Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1920, p. 3

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J bd DAILY BRITISH WHIG Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly sin rubber and waterproof cloth ~--FHot Water Bottles. ~Bicycle or Motor Car Tires. Garden Hose. ~ Rubbers. Footballs. * =~Umbrellas. ~Curtains. Canvas. ~Shoe Linings, etc. We are fully equipped to fill all your Optical Needs "Doctor's Perscriptions carefully filled. A wonderful repair outfit. 35 CENTP Por sale at all Drug Stores, or at Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St il ket, NEW LENSES and FRAMES repairs and other quickly made. supplied Wedding Rings | SMITH BROS. Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., 1.0.D.0, The optometrist of today to da good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan. il | Tuesday for Miss Told In Twilight (Notice----Hersafter, the Whig, in |¢ommon with uther papers all over il Canada, wlll make a charge of §1 jf ior inserting an engagewent, mar: | riage or reception announcement. i! " To get the Whig's society writer, if | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. . - . i fli Mrs. W. R. Givens and Mrs. Neil ll Polson, Maitland House, entertained | on Tuesday afternoon at a br.dge | and shower for Miss Elizabeth Cun- ll ningham, the young bride of next || week. There were four tables of || bridge in play and some more people i | came in for a cup of tea, and for the ll fun of the "shower," which proved ito be the articles found in every good housewife's kitchen, all gath- fered together in a big clothes bas- gay with gold and white | streamers. At the tea table, with its jj centre of lovely mauve asters, Mrs. } Ashby and Mrs. Arthur Cunning- ll ham made the tea with Miss Eliza- i beth. and Miss Agnes Bute, Miss i Caroline Mitchell and Miss 'Flo Cun- il ningham as their assistants. Among i} those present were Mrs. Stewart M. il} Robertson, Mrs. Herbert Steacy, Mrs. Charles Livingston, Mrs. Ross Livingston, Mrs. L. Dunbar Steven- | son, Miss Louie Cunningham, Miss Ml Harriet Gardiner, Miss Bud Hazen | (8t. John), Miss Edna and Miss { Dorothy Chown, Miss Helen and j{ Miss Doris McKay, Miss Nora Min- ll | nes, Misses Katie and Nora Berming- {ham, Miss Una Polson, Miss Hilda | Calvin and Miss Hilda Maclennan * . * Mrs. William Harty, "Roselawn," || gave a charming birthday party on Nadina Harty. Games and races filled the after- noon and then the happy children sat down on the greensward, under li the fine old trees and did full jus- || tice to the picnic tea, provided for them by their thoughtful hostess, who had given them such a delight- ful afternoon. . feal apparatus but must have that knowledge in fits use WHICH ONLY TONG EXPERI. ENCY CAN GIVE. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equi that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. | Ba THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. oe. 3 to Ne. 1 for Bladder Catarr] > Diseases. No. Clere Med. Co., Haverstock Rd. London. See Trade »PTHRERAPION" afijzed te genuine packets. A Three-Day Sale Owing to the great advance on all new Stoves this Fall we would advise any pet son contemplating buying a Stove this Fall to see our display of Re-built Stoves on SECOND FLOOR" where there are seen surprising values. lll Stoves as good as new, from $25.00 to $45. - Worth three times that amount new. These stoves have been re-built and are not second hand. So don't let this opportunity of get- ting a stove slip by without taking advan- tage. x ---- § meKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD, PME BIG BUSY HARDWARE - wv A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. HERABIGNALS Marked Word is on Brit, Govt. Stamp . ® There was a very jolly dinner at "Sunnyside" on Monday evening, when the guests of honor were Miss Elizabeth Cunningham and Henry Hill. The beautiful rooms were gay with white and golden flowers, the dinner table being especially lovely. Besides the two young hostesses, Miss Edna and Miss Dorothy Chown and the guests of honor, those pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Neil Polson (Montreal), Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steacy, Capt. Kenneth E. Taylor and Messrs Jack Richardson and Gordon Cunningham and Sherman Hill. . * . Mrs. John L. Whiting, Clergy street, entertained at bridge on Mon- day afternoon, in honor of Mrs. J. K. Kerr, of Toronto, who is visiting her daughtér, Mrs. W. Harty, '""Rose- lawn," Thére were three tables in play in the cool flower scented rooms and the Jovely prizes were won by Mrs. J. B.: Carruthers, Mrs. E. H. Pense, Mrs. Iva Martin, and Mrs, Foulkes. At the tea