PAGE THREE A E DA IL ITISH WHIG - ET SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1x0. g BAITED or: Y BR Kent, who have spent several weeks in Barriefield with Mrs. H. J. Daw- son, will return to Montreal early in | the week. i Mrs. R. K. Kilborn and Miss Laura Kilborn, King street, will leave early in the week for Easton's Corners to | « visit Mrs. Weir. : EME, Welt Brosks and Be rma TH | PROBS :--Sunday, fair; warm; thunder storms. Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly sin rubber and waterproof cloth > ~--Hot Water Bottles. ~--Bieycle or Motor" Car Tires. Garden Hoge. ~ Rubbers. ~--Footballs. ~-Umbrellas. ~--Curtains. ~--~Canvas. ~~Shioe Linings, ete. A wonderful repair outfit, 35 CENTP We are fully equipped to fill «ll your Optical Needs Promptly and Accurately. Doctor's Perscription carefully filled. and Mrs. George Godsall, of Troy, N. | Y., for New York and Boston. i Miss Lilac Spooner, Frontenac street, returned this = wee a very enjoyable motor trip to Old Or- chard Beach, Maine. Howard Hall, Peterboro, left on Thursday afternoon for Kingston af- | ter spending a week's leave with his parents. | (Notice--Herseafter, the - Whig, is | common with uther papers all over | Canada, will make a charge of $1 for inserting ap engagement, mar | riage or reception announcement, ion Ri No A pe pe en have left on a motor trip with Mrs. | * To get the Whig's society writer, 189 Earl street. . | The band of the R.C.H.A. played |! delightfully on the wharf at Tete de Pont barracks on Wednesday evening the music being much enjoyed not only by the occupants of the many | boats in the harbor, but by the guests Ml of the officers. There was an infor- imal dance as well and refreshments | were served during the evening. il Among those present were General and Mrs. Elmsley, Lt.-Col, and Mrs, ll. Ww. B® P. Elkins, Col. and Mrs. Ste- fl wart, Col. Stockwell, Col. and Mrs. I} Hill, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Bevan Dunbar, ll Major amd Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Lt.- | Col. and Mrs. Samson, Capt. and Mrs. Webber, Capt. and Mrs. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gildersleeve, Mrs. E. L. Fortt, Mrs. G. E.' Bowerbank. ll Mrs. F. Constantine, Mrs. Charles ll Hanson, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, ll Miss Dorothy Gildersleeve, Miss Beth ll Small, Miss Margaret Hemming, Miss ll Cecily and Miss Aileen Rutherford, ll Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Tow- J Miss Francesca ih A specially prepared list of attractive bargains for Saturday mg 1s oppers. . The values offer "many genuine savings for thrifty people. Get your share of these Saturday night specials. Mrs. Charles Hanson, Miss Kath- leen Carruthers and a party motored up to Cobourg on Friday, for the races. : Col. and Mrs. Stockwell, will take a house in Kingston for the winter. Capt. Harold Greenwood, B.E, Chatham, England, is the guest of Col. and Mrs. Greenwood, Royal Mili- tary College. & Mrs, Stafford Kirkpatrick, Otta- wa, is visiting Dr. dnd Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Johnson street. Miss Ruth Martin, Clergy street, left today for Como, Que., to visit Mrs. William Eden. . . For sale at all Drug Stores, or ag Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. > ' Special Sale ! COLORED DRESS SILKS Regular $3.00; to-night . . $2.00 300 yds. of Colored Dress Silks; 36 inches wide; nine separate Special Sale ! White GEORGETTE CREPE Regular $3.00; to-night . . $1.92 165 yds. of White Georgette Crepe; full 40 inches wide and worth reg. $3.00 a yd. While the quantity lasts . ...