Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1920, p. 3

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} WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FIX-A-TEAR Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly sim Fubber and waterproof cloth .~~Hot Water Bottles. ~Bicycle or Motor Car Tires. Garden Hose. Rubbers. ~~Footballs, Umbrellas. ~--Curtains, ~Canvas. ~-Shoe Linings, etc. A wonderful repair outfit, 35 CENT? We are fully equipped to fill all your Optical Needs Progptly and Accurately. Doctor's Perscriptions carefully filled. For sale at all Drug Stores, or at J Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. NEW LENSES and FRAMES and other repairs quickly made. supplied Keeley Jr., M0... Marrjags> Licenses SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1840 KING ST. KINGSTON Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by ' Aeeley Jr., 1.0.D.0. The of today to do #ood work must mot only be ll The spacious rooms and wide veran- | dah were filled with flowers in the i} rinin equipped with the best mechan. feal apparatus but must have that knowledge in fits use WHIOH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF¥ CAN GIVE. NEW FRENCH REMEDY, It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment. that makes Keeley's service unique in- Kingsto! London. PPHRRAPION is on Brit. Go' affixed to genuine packets. OF ENAMELWARE Enamelware is scarce and hard-to get. - We have = limit. ed quantity of which we are offering: -- 15% Discount for one week Sale commences Thursday, 9 am. § OUR STOVE DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR merits your attention. We have some excellent values in made-over Stoves. Seine ...$24.00 to $40.00 HAPPY THOUGHT--{rom ......... fiassnin . $80.00 to $45.00 See our new 1920 Fall pattern Happy Thought Range -- « » beauty. ase wv MKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE : |. Prepare early For your We wish to announce that we have an expert demonstrat. or and service man direct from the ERR »sland Mrs. Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. BE. L. "| still with Mrs. Inglis. ' | | I] [1 il I ] ll! common with uther papers all over | To get the Whig's society writer, ll | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. . . . li mer frocks of the guests, who were, § In the tea room at the charmingly | pretty table with its centre of golden | bride-elect pulled the ribbons that spacious (Notice--Hereafter, the 'Whig, in {| Canada, wlll make a charge of $1 for inserting an - engagement, mar: | riage or reception announcement. Mrs. John McKay and Miss Helen {McKay, Sydenham street, entertain- 'ed at the tea hour on Tuesday in honor of Miss Elizabeth Cunningham. shades of gold and white, a charm- ing background for the gay sum- for the most part, of the younger set, and feathery "baby"s breath" the silver bowl resting upon its polished surface, were Mrs. Hu- | bert Steacy making the fragrant tea, | and Mrs. Neil Polson cutting the | ices. But the centre of attraction | was not the lace table, with its dain- | ties ,but the big wedding bell hung in | the drawing room with golden chry- santhemums and green wines deck- ing its snowy surface. Within its depths were numbers of dainty hand- kerchiefs se arranged that as the took the place of the bell rope, she {was indeed showered with these | pretty gifts from her girl friends. Then came the reading of the verses attached to the morsels of lawn and lace, and very dainty some of them were, and full of good wishes for the girl bride-to-be. * . There wag a very charming party at General and Mrs. Elmsley's house on King street on Tuesday evening, onganized by Col. and Mrs: Foulkes. The earlier part of the evening was devoted to bridge and the latter to music and dancing, Mauve and white sweet peas made fragrant the rooms and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant evening. Among those present were Col. and Miss Foulkes, Col. and Mrs. Hill, Col. and Mrs. Bevan Dunbar, Capt. Fortt, of the R.M.C.; Col. Cameron, Capt. Routhier, Col. Stock- well, Miss Allison Macdonell, Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Harty, Mrs. Kerr, Toronto; Capt. Hanington, Mr, Greenwood, Miss Carr Harris, es Aline and Cicely Rutherford, ol. Fortt, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilder- sleeve, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Dorothy Gildersleeve, Miss Beth Small, Miss Frank Donnelly, (Mont- real), Miss Harriet Gardiner, Miss Margaret Hemming, Miss Doris Browne, Miss Eleanore Lyman, Miss Francesca Foulkes, Miss Louise Hill, Major Vandenburg, Major Alderson, Mr. Harvey, Capt. Preston, Capt. Lee, Mr. Morton and Dr. Broom. * * . Mrs. J. Matheson, Alice street, en- tertained on Monday evening for Mrs. H. T. J. Coleman and Mrs. Logie Mac- donnell, who are so soon to leave Kingston and who will be so much missed in the college circle. Mrs. Coleman sang some delightful Scotch songsand altogether the evening was a most pleasant one. Those present as well as the guests of honor were: Mrs. Nathan F. Dupuis