hour Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. Douglas Young took charge of the polished tea table with its gay snap dragons, and made the tea and poured the fragrant cof- fee. The afternoon was a very pleas- ant one. Mrs. Kerr being a very pop- ular and much feted visitor. The Misses Daly, Albert street, who received on Monday afternoon had a great many visitors who were glad of this opportunity 'of welcoming Rev. Hugh Spencer and Mrs. Spen- cer, Chicago, who have come back to visit their old home for the first time in some years, and a very hearty "welcome home' it wag that they re- ceived, Miss Jan Jande the- tea at the pretty table with its, centre of TIA, 'assisted by Miss Kath- leen Daly, while Miss Geraldine Daly, who. is spending the summer at home, assisted Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer in recelving the visitors. Mrs, Arthur Gildersleeve asked a few of Miss Ruth Gildersleeve's friends to a picnic to-day. E. €. Gil- dersleeve took the jolly party over to Simcoe Island in his motor boat and the day will be spent in this charming spot. * ® » §] The Queen's students who are (working at the Stadium, are havi J ion Friday evening. Mrs. R, Bruce Taylor and Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm are the patronesses. » * P repare early | We wish to announce that we have an expert demonstrate or and service man direct from the Hoover Suction Sweeper Company's factory. He will visit ail Hoover users and service machines absolutely free, make home demonstrations with ne * obligation to buy. ; hone or call and arrange for demonstration. * Mrs. John H. Sujherland gave a picnic at her cottage at Dead Man's Bay to-day, for Master Arthur Suth- erland"s young friends. , * ® Dr. Phelan and Miss Eleanor Phe- lan, Johnson street; who were in Cobourg for the racés, returned on Sunday after a delightful visit, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Polson, Miss "MOTHER! Elizabe®h Cunningham, Miss Dorothy Chown and Henry Hill spent the week-end on fa yachting trip among the Thousand Iblands. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall, Washing- "ton, are at the Chateau Belvidere. - * - Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, John- son street, and Mrs. E. J. Adams, have returned from Stella Some of the members of St. James W, A. had a very pleasant picnic at Lake Ontario Park on Tuesday. P. S. Lampman, Victoria, B.C,, who came down to Kingston with his son, J. 'E. Lampman, who is one of this year's recruits at the Royal Military College, is at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. Ernest Scott and Miss Nonie Scott, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, Lyn; are again in town. Rev. J. E. Lindsay, Ottawa, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moutray, Stella, returned to Ottawa on Tuesday, taking his niece, Miss Margaret Wilkinson, with him for a visit. * -. Major and Mrs. R. Leach, were in Toronto for the week-end. Lt.<Col. Reginald Sawyer has re- turned to Kingston after a week's it to Ottawa. : "gs Jessie Macpherson, Ottawa, h as tome up to Kingston to be with Mrs. Pennington Pacpherson, Earl street. Miss Marjorie Dowsley, .who has been visiting Col. and Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvie, at Collins Bay, went up to Port Perry on Saturday for a visit there, before returning to Toronto. * . * Miss Marion V. Seale js visiting re- latives in Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs. Emma Potter, Windsor, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Mitchell, Rideau street. Miss Elsie Harper, accompanied by her uncle, E. H. Greer, Detroit, Mich., who spent a week at Alexandria Bay, returned home on Saturday. Mrs. H. Gould, Peterboro, who has spent some time visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Greer, Johnson street, re- turned home on Saturday. Richard Elmer, Jr., left on Mon- day for Prince Albert, Sask. E. H. Greer, Detroit, Mich, who spent his vacation visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Greer, 327 Johnson street, and also visiting the Thousand Is- lands, has returned to Detroit, where he holds a responsible position. . * * Miss Mamie Nesbitt, Johnson street, is spending the month at Lake Bonaparte in the Adirondacks. Miss Sybil Mitchell has returned from Ottawa, where she was visiting Miss Nell Rigby. Mrs. Wilfred E. Lloyd, Ganan- oque, and baby Phyllis, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ranger, Kingston, Mrs. Bessie Tett, Kingston, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. Arnold, Westport. Mr. and Mrs. Herman. Leggett, Kingston, were visitors in Westport. Mrs. Hopking has returned to Kingston after spending a few weeks with her mother at Pine