$1.92 a yard." NEW LENSES and FRAMES and other repairs quickly made. supplied { Hi . Miss Foster, Boston, is the guest of General Sir Archibald and Lady Macdonnell, Commandant's quar- ters, Royal Military College. Mrs. Manning, Winnipeg, who was the guest of Mrs. Rupert Howard, at Garden Island, has returned home. Gus Calvin, Toronto, is spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Calvin, Garden Island. Dr. and Mrs. W. W, Alderdyce and sister, Florence, Toledo, Ohio, who have been summering at Muskoka lakes, have been spending a week with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCulla, 188 Johnson street. Mrs. D. Murphy, Colborne street, has returned home after spending some time with her friends in Toron- to, Detroit and Flint, Mich, * = * colors to select from. On sale Wedding Rings SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1840 KING ST. KINGSTON to-night only. Fortescue Foulkes, and A. Phillips. " "CLEARANCE SALE OF HOSIERY GREY SILK HOSE 175 pairs of Grey Silk Hose; in all sizes 8} to 10; regular $1.50 a pair. Sale Price ............98¢c. One of the events of especial inter- | est to women in connection with the | visit of the Imperial Press party to I Toronto, recently, was the tea given {by the Toronto branch of the Cana- dian Women's Press Association at the Sherbourn Club, when the wo- men journalists from the old land and far away Australia were welcom- ed by their Canadians sisters, The beautiful rooms were gay and frag- rant with pink roses, sweet peas and 1 gladoli, Miss Doyle, the President of ll | the Toronto Woman's Press club, re- l' ceived the guests and with her were Lady Burnham, Miss Billington and Miss Plaxton, At the tea table were Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Miss Marjory Mac- Murchy and Miss Marshall Saunders. The noted Canadian writer "Faith Fenton', Mrs. J. Elliott Brown, who Using Glasses Prescri Made and Fitted by Mrs. Edwin McLelland and her daughter, Miss Margery, expect to sail from Montreal by 8. 8S. Melida, on Aug. 28th, for England wisiting London and Paris en route to Switz- erland, where Miss Margery will con- tinue her studies in music and lang- uages at "La Casita," Ladies Board- ing School, Lausanne. Mrs. McLel- land will reside in Switzerland while Per daughter is at school and expects heeley Jr, 1.0.D.0. The optometrist of today to de rood work mwik€ 'mot only be equipped with the best mechan- feal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENC® CAN GIVE, COLORED SILK HOSE 90 pairs of Sand, Pearl, Grey, White Silk Hose; all sizes and reg. $1 values. Sale Price ........:. 69c. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in PHERAEIENNSS. No. 1 for Bladder Catarrh. Blood and Skin Diseases. No. 3 for Chronic Weaknesses. Sold by leading chemists. Price in England, 3s. Dr, Le- Clere Med. Co., Haveratock Rd. NW. 8. Lomdon. See Trade Marked Word PTHERAPION" is on Brit. Govt. Stamp affixed to genuine packets. PAINT, PAINT PAINT Now is the time to touch up that nest of your called home. It is wonderful what a change and improvement a brush of Paint or Varnish or Stain will make OUR BRANDRAM HENDERSON ENGLISH PAINT 100% PURE, IS WONDERFUL «t will go further, last longer and cover more than any paint} made. Let us talk it over, show you our samples and price for the job. ' ~1.90 QUART, $7.00 GALLON MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE 2 Prepare early | For your 2 Com) C--, We wish to announce that we have an expert demonstrat- or and service man direct from the Hoover Suction Sweeper Company's factory. He will visit all Hoover users and service machines absolutely free, home demonstrations with ne obligation to buy. Phone or coll and arrange for demonstration. Ne will arrange satisfacto ry terms. will' now make Toronto her home, and W. A. Fraser were among the distinguished Canadians present. . . LJ Mrs. Edwin McLelland entertain- ed at dinner on Thursday evening at the Frontenac Club in honor of her niece, Mrs. Bayly Ransom. Cov- ers were -laid for fourteen; mauves and white chrysanthemums, forming froming an artistic centre piece. The guests Included Col. Rev. WwW. E. Kidd and Mrs, Kidd, Col. Alexander Gordon and Miss Gordon, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. E. W. Sansom, Mrg, Dohan (Montreal); Miss Dorothy Goodwin, Miss Mae Macdonell, Prof. Grant Cadenhead, Miss Mary McLelland and Miss Margery McLelland. Mrs. William Harty, "Roselawn," was the hostess of a small, but very | pleasant bridge on Wednesday, given in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. K. Kerr, Toronto. The old stone house, | grounds, was a delightfully cool re- treat from the heat and glare of the city, and the guests who sat on the wide