be pleased to show you are lines of tweed and worsted cloth at $40.00 to $60 a suit and hlue and black serges at $50 to $65 a suit. Prevost Clothing . House, Brock street. -- Watches and Clocks Repaired oe G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. Note change of address: 'Phono 1866. 267 Princess St. Becomes Town Scavenger. Death of Mrs. G. H: Harrold. Death came with startling sud. denness on August 13th to Mrs. G. H. Harold, at the early age of thirty- four years. Mrs. Harrold's demise came after a severe attack of dia- betes, followed by unconsciousness which "lasted from the evening be- "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. SPRING CLOTHES | OF THE FINER QUALITY For Men And Young Men i SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS - $25.00 to $50.00 | (All prices between) BEST WEARING CLOTHES VALUES | . nf TWEDDELL'S One Door It pays to save Newspapers, Magazines and Four material--we Aare paying good Prices. YOU MAY NEED for water or fencing or & on for ext summer. Call on ua 3 strikers, but some of the hranches of the Railwaymen"s Union, which last week passed strike resolutions, thought: better of. it and the raifl- ways' bysiness was carried on as usual. WHO'S WHO AT : TRADE CONGRFSS | PATTON'S DYE WORKS > , (Late Montgomery's) William Hodgson Ellis, professor of chemistry, of Toronto University, and late dean of the Faculty of Ap- rlied Sciente, died at Lake Joseph, Muskoka on Monday. . Sun spots recently observed are estimated to have covered nearly 500,000,000 square miles each. Women With Weakness Find New Strength For all special weakness from which girls and women suffer, no surer remedy exists than Dr. Hamil- on's Pills; they maintain that brac- ing health every woman so earnestly desires, they uproot disease and bring strength that lasts till old age. : The blood is richly nourished by |} Or. Hamilton's Pills. Appetite in-| {I} 'reases, weakness and secret ills give vay to surplus. energy and reserve | _ L Cohen & Co. arene, born IRA Kingston's Only Dyes, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. ee Phone 214, Kingston Cement Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Prain Tile, Lintles, and ad ti ia oro 5 nds of Ornamen Cement work. tn Factory: cor. of Charles ang. Teets. st PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN "BEECHAM'S PILLS" but go often the is something want to ask the xist, and that Why it is for your beaefit we want know you better, so you will feel free to mask us Anything abo recommend a good L A fow cents buys "Danderine." Af- Tr, pls pai by inp derive an a , No pale girl, no ailing woman can besides 'hair shows new SEER aj 'flord to miss the enormous good "a Shue. aah ty more colof and that comes from Dr, Hamilton's SAGE TEADANDY IY TRET TRE ~ TO DARKEN HAIR = AGENCY Recipe to Bring | master cutler. He was lord mayor Back Color and Lustre to ~ lot Sheffield 1911-1912. Mr. Hobson FOR A 1 1 Hair, was a member of the committee to | STEAMSHIP E -- enquire into financial risks and stock You can turn gray, faded hair valuations of the ministry of recon- beau dark'and lustrous almost & For . y A Ta A rR Ontario. - . Albert John Hobson, Iv, LLD. Albert John Hobson is the vice- chairman of the British Imperial Council of Comerce, and one of the original members of the Sheffield committee on munitions of war,, of which he fas made chairman in 1916. He is one of the g authorities "THE' STORE THAT TREATS © YOU RIGHT» 9. Prouse's Drug Store Opposite, Si. Atudtew's Church. Nellsows lee Cream, Bricks always on Women's White | Canvas Boots x It's t if 'n a bottle of S " yeihs Sage ant Su: TCHMEN STRIKE OVER HIGH RENTS 's Sage and Sulphur Com- A Ong-Day Strike In Big Cities London, Aug. 25.--More than 300,000 workers in Scotland took part Monday Women's: White Canvas' Laced Boots--light or heavy soles; Louis heel or low heck: all sizes 25456; While they last . ........ $2.25 struction in England. 7 way, Kingston, CONSUL us wucu you wish to old Mattress with & ve It renovated scientific me- cos satiatastion Bb to F you're on your way to Healthland stop at the store and buy a loaf of shipyards, the «ngineering shops and | ° 4 : bread don't just say * other F 1 of the and in most establishments in the an ; 3 --mention the name surrowndi : 3 4 al -H. JENNINGS pial a * KING STREET will speed your journey. b You' warded closed. Car services were hf od. Tule ' § | days. ! : . However, the movement LACKIES BAKER Y§ 9, as bel asm : J CLS I | | cainea:® campaign, are i iiraL Edinburs When you is reported to have fallen far short] Ne) [e PA i standstil | ber of trades had