Mrs. Hoffman, Hamilton, Mrs, MacLean and Miss MacLean, Seaforth, Mrs. Skelton, Mrs. Murphy and Miss Murphy, emes; Mrs, McAllister and Mrs. Stith, who is Mrs. Macdonnell's gues . . * The engagement 1s announced of Blanche Grey, daughter of the late {Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hillier, Odessa, to C. H, (Duff) Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin, To- ronto. The marriage will take place quietly in Kingston early in Sep- tember. ' EJ . LJ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham bave sent out invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Kath- leen Elizabeth tp Henry Knex Hill, on Sept. 1st, at 3 p.m., in Sydenham Methodist church, and afterwards at 169 Earl street. he LJ * . Mrs. Ernest Dawson, "Romilly House," was. the hostéas of a bright little verandah tea Monday, for her guest, Miss Emily Smythe, Clinton, N.Y. * ® * Rev. Charles Masters, who was with Mr. and Mrs. Inglis, Bagot street, has returned to St." Mary's. Mrs. Masters and her thildren are Alan Jones, Ottawa, ' spent the week-end in town with Mrs. Jones, who is spending .the summer in King- ston at Mrs. Denison's, King street, Dr. Rowland, who was one of the lecturers at Queen's summer. school, has returned to New York. Miss Mary Maclennan, Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Villa St. Claire Apartments. Miss Ida Parkinson, who has been at Calderwood, went up to Toronto to-day. Miss Emily Symthe, who has the raison d'etre of a number of t N.Y, on Mp 204 Mn, Arthur Lingham, Gore and Mrs. J. F. Sparks ! for a ator tip to Toron- tor trip and were in Kingston re-| cently the guests of Mr. Anstey's neices the Misses Daly, Albert street. | Miss Hetty Cartwright, who has| been spending a few days with Miss | Maud Betts, "Kewaden," has return- | ed home taking Miss Betts with her | for a visit at "The Maples." "Archdeacon C. O. Carson and Mrs. Carson, Morrisbirg, have returned home after spending several days in | Kingston and with Mrs. Carson's! sister, Mrs. Duncan Macdonald; Am- herst Island. Mrs, R. K. Kilborn and Miss Laura | Kilborn, King street ,have returned from Toronto. prs Miss Mary and Miss Helen Strange Sydenham street, are in Bowman- ville, the guests of Mrs. Southey. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark Wright and their children motored down from London, Ont. this week, and are now in their house on Gore street. Mrs. E. T. Steacy and her family, are at their Sottage on Wolfe Island. Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mont- real, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art M. Robertson, Sydenham street. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Steacy, John- son street, have gone on a motor trip to Lake St. Joseph, Que. Rev. Hugh Spencer and Mrs. Spencer, Chicago, will arrive in town cn Thursday, to spend some time with the latter's sisters, the Misses Daly, Albert street. Miss . Hilda Hague, University avenue, left on Tuesday for her long trip to China, Miss Hague will be on the staff of the University of Pekin. Miss Jessie Hutton, Albert street and Miss Jessie Croff, Gravenhurst, have returned from a trip down the St. Lawrence and the Sagueney. Miss Croff stayed a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hutton before leaving for home. Mrs. Arthur Craig, is now with Mrs. O'Hara at 81 Lower Union street. Miss Ella Dickinson, Ottawa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Min- nes, Kensington Place. Mr. Malcolm and Miss Jean Mal- colm, Stratford, are the guests of Col. and Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm, Un- Jon street. Miss Margaret Christie who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Earl sireet, for several months, has returned to Belleville. * Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaarde and Miss Lucy Merrick motored up from Beloeil, Que., this week. Miss Marion Starr, who has been visiting Miss Alice Moore, Union street, has returned to Toronto, Miss Margaret McLeod, will stay in King- ston for a week or so longer. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murray and their family, Kensingfoh avenue, re- turned from a Tani to Toronto and Niagara Falls, gn Tuesday. Mrs. Boulton, Toronto, is the guest of General and Mrs. Elmsley, King street. - . * Mrs, Bruce Taylor, who returned from England on Tuesday, was un- able to stay in Europe long enough to attend the meeting of the Inter- national Council of Women, which will be held in Copenhagen in Sep- tember... Mrs. Taylor was one of the nine women chosen at the annual meeting of the National Council of Women in St. John, N.B., in June, to represent Canada at this important meeting in Denmark. . ee 8 Mrs. R. F'. Nicholls, Edmonton, Al- berta, who has been visiting hér hus- band's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Nicholls, Clarence street, left on Tuesday afternoon for her west- ern home. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Gladys Smiley, Hali- fax, N. S., and by her husband's mo- ther; who will spend a coupla of months in Edmonton. Mrs. 