verandah, where Mrs. Frances Constantine made the tea at the dainty flower-decked table, were very grateful to their hostess for this plea- sant afternoon, and for this oppor- tunity of meeting Mrs. Kerr. t Mrs. T. R. Power and Miss Bessie Power, Earl street, were the hostesses of a bright little tea on Thursday, when the guests of honor were Miss Lilian and Miss Blanche Kent, Mont- real, who have been much feted guests during their short stay in their old home. "* and Mrs. D. H. McMillan, on, spent a few days.with her ng Mrs, Norman Arbuthnot, Northtield, Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer, King- ston, are at Aultsville. Mrs, Hugh Macpherson and Mrs. Arthur Powell, Kingston, are enjoy- ing the refreshing breezes of Lake St. Francis. Mr. * * 9° Mrs. M. F. Hughes, Division street, returned home on Friday, after two weeks' visit to Woodstock, where she went to be with her sister, Mrs: George Shibley, who is serious- 1y 111. ¥ Miss Eva Sullivan and Miss Dia- mond, Kingston, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bottrell, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Otton and daughter, Margaret, Woodstock, are spending their holidays with friends in Kingston. The Misses Grace Wereley and Darlene Runions are spending a couple of weeks in Kingston, with the former's sister, Mrs. Louis Doyle. Douglas Hunter, Kingston, spent the week-end in Cornwall with his ter. Miss Lillian and Miss Blanche What Is Your Health Worth? | It is worth thousands of dollars, in fact no limit can be placed on it. There are prominent people all over Canada who gladly tell you how they recovered theirs, easily and at small expense---people who never dreamed it was gall stones ruining their health and keeping them unfit. Per, get in the midst of its lovely shaded a 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hun- | to be away for some time. . . » Miss Hewton, Edmonton, is the guést of Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Fair, Glenburnie. Misses McIntyre, wre spending a few weeks at Collins Bay. Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Bagot stock, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Charles McDonnough. 4 Mrs, Bellhouse and Miss Agnes Bellhouse, who. were in town for sev- eral days, njoving oug of their flat, are again at their cottage on Wolfe Island. 'They have taken a flat at 56 Earl street and will occupy it in September. : : La Miss Gertrude Briggs, Oaklands, Cal, spent a few days in town this week, leaving on Thursday for Cape Vincent and Watertown, N.Y. Miss Briggs is a niece of the late Col. ance, at one time Kingston's police magistrate, and she has many plea- sant memories of visits to her uncle and aunt, when they lived at 138 King street. Miss Connie Richardson, Ottawa, is vistiing Mrs. A. Fair at her cof. tage on the river. William Nickle, Toronto, Is with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, "The Shieling." . - * Misses Enid and Flora Newlands, Ottawa, are visiting their aunts, the Misses Newlands, 333 Barrie street. Mrs. J. E. Ferguson, 453 Alfred street, left to-day for Midland to spend a few weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. A. J. Hinckley, Kansas City, Mo,, who has been visiting among the Thousand Islands for the past two months, stopped at Kingston on her way to Kansas City, where she will remain with her daughter, Mrs. H. O, Eyssen, for some time, Stim Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Watt, with their family, accompanied by Mr. Fralick and Mr. Cummings, motored over from Oswego, N.Y., and will spend a few days with Dr. Watt's brother, 5 vi ait, youtahac street, be- ore leaving for California, wher they will reside in future: ety Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holbrook, Ottawa, motored to Kingston, Cinneman, 1. dla, who will be Mrs. Holbrook's guest for some time in Ottawa. i . Paul, Hahn, Toronto, was in King- ston on 'his way to :visit Dr. and Mrs. C. K. Clarke at their summer cottage at Mackie's Lake. 3 . » . Mrs. Uglow and the Misses Uglow, Barrie street, who have spent seve- ral weeks at Echo Lake, will return to town early next week. . Miss Marion Clark, New York, has returned home after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. T. R. Power, Earl street. Miss Ella Dickinson, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Kensington avenue, returned to Ot- tawa today . Capt. and Mrs. J. C. Murchie are motoring through New Brunswick. Lt.