Grove. * * - Mrs. E. Redman, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. J. Eakip, Mount Plea- sant avenue, London, Ont. Miss Irene Brady, Kingston, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mar- tin Brady, Ottawa. Mrs. J. C. Leay Smith and Miss Eva Smith, Ottawa, who have been spending a few weeks on the St. Lawrence and in Kingston, have re- turned to their home. Mrs. Amey, Kingston, and daugh- ter, Nurse Amey, Buffalo, spent a few day in Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Clement. Mrs. M. C. Dunn, 29 Mack street, who has been ill in the genergl hos- pital is spending a couple of weeks at her cousins, E. L. VanLeuven's, Moscow. » . * Lady Markham, spending some time in Canada) sailed for England Monday on the Prince Frederick Wil- helm. Lady Markham has lately been visiting Mrs. W. M. Dobell, Quebec. Lord and Lady Beaverbrook, who have just arrived in New York from England, are expected in Montreal on Thursday. ? F. V. Skinner and George Gibson, Gananoque, are guests this week at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Miss Genevive McFadden, Patrick street, is visiting Miss Laara New- man, St. Clarens avenue, Toronto. * - » Miss Irene McKay, Hommingford, Que., is visiting Mrs. H. Youlden, Wellington street. Mrs. Henry Joseph and family, Moatreal, who have been spending the summer at St. Andrews-by-the- Sea, N.B., are returning tc town early i a mid-summer dance in Grant Hal In September Miss 'Mami Kaich and William J. Rochefort, Montreal, are the guests of the latter's parents, Capl. and Mrs. A. Rochefort, Queen street. - Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gilbert and daughter, Marion, have returned to their home ' in Ganannque after spending a few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Watt, Caurch street, Smith's Falls. Mrs. H. Ashmore and two sons, motored from Syracuse, N. Y., to Ee Suit, Coat or Dress. ment of materials are to be foun Looms PROBS: --Thursday, fine and warm. CO IEE Fall and Winter Fabrics Straight From the The world's leading manufacturers have contributed to this : store's stocks of beautiful, rich fabrics for fall wear. Such an assort- d, as to make easy the selection of i and assist you. Steacy's has long established. an enviable reputation for Silks and Woollens that is reflected once again in the n&W materials. for Fall. Our salespeople will be glad to show them to you, EAA saa 40 inches wide 42 inches wide . 50 inches wide 52 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide 54 inches wide . . . 54 inches wide . . .. 56 and 58 inches wide . . . . PURE WOOL krench and British Serges . . MEN'S WE AR SERGE $7.00, $7.50, $8.50, $11.00 ... $2.00 $2.25 and $2.50 JA 82.75 3.50 00 00 "so. - Wool Jersey =n a-wide range of colors; 54 inches wide: Ni , Navy, Bl Purple, Trooper Blue, Taupe, Sand, Pekin, Dot, Cres Wines --3$5.75t0 $6.50---- < BRITISH REEFER CLOTH Made specially for children's Coats; 54 ins. wide; $4.00 a yard. * +s eee wees navy only. colorings. ape British Chewviots "The vogue in England for Children's Coats. Colors: Sand, oud Rose, Copen, Pekin, Pearl Grey, Ocean Blue, Tan; 54 inches .....$3.75 and $4.50 a yard / HEATHER BASKET CLOTH = For Suits and Separate Skirts; 54 8 inches wide; a good ( range of $5.00 a yard Heather Jersey Coating--Wool Velours--Duvetyn Coatings-- : Silk Warp Henrietta at popular prices. OR OEE AARON 0 5 * Pd ter, Mrs. Harold J. Clark, Brock street. : Miss Catharine and Miss Isabel Minnes have returned from a visit Monica, Cal, on Aug:st 19th, and will not be able to stay in Vancouver as she hoped to do. i early next week and will n an ny Residence, Col. and Mrs. H. E. Boak will come down Kingston early next week for thé Hill-Cunningham wedding. BT © Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Gould, '| wawa, announce the heir gest daughter, Ida M., to Wil- liam C. tcheson, of this city, the Steacy's . : "The Woman's Store of Kingston." AERA HACER HTH Limited HH HHT he -- "20% Off - UNCALLED FOR MADE-TO-ORDER BOOTS. : ~-See our window for sizes.-- JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231) 70 Brock §t 'Wear our To Sox" or . SHOZ OUT OF HIS CAR. Physician's Close Call in Collision xy With Ream, Toronto, Aug. 26.--Dr. ¥. E Pearson. Mount Dennis, Oat, Lad ~ narrow cscape from Instan: deca when his astomobile was sirask ov aC P. R. treight train. Wien *- engin: «awe in contact With the 'Le opposite doo few + tae engire pilot for ahout sevens Jlive va'ds %efore Lhe train Miught to & stop. Di. Peart injured, bui not seriously. Criminals are rarely made cum'erence, but due to birth i One ton ¢ said cert wsuprly ) pen-uibs. . 1

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