SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1980.5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 4 School Suits The average school boy sits down hard. We know all about school boys and 'have had Suits built for their particular line of business, .. . Strong, sturdy Suitings and built to stay OPENS ON MONDAY WITH NEW LIGHTING SYSTEM. ' The Stage Will be Nicely Decorated --John Arthur, Toronto, To Con- duct the Strand Concert Orchestra. On Monday .next, will see the com- | { mencement of the fall season at the | Strand theatre, when in addition to | other features, a new lighting sys- | tem will be introduced. The entire |'theatre is to have the most up-to-date | lighting system, something which is | novel and an innovation in Kingston. | Another new feature will be the new | lighting of the stage, which will be {in operation on Monday. Creeping | vines and flowers have been secured | for the stage, over $200 being ex- pended in this feature. | Manager Wilson also announces {'that on Monday, the Strand concert j orchestra, which was such a huge | success in the past season, will be | again at the theatre, furnishing the | very latest popular and operatic | music. The programmes of music { arranged for the fall and winter, will be bigger and better than ever, and the patrons of the Strand are assur- ed, in addition to the latest in pic- | tures, of the finest music possible to | secure. The Strand Concert orches- | tra will be under the personal super- | vision of John Arthur, musical di- rector of the famous Regent Theatre | orchestra, Toronto, and who has an j enviable record as a musician and musical supervisor. He comes to { the city on Sunday, when a special | rehearsal of the concert orchestra | for the first night, will be held. Mr. { Arthur is musical supervisor of the | Famous Players' Canadian Corpora- tion musical library in Toronto, where over $10,000 worth of music has been purchased for the Famous Players' theatres in Canada. He is one of the most famous musicians in the Dominion and his supervision of the Strand concert orchestra assures the patrons of that theatre the best there is to obtain in the musical line. All the music used at the trand | "to the skies," placing it in a class distribiite the occasional big produe- tions that came to the open market for specialization in distribution. This #5 an indication that the "Big Four" will have a release list of wide variety in additfon to the big pro- luctions of its four principals. Cri- ics everywhere throughout the country have praised this production all its own, a production that reaches the greatest heights that have ever been reached by a producer of com- edy spectacles. Every resource of the enormous Mack Sentiett studios in California are involved in the re- sults of this production; every means that was ever contrived in a studio to bring merriment to motion picture lovers has ben brought into play and | every incident that is brought about | by the story which is laid on a real honest-to-goodness farm In the inim- itable manner in which none other but a Sennett could do, brings forth | results that are thrilling, comic, hi- larious, farcical and furiously funny. | Astonishing in the extreme is the | wonderful manner in which Mr. Sen- nett succeeded in training the birds and beasts of the farm to act the leading roles in this production. A dog, a cat, a cow, a flock of turkeys, ducks, geese, and chickens, all lend themselves to parts in the production in a way that has never before been accomplished. The work of these habitues of the farm is of such a calibre that every audience becomes amazed at the manner in which they perform. "Down on the Farm" is an exceptional feature and has been sensation in every community which it has appeared. It is not matter of wonderment why Unit Artists decided to release it, since surely .is in excellent keeping with | the best that is being produced for the lovers of amusement.--Advt, 7 I Be Re - At Griffin's. To-night will be the last oppor- tunity to see the splendid bill which | has been attracting such attention at | Griffin's during the last two days, | and is headed by Madge Kennedy in "Through the Wrong Door," a specie theatre, with the exception of feature music, coming with feature pictures, will be supplied through the College | book store. | of East and West comedy-drama, with the added advantages of the heart interest and intensely dramatic | situations which arise from a start. | = ling exchange of identities and the | I eT aa RK | STRAND®S * FALL SEASON |b: woe Dousias, Faietanks and A . - y » J SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL SALE 7.30 O'CLOCK 350nlyat$3.95 fg Ladies' - Wool Pullovers ,() All this season's styles, with and without Collars, round neck and V. neck; all long sleeves in various styles. These Sweaters were formerly priced at $5.75 and $6.00 each. SATURDAY NIGHT, TOCLEAR . .. .. .. 12 ONLY, AT $8:50 EACH. Ladies' Wool Lace Pullovers These Wqol Lace or Fillet Pullover Sweaters are among the newest mill productions. They are made V. neck with a silk draw cord and tassel, (Bell sleeve), with slightly flared Skirt, produced by a silk girdle cord. The colors are American Beauty, Oriental, Buff, Turquoise, Mist, Purple, Mile, Strawberry. Regular price $12.50 each. at every point. : ~ y | bright humor that is necessarily in- 3 . . corporated in an up-to-the-minute Boys Suits, $10.00 up. Theatrical | play of thiggiype. Madge Kennedy . . I ' | was never so brilliant as in "Through Sée our great $1 2.50 school suit. tsa the Wrong Door." It ss a captivating y - . role, and one which her admirers buster and its equal far the money is yet to Ae oe aro sure to find delightrul. Dou he made, | "High Speed," the wonderful rac- miss it . Also to-night will be the . : ing picture that is showing at the | !2St chance to see the final episode Match them at the price if you can. Grand will be seen for the last time |Of that wonderful serial "The Lost PRICE, TONIGHT ..................$8.50 EACH 0 Livingstons "i Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" I Anderson Bros. _ Limited ~ Saturday Specials Wanted Dry Picked Chickens and Fowl Highest Cash Prices to Saturday 21st € Stewing Cuts . 5c. Boiling Cuts .. 18c. Ib. Pot Roasts . . . 20c. Ib. Oven Roasts . . 25c. Ib, Hamburg Steak 20¢ Ib. 500 Ibs. Shoulder Steaks .....25¢c. Ib. Corned Beef . .23c. Ib. 300 Ibs. sliced, ~ sweet, Pickled Bacon. Special . . ..50c. Ib. to-night. Mile after mile, hour after | hour of "High Sped," with the speed | mad drivers greeting death at every | |turn, makes a picture that for thrills | and suspence cannot be surpassed. The stars are Edward Earl and Gladys Hulette, and they are sup- ported by a capable cast of clever |players. "The Climbers" is the title {role of the other fine feature playing {the same dates as the above, and it | has for its star the beautiful Corrine Griffith. The story deals with a young [society girl who marries the wrong {man, and her fight for happiness |among the exclusive society in which she moves, makes a splendid vehicle for the talented star. There are rels of extra' good comedies and {other subjects, and a splendid musi- 'cal programme by the Grand"s Spe- cial Orchestra under the leadership {of Gerald Radcliffe. This bill will be seen for the last time to-night, -- | Advt. | 1 Coming to The Grand. Olive Thomas, the charming young {star of motion pictures, who has won 'such .a splendid place for herself by ther faithful portrayal of the many {different roles that she is called upon Ito play, will be seen at the Grand the first three days of next week in "Love's Prisoner," which many claim to be her best picture. This play has been specially selected for Miss Thomas and the supporting cast carefully chosen. - Phere will-be an other fine feature, "Human Stuff," starring the popular western actor, Harry Carey. The play is the story of a rich man's son, whe finds busi- ness in the east irksome and takes up ranching in the west and finds ex- citement, advepture and a wife. Mr. Carey's work "on the screen is well- known, and this picture is one of the best he has ever produced, the sup- porting cast is excellent and great at- tention has been paid to direction, and photography. There will be reels of comedy and other subjects, ahd a special musical programme by the Grand's Orchestra. This bill will be seen Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day of next week only.--Advt. "Sleeping Partners" Coming. With a reputation ined fro City," which is exceptionally inter- esting, particularly to followers of thi, picture. Other good pictures make up the balance of a meritorious programme which should be seen by all.--Advt, . J ---------------- Centreville Notes. Centreville, Aug. 19--The farmers have finished harvesting and are busy now threshing. .Rain is much needed for the root crop and gar- dens. Many of the residents have been attending Chautauqua concerts in Napanee this week. Michael In- goldsby, Watertown and Miss K. Dromgole, Amherst Island, visiting friends here last week. Centreville and Moscow ball teams played here on Saturday and Moscow was defeat- ed. .Percy Lochhead motored from Tara, Bruce County, and arrived on Thursday to visit his mother, Mrs. Charles Lochhead. . George McGill and. Meacham Breault took in the excursion to the west. Mrs. John McNeil and Carmel, Napanee, visited last week, at J. Cavanaugh's. With the Muse, London Chronicle. It has not always been laziness that caused famous writers to do their work in bed. Most authors have & peculiar position in which they find inspiration flows more easuy. Charles Reade and Wilkie Collins worked best when standing and Vie. tor Hugo wrote practically. the whole of "Les Miserables" standing at a high desk. Walt Witman's favorite position was lying fall length on a pile of lumber, while Byron composed many of his best verses on horseback. To Ganamoque and Alexandria Bay, steamer St. Lawrence, Tues- day, August 24th. Leaves ferry dock 10 &.m. One hour at 'Gananoque and one hour at the Bay. Fare, round trip, $1.00. Children, half fare. Mrs. Charles Knight, a former resident of Napanee, died on Wed- nesday at the home of her son, Ed- ward Knight, in Canton, Ohio. The remains were brought to Napanee for interment. Get your rubber bélting at Lem- mon & Sons. many seasons as a co-star with Nat C. Goodwin and further enhanced by a long engagement with the Mutual in photoplays, beautiful Edna Goodrich is now touring the country in, person and \yill be seen at the Grand Opera Houséon Thursday and Friday, Aug- ust 25th and 27th in "Sleeping Part- ners," a comedy direct from a seven- month's run at the Bijou Theatre. The managers make the Important assertion that the organization which will play this city is the only one on tour and that the original production, the only one ever t for this play in this country, will be seen in the consummate ship + which characterizes French farce in its highest form --Advt. DAILY MEMORANDUM, See top of Page Three, right hand werner Jor probabilities. cia poned, Dean's Grove. Brewer's Mills, Aug. 35th till Aug. 30th. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR Market Square, Kingston ' BORN. To EER BO a ii) toe nd Mr Gate street, a son. CARD OF THANKS tamiiy, of Wolfe Is wish to Eilat sh hls She daughter, Ei 'by kind and RPE bed See toa NIHR ~ 0 TR RATT TT Wn, El 400 PAIRS PURE THREAD SILK STOCKINGS $1.25 PAIR Our buyer secured this lot of Hose at a price which en- ables us to make this the greatest Hosiery Special of the season. A slight imperfect thread here and there which will not effect the wear or appearance is the reason for the extremely low price. All sizes 8} to 10. Full fash- ioned. Brown, Taupe, Grey, Cordavan, Black. 'Regular price $2.75. t TO-NIGHT ... «.+....51.25 PAIR * SUGGESTIONS FOR SATURDAY NIGHT Ladies' Black and White Cotton Hose; all sizes: at....................35c, 40c., 45¢c. and 50c. pair, Ladies' Black and White Lisle Hose: all sizes at....caviiiii ilies. 1.506, 75c¢., and $1.00 pair. Boys' and Girls' (Wearwell) Rib Cotton Hose, fast colors; all sizes in black, tan and white. Pricedat........- >... 40¢, 506. 55c., and 69c¢. pair Children's Short Sox, half and three-quarter length; plain and fancy; all sizes. - Priced from ............0.......25¢ to $1.00 pair. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. ¥ P RINTERS Es ---------- Saturday the Last Day IT Peaches chee Plums 200 Ibs. Pork Liver Ts geeeeeens. 10 Ib, 1,000 Ibs. prime, rich OF OUR 25% DISCOUNT SALE. ; - | STRE - These smart Calf Pumps, welted soles on sale $11.00, less 25% ........... $8.20 Lh = Widths A, B.C,