'A. Packer and son, Harold, are visiting friends in Rochester, N, Mrs. J.-K. Kerr, Toronto, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Harty, "Roselawn," has returned home. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mowat came down. from Toronto to-day, and are the guests of the Misses Mowat, John- son street. *« Nn 8 Miss Gertrude Emery, who has been the guest of Mrs. Norman P. Nissen and the Misses Richmond, "Roseneath", Bostwick Island, has gone down to Ottawa to visit Mrs. D. Cartwright before returning to Vancouver. Mrs. Emery is a grand- daughter of the late Rev. Conway 'Cartwright, chaplain of the peniten- tiary, for many years . Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Union street, spent the week-end at "The Maples", with Lady Cartwright and the Misses Cartwright. Mrs. John Wright, Mack street, 'went down to Brockville, on Monday to visif jer relatives there. Miss Muriel Gilmour, Rideau street; loft on Monday to visit Mrs. W. Lantier, Clayton, N.Y. Misses May and Ethel Possel- white, who have just returned from their camp on the St. Lawrence, have left to join Miss Isobel Mack in Toronto. Mrs. G. E. Johnson returned to New York after visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Cassidy, John street. Mrs, C. W. Maddock and family, Saratoga Springs, ag are visiting Mrs. Joseph Maddg k, Barl street, ! -. EET OREO Miss Katherine Malette, Montreal, is the guest of the Misses Katie and Dickson, Ordnance street. 'William ' Glover, Gananoque, who oe Tage Nis howe in Kingston dur- e past years, has left on a trip through the Canadian west. Miss Anna Saunders, Division street, left Wednesday on a two week's vacation to Watertown and HHS 0 AERA : PROBS: --Thursday, fair and goolor, 0 RO : : 3 : . hey WY | Serges An Undeniable Fact Every woman needs a cloth Dress for Fall \ ; : * Our present stock affords you an e xcellent choice -- a most varied collection of the mo st authentic and correct stylesin - Tricotines Charmeuse See our display in our spa cious ready-to-wear section and you will marvel at their wonde rful designings and elegance. 'Priced $22.50 to $125.00 te Tricolette Taffetas Gaberdine TOWELLING-- worth $1.50 a yard. 1 350 yds of soft Cotton Towel- ling; worth to-day 30c. a yard. Sale price ... . .4% yds. for $1.00 TABLE DAMASK -- 75 yds. 'only, Bleached Table Damask; 58 inches wide and Sale Price ............ $1.19 THURSDAY SPECIALS BOYS' BATHING SUITS-- Boys' Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits; all sizes 22 to*"32: two colors to choose from. Reg! 95c. Sale Price. ........ oo 00 BOYS' BALBRIGGAN-- Just sixty Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; sizes 2 to "32; regular 50c. each. Sale Price ..........u.. 39. Sensational Sale | Novelty Tricolette Blouses Regular Values $23.50 up 0.$33.50 Sale Price $13.98 Just seven Blouses in the lot; to be cleared at this sensa- tional reduction. The colors are white, black, grey, navy, sky, blue, etc. ; all good sizes; short sleeves and wool | embroidery trimmed. ............ sets sirens, .. Sale Price $13.98 Steacy's . Limit oman's Sto re of Kingston." end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mudie, at_their cottige near ,| Johnson street. ter Artie, Hartford, Conn., and Miss Muriel Hamilton, Toronto, are ' the guests of Mrs, F. M. Graves, Princess street. B. Birmingham, New York, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Fair, Glen- burnie. Dr. Winnett, who spent the week- Gananoque, re- T. Mrs. William Watt, Brantford, Ont., arrived in town on Monday and | is the guest of the Misses Mowat, Mrs. (Dr.) Whitelock and her two Sask. n » University avenue. Mrs. 'Whitelock and her sister, Miss Thel- ma Reid, have just returned from a pleasant visit at Niagara Falls. Joseph E. Koen; Sherrill, N.Y., spent a few days in the city visiting his sisters, Rev. Sister Dien, and Mrs. M. Nolan, K street, en route to visit his old hothe in Sydenham after an absence of many years. . - -. Miss Carrie 'M. Stuart, nurse-in- training, Water street, Hospital, Ot- tawa, is spending her vacation with Mrs. Clayton, Bagot street west. Koen, Hotel |" son street, and Mrs. BE. J. Adams (sins, the Misses went up to Stella on Fricay to spend | and her many friends a week. rly 5 Many picnics' and. river trips are be- aay Mrs. James Craig, John, i. : 3 2 3 Lid Phose 231) Miss a welcome visitor in town, and is with her sister, Mrs. Harold Davis, King st Mrs, who is in dore Lebett, Montreal, is expected | to take Kingston 000000 20% Off UNCALLED FOR MADE-TO.-ORDER . BOOTS. ! 7 %. --~See our window for sizes.-- JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE 70 Bre "Wear our To Séx" 3 Daly, Albert town as Miss Loup Sa thy. t Mr. and Mrs. Bchuyler Smit | Collins Bay, announce the egg: ment of their second daughter, Bay the Mae, to Ray B. Ang. Xi $t0! oniy som of and Harvey Amey, Mitiharen. The marriage I in tember. - . . ; 'Jessie Polson, Montreal, is | reel. : F. Alban Smith, Toronto, now the guest of Mrs, Theo- shortly, to vikit her cou- ¢

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