-Col. and Mrs. A. de Panet, and Mr. 'and Mrs, Longmore,' Toronto, were in town this week on their way from a visit among the Thousand Is- lands, and were at the Chateau Bel- videre. ; ; es es Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Irish, Mrs. L. A. Treadwell Ardmore, Okla.; Mr. Miss Jean Guess, Sydenham, is vi- Siting Mrs. James Baxter, Barrie- Miss M: McLennan who has been visiting Mrs. Henry Cunning- bam, Villa St. Clair Apartments, has returned to mito. k It is with that Kingston peo- ple who have had the pleasure of meeting General and Mrs. Elmsley and little Miss Nina Elmsley during their brief stay in. Kingston, will hear that before long they will for their new hdme in Ottawa. A. A. Joseph, Gold- Johnson street, street, left on Thursday for Wood- The will retayn with Mrs. Ross Bradley, leave Sale Price WHITE SILK HOSE 30 pairs only, white, pure Silk Hose; sold regular at $3 Bair. vonage $1.98 4 regular 95¢c. each. Tonight .......... Silk Sweaters Your choice of any Silk Sweater in stock; all sizes and colors. Regular $12.50 to $35.00. Tonight . ..... Less 33 1-3% Boys' Bathing Suits 35 only, Bays' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits; sizes 22 to 32; Tonight .............. 9. . Boys' Balbriggan 60 only, Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; all sizes 22 to 32; reg. worth 50c. each. NEW SUITS. To-night mask: 58 Jk 306. NEW ARRIVALS In Our Ready-to- Wear Departmnt NEW FALL COATS NEW BLOUSES . NEW DRESSES ~ On special display To-night. SAVINGS--SAVINGS--SAVINGS Checked Voiles 200 yds, of 36 in. White Check- ed Voiles; reg. worth 75¢. yd. ces vaiesnolOc Table Damask 90 yds. of Bleached Table Da- inches wide and sold reg. $1.50 ayard. To-night . . .. iri vnivy 3 h19 Towelling. } 200 yds. of soft finish: Cotton Crash Towelling; washed ready for use; reg. 30c. a yard. To-night . . . .4} yds. for $1.00 CC Steacy "s - Limited | oman's Store of Kingston." visit New York before returning to thair southern home. Kingston society will indeed miss Major and Mrs. Heber Lafferty and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Penhale when they go to Winnipeg in September with "C"" Battery. Miss Jean Bothwell, Toronto, was in town at the Chateau Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stark, Mont- real, were in town this week. Ernest Herod, Earl street, has left for two weeks holidays and will go to Boston and other American cities. and Mrs. F. C. Irish and Miss Lydia Irish, Pittsburg, Pa., who are on a motor trip passed through Kingston this week and were guests at the Chateau Belvidere during their stay in town. - * * Mr. and Mrs. Cookfair, who have been spending some time at Chaf- fey"s Lock, are now the guests of Mrs. Guess, Brock street. Mrs. James Lyons, Montreal, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Lyons, Alfred street. Mrs. W. A. Meighen, Perth, spent a few days 'n town this week at tne Chateau Belvidere. \ ' Miss Muriel Brooks, Earl street, .{ who has spent several months with her brother, Fred Brooks mear Vie- toria, B. C., has returned home. Kingston will hear with regret of 2 Phone 231) ad" the departure to Vancouver of Prof. and Mrs. D. Buchanan, where Pro: Buchanan will be tsad ot the mathe- matica' department in the University ui British Columbia. Miss Louie Cunningham and Miss Hilda Maclennan, Toronto. wil come down early in the week to visit Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Villa St. Claire Apartments. - Mrs. D. A. Weese and Miss Weese, i | l HORE . ~ . 9% Off UNCALLED FOR MADE-TO-ORD BOOTS. --See our window for sizes.-- JACK JOHNSTON'S-SHOE STORE "Wear our To Sox" {Princess stree., have retutnsa trom : : Lawrence and uj (try dowa the St. the Saguenay. : C.'W. Livingston and Robert Grass motored from Toronto to town of { Saturday. \ Mr, and Mrs! Wormwith a angi Se EER mod 0 the { week-end. wit {Continued on Pages 